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Suing A Doctor In Thailand


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Further, a Thai lawyer is not going to talk to me unless I pay him. Here I can get it for free, assuming I am allowed to ask my questions.

If you want free legal advice from the people here, you have to give us the truthful facts. Therefore, tell us exactly how you lied on your eligibility form so that we can provide the advice that you are seeking.

As far as tthe penalties for defamation are concerned, you can search the forum (or google) for the answer. I found this thread in about 12 seconds. Your answers are in here.

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Bino ----

However, as I said (and JD reiterated), I don't believe for a second that the doctor did this. The skills required to hack a Yahoo account or intercept and decrypt WiFi traffic are considerable. I'm an IT guy, and I don't know how to do it, and don't know anyone who does.

Sheryl answered the basics on the issue of medical ethics back in 2009. I have addressed specific legal issues to overcome.

The only question that MIGHT be answerable is the question of the statute of limitations. The rest are simply NOT answerable. There is a basic fact in Thailand that you can win a defamation suit against someone even if they are telling the truth.

that bears repeating --- The truth of a statement defaming a person or a company is not always relevant.

The reasons that other questions are unanswerable is that the concept of 'legal precedent' is not set in stone in Thailand. Any judge or judges may determine the outcome of 2 very similar cases in very different ways, It does not matter what higher courts have said on similar topics.

The final point to make regarding Thai law is that if Cindy is (and I am not sure that any of this is true, at all) counting on a jury trial. That isn't how things will work here.

The judge (or panel of judges) will first review any factual findings and witnesses placed before them. They will then go away and think about it (if it is one judge) or think and talk about it if it is a panel. They will return to court at a later date and render a verdict. Appeals are only possible if there is new evidence and the time allowed to lodge an appeal is very short.

I think the penalty for criminal defamation is not more than 200,000 baht AND not more than 2 years in a Thai prison. The civil case particularly involving a prominent surgeon and a hospital .... well .... it could be very very expensive to lose.

As I stated above (twice?) the case at this point could not go forward against the surgeon or the hospital, but the case(s) against the OP could start at any time.

Dear Sir Terry,

Freedom of Speech

We are writing to express our concern over the recent libel actions served by Tesco Lotus in Thailand against three critics of the store's policy in that country - Jit Siratranont, Kamol Kamoltrakul and Nongnart Harnwilai. We understand that Tesco Lotus has been faced with considerable criticism in Thailand, and that there may be some errors of fact in aspects of this coverage. However, the scale of Tesco Lotus's response seems grossly disproportionate. To seek damages of £1.6m and £16.4m from Thai businesses and individuals, we believe, sends a deeply chilling message to others who seek, quite legitimately, to discuss Tesco's impact on their local economy. This is at odds with our understanding of international human rights law, which recognises the need for individuals and organisations to protect their rights and reputations - so long as any protective action is deemed necessary and proportionate. Damages claims of this magnitude do not appear to be necessary or proportionate.

However, these civil claims pale into insignificance beside the charge of criminal defamation - section 328 of the Thai penal code - which has been brought against Jit Siratranont. This charge carries a maximum two-year prison sentence. The Asian Human Rights Commission recommended the repeal of this archaic law in 2004, noting its failure to comply with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Thailand is a party. We note in your corporate responsibility policy that 'Tesco is committed to upholding basic Human Rights and supports in full the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.' However, international human rights bodies are agreed that the offence of criminal defamation does not comply with basic standards of human rights.

an excerpt from http://www.englishpen.org/news/_1646/

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I didn't ask what I should do about my situation. I asked specific questions about suing a doctor in Thailand. When people like yourself began to probe out of curiosity, well then it's their own fault if they don't like the answers they get back. If they then want to trash a thread by misguiding it's direction or twisting its intent, then they should be disciplined by the admin of this site.

If you want answers to legal questions in Thailand the only place you're going to get them is in a Thai lawyer's office. If you post question in a forum almost completely inhabited by non-Thais without any legal training why do you think the answers you get will be of any relevance at all?

That's your opinion, fine. But don't say what you don't know. You don't know whether the contributors on this forum have a legal background or not. Asking questions about Thailand is what this forum is for. After all there are plenty of laws and legal issues concerning visas and how to obtain them. And this site does (or should) have a disclaimer saying use at your own risk (correct me if I am wrong please). Further, a Thai lawyer is not going to talk to me unless I pay him. Here I can get it for free, assuming I am allowed to ask my questions.

You don't know if the forum is "completely inhabited by non-Thais". And it doesn't have to be a Thai person to know the laws in Thailand. Plenty of expats know them too, some more than even the Thais.

There's a difference between using Thaivisa as a source of information about visa regulations and medical negligence. Visa regulations are administered by the Immigration Department and aren't usually subject to court decisions apart from very rare circumstances. As non-Thais aren't permitted to practice law in Thailand (http://www.mfa.go.th/web/160.php) it's unlikely that any non-Thai (even one qualified as a lawyer) reading Thaivisa would be sufficiently conversant with Thai laws regarding medical negligence.

I didn't say that the forum was "completely inhabited by non-Thais". I said it was "almost completely inhabited by non-Thais" which is not the same. Having been a moderator of Thaivisa in the past I can assure you I have a fair idea of the ratio of Thais to non-Thais who read and post on Thaivisa and it's very small.

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JD - I was referring to the doctor hacking the OP's mail, intercepting WiFi transmissions, or whatever the OP wants us to "assume" that the doctor did to gain the knowledge.

This is the part of your post that I was referencing when I mentioned your name.

The likelihood of someone intercepting /using/understanding "sniffed" internet communications alone would probably be approaching zero to begin with

I said in another of my posts that I'm not a doctor or a lawyer, so can't comment on those aspects. Sheryl is definitely the go-to lady on the forum for medical issues in Thailand, and would know much more definitively for sure.

Just another example of how the OP could get the info she wants by searching the wealth of information on this forum.

Edited by bino
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I apologise for my earlier rather drunken rants, which have since been removed.

I hope you were asleep and did not read them.


I know nothing about you, nor about your quest to become a woman (I can tell you - it's not all a bed of roses!!)

But, remembering one of my rants and other peoples, please go and see a doctor.

You have wanted to be a women for so long, and now you are. Why suffer without medical care just because you think you can sue a Surgeon?

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It's totally on topic. If you expect to successfully sue the doctor, this is the very crux of your case. You will need to overcome your lies, and prove that he obtained the information by some clandestine method. Thailand has severe computer crime laws, and it just might help your case.

If I expect to sue the doctor, assuming it is safe for me to reenter Thailand, I just have to show a toxic exposure. The photographs link the toxic test to the initial events at day 9 postop. I don't have to show motive. Especially if the Thai doctor is willing to admit to what he has done (in order to reduce the award or sentence) and show the email that he sniffed. If I can subpoena the Thai Medical Council, then I might be able to determine whether the doctor went there and admitted to what he did, and that the Thai Medical Council tightened the eligibility requirements for SRS because of this. But I don't know if the Thai legal system will let a person subpoena witnesses like that. There might be a members of the Thai Medical Council that want to come forward on their own though.

Lots of things can happen. And there is no particular method that works best, especially the recommendation from someone here that I leave and go get medical help first. 22 months postop now, with only the last 16.5 months of trying to get help outside of the initial doctor (initial doctor demanded that I not seek a second opinion until at least 6 mos postop, and maybe even a year postop, or he threatened to wash his hands of me). I might be able to get a private forensics lab here in the states to get me the proof, that hasn't materialized yet. I certainly was unable to get a lawyer here to let me pay him to work by the hour to find a medical expert to run tests for me. His argument was that I should find a doctor on my own. Of the medical experts I contacted on my own, they all stopped talking to me after they learned that I was transgendered, and what my situation was concerning a sabotaged sex change. And I couldn't convince a lawyer to get interested in a case where a citizen who has a toxic groin is unable to get a diagnosis and treatment from a US hospital, er many US hospitals. Even the analogy that if I had been shot in another country, and somehow made it home alive, I surely wouldn't have a problem getting treatment for that bullet wound. What is the difference between a bullet wound and an ongoing toxic exposure to one's groin (besides the obvious differences)?? Why would the doctor care who or how the toxicity happened (other than because the patient is knowledgeable and is helping to point to the diagnosis)? My case in the US is that I present to a hospital with a possible tissue preservative exposure, and they did virtually nothing about it. At the very least they should have run tests to rule it out. They didn't. Instead they took notes on my dress and demeaner, my profession and marital status, how I got there, what my plans were, what I said, etc, etc.

However, as I said (and JD reiterated), I don't believe for a second that the doctor did this. The skills required to hack a Yahoo account or intercept and decrypt WiFi traffic are considerable. I'm an IT guy, and I don't know how to do it, and don't know anyone who does.

I could be wrong on the motive for what happened to me. But you guys are the ones asking for that information. I don't need motive to sue the doctor for medical malpractice. If the toxin has anything to do with formaldehyde, then I MIGHT need motive to show deliberate sabotage. There are events that show a certain level of secrecy on the part of the doctor, a certain effort on the part of the doctor to keep me from getting medical attention at the time the acute symptoms were noticeable.

I did see Nisa's deleted post, and it was right on. If Nisa and a few moments of google searching sussed you out, it is entirely possible and more realistic that the doctor did the same. You posted information in the public domain for anyone to find and read. If the doctor did this, I would say that he is to be commended for performing "due diligence" on your application.

Wow! You know, if that is the case, that is, if you're saying it's ok to sabotage a SRS surgery, then .... well perhaps that's what I want to know about Thailand. In Thailand, could a doctor see a possibility where sabotage is necessary? And if so, does the medical community in Thailand support that? And does Thai law support that? If I should ever get to the bottom of this thing I'm dealing with, and that was the eventual argument... well the world has a lot of waking up to do. Not to mention that the amount of effort I had to go through to get to that revelation - battling a medical industry and a transgender community that didn't want me to get to that revelation, and the surgeon who said "not to worry" and that I didn't "trust [him]". It would be vindicating regardless of whether the world thought it was okay for a person's groin to be sabotaged, albeit in very remote cases where transgendered people are found to be lying about why they want the surgery, or otherwise subverting the process for getting that surgery. It would be vindicating because then the world would know what I went through. The 3.5 mos after I got back to the states, I was afraid to talk to anyone online about this for fear of my surgeon washing his hands of me. At 4.5 mos postop, someone on one of the boards mentioned "formaldehyde". I didn't give it notice until I ran out of answers and started researching it. That led me to Formalin and because the toxicity was too high, it led me to diluted formalin. That explained my symptoms. Until sometime later - maybe a year postop - the toxicity seemed to continue to spread (not to mention that I recalled the initial feeling on that terrible Saturday, day 10 postop, when it felt like something oily was moving into my veins in my groin, numbing it as it flowed through) and since formalin is water soluble, would not be sticking around after a year. I then began asking if formaldehyde could be diluted in oil. And I am still researching that. So far I have found a documented test for checking formaldehyde levels in oil based vaccines for veterinary use. If formaldehyde can exist in these vaccines then it can be diluted in oil, and it would explain my symptoms. I still give that theory credibility because I did have a positive formic acid test. And I did have tissue tanning. And I don't have signs of necrosis or infection, despite a high level of bacteria in my vaginal canal (embalmed tissue doesn't get infected despite a high level of bacteria present).

And, if you did defame the Doctor or the hospital in the public domain, it is not inconceivable that your passport will be flagged and you will be picked up at the airport next time you arrive in Thailand.

Wow again! You mean I don't even get an arraignment in court? I can be arrested just because a person CHARGES me with defamation?? Can Sunbelt confirm this?

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That's your opinion, fine. But don't say what you don't know. You don't know whether the contributors on this forum have a legal background or not. Asking questions about Thailand is what this forum is for. After all there are plenty of laws and legal issues concerning visas and how to obtain them. And this site does (or should) have a disclaimer saying use at your own risk (correct me if I am wrong please). Further, a Thai lawyer is not going to talk to me unless I pay him. Here I can get it for free, assuming I am allowed to ask my questions.

You don't know if the forum is "completely inhabited by non-Thais". And it doesn't have to be a Thai person to know the laws in Thailand. Plenty of expats know them too, some more than even the Thais.

There's a difference between using Thaivisa as a source of information about visa regulations and medical negligence. Visa regulations are administered by the Immigration Department and aren't usually subject to court decisions apart from very rare circumstances. As non-Thais aren't permitted to practice law in Thailand (http://www.mfa.go.th/web/160.php) it's unlikely that any non-Thai (even one qualified as a lawyer) reading Thaivisa would be sufficiently conversant with Thai laws regarding medical negligence.

Well regardless, Thaivisa is not a site just devoted to Visa talk. There are plenty of other discussions and forums going on here that imply my discussion is relevant, especially for foreigners who are interested in coming to Thailand for their surgeries. If my discussion is inappropriate here, then someone would have pointed me to the appropriate forum (if there is one) already. Keep in mind that this discussion here began initially with my request for information about Thai law, and then meandered to the specifics about the potential medical malpractice.

I didn't say that the forum was "completely inhabited by non-Thais". I said it was "almost completely inhabited by non-Thais" which is not the same. Having been a moderator of Thaivisa in the past I can assure you I have a fair idea of the ratio of Thais to non-Thais who read and post on Thaivisa and it's very small.


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Further, a Thai lawyer is not going to talk to me unless I pay him. Here I can get it for free, assuming I am allowed to ask my questions.

If you want free legal advice from the people here, you have to give us the truthful facts. Therefore, tell us exactly how you lied on your eligibility form so that we can provide the advice that you are seeking.

Wrong. If I want free legal advice here I can ask for it. If you don't want to give it, then don't. If you don't want others to give it then hold your tongue, because your trashing my thread.

I did not lie on my eligibility questionaire. I might have said that, again for brevity sake, but I've already indicated that above.

As far as tthe penalties for defamation are concerned, you can search the forum (or google) for the answer. I found this thread in about 12 seconds. Your answers are in here.

Thank you!

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I didn't read most of the medical drivel that you posted. All I can say about it is that sabotage and malpractice are different things.

You mean I don't even get an arraignment in court? I can be arrested just because a person CHARGES me with defamation?? Can Sunbelt confirm this?

You're not in Kansas anymore. In Thailand, there is no PERSON charging you with defamation (civil action). You would be in violation of the criminal code of Thailand, and the police will be laying criminal charges.

You can get your answers in the link I provided for you above.

A sample of the information includes:

Defamation and Libel laws are not the same here as in many other countries. In Thailand it is a criminal case whereas many other countries it is a civil case. Libel can still be prosecuted even if true if it results in financial losses for a business or individual.

First off, Defamation is a criminal act in Thailand and defamation does not have to be false, it has to be damaging.

Under Thai law the truth in itself is no defense against libel. It is more a question of if someone loses "face" by another persons remarks. To be not libelous, a remark must not only be truthful, but also there must be a public interest in making the remarks, which outweighs the interests of the person or business the remarks where made about. So publicly complaining about lousy service or a cockroach in the bread might be libel if it is an isolated incident, but if it is something that happens more than ones there might be a public interest that justify making it public.

Both of the above, like endure are current or previous Thaivisa mods who are well aware of defamation issues as they must police them on this forum.

More info about the penalties, from the other thread:

Criminal Code, Section 326: Whoever imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.

Criminal Code, Section 330: In case of defamation, if the person prosecuted for defamation can prove that the imputation made by him is true, he shall not be punished. But he shall not be allowed to prove if such imputation concerns personal matters, and such proof will not be beneficial to the public.

Your elective surgery is a personal matter / no public benefit, so it is a non-starter for you. Going up against a specialist doctor who does hundreds of these procedures with your isolated incident just isn't going to go anywhere.

However, if you have shamed the doctor online, somewhere where his potential customers are reading, then you have caused damage to his reputation (face) as well as financially.

If the doctor knows about this, and knows that it is you, he can go immediately to the police and file criminal charges. As JD mentioned, "the case(s) against the OP could start at any time."

Hence, the police could easily flag your passport (Thailand Immigration is a division of the Royal Thai Police) and you could be in a world of trouble from the moment you arrive in Thailand.

If you truly want to pursue this lawsuit, you need the advice of a Thai lawyer who will be all too happy to take your case and your money knowing that it is a non-starter.

You need to get it in to your head that this is not America, where litigation is rife and attitudes like yours abound. Get over it, and go to a doctor.

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I apologise for my earlier rather drunken rants, which have since been removed.

I hope you were asleep and did not read them.


I know nothing about you, nor about your quest to become a woman (I can tell you - it's not all a bed of roses!!)

But, remembering one of my rants and other peoples, please go and see a doctor.

Thanks, but again that is just noise to the discussion, since I'm not asking about how to proceed with my dilemma at this exact point in time. I'm asking about Thai law.

You have wanted to be a women for so long, and now you are. Why suffer without medical care just because you think you can sue a Surgeon?

Because if I don't get the necessary tests before the groin is removed, then I won't have anything to test. And I have given doctors plenty of opportunities to remove my groin, and they still run in the opposite direction.

But that is still beside the point of the initial post.

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Wrong. If I want free legal advice here I can ask for it. If you don't want to give it, then don't. If you don't want others to give it then hold your tongue, because your trashing my thread.

Sure - it is your prerogative if you want to ask the wrong people for advice. Don't be upset if you don't get the right answers, or those that don't coincide with your misguided viewpoint.

I did not lie on my eligibility questionaire. I might have said that, again for brevity sake, but I've already indicated that above.


I'm starting to agree with the mental instability issue. After you see a doctor and fix the issues with your vagina, you should spend some time with a psychologist.


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Wrong. If I want free legal advice here I can ask for it. If you don't want to give it, then don't. If you don't want others to give it then hold your tongue, because your trashing my thread.

Since you want answers regarding the law and what will happen if you come back to Thailand ... IMO you have ZERO case and there is a possibility you will be locked up in a mental facility or jail if you come to Thailand and continue on this path the way you have. Why do I say this? Here are just a couple reasons ..

You have admitted you lied to the hospital and doctor regarding the psychological requirements in order get the surgery.

You have NO doctor in any country or state (even though you have contacted and/or seen many) that is willing to confirm your claims of sabotage, formaldehyde poisoning or that you have any medical condition related to improper procedures by the Thai Doctor.

You have admitted that after the surgery you experienced problems and went back to the doctor / hospital and pretended to take the medications they prescribed only to spit them out stealthy (because of the hidden camera you believed was in a cereal box) after the nurses left the room. In addition you publicly stated online you believed they were trying to kill you.

You have zero proof the doctor or hospital staff intercepted your wireless transitions and NO rational person would believe such a far fetched notion just on your beliefs. This removes much of your claimed, though illogical, doctor's motivations.

You have a history of involuntary admittance to a psych ward and those around you that question your mental faculties regarding this issue which further makes your credibility as a witness very suspect.

You have also inquired online about suing other doctors.

You are not a doctor but continue to disagree and mistrust every medical opinion given to you regarding your condition.

If I am aware of this information, just imagine what a professional will dig up.

As for any statue of limitations... the incident occurred near 2-years ago and you also became aware of your claimed issue near 2-years ago. I cannot see a reason for the law to allow you to file a claim after 2-years given your knowledge (suspicion) of the incident from the start. In fact there are many reasons to not allow the filing of a claim this far out and that is why most places have statues regarding filing a timely claim. But even if you were allowed to file such a claim now, you have no case and have not been able to find anybody in the medical community to back you up in 22-months of trying. In fact you have a long trail of people within the medical community who disagree with you and at least one hospital who felt your mental condition warranted an involuntary psych hold. All these medical experts would help the Thai Doctor in the case while you have ZERO medical experts to back up your claim.

I hope these common-sense thoughts help you to move on and focus your energies on getting better. If not, then contact real attorneys until you find one willing to take your money.

Edited by Nisa
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The OP is asking for assumptions and hypotheticals ---

I gave mine. Seeing the 2 threads posted by the OP (and from remarks made by the OP about defamation) made online; I will stick with my summation above.

1) I doubt the OP could get a case heard in Thailand.

2) The OP's admission of lying and the OP's admission of being put in a psychiatric ward against her will --- would be grounds enough to have any case thrown out. There would be an initial diagnosis of mental illness to place a patient in a psych ward against her will.

3)That the OP states no medical Dr. and no lawyers are willing to back up her claims certainly would not support any claim to a case going forward.

4) The OP is quite honestly guilty of defamation if the OP mentioned the Dr's name or the hospital in anything online. The story about deliberately sabotaging a surgery doesn't make any sense. The likelihood of someone intercepting /using/understanding "sniffed" internet communications alone would probably be approaching zero to begin with, and to then hurt a patient in revenge for the patient lying? It won't be believed. It would be used as evidence against the OP vis-a-vis mental instability.

Here is what I found with a google search of "sniff wireless unsecured":


Apparently hotels can sniff a person's email password and get into that person's email account. I sent the email on day 8 postop through the hotel's unsecured wireless account, the hotel that works directly with the doctor's clinic (serves as an outpatient recovery hotel).

Further, if I can contact the ambulance driver for the hospital I contacted at day 13 postop, and get him to recall the night he was on his way to a certain hotel but later was called to turn around and go back (by the hotel clerk I had requested to help translate, and the subsequent arrival of the doctor's head staff person, and a subsequent call to the hospital to confirm that the ambulance had been turned around because someone had said I was under the care of a doctor already), then I can prove that the hotel was working with the doctor to keep me from getting outside help, and working with the doctor in other ways as well. In that regard, the doctor wouldn't have to know how to sniff an internet communication.

Not only are the possible defendants in the OP's lawsuit a Dr and a hospital who will have suffered actual damages but the idea of a surgeon doing this would work against the OP simply based upon Thai culture, let alone medical ethics. The OP's claims would be measured against the lies and likelihood of the OP having harmed herself after surgery.

Hardly. They would have to show motive for a stealth transsexual to want to sabotage her surgery, then go public with her real name, including publishing videos of herself, in order to defame a surgeon who she has maintained is highly skilled to this day, and completely obliterating 8 years of transition effort. The photographs link the current state of her groin to the day of the sabotage.

So while I cannot answer the question regarding the statute of limitations on a civil case like this, i could see both civil and criminal defamation cases being brought against the OP, and that those cases would be successful. Simply my opinion.

Possibly, but I won't be going to Thailand without first getting the admittable medical test, or without first hearing the doctor admit publicly what he did to me. And I doubt he's going to start a defamation suit if he's betting I'll die before I get the medical test.

There is no precedent. Where there is no precedent, ANYTHING can happen.


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Since you want answers regarding the law and what will happen if you come back to Thailand ... IMO you have ZERO case and there is a possibility you will be locked up in a mental facility or jail if you come to Thailand and continue on this path the way you have. Why do I say this? Here are just a couple reasons ..

You have admitted you lied to the hospital and doctor regarding the psychological requirements in order get the surgery.

I have not lied to the hospital or doctor or any of my therapists about anything. I have not admitted to lying to the hospital or doctor or any of my therapists about anything. I HAVE admitted to this forum that I stretched the truth in the prefaces to my questions, in order to serve brevity. Certain members of this forum have decided to twist the facts.

You have NO doctor in any country or state (even though you have contacted and/or seen many) that is willing to confirm your claims of sabotage, formaldehyde poisoning or that you have any medical condition related to improper procedures by the Thai Doctor.

You are misleading. It is more accurate to say that no doctor has been willing to help me determine whether or not my claims are accurate. Ie. they have not used medical tests to rule out a formaldehyde exposure, or any toxin exposure. Otherwise, your statement above leaves open the possibility that doctors have instead said my claims are in-accurate, which would be untrue.

But it is indeed true that I do not currently have a doctor that has backed my claims, regardless whether he is willing or not. And I don't plan on coming to Thailand until such is gotten.

You have admitted that after the surgery you experienced problems and went back to the doctor / hospital and pretended to take the medications they prescribed only to spit them out stealthy (because of the hidden camera you believed was in a cereal box) after the nurses left the room. In addition you publicly stated online you believed they were trying to kill you.

At the time that I admitted myself to the doctor's hospital, I was taking the pills prescribed to me. The pills that I spit out were the same pills that were already being prescribed to me. I spit them out because I was dying (in my opinion at the time... and I have emails to family supporting that state of health) and I wasn't getting better and the hospital and doctor and nurses weren't doing anything different to determine the cause of my state of health. Being an engineer, I decided I needed to change a variable - the pills I was taking - and see the effect. After all, it was my life.

Within a few hours I started to feel better. I could breath easier. My muscles in my arms and legs started to free up. I felt very groggy and sick still upon my release, but I kept those feelings to myself. I was convinced at that point that someone was trying to take my life (after all, just the day before, the support group had banned me from posting priviledges, and this was the only form of support I had at the time, in a foreign country... not only did they ban me, they subsequently ridiculed me as being delirious, of being over panicky, of scaring the other patients). Why shouldn't I fear for my life? If I had died that day, would anyone have come looking for me? I feel I would have died of "complications" and the case buried for good.

The camera in the cereal box was sitting out in the open on the dresser counter (not "hidden" as you state). I was aware of it's location as I spit the pills out one at a time into my hand and then transferred them to half-filled milk cartons.

You have zero proof the doctor or hospital staff intercepted your wireless transitions and NO rational person would believe such a far fetched notion just on your beliefs. This removes much of your claimed, though illogical, doctor's motivations.

The timing of the events is suspect. I have the email, if I so desire to use it. If I can show toxic exposure, especially with diluted formaldehyde in oil, then I'll throw in the email as motive, along with conversations on the yahoo group that show I was an outcast, and show that I disrespected his group. For all I know, it is still all there for anyone to see and read. If they delete it, I've got a copy by using the program PG Offline. Not to mention the other users of the forum who were upset at the moderators actions and who might chime in in a court case.

Edited by cindy36
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You have a history of involuntary admittance to a psych ward and those around you that question your mental faculties regarding this issue which further makes your credibility as a witness very suspect.

I have a potential medical malpractice case against a hospital that wrongly put me in a psych ward from an ER arrival, namely to scare the shit out of me, so that I wouldn't come back, so they wouldn't have to treat me. They released me without going to court, on the day of the court date. I have no other history than that one week. I took none of their medicine. I participated in none of their treatment. I slept in the TV room when they would not fix the air in my room, so that I could retain some vocal chords upon my court date.

You have also inquired online about suing other doctors.

So? I believe that the medical industry in my country is corrupt and ill equipped to give any kind of standard medical care, not because it lacks hi-tech equipment, but because it provides an environment that enables doctors to stick together and prevent a patient from getting a diagnosis.

You are not a doctor but continue to disagree and mistrust every medical opinion given to you regarding your condition.

One does not need to be a doctor necessarily to determine that they are not getting medical treatment. The consistency in both the approach to my care, as well as the actual statements made in my care, from all the doctors I have seen, is consistent with a system that is corrupt and enables doctors to see what the previous doctor has said BEFORE making his own assessment.

If I am aware of this information, just imagine what a professional will dig up.

Apparently you got some of it wrong though.


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As for any statue of limitations... the incident occurred near 2-years ago and you also became aware of your claimed issue near 2-years ago. I cannot see a reason for the law to allow you to file a claim after 2-years given your knowledge (suspicion) of the incident from the start. In fact there are many reasons to not allow the filing of a claim this far out and that is why most places have statues regarding filing a timely claim. But even if you were allowed to file such a claim now, you have no case and have not been able to find anybody in the medical community to back you up in 22-months of trying. In fact you have a long trail of people within the medical community who disagree with you and at least one hospital who felt your mental condition warranted an involuntary psych hold. All these medical experts would help the Thai Doctor in the case while you have ZERO medical experts to back up your claim.

Wrong. The statute is from the time the person becomes aware. As long as I do not have a medical opinion supporting my opinion, I am not formally aware. No judge worth their salt is going to deny a trial to a person (a) whose groin was injected with formaldehyde and (B) who was prevented from getting a diagnosis because she couldn't convince the medical industry to give her the tests to show what happened to her. If I believed otherwise, I would have given up long ago.

There is no precedent. Where there is no precedent, ANYTHING can happen.


I hope these common-sense thoughts help you to move on and focus your energies on getting better. If not, then contact real attorneys until you find one willing to take your money.

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Why do you keep asking us questions that you already know the answers to? If you believe in what you say get on the plane and sue. Shit or get off the pot.

Just because it sounds like I know the answers doesn't mean that I do. Maybe I want to hear someone confirm what my answers are.

Are you confirming my answers? If so, please write a paragraph why you agree with me.

But don't tell me to shut up!!


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Why do you keep asking us questions that you already know the answers to? If you believe in what you say get on the plane and sue. Shit or get off the pot.

Just because it sounds like I know the answers doesn't mean that I do. Maybe I want to hear someone confirm what my answers are.

Are you confirming my answers? If so, please write a paragraph why you agree with me.

But don't tell me to shut up!!


I'm not telling you to shut up. I'm inviting you confirm your hypothesis by climbing onto a plane and testing it in a court of law. Rather than destroying the life & reputation of a professional by remote control I'm suggesting that you might want to put your money where your mouth is and face him/her in court with your accusations. If you're not willing to do that why should anyone take you seriously?

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Why do you keep asking us questions that you already know the answers to? If you believe in what you say get on the plane and sue. Shit or get off the pot.

Just because it sounds like I know the answers doesn't mean that I do. Maybe I want to hear someone confirm what my answers are.

Are you confirming my answers? If so, please write a paragraph why you agree with me.

But don't tell me to shut up!!


I'm not telling you to shut up. I'm inviting you confirm your hypothesis by climbing onto a plane and testing it in a court of law. Rather than destroying the life & reputation of a professional by remote control I'm suggesting that you might want to put your money where your mouth is and face him/her in court with your accusations. If you're not willing to do that why should anyone take you seriously?

I *AM* willing to do that once I get the medical test and/or medical doctor. And get an idea of what I'm facing in a Thai court of law.

You did imply I should shut up.


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You have a history of involuntary admittance to a psych ward and those around you that question your mental faculties regarding this issue which further makes your credibility as a witness very suspect.

I have a potential medical malpractice case against a hospital that wrongly put me in a psych ward from an ER arrival, namely to scare the shit out of me, so that I wouldn't come back, so they wouldn't have to treat me. They released me without going to court, on the day of the court date. I have no other history than that one week. I took none of their medicine. I participated in none of their treatment. I slept in the TV room when they would not fix the air in my room, so that I could retain some vocal chords upon my court date.

One of the requirements for my release from said psych hospital was that I have a plane ticket out of NYC, and a taxi was called to take me from the hospital to the airport!!

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Until you have evidence that will stand up and is tested in a court of law you have no right to use allegations to try and destroy the livelihood of anyone. Your use of Thaivisa to spread insubstantial rumours is vile and despicable.

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Also, is it true that so soon, after an operation like this that you can have vaginal sensations, as you stated?

I'm assuming you're asking the other members since that is what I am telling you.

At the time of my surgery, I had not smoked a cigarette in 6 yrs, not touched alcohol (but in rare occasions) and was hiking 20 miles a week in the hills of Vermont. The year before my surgery I was biking a couple of miles to work everyday in the Los Angeles heat. One hot summer day in 2008 I hiked up the mountains just north of Burbank. I credit that preparation for allowing me to survive what I was put through in Thailand. And what I was put through includes the successful operation as well as the subsequent "complications".


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Until you have evidence that will stand up and is tested in a court of law you have no right to use allegations to try and destroy the livelihood of anyone. Your use of Thaivisa to spread insubstantial rumours is vile and despicable.

Certain members here wanted more information. If they can't deal with that information then they shouldn't have asked for it. They wanted photos too, and I could have agreed to that but I didn't.

I have a right to ask for help. I'm not getting it from the other avenues that I have tried.

If you don't want to listen to me, then ignore me and let others have a chance at it.

Thank you!


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Why do you keep asking us questions that you already know the answers to? If you believe in what you say get on the plane and sue. Shit or get off the pot.

Just because it sounds like I know the answers doesn't mean that I do. Maybe I want to hear someone confirm what my answers are.

And here lies the problem. For 22-months you have consulted with numerous people and nobody agrees with you but you continue to try to find anyone who is willing to say what you want to hear ... even if it comes from an online poster without a medical or law degree.

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Until you have evidence that will stand up and is tested in a court of law you have no right to use allegations to try and destroy the livelihood of anyone. Your use of Thaivisa to spread insubstantial rumours is vile and despicable.

Certain members here wanted more information. If they can't deal with that information then they shouldn't have asked for it. They wanted photos too, and I could have agreed to that but I didn't.

I have a right to ask for help. I'm not getting it from the other avenues that I have tried.

If you don't want to listen to me, then ignore me and let others have a chance at it.

Thank you!


If we didn't want to listen to you we'd have disappeared months ago. &lt;deleted&gt; let it go and get on with your life.

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Why do you keep asking us questions that you already know the answers to? If you believe in what you say get on the plane and sue. Shit or get off the pot.

Just because it sounds like I know the answers doesn't mean that I do. Maybe I want to hear someone confirm what my answers are.

And here lies the problem. For 22-months you have consulted with numerous people and nobody agrees with you but you continue to try to find anyone who is willing to say what you want to hear ... even if it comes from an online poster without a medical or law degree.

And you continue to mistate the facts. And you continue to be a part of the forum. I don't get it.

You're inflaming the situation here so others are afraid to post, others that might have helpful information, whether it's legal advice, medical advice, or even advice about Thai culture.

Question for the admins: may I bump my topic if it keeps getting buried in the list? At least for the first week, since it's only been a few days at this point??


PS. For "endure", is it "vile and despicable" for a doctor to be able to continue practicing medicine unfettered until a conviction is made in a court of law, a Thai court of law no doubt?? With the possibility that the the victim of his practices might be quashed and put away for an indefinite period of time in a Thai prison??? In order for "imputation" to not be considered dafamation, the imputation must be true AND the interests of the person making the imputation must outweigh the interests of the "other person" or business. Hence, it is quite possible that a defamation charge would not stand if I can show what happened to me is true. (The interests of protecting further patients against said doctor outweighs the interests of the doctor, not mention the interests of the patient who was asked by people online to give the doctor's name in order to remain on the forums, in her search for help.) -Cindy

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