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Who'S The Biggest Fish In This Pond?


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They used to show membership number if I remember correctly, maybe still do somewhere.

I know I was number 51 so at least 50 before me. Don't quite think I am there on number of posts. :rolleyes:

Yep, beats me (13 March 2003 - mem number was 749) - think the lowest numbered still serving member on TV is Rinrada [13] (other than the site root admins etc - George/Dr Patpong etc) - or was when a poll was run a year or so back.

//Edit: Added in the mem numbers for me n Rin]//

Edited by wolf5370
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ThaiVisa may be a very large pond, but it is very shallow and big fish are non-existent. Apart from a few who have a need to promote their business, few true "old hands" post here. And some of the biggest fish in the pond, who have been here the longest and have by far the best contacts within the local society are the old time missionaries who have been around since the 1960s. Too many posters here paint all missionaries with a single brush and lose out on befriending some of the most interesting ex-pats in the region.

Erm the Op asked for the "big fish" within TV CM, not the whole of CM or the whole of TV.

Edited by wolf5370
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Erm the Op asked for the "big fish" within TV CM, not the whole of CM or the whole of TV.

And as I tried to explain, the shallowness of this vast pond prevents the growth of big fish.

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ThaiVisa may be a very large pond, but it is very shallow and big fish are non-existent. Apart from a few who have a need to promote their business, few true "old hands" post here. And some of the biggest fish in the pond, who have been here the longest and have by far the best contacts within the local society are the old time missionaries who have been around since the 1960s. Too many posters here paint all missionaries with a single brush and lose out on befriending some of the most interesting ex-pats in the region.

I'll have to come out of semi retirement and second that Johpa While I would hard pressed to state the last time I was in church, I have to agree with you 100%. There are some very very Interesting people in and among the missionary group.

..... while I tend to think its ok for people to have their individual opinions, I do think that its sad that some tend to paint them all with the same brush. There are even those who are now second generation here



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Erm the Op asked for the "big fish" within TV CM, not the whole of CM or the whole of TV.

And as I tried to explain, the shallowness of this vast pond prevents the growth of big fish.

Nope, still do not get it (either me or you) - if the biggest fish in a puddle is a minnow, then that minnow is the biggest fish - comparing it to a wale shark in the ocean next door is interesting, but not what the op asked (unless I misread it). However, I agree it is certainly more interesting to look at the ocean that is CM and the expat wale sharks :)

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Erm the Op asked for the "big fish" within TV CM, not the whole of CM or the whole of TV.

And as I tried to explain, the shallowness of this vast pond prevents the growth of big fish.

Nope, still do not get it (either me or you) - if the biggest fish in a puddle is a minnow, then that minnow is the biggest fish - comparing it to a wale shark in the ocean next door is interesting, but not what the op asked (unless I misread it). However, I agree it is certainly more interesting to look at the ocean that is CM and the expat wale sharks :)

GAG!..isn't it opening time or dinner time...for c' sake it's spelt whale!!! back to my prawns and noodles..boy we are really a sad lot sometimes....................

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