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Red Shirt Leaders Urge EC To Rein In Abhisit's Facebook

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The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

i think this is pretty tame from Abhisist

if it was me i would plaster Thailand with images of Bankok burning, town halls burning, men in black with AK47's, dead soldiers and many other stark reminders of what these reds are actually about

Thai people have short memories, its time for shock tactics to turn the tide and stop these anarchists getting into power.......

With a view to what ??

More divisiveness ??

Would you also include pics of medics shot by army snipers and the approx 80+ people shot through the head at the hands of the army or do you insist it never really happened ??

At least that would be even handed.

Anarchists don't vote by the way.

I have highlighted a section of your post. Please read the following from the original post:


Misinformation and smears are against the election law, Weng said. Article 53 of the law could hand down tough punishments on those who commit such actions, with sentences of between one and 10 years imprisonment or fines of Bt20,000 to Bt200,000."

does it only apply to candidates, you think?

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A couple more weeks and the will of the people will run the country. Half of the posters here will be forced to eat humble pie. Which half? Depends on the election results.

With a larger part of the posters here not being able to vote anyway, we just exercise our rights to open, frank discussions. Some even try to stick to the truth, others are a bit more liberal with it ;)


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

i think this is pretty tame from Abhisist

if it was me i would plaster Thailand with images of Bankok burning, town halls burning, men in black with AK47's, dead soldiers and many other stark reminders of what these reds are actually about

Thai people have short memories, its time for shock tactics to turn the tide and stop these anarchists getting into power.......

With a view to what ??

More divisiveness ??

Would you also include pics of medics shot by army snipers and the approx 80+ people shot through the head at the hands of the army or do you insist it never really happened ??

At least that would be even handed.

Anarchists don't vote by the way.

I have highlighted a section of your post. Please read the following from the original post:


Misinformation and smears are against the election law, Weng said. Article 53 of the law could hand down tough punishments on those who commit such actions, with sentences of between one and 10 years imprisonment or fines of Bt20,000 to Bt200,000."

does it only apply to candidates, you think?

It would be a lot easier to document these alleged murders if the Red Shirts hadn't disabled all the CC TV cameras in the vicinity of their demonstration. You'd think that kind of documentation would bolster their claims, unless.....


It would be a lot easier to document these alleged murders if the Red Shirts hadn't disabled all the CC TV cameras in the vicinity of their demonstration. You'd think that kind of documentation would bolster their claims, unless.....

And as we have seen from recent protests around the world, they have been documented by footage taken by the protesters using mobile phones. Where are all the videos and photos from last year showing conclusively that the army were firing into unarmed crowds of protesters? Where are all the lists of casualties and missing persons such an act would have led to? If I were protesting against some injustice I would make dam_n sure I carried the tools to produce video evidence of wrong doing by the authorities, and I would make dam_n sure such evidence was made freely available to the news media. If caught up in a protest I had not planned for I would be using the camera on my phone to record the same. The fact that the red shirts tried to goad the military into a harsh reaction, by targetting and killing a number of them before any force was used against the protestors, yet were still unable to produce conclusive visual evidence of any such reaction, would suggest the claims made here, and elsewhere, by those with an antigovernment agenda are just so much pish and tosh.


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

+1 :thumbsup:

+2 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

+ 3

There's a Mt. Everest-level of irony in a terrorist suspect out on bail wanting to take legal action against others that are discussing his activities that led to his becoming a terrorist suspect out on bail.



The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

To be honest, the red never invented anything. Street protests, blocking Bangkok, smear campaigns, it all has be done first by the master of defamation, Mr Sondhi.

Wrong once again JurgenG.

The Red Shirts started it when they initiated the first of their series of street violence in July 2007, then repeated in Black Songkran 2009, and once again during May Mayhem 2010.



One more reason of misunderstanding.

That the government can't work because a mob occupies the government house, that all communication with the outside world are stopped because the same mob occupies Thailand main international airport and that the army refuses to do anything, refuses to follow the orders of a democratically elected government, that really bothers me.

That you can't go shopping because your local 7/11 has closed down, I don't really care.

"that all communication with the outside world are stopped because the same mob occupies Thailand main international airport " :rolleyes:

That hyperbolic level of exaggeration deserves an additional set of rolled eyes. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

"all communications"..... :bah:



Anyone reading Abhisit's posts on Facebook is highly unlikely to be an undecided voter. So whathe says there isn't really relevant. But it would be interesting to see if he would repeat it in person in the north of Thailand.


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

i think this is pretty tame from Abhisist

if it was me i would plaster Thailand with images of Bankok burning, town halls burning, men in black with AK47's, dead soldiers and many other stark reminders of what these reds are actually about

Thai people have short memories, its time for shock tactics to turn the tide and stop these anarchists getting into power.......

and Weng's just Pi$$ed at being well and truly put in his place by Abhisit during the televised meeting last year... his face was a real picture of 'lost face'. Had the reds swallowed their pride at that point, they could have developed into a respectable movement, but chose a route unacceptable to most people.


The reds could have become a political force in there on right if they would have went for the elections and lefft Daddy Taksin behind but they are to connected to his money to ever leave his tit. So we will connect a few farangs to it as well.

I still wonder what you guys think your going to get from supporting Taksin remember his first political party was called Thai Rak Thai. Thai Love Thai I donot think there is anything about kiss a-s farangs in that title. At least old John Savage got out there and protested with the mob, you guys just run your lip.

We get a lot about moral high ground here there arn't many morales when a mob storms a hospital and threatens the Drs, Nurses, and patient. Lets here your take on that one Jurgen


But who reads Facebook ? The so called Bangkok elite that will vote for him anyway. So what is he achieving ?

Good God, there's a heck of a lot more "Bangkok elites" that I would have ever imagined.

There's so many that nearly every single person in Krung Thep has been promoted to "elite".

Thailand Facebook Statistics

Total Facebook Users: 10,360,980



Get a grip 99% are just looking for boyfriends


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

i think this is pretty tame from Abhisist

if it was me i would plaster Thailand with images of Bankok burning, town halls burning, men in black with AK47's, dead soldiers and many other stark reminders of what these reds are actually about

Thai people have short memories, its time for shock tactics to turn the tide and stop these anarchists getting into power.......

and Weng's just Pi$$ed at being well and truly put in his place by Abhisit during the televised meeting last year... his face was a real picture of 'lost face'. Had the reds swallowed their pride at that point, they could have developed into a respectable movement, but chose a route unacceptable to most people.

That "Weng" used in the negative such as don't be a Weng .... became idiomatic Thai for "don't ramble on endlessly". "don't bore people", "don't talk nonsense" must still cause a bit of discomfort for Weng.


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

To be honest, the red never invented anything. Street protests, blocking Bangkok, smear campaigns, it all has be done first by the master of defamation, Mr Sondhi.

Until now, Abhisit would have been remembered as a weak leader, sitting on the side when the thugs of the PAD were destroying democracy and showing poor leadership during the red riots that eventually leads the army to take the leadership and shoot the crowd. But now starting himself his own smear campaign ? He probably knows he's on his way out and has very little reputation to protect.

But who reads Facebook ? The so called Bangkok elite that will vote for him anyway. So what is he achieving ? Nothing will be good but actually he's increasing the hate and the distrust between Thais. He just confirms the democrats are a small regional party, the Bangkok party, a coalition partner. Not a great national party that is needed in a modern democracy. The problem is Abhisit is not a real Thai, he was raised abroad and I don't think he is comfortable with rural Thais , I'm not even sure he knows anything about the life of realThais outside his little circle of Bangkok friends. He doesn't connect with them, that why he's not popular, that's why again the democrats will lose the popular vote. And things won't get better with Korn who was raised the same way.

So in the meantime he chats with his friends on facebook, hoping once more the army will save the day.

What a leader. He wont' be missed and probably not even remembered.

Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

To be honest, the red never invented anything. Street protests, blocking Bangkok, smear campaigns, it all has be done first by the master of defamation, Mr Sondhi.

Until now, Abhisit would have been remembered as a weak leader, sitting on the side when the thugs of the PAD were destroying democracy and showing poor leadership during the red riots that eventually leads the army to take the leadership and shoot the crowd. But now starting himself his own smear campaign ? He probably knows he's on his way out and has very little reputation to protect.

But who reads Facebook ? The so called Bangkok elite that will vote for him anyway. So what is he achieving ? Nothing will be good but actually he's increasing the hate and the distrust between Thais. He just confirms the democrats are a small regional party, the Bangkok party, a coalition partner. Not a great national party that is needed in a modern democracy. The problem is Abhisit is not a real Thai, he was raised abroad and I don't think he is comfortable with rural Thais , I'm not even sure he knows anything about the life of realThais outside his little circle of Bangkok friends. He doesn't connect with them, that why he's not popular, that's why again the democrats will lose the popular vote. And things won't get better with Korn who was raised the same way.

So in the meantime he chats with his friends on facebook, hoping once more the army will save the day.

What a leader. He wont' be missed and probably not even remembered.

Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:

geriatric? May I ask how old you are?


"His offer to have a general election in November last year was greeted with strong rebukes by his supporters.

"I simply wanted to see peace restored in our country. I was aware that my offer would not get me votes from the red shirts, but rather it would cost me my own supporters," Abhisit wrote.

This was why they believed his offer of an early election last year was not genuine.....it was fake!

the offer was made on live TV in front of a fascinated nation of millions

so whats your source for the speculation it wasn't a genuine offer ?

man in a pub?, Thaksin and his red rabble mouthpieces? or just you spreading red propaganda.................?

Hahaha, no wait .... 'fascinated' 'nation' (this one? ANYone?) of 'millions' doesn't really gell does it? Most Thais I know fall into 3 camps, ergo: Vote for incumbent in order to, yet again, preserve status quo ;), Vote for Taksin's proxy in order to get more handouts, or, lately; don't give a flying fck, they're equally bad, stay in bed.

IF I were Thai I would go with the last option. And by the way, the DGAFF crew also don't GAFF about the Bribes to Vote from whichsoever party wanting a go at the trough.


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

To be honest, the red never invented anything. Street protests, blocking Bangkok, smear campaigns, it all has be done first by the master of defamation, Mr Sondhi.

Until now, Abhisit would have been remembered as a weak leader, sitting on the side when the thugs of the PAD were destroying democracy and showing poor leadership during the red riots that eventually leads the army to take the leadership and shoot the crowd. But now starting himself his own smear campaign ? He probably knows he's on his way out and has very little reputation to protect.

But who reads Facebook ? The so called Bangkok elite that will vote for him anyway. So what is he achieving ? Nothing will be good but actually he's increasing the hate and the distrust between Thais. He just confirms the democrats are a small regional party, the Bangkok party, a coalition partner. Not a great national party that is needed in a modern democracy. The problem is Abhisit is not a real Thai, he was raised abroad and I don't think he is comfortable with rural Thais , I'm not even sure he knows anything about the life of realThais outside his little circle of Bangkok friends. He doesn't connect with them, that why he's not popular, that's why again the democrats will lose the popular vote. And things won't get better with Korn who was raised the same way.

So in the meantime he chats with his friends on facebook, hoping once more the army will save the day.

What a leader. He wont' be missed and probably not even remembered.

Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:

geriatric? May I ask how old you are?

I am 75 years old also a geriatric, so I feel free to use that word, any objections :lol:


"His offer to have a general election in November last year was greeted with strong rebukes by his supporters.

"I simply wanted to see peace restored in our country. I was aware that my offer would not get me votes from the red shirts, but rather it would cost me my own supporters," Abhisit wrote.

This was why they believed his offer of an early election last year was not genuine.....it was fake!

the offer was made on live TV in front of a fascinated nation of millions

so whats your source for the speculation it wasn't a genuine offer ?

man in a pub?, Thaksin and his red rabble mouthpieces? or just you spreading red propaganda.................?

Hahaha, no wait .... 'fascinated' 'nation' (this one? ANYone?) of 'millions' doesn't really gell does it? Most Thais I know fall into 3 camps, ergo: Vote for incumbent in order to, yet again, preserve status quo ;), Vote for Taksin's proxy in order to get more handouts, or, lately; don't give a flying fck, they're equally bad, stay in bed.

IF I were Thai I would go with the last option. And by the way, the DGAFF crew also don't GAFF about the Bribes to Vote from whichsoever party wanting a go at the trough.

is there a point to your post or is just the actual words in my post you don't like?

what does DGAFF crew and GAFF mean

it sounds DAFT to me...........



Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:

geriatric? May I ask how old you are?

I am 75 years old also a geriatric, so I feel free to use that word, any objections :lol:

Sure you're free to use that word. But how do you know that these democrats are "rich and idle" women? Maybe you are rich and idle also?


Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:

geriatric? May I ask how old you are?

I am 75 years old also a geriatric, so I feel free to use that word, any objections :lol:

Sure you're free to use that word. But how do you know that these democrats are "rich and idle" women? Maybe you are rich and idle also?

Ah shifting goal posts time, first you query my age, now my wealth and idleness :lol:

I am not rich by British standards, I am "comfortable" if you understand that expression.

Am I idle. well I'm retired but I seem to find more to do than the time to do them

As to these "idle" geriatric women, I suggest you are not familiar with facebook, it is a playground for the frivolous, you can farm, build a house,keep pets, join clubs, all in cyberspace. I'm sure Abhisit feels at home in the land of make believe. As to "rich", look at the cost of a computer, telephone and internet rental, then tell me how many working class people have such. In my village most families have a car, motorbike or both, I am the only one with an internet facility.

Anything else you feel a need to know, perhaps my height, or weight, my state of health, I'm sure it must be highly relevant :lol:


But who reads Facebook ? The so called Bangkok elite that will vote for him anyway. So what is he achieving ?

Good God, there's a heck of a lot more "Bangkok elites" that I would have ever imagined.

There's so many that nearly every single person in Krung Thep has been promoted to "elite".

Thailand Facebook Statistics

Total Facebook Users: 10,360,980



Get a grip 99% are just looking for boyfriends

Do your statistics mean you have 10,257,370 friends on Facebook that you know what they do?


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

i think this is pretty tame from Abhisist

if it was me i would plaster Thailand with images of Bankok burning, town halls burning, men in black with AK47's, dead soldiers and many other stark reminders of what these reds are actually about

Thai people have short memories, its time for shock tactics to turn the tide and stop these anarchists getting into power.......

They can't be so bad ...since the government released them on bail. Nobody would release a dangerous terrorist on bail, right?

At least the red shirt leaders went to jail for some time, the same can't be said for Abhisit for the 91 dead Thais.

red shirts sponsored black mercenaries drew first blood by murdering army personel simply doing their job

the red shirts embraced and celebrated them for doing so

Sae Daeng was a celebrity with many red shirts wanting his autograph and a picture with him

you want to celebrate a murderer so why the double standards over the Army when they too returned fire with live ammo ?

reds started it, army finished it.

now the reds are crying in their tom yung goong

the reds were Thaksins paid for cannon fodder

they needed red martyrs and they got them and my god they have been worth every penny

i hope they are still on the payroll as they are still working for the red cause harder than most of the living reds

theres hardly a minute goes by on TV without someone referring to them, maybe they should get repeat fees?

fact is they were there vountarily, illegally and were gladly harbouring and taking care of violent criminals and murderers in their midst

so they died for the red cause,

so what? many said they would be willing to do so, they got their wish

som nom na

give it a rest

who cries for the soldiers and civilains the reds maimed and killed

they were Thais too, some just simply doing their job..............

oh forgot, double standards.


The truth hurts doesn't it Weng? The Reds are masters at smeer campaigns, it's what they did all last year.

i think this is pretty tame from Abhisist

if it was me i would plaster Thailand with images of Bankok burning, town halls burning, men in black with AK47's, dead soldiers and many other stark reminders of what these reds are actually about

Thai people have short memories, its time for shock tactics to turn the tide and stop these anarchists getting into power.......

Or one could show photographs of unarmed civilians murdered by the Thai army which has refused to co-operate with subsequent enquiries.But that would be equally irresponsible and divisive as the suggestion above.

The trouble is that the Democrat Party has shown itself unable to win elections, having risen to power on the backs of soldiers, judges and Prem.AS the election draws closer the military cheerleaders are increasingly rattled as we can see.They find the prospect of the Thai people giving their decision very troubling.

No. The Thai army did not murder its own people. The protests were orchestrated in such a way so that the reds could make it appear as if the government were killing its own people. This is a tactic used by the opposition in other countries in the recent Arab Spring and part of a worldwide tactic to bring down a number of governments. You see, people who swallow this red line so easily really have the overall picture missing. The reds even killed their own military leader (a) for tactical advantage and (B) because he couldn't keep his mouth shut after he admitted that there were 300 armed men mingling with the red crowds. Everyone knows that the reds killed their own - after all what is the loss of a few people compared to the (a) the numbers that Thaksin had killed during the war on drugs (the reds NEVER protest about these do they and why????) and (B) it does not matter to them if a few die when their are much bigger things to play for? Let me raise another question: The Reds seem to think they have money to give away (1 tablet PC per student); Thousands of people die on motorbikes each year because they have no helmet. How about substituting helmets for the tablets and thus save lives? Off course not for very obvious reasons. So don't get taken in so easily, eh?


Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:

geriatric? May I ask how old you are?

I am 75 years old also a geriatric, so I feel free to use that word, any objections :lol:

Sure you're free to use that word. But how do you know that these democrats are "rich and idle" women? Maybe you are rich and idle also?

Ah shifting goal posts time, first you query my age, now my wealth and idleness :lol:

I am not rich by British standards, I am "comfortable" if you understand that expression.

Am I idle. well I'm retired but I seem to find more to do than the time to do them

As to these "idle" geriatric women, I suggest you are not familiar with facebook, it is a playground for the frivolous, you can farm, build a house,keep pets, join clubs, all in cyberspace. I'm sure Abhisit feels at home in the land of make believe. As to "rich", look at the cost of a computer, telephone and internet rental, then tell me how many working class people have such. In my village most families have a car, motorbike or both, I am the only one with an internet facility.

Anything else you feel a need to know, perhaps my height, or weight, my state of health, I'm sure it must be highly relevant :lol:

Thanks for the info. No further questions. I know enough.

You know enough of me since you suggest that I'm not familiar with facebook. I must say that I'm surprised thay you can do all these things in facebook. I know you can do all these things in cyberspace.

By the way, may I suggest than that you live in a village with red propaganda?

I don't use smilies because I don't think it's funny.


Exactly so, Thailand has a 13% penetration in Thailand [ http://www.internetw...acebook.htm#q-z ]

Of these the largest group by age are over 65 at 34.4% the second largest are the 25 to 34 year olds at 30%

52.6% are females. [http://www.checkfacebook.com/ ]

So he is probably preaching to a bunch of geriatric idle rich women who are therefore Democrats anyway :lol:

If I was the Red Shirt leaders I'd let him get on with it, it keeps him happy :lol:

geriatric? May I ask how old you are?

I am 75 years old also a geriatric, so I feel free to use that word, any objections :lol:

Sure you're free to use that word. But how do you know that these democrats are "rich and idle" women? Maybe you are rich and idle also?

Ah shifting goal posts time, first you query my age, now my wealth and idleness :lol:

I am not rich by British standards, I am "comfortable" if you understand that expression.

Am I idle. well I'm retired but I seem to find more to do than the time to do them

As to these "idle" geriatric women, I suggest you are not familiar with facebook, it is a playground for the frivolous, you can farm, build a house,keep pets, join clubs, all in cyberspace. I'm sure Abhisit feels at home in the land of make believe. As to "rich", look at the cost of a computer, telephone and internet rental, then tell me how many working class people have such. In my village most families have a car, motorbike or both, I am the only one with an internet facility.

Anything else you feel a need to know, perhaps my height, or weight, my state of health, I'm sure it must be highly relevant :lol:

Thanks for the info. No further questions. I know enough.

You know enough of me since you suggest that I'm not familiar with facebook. I must say that I'm surprised thay you can do all these things in facebook. I know you can do all these things in cyberspace.

By the way, may I suggest than that you live in a village with red propaganda?

I don't use smilies because I don't think it's funny.

To know of something does not mean you do it, I know of Skype, Hi5, Netlog and many others, but I do not use them. Being old does not automatically imply ignorance of social trends nor of modern technology.

As to my village it has had 4 Dem machine visits in the last week and 1 PT visit, politically it is fairly evenly divide, the village boss is openly red, many of his support team, including my own partner are openly Democrats.

May I suggest that your suggestion is wrong?

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