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Mad Skillz Or Just Plain Crazy, You Be The Judge


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Nucking Futs.

If he crashes how do they find him?

Mad skills all day

The guy is 60 supposedly....man I do want to have that riding ability when I'm that old (not the helmet part).

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Awesome! I hope someday when I grow up I can ride like those guys! B)

Mad skillz hey Tony....I'm with you though.

The guy riding in the Ghillies suit (Ghilly Man) is on a GSXR600, but I don't know what the chase bike it. The chase bike has way more mumbo than Ghilly Man. Those guys were just creaming the other riders

Edited by Garry
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The riding and knee dragging is normal racing stuff. The helmet trick is just stupid. I don't know of any true races who would do something like that

I think no one responding on this forum is unaware that that is normal track riding / racing styles. Though what he did isn't real bright, what is notable is the guys ability to stay rock solid, cranked over and do his stupid trick.

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