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Clamming In Phuket


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Years ago I spent some time on Nantucket Island and we would go clamming along the shore. It was a great time enjoying our catch with a few beers.

Has anyone ever gone digging for clams at low tide in Phuket?

If so, did you have any success? What beaches?

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I grew up on Cape Cod and have dug Quahogs all my life have never seen any here though just the small farm raised ones at the market so small would be illegal catch in normal clamming flats. there is a village on Phuket that claims to catch razor clams for a good profit being sold to local restaurants not sure where it is though? the lads you see walking the water line at Rawai beach are catching crabs from what i have seen....

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I grew up on Cape Cod and have dug Quahogs all my life.

Now I know who Peter Griffin from the Family Guy was based on.......

Your local bar isn't the Drunken Clam by any chance?


Never seen family guy.......thanks for the info..

and my Local is called Saltys Diner....


Edited by glassdude007
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