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Electricity -


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Anyone have any ideas as to go about proving you have already paid your electric bill?

I pay mine every month at the local 7/11 - which gives me a receipt as proof of payment.

Sadly, I cleaned the car out this week and all the old bills and scraps etc, have been chucked out and burned.

Tonight we got a message from EGAT saying if we don't pay last months bill for the electric by tomorrow, we are going to get cut off!

The bill has already been paid, weeks ago....any ideas - there is no receipts left here in the car, but maybe 7/11 have a ring in or something....I would hate to get ripped off for 2K!

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Pay the overdue amount or produce proof of payment. 7-11 will not keep a physical copy. If you know where you paid (the specific address of the 7-11 and the specific day it MAY be traceable but I doubt it.

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Pay the overdue amount or produce proof of payment.

Stroll on. TV can be so helpful sometimes.

Perhaps contact leccy company and ask them to double check from about the time you paid. I doubt 7 will be able to drum up anything. I'd say you're screwed unfortunately. Keep all receipts in a box in house. ;)

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Maybe stop by the PEA and ask for a printout of your past six months' usage and costs. That would include the most recent, the one you haven't got the receipt for paying, and should show that it was paid through 7-11.

I've asked when I haven't received a bill but just noted the debit on my bank account. All records were kept, so I got the printout showing my usage and costs.

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To avoid situation such as this I pay water and electricity by standing order. 3BB and UBS are paid in cash so that I can withhold if I think it warrants it. Good luck with your problem. I'm sure that the Electricity company could trace your payment but I doubt that they would. It would be just too much trouble.

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