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My 5 year Thai Car and Motorbike Driving Licenses run out on Sunday 31st July.

As the 31st July is a Sunday, I went down to the Vehicle Registration Centre near the Regents School to find out if I could go the Friday before they expire and still get a 5 year license. It used to be the rule that you had to go after the license had expired, but various posts here in TV say that rule has changed in the 5 years since my last renewal.

I was told the following, but I would appreciate someone who has renewed a license recently to confirm this:-

- Can renew license anytime within the 3 months before a license expires.

- Need proof of address from Immigration.

- Do NOT need a medical certificate

- Need Passport.

- Expired License(s)

- I would NOT need photos as they do that on site.

Thanks very much for your help.

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Hi, I am was just in the process of renewing from a 1 year to a 5 year,, but I thought that a medical is still needed so I got one,, but maybe someone can clarify that,, but the driving centre did tell me that recently the rule has changed and can only apply from 2 months before expiry instead of the 3 months before,,, this put me in a bit of a fix, since my schedule,made this problematic,, I had already got the immigration letter and went to the centre for renewal before they told me the rule had changed from 3 months to 2 months before expiry,, also means I have to get a new letter from immigration as I believe the letter is only good for 30 days


Thanks for the quick reply jonnyscot. I too was surprised that I did not need a medical certificate. Thanks for the info that the Immigration letter proving my address, is valid for 30 days. It seems I could get a new license next week if I wanted as its within the 2 months period anyway.

I hope that by the end of this thread we will both know exactly what we have to do.

Thanks again


Thanks for the quick reply jonnyscot. I too was surprised that I did not need a medical certificate. Thanks for the info that the Immigration letter proving my address, is valid for 30 days. It seems I could get a new license next week if I wanted as its within the 2 months period anyway.

I hope that by the end of this thread we will both know exactly what we have to do.

Thanks again

I can confirm that the medical certificate is no longer needed. You will need the proof of address from the immigration office plus copies of your old license and copies of your passport and visa. The picture is taken automatically when the actual license is made. My license was expired for a couple of days and nothing was said about that. A sign in the waiting area says that you can now apply before your license is expired. I was irritated with the wait. I sat waiting about 4 hours after I took the reflex, depth perception and vision test.


Gary A thanks for the information. So for a renewal you had to take the perception test etc... and had to wait 4 hours - groan - is there a good time to go to avoid this??? First thing in the morning maybe???

What did you take to Immigration to prove your address ? Did you have to fill in a form or just explain to the guy who hands out the tickets at the Immigration Office that you needed proof of address for a driving license renewal?

Thanks for your help...


Thanks for the feedback and the link MTH. So it seems if I go after the 31st July - my Birthday - then I get nearly 6 yearssmile.gif

I will go first thing in the morning and plan to be there for quite a while - its only once every 5 (6) years so no big deal - I will just have to be patient!

What did you use to prove your address ?- I always use my driving licence for my 90 day report and I am not on the house book nor have any letters from any official office in Thailand - its all in my wife's name.


You're welcome dsfbrit. Nice to only have to do it every 6th year :D

As for the residence certificate, there is a form to fill out that you pick up at immigration.

Ask for it at the counter on the left, just inside the door.

For supporting documents, I only brought copies of our house book (address page and current page),

and a copy of my girls id card, all copies signed by her.

As you, I'm not listed in the book either, but this documentation was enough and not questioned.


Hi, I am was just in the process of renewing from a 1 year to a 5 year,, but I thought that a medical is still needed so I got one,, but maybe someone can clarify that,, but the driving centre did tell me that recently the rule has changed and can only apply from 2 months before expiry instead of the 3 months before,,, this put me in a bit of a fix, since my schedule,made this problematic,, I had already got the immigration letter and went to the centre for renewal before they told me the rule had changed from 3 months to 2 months before expiry,, also means I have to get a new letter from immigration as I believe the letter is only good for 30 days

letter is good until the date of the visa expires on it, never needed medical cert after first 1 year one.


but I thought that a medical is still needed so I got one

I didn't have one (in BKK) so they wrote it thai, said to go to the motosai taxis. Went down and back for 50b, the certificate was 60b and entailed a red pen being held up in front of me and then asked what colour it was. Passed.


Would it be correct to assume that a work permit eliminates the need for the letter from immigration?

I need to upgrade from 1 year to 5 year, so believe the medical is still required but not clear on the address confirmation.



Would it be correct to assume that a work permit eliminates the need for the letter from immigration?

I need to upgrade from 1 year to 5 year, so believe the medical is still required but not clear on the address confirmation.


It would be if all government employees went by the same rules.

As I've learned with Thai government offices, what is absolutely, stone-cold impossible to do with one dept. worker one day, is done is 3 seconds the next day with a different dept. worker.

Amazing that. :rolleyes:


Would it be correct to assume that a work permit eliminates the need for the letter from immigration?

I need to upgrade from 1 year to 5 year, so believe the medical is still required but not clear on the address confirmation.


Are you sure about the medical? The only time one has been required for me was the first time I applied for a license.

I've never had to supply one after that. Even though I've always brought one along just in case.

As for a work permit, never had one, but from what I've read on this forum and by word by mouth, i.e. the rumor mill, is that a work permit is as good as a residence certificate, when applying or renewing a license.


Hi, I am was just in the process of renewing from a 1 year to a 5 year,, but I thought that a medical is still needed so I got one,, but maybe someone can clarify that,, but the driving centre did tell me that recently the rule has changed and can only apply from 2 months before expiry instead of the 3 months before,,, this put me in a bit of a fix, since my schedule,made this problematic,, I had already got the immigration letter and went to the centre for renewal before they told me the rule had changed from 3 months to 2 months before expiry,, also means I have to get a new letter from immigration as I believe the letter is only good for 30 days

letter is good until the date of the visa expires on it, never needed medical cert after first 1 year one.

Hi Nalak,, sorry for any confusion, but in my instance I was referring to the letter from immigration confirming my address, I don't have a work permit, but was told I needed the immigration letter as proof of address,



I was at immigration JOMTIEN today to get the form for residency and was told to bring 3 photos, copy of passport front page and visa page. I asked if my current drivers licence (5 year) with that adress is good enough for proof of my adress and was told YES just bring a copy front and back of my licence and they will use the same adress. Will go tomorrow for the resident letter then off to re-new my licenses and will keep you all posted in 2 days. I speak Thai so will ask all the info for everyone. I'm not bring a health letter.


Ok. Had all my residency papers from Imm JOmtien(1 for each licence renewal)'and went to the licence place

Today at 9:30am.

1) Go strait to the booth just outside the doors of the building to getting all your paperwork in order. Very helpful ladies. Needed copies of old license and passport front page and visa page for each license.

2) After they put your papers together, walk in the building and strait ahead there is a desk. Go to the left side where it says "pregnant woman, un-educated or handicapped. They will take your documents then send you to the 2nd floor.

3) The very first area to your left as you get up the stairs, show one of the girls your number and documents. She will tell you to have a seat and when it's your turn you will need to identify colors on a chart on the wall first (don't worry if you need glasses or not to see. They don't care.) then you will have to do "gas and break test Wichita is easy and strait forward. Then they will send you to the video room.

3) Watch a one hour video with English subtitles that is actually hilarious.

4) Go out and pay the fee at the "fee pay counter" 530 baht per each 5 year extension license. Get a number from her.

5) Sit and wait in front of the booth that says "Take photo

- Get license" He will call your name or number then just sit and have your photo taken. Wait until he calls you again (about 10 minutes) then get your new

Licenses back.

Took me about 1 1/2 hours in total.


I went to get my first 5-year motorcycle licence yesterday 16 June).

I had my yellow book (so no need for a residency certificate from Immigration), passport, and expired 1-year licence, together with photocopies of everything.

My 1-year licence expired about 2 years ago, and I was surprised that this was not a problem at all.

The lady at the help desk told me I needed a medical certificate(obviously, she doesn't read Thaivisa), so I had to drive down to Naklua and get one (100 baht - no examination of any sort).

Back to the help desk at around 11.30am - everything checked - directed to a short queue just inside the main doors (I am able-bodied, educated and definitely not pregnant, but I qualified for the queue as a 'grand sire').

Here all the papers were stapled together and a number attached. Then I was sent upstairs to join the queue to pay my fee (350 baht).

Fee paid, I was given another number and joined the queue to have my photograph taken.

Total time to get the licence (not including the trip to Naklua), about 1 hour.

No tests of any kind and no video - maybe we grand sires are exempted.

Not an unpleasant experience.


hi ,can i renew expired car and bike licence[4 months] in pattaya on a 3 week holiday and if so do i only need to go to jomtien immigration office to verify address [we[she] has house in pattaya] plus photo copies etc ,i originally got these on a marriage visa and am currently living in australia

thanks in advance


hi ,can i renew expired car and bike licence[4 months] in pattaya on a 3 week holiday and if so do i only need to go to jomtien immigration office to verify address [we[she] has house in pattaya] plus photo copies etc ,i originally got these on a marriage visa and am currently living in australia

thanks in advance

If you are going to ask Immigration to issue certificates of residence they will need to see some evidence that you do, in fact, live in Thailand - so that may be a problem for you.

Also, when I renewed my licence yesterday I had to provide a copy of the non-immigrant visa page in my passport. I'm assuming that means you need more than just a 30 day stamp.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I have read (on Thaivisa) about people on tourist visas being able to get Thai driving licences - but maybe they were 90-day non-imm visas.

This link to a pinned topic in the Motoring forum might help link

Good luck.


Would it be correct to assume that a work permit eliminates the need for the letter from immigration?

I need to upgrade from 1 year to 5 year, so believe the medical is still required but not clear on the address confirmation.


I showed my work permit and they accepted that instead of letter from immigration. They did not ask for medical.


hmmm all sounds a bit iffy..

I renewed my TDL from one to 5 years, 5 years ago...no paper work or tests except Passport and wifes house papers.. going to renew next week again will advise if I get knocked back for lack of paperwork...this is in the south at Thung Sung so being Thailand maybe the rules are based on whatever the local office feels ...just like the consulates...


hmmm all sounds a bit iffy..

I renewed my TDL from one to 5 years, 5 years ago...no paper work or tests except Passport and wifes house papers.. going to renew next week again will advise if I get knocked back for lack of paperwork...this is in the south at Thung Sung so being Thailand maybe the rules are based on whatever the local office feels ...just like the consulates...

thanks everyone maybe i will try up country if unsuccessful in pattaya


Well with me I renewed my 5 year for a new 5 year so had to do the tests and watch the funny video. And the sign clearly says 530b per licence. No medical required.

I went to get my first 5-year motorcycle licence yesterday 16 June).

I had my yellow book (so no need for a residency certificate from Immigration), passport, and expired 1-year licence, together with photocopies of everything.

My 1-year licence expired about 2 years ago, and I was surprised that this was not a problem at all.

The lady at the help desk told me I needed a medical certificate(obviously, she doesn't read Thaivisa), so I had to drive down to Naklua and get one (100 baht - no examination of any sort).

Back to the help desk at around 11.30am - everything checked - directed to a short queue just inside the main doors (I am able-bodied, educated and definitely not pregnant, but I qualified for the queue as a 'grand sire').

Here all the papers were stapled together and a number attached. Then I was sent upstairs to join the queue to pay my fee (350 baht).

Fee paid, I was given another number and joined the queue to have my photograph taken.

Total time to get the licence (not including the trip to Naklua), about 1 hour.

No tests of any kind and no video - maybe we grand sires are exempted.

Not an unpleasant experience.

  • 2 weeks later...

hmmm all sounds a bit iffy..

I renewed my TDL from one to 5 years, 5 years ago...no paper work or tests except Passport and wifes house papers.. going to renew next week again will advise if I get knocked back for lack of paperwork...this is in the south at Thung Sung so being Thailand maybe the rules are based on whatever the local office feels ...just like the consulates...

thanks everyone maybe i will try up country if unsuccessful in pattaya

well obviously I am a senile old..f..er went to traffic office and presented my 5 year for renewal and was told by three pretty girls that I was a year too early ...and when I came back next year please bring a copy of my passport...dugh!!...never can fathom Buddha years..lol ....

Caused quite an entertainment in the office.... everybody laughing at stupid farang...oh well......


Yesterday, I changed from 1 year to 5 years.

Immigration accepted my existing driver's licence as proof of address.

They also told me, I did not need a medical cert. (a friend, who did this recently, also confirmed this)

When I arrived at the licence office, to have my papers checked, I was told to go and get a medical cert, and also to get a photocopy of my 1 year licence.

Strangely, I was not asked to do the spatial awareness, reaction time, and colour blind tests. Nobody else, seemed to be doing it either. (my friend had to do it, a few weeks ago)

Amazing country, truly. (I wonder, how many trees, get consumed annually, collecting countless pages of information in Thailand)


It's amazing how it changes from day to day. Probably depending on who collects the paperwork, or what mode they are in for the day.

This has been my experience:

Renewal 1 to 5 year "should" only be a collection of paperwork, no vision or reaction tests, video watching or computer training.

Renewal 5 to 5 year "should" be a collection of paperwork, plus vision and reaction tests and video watching or computer training.

Med cert "should" not be required, copies of licenses "should" not be required.

However after seeing all the different posts from recent renewals. It looks like it's best to bring along a med cert and copies of licenses as well.

I've actually always brought a med cert with me, but each time it's been removed from the stack, with a comment of "not needed".


Ok. Had all my residency papers from Imm JOmtien(1 for each licence renewal)'and went to the licence place

Today at 9:30am.

1) Go strait to the booth just outside the doors of the building to getting all your paperwork in order. Very helpful ladies. Needed copies of old license and passport front page and visa page for each license.

2) After they put your papers together, walk in the building and strait ahead there is a desk. Go to the left side where it says "pregnant woman, un-educated or handicapped. They will take your documents then send you to the 2nd floor.

3) The very first area to your left as you get up the stairs, show one of the girls your number and documents. She will tell you to have a seat and when it's your turn you will need to identify colors on a chart on the wall first (don't worry if you need glasses or not to see. They don't care.) then you will have to do "gas and break test Wichita is easy and strait forward. Then they will send you to the video room.

3) Watch a one hour video with English subtitles that is actually hilarious.

4) Go out and pay the fee at the "fee pay counter" 530 baht per each 5 year extension license. Get a number from her.

5) Sit and wait in front of the booth that says "Take photo

- Get license" He will call your name or number then just sit and have your photo taken. Wait until he calls you again (about 10 minutes) then get your new

Licenses back.

Took me about 1 1/2 hours in total.

I have been reading some of the recent comments from people who have been to renew their 5 year licence at the Pattaya office.

Well I went last week and it happened almost exactly as DocW said it would in the above post. No surprises at all - certainly no need for a medical certificate - so thanks for the post DocW.

The only differences were that I arrived at 8.00 am - mainly to have some breakfast beforehand - and the place was already open - even though the sign said it opened at 8.30 Am. Not sure why. So I skipped breakfast as I thought I would get in early and therefore get out nice and early as well . Bad Idea!

Although I was checked by the lady outside and had given my paperwork to the lady inside by 8.20 am - I then had to wait until 8.50 am for the queue number as there were 8 people in front of me. Also when I went upstairs, although there were only a few people with red numbers - red signifies 5 year renewal - we had to wait for the 60 people taking their test for the first time (at 10 am) to take the colour tests and reaction test before they would even start dealing with those of us with red tickets.

So it was 9.45 before I started my colurs and reaction tests. By this time there were around 30 people with 'red' tickets. So we were all treated as a group. In other words all 30 people did the colour test, then all 30 people took the reaction test etc... so it took much longer than an individual test!!!

The good news was, that at 10.15 am, when I was taken for the 1 hour video, as the room was only big enough for about 20 people, the first 10 numbers (luckily I was number 9) were called out after a few minutes to pay, get their photo taken and their licence issued.

I did not have to see the rest of the video, even though I had watched just 5 minutes of it.

I left the place at 10.30 am. Had I had to watch the video to the end it would have been around 11.30.

The whole process was total chaos, but to be honest, as I am used to the Thai way of 'organizing' - I found it all quite 'entertaining'. At least I dont have to go for another 5 years. Hmmm... next month its my Non-imm O visa extension based on marriage - I wonder what new weird and wonderful procedures they have dreamt up for that jolly annual event!!!

Good luck with your renewals.


Anyone know what is the earliest you can renew your 5 year in Pattaya ? I think it used to be 90 days but then there were stories of people being turned away until it was expired. I know that you get longer if you wait until it has expired but this may not be convenient for some people.


I was there yesterday and took this photo from the wall upstairs stating all requirements for renewing (You may have to save the photo and then zoom in to read the print).

There are no photo's required as they take them now.

You will need a copy of your PP,visa, and old drivers license front and back.

I renewed my 5 year and had to watch the film but not take a test, only the color check and brake reaction test.

I gave copies of my work permit, so i did not need a letter from immigration or health check.

The latest you can renew is before 2pm otherwise they will turn you away.

I recommend getting there by 1:30pm like I did and was done by 3:00



I am renewing my 5 year license, I have my house chinut with my name on it plus household bills to that address, do I Still need a letter of proof of residence from immigration ?

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