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Thai Police To Probe Bt10 Billion Vote-Buying Fear: Suthep

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Police to probe Bt10 billion vote-buying fear: Suthep

By The Nation

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban on Tuesday voiced concern about the Bt10 billion cash taken out of circulation and believed to destine for buying votes.

"I want police to track down and arrest the culprits involved in campaign spending violations in order to preserve the sanctity of the law," he said.

Suthep said he read about the vote-buying fear from news reports and that he expected police to get to the bottom of the matter.

On Monday, assistant national police chief Lt General Rapeepat Palawong revealed that an unusual amount of cash might have been taken out of circulation in the past two weeks.

Rapeepat, tasked to crack down on campaign violations, said he also detected a surge of underground betting on the voting outcome.

He warned that police would take swift action against vote-buying and gambling designed to sway votes.

The central bank has denied alerting police about the cash movement. Bank of Thailand Governor Prasarn Traiatvorakul said on Tuesday he had no reports about any suspicious cash withdrawals.

Bt10 billion would amount to less than one per cent of the money circulation, hence making it difficult to check on, he said.


-- The Nation 2011-06-07


Deputy Suthep, he of no respect for farangs actually read in the media about the vote buying fear. "yeh yeh yeh" my arse.:lol: :lol: .


Say that again....Bht 10 billion from Bangkok.... or Dubai?

Seems very suspicious when the very person who should know about the missing billions denies informing the police or indeed that it's really a significant amount of cash, could this imply someone is casting aspersions on a rival party through malice.


Laying the out the play if it all goes wrong for the Dems?

We lost because votes were bought perhaps?

Bit of a blow if the BIB find the money was destined for Dems vote buying -which of course would never happen!

Perhaps some of the money is for the BIB to turn a blind eye to vote buying-which of course would never happen!

But then TIT odd things do happen.


I'm just wondering that if you can detect an upsurge in gambling surely you can ascertain who the gamblers are - and the bookmakers. Does Mr. Plod not want to upset the wrong people by trespassing on hallowed ground?


"Bt10 billion would amount to less than one per cent of the money circulation, hence making it difficult to check on", he said.

Check under the cushion.


Gambling eh? it would be interesting to know what the odds are

yinluck? evens?

Abhisit?? 3/2?

I have heard a few Thais predicting a landslide win for the redshirts which makes you wonder if Abhisit is the outsider :huh:


Gambling eh? it would be interesting to know what the odds are

yinluck? evens?

Abhisit?? 3/2?

I have heard a few Thais predicting a landslide win for the redshirts which makes you wonder if Abhisit is the outsider :huh:

Redshirts only have around 35 candidates... how can 35 win a landslide out of 500..????


Gambling eh? it would be interesting to know what the odds are

yinluck? evens?

Abhisit?? 3/2?

I have heard a few Thais predicting a landslide win for the redshirts which makes you wonder if Abhisit is the outsider :huh:

Redshirts only have around 35 candidates... how can 35 win a landslide out of 500..????

" Oh, now redshirt have Yinluck, redshirt to have the power, So many thai people love Thaksin, they can not say no to sister of him, they to get Thaksin back, easy, no problem"

Not my words, and since i was laying on a massage mat at the time i pretty much crossed my fingers behind my back and agreed wholeheartedly :whistling:


Vote buying and missing billions link denied

By The Nation

Bank of Thailand Governor Prasarn Trairatvorakul reported yesterday that despite rumours of missing billions, no irregularities have been found so far among the Bt1 trillion of cash currently in circulation.

"Per the claim that an amount of Bt10 billion is missing from the system, we can't specify if this is irregular. However, we're ready to cooperate [if] there is a lead," he said.

Pol Lt-General Rapeepat Palawong said yesterday the amount was missing and was believed being held for vote buying ahead of election day.

Anti Money Laundering Office (AMLO) acting chief Sihanat Prayoonrat said his agency would analyse whether there were any suspicious money transactions taking place during the election campaign.

He said the examination, which the agency will conduct province by province, will be done in two stages - over the initial campaigning period and the last two weeks before the election, around June 15.

"The analysis could help us see if there is any money being used to buy votes," he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban yesterday voiced concern about reports of the Bt10 billion being taken out of circulation and destined for vote buying.

"I want police to track down and arrest the culprits involved in campaign spending violations in order to preserve the sanctity of the law," he said.

Suthep said he read about the vote buying fear in news reports and he expected police to get to the bottom of the matter.


-- The Nation 2011-06-08


As far as I understand, most government budgets for big purchases have been put on hold until after the election.

Maybe it is sitting in the Central government's bank account, but they just haven't looked.


Central Bank Detects No Pre-election Banking Irregularities

The Bank of Thailand says no suspicious cash withdrawals likely for vote-buying haave been detected so far.

Bank of Thailand, or BOT, Governor Prasarn Trairatvorakul confirmed that 10 billion baht in cash short from circulation are not being used for vote-buying.

He added that 10 billion baht are considered very small compared to the total 1.1 trillion baht in circulation.

He said the depleted amount is less than one percent of the total in circulation.

He said BOT is ready to investigate if any suspicious transaction is made by MP candidates before the election day.

Krung Thai Bank Senior Vice President Wet Nutcharoen believes that if money was to be taken out for vote-buying, it would not be withdrawn from commercial banks as that can be easily tracked.

He said capital inflow is usually for domestic investments, adding more than 50 billion baht have been flowing into Thailand over the past five months.

Prasarn expressed concern over inflation and public debt as many political parties focus on populism, which will further elevate inflation.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-08



Central Bank Detects No Pre-election Banking Irregularities

The Bank of Thailand says no suspicious cash withdrawals likely for vote-buying haave been detected so far.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-08


Of course, we won't ask why Suthep may know more about the money supply and vote buying than the Central Bank.


Of course, we won't ask why Suthep may know more about the money supply and vote buying than the Central Bank.

Suthep said he read about the vote-buying fear from news reports and that he expected police to get to the bottom of the matter.



Of course, we won't ask why Suthep may know more about the money supply and vote buying than the Central Bank.

Suthep said he read about the vote-buying fear from news reports and that he expected police to get to the bottom of the matter.


He who smelt it dealt it. :whistling:


Of course, we won't ask why Suthep may know more about the money supply and vote buying than the Central Bank.

Suthep said he read about the vote-buying fear from news reports and that he expected police to get to the bottom of the matter.


He who smelt it dealt it. :whistling:

The story came out 2 weeks ago.

Well before Suthep commented on it.


Interesting twist on Gamboling over the elections.

Most all the time 'The House Wins', always,

but if you vote on 'something' before the election, the punter can win

and the house loses everything to ALL the punters,

Just as long as they know who to vote for after their win their bets....


I'm just wondering that if you can detect an upsurge in gambling surely you can ascertain who the gamblers are - and the bookmakers. Does Mr. Plod not want to upset the wrong people by trespassing on hallowed ground?

All the BIB around him are talking about the bonanza and how much they have taken in bets already, so he would know! :whistling:


djeezs, they can afford to waiste 10 billion baht... how many schools could that buy or create / support, something needed for thailand to educate their people to get out of poverty ...

i guess the BIB will close their eyes if they ever find someone vote buying, for the right brown envelope off course and everybody happy in the land of smiles


Suthep is sounding desperate and paranoid.

He must be s**t scared about now at the looming prospect of a PTP victory.

Ain't karma a bitch...

Keep dreamingbiggrin.gif


djeezs, they can afford to waiste 10 billion baht... how many schools could that buy or create / support, something needed for thailand to educate their people to get out of poverty ...

i guess the BIB will close their eyes if they ever find someone vote buying, for the right brown envelope off course and everybody happy in the land of smiles

It's not being wasted. It's supporting the economy. :whistling:

Suthep said he read about the vote-buying fear from news reports and that he expected police to get to the bottom of the matter.




And just how will the po lice probe the vote buying? Answer: In the ususal way by turning their heads the other way while someone stuffs a brown envelope in their pockets

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