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Construction Jobs In Thailand

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Hi Guys

I am interested in working in Thailand in the field of Quantity Surveying. I have a dual citizenship, British and Thai.

As the citizenship suggests, I do speak and read both languages.

I will be finishing off my University degree in a year and a half time but keen to get out of the UK to somewhere sunny soon after.

I am currently working as assistant quantity surveyor for Shepherd Construction, and used to work for Bovis Lend Lease and Laing. I moved through choice so that I could get pay more. So far I have 4 years of experience and continuous employment and have never been short of job offers.

Amongst projects worked on are Festival Place (£110m shopping centre refubishment), Sainsbury's Fit Out (£36m office fit out), NM Rothchild (£15m office refurbishment), Bank of America Fit Out (£60m office fit out), Hulton House (£15m office fit out), etc.

I would be grateful if anyone could give me some indication of how much I would be likely to earn if I work in Thailand and if anyone have employment to offer me.

I can attend interview in December 2004 when I will go to Thailand for a holiday.

Many Thanks

Chalee :o

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If you are happy to work for a Thai salary then go ahead and apply. If you are looking for expat benefits then don't bother. If you want well paid construction jobs in Thailand then you need to target multi national companies who do business here & get an overseas posting. These are very few & far between.

The Japanese contractors appear to be in favour at the moment (particularly in view of the recent legal battle re. the expressway project that Bilfinger & Berger have just won against the ETA(Govt.) where the PM has suggested that the contract was won due to corrupt practice..nothing new there.).

Japanese contractors tend to use western expats for QS services and their own professional guys for construction management. Unfortunately, they are very protective of their culture & are reluctant to take on westerners with no previous experience of working within Japanese companies. It's not easy to get in with them but friends who work for them say that they are treated well and, overall, the experience is a positive one.

You need to examine your reasons for wanting to work in Thailand. If money is not an issue then I think that you would walk into the job advertised with Shimizu because of your UK experience. Shimizu do a lot of international work through Asia & it may be a useful opening from which to pursue better options. I would expect your salary to be less than $1000US a month though.

If you just want to work overseas then trawl the internet or join expatnetwork for quality job vacancies with reputable employers.

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