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Build A House In Chiang Mai.


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¡Sorry for the mistake of the size! ¡ I am not a rich man wanting to build a super-villa! The correct size is around 250 Square Meters or Talang Met. Which budget I need for a good western quality standard house? Some people told me around 10-12 Thousand Baht per Square meter . This is a correct cost including everything.


Try this link,


Including eveything, does that include, water tank and pump, hot water heaters for at least two bathrooms, fitted western style kitchen, curtains and curtain fittings.

Does the property have a wall round it or will you build one, what are we talking, 240 linear metre wall, stainless steel gate at on average 10,000 baht per metre depending on height and style?

Notice jimmym40 has made some comments you should take on board.

What type of windows will you have fitted, wood, PVC or aluminium? Dont forget to add extra for security bars and fly screens.

Flooring, bog standard type tiling or pay extra for marble/granite or wood flooring, all these things add considerably to your costs.

By the time you are done and dusted I would consider any change out of 4 million baht a bouns.

I also wouldnt go paying out any large sums upfront, after taking hold of my contract from the builders I would pay no more than 15% of the build cost, with the rest to be paid in say another 7 or 8 installments with the last one to be paid after you take over the property and are happy with it and anything that needs to be rectified is.

Sure you will get builders/posters saying it can be done for 2 million, but thats exactly what you will end up with, a 2 million baht house thats been built on the cheap.

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The only question I ask is WHY build a house in Thailand. There are many for rent. Having read so many horror stories maybe I'm a little paranoid, but many of the cases are REAL. I have two friends in Thailand that built beautiful homes and then they got new neighbours. From that time onward there were problems with noise, parking and garbage.

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Build a house and enjoy it.

Don't put more into it, than you can afford to lose and still be OK to move on if you have to.

Get a 'usufruct' for life on the property.

Make a joint will, with gf leaving the house to you if she dies. You can inherit land, but it must be sold within a year.

If she is unhappy with this........then think twice.

If money is no object then ignore the above.

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I always thought Hawaii was in America. I guess I was mistaken.

Hawaii is part of America....

Well, actually..... Hawaii is part of the United States of America.... It is not part of North, Central, or South America...... but that is trivial.. I must be bored...... sorry!

Hawaii is the 50th state, but anyone who has lived there for some time knows it is not the same as America.

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The only question I ask is WHY build a house in Thailand. There are many for rent. Having read so many horror stories maybe I'm a little paranoid, but many of the cases are REAL. I have two friends in Thailand that built beautiful homes and then they got new neighbours. From that time onward there were problems with noise, parking and garbage.

Looking back, I don't think I would build a house again. What seems idyllic can change in a heartbeat and then you're stuck. Luckily my situation got resolved and I'm perfectly OK where I am........but it could have been a........sad.gif

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Hi we at Sausage king bought a 2 Rai piece of land in sansai 4 years ago and its been a long road + stress+ lots of over cost + 1 builder taken a fair some of money up front to get started on the building project, But the poor sole died in a accident so lost first payment,However i had to find another large some of cash to get the building on the way again. Now four years on and double the origonal cost of building we are near to finish now. Lots of extra costs to bare in mind,If you want to look our project then your welcome as it will give you more idea. I also put the land in the name of my sons who were 7 and 9 that time, another story but good move ?? /Rob/sk

SausageKing just as a matter of interest I too am planning to put my land in my son's name but what are you doing with the house itself?

I am aware that land and house can be in separate names,under separate ownership!

I am thinking of putting the land and house in his name as my ex wife is about to remarry.

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It's amazing how many farangs are asking for PM's - even as far away as Samui, when they smell the kind of money this guy is thinking of burning spending. 10 million is only start-up costs for a house that size. Not to mention how many solicitations he may have gotten by members sending him PM's. If I had a lot of money to throw away building in Thailand I would not be advertising it on an Internet forum. It just invites unsavory types to show up.

There are many websites out there advising foreigners thinking of living/retiring in Thailand that they can legally own property in Thailand and surprise! - that they can contact the website to get advice and to also arrange to build their dream house in Phuket, Koh Samui, Chaing Mai...wherever. I wouldn't worry so much about the Thais whether it be BG's or whatever... trying to scam a few thousand Baht here or there. It's the farang scammers that are going for the jugular - the trusting foreigner's entire life savings! Just read the Phuket news.

There is a group here affiliated with an expat club that has a questionnaire asking how much money the retiree is bringing to C.M., they offer investment (of course) and legal advice, insurance, etc. They will be there to pick up the new arrival from the airport...shameful.

Excellent advice !

Please pay good attention to it and any farang builders in Thailand. I have been here 27 years, and I am a happy renter :)

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