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New Polls Show Pheu Thai Leading In Bangkok

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Not a poll just a personal survey in my village (35 km Northwest of central Bangkok), until 2 weeks ago was roughly 50:50 Dem and PT.

Now it has become 50:50 PT and NO vote. I do not know what has brought about this change particularly as the Dem canvassers have been out in much greater force than PT.

The special forces of reds made her job?l

I'm not sure what your comment means, are you saying that the reds brought some pressure to bear in my village? If so you are totally wrong, the change seems to be the result of discussions, not arguments, amongst the village residents.

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Not a poll just a personal survey in my village (35 km Northwest of central Bangkok), until 2 weeks ago was roughly 50:50 Dem and PT.

Now it has become 50:50 PT and NO vote. I do not know what has brought about this change particularly as the Dem canvassers have been out in much greater force than PT.

The special forces of reds made her job?l

I'm not sure what your comment means, are you saying that the reds brought some pressure to bear in my village? If so you are totally wrong, the change seems to be the result of discussions, not arguments, amongst the village residents.


An inflammatory post and a reply to it have been removed. Here's a reminder of the zero tolerance policy in place until the election:


Currently we have a "puppet" as PM being controlled from behind. Just think if Yingluck wins with absolutely NO experience at all in public life....

Food for thought..!!


Currently we have a "puppet" as PM being controlled from behind. Just think if Yingluck wins with absolutely NO experience at all in public life....

Food for thought..!!


Abhisit is controlled from behind, just as is Yingluck.

With Abhisit what you see is what you get.

With Yingluck, what you see is Thaksin.


Currently we have a "puppet" as PM being controlled from behind. Just think if Yingluck wins with absolutely NO experience at all in public life....

Food for thought..!!


Abhisit is controlled from behind, just as is Yingluck.

With Abhisit what you see is what you get.

With Yingluck, what you see is Thaksin.

Abhisit does have the baggage that comes with working as PM in Thailand but would not appear to be a 'puppet' and unlike Yingluck who only has the Icon of corruption as her benefactor, Abhisit has some incredibly capable people working with him.


What will be interesting for me is to see how close these polls are to the actual final tally. There seems to be some pretty weak sampling in many of these polls, so I don't know how much credence I give them. I think it's a pretty close race, and I think people are stupid to count out the BJT effect.

Agreed! However, my feeling is Democratic+BJT might almost = PTP with maybe Chaipattana as the swing votes.

Thai people, please wake up and vote! "DO THE RIGHT THING"jap.gif

It's an election to pick which is a lesser evil. But think about who would you rather have to lead this country for the next term. My opinion is to go with someone who has done it for the last two years, maybe not with flying color but still has a passing grade, or someone who has not been a public servant. The only experience was at creating corporate profit??? And not even a company she created (nepotism)?? So pretty much, a completely untested novice in both corporate and country's management!

Consider of the policies of each party and how these policies can first benefit and move the country forward first then yourselves! God bless Thailand.jap.gif

Agree with everything you said. Having met her Yingluk recently, the choice is a 'no brainer' as they say. She is a pleasant woman, but such an obvious stooge. How many other PMs anywhere in the world have kept a coalition of SEVEN parties together for 2 years ?


Currently we have a "puppet" as PM being controlled from behind. Just think if Yingluck wins with absolutely NO experience at all in public life....

Food for thought..!!

Not sure what youre getting at here - do you mean if she wins we'll have another "puppet as PM beng controlled from behind" ? If you do Id say there will be far more manipulation from scenario 2. Let me explain. Thaksin is openly involved with PT nominations and camapign planning - there is enormous amountsof evidence of him doing this. He KNOWS that the Democrats have a perfect platforn to get the elction result nuliied as a banned plitician billionaire is clearly interfering where there is a legal precident that he should not. When the Democrats declare the result illegal the red shirts come onto the streets and a new protst a,most certainly more deadly ensues. Thus can it be argued that Thaksins REAL plan is to cause as much bloodshed, turmoil and death as he ca in the country which found him out and exiled him? I believe judging on his past character that that isexacly what he wants. Why else wld he be SO involved with something to the clear detrement of those he claims to represent?

Abhisit does have the baggage that comes with working as PM in Thailand but would not appear to be a 'puppet'

Eh? He's been undermined by the military on a regular basis during his tenure.

Abhisit does have the baggage that comes with working as PM in Thailand but would not appear to be a 'puppet'

Eh? He's been undermined by the military on a regular basis during his tenure.

Undermind ?? How??? evidence perhaps?? A least he wsnt removed from power by them though eh!!


About the only good news about the terrorist lead, red shirt sympathiser party leading the polls is that the Baht is finally loosing a lil value to the dollar.


Undermind ?? How??? evidence perhaps?? A least he wsnt removed from power by them though eh!!

There have been several well documented examples of the Thai military undermining Abhisit. The media, including the Thai English language newspapers have several articles online questioning who is actually making the decisions.

One instance that springs instantly to mind was the government's initial acceptance of Indonesian observers at Preah Vihear which was over-ruled by the military. Indeed there have been several instances of military interference over the Preah Vihear temple issue since this government came to power.

There's also the question of military budgets and spending, among many other things.

The tail continues to wag the dog in Thailand I'm afraid.

Abhisit does have the baggage that comes with working as PM in Thailand but would not appear to be a 'puppet'

Eh? He's been undermined by the military on a regular basis during his tenure.

He's certainly been at odds with the military several times, which would suggest that those claiming he's a puppet of the military are getting it wrong.

(I see that Jurgen has not come back to correct his misinformation regarding Korn. )


He's certainly been at odds with the military several times, which would suggest that those claiming he's a puppet of the military are getting it wrong.

(I see that Jurgen has not come back to correct his misinformation regarding Korn. )

If by "being at odds" you actually mean "over-ruled by" or "shown the acceptable way" then we are in agreement.

Abhisit is completely unable to control the military or to stop them doing exactly as they please, as has been shown shown during the Rajaprasong massacre, the Rohingya human rights abuses and many other examples during his tenure.

He's not strong enough and that will be borne out in the election results.

A record 5th loss in a row for the Democrats on the cards. That 'Bitter Medicine' policy from Chuan Leekpai's thoroughly corrupt administration while his brother embezzled billions from the banks is coming back to haunt them yet again (Suthep caused that government's downfall if you recall). But I've been saying they have been unelectable since then and no-one seems to listen. :whistling:


He's certainly been at odds with the military several times, which would suggest that those claiming he's a puppet of the military are getting it wrong.

(I see that Jurgen has not come back to correct his misinformation regarding Korn. )

If by "being at odds" you actually mean "over-ruled by" or "shown the acceptable way" then we are in agreement.

Abhisit is completely unable to control the military or to stop them doing exactly as they please, as has been shown shown during the Rajaprasong massacre, the Rohingya human rights abuses and many other examples during his tenure.

He's not strong enough and that will be borne out in the election results.

A record 5th loss in a row for the Democrats on the cards. That 'Bitter Medicine' policy from Chuan Leekpai's thoroughly corrupt administration while his brother embezzled billions from the banks is coming back to haunt them yet again (Suthep caused that government's downfall if you recall). But I've been saying they have been unelectable since then and no-one seems to listen. :whistling:

Nobody has been able to control the military or stop them. Your use of 'massacre' is certainly arguable since it suggests facts not yet proven to be true. Thaksin had his own issues with the military as well and we wouldn't be where we are today if Thaksin hadn't tried to interfere with the current government. But hey ... it's easier to promote an idea as a fact than it is to actually give facts :)

Edit --- You seem to be stating that the Rohingya issue has been worse under Abhisit, but that appears NOT to be true. http://muslimmedianetwork.com/mmn/?p=1980 (Samak) etc etc etc ...

http://merhrom.wordpress.com/2008/04/ (Samak) Even during the Thaksin regime when the increase of boat people from Myanmar began.

Attempting to blame the government that came into being in 2008 (17 Dec) is a bit silly, don'tcha think?


Abhisit is completely unable to control the military or to stop them doing exactly as they please, as has been shown shown during the Rajaprasong massacre, the Rohingya human rights abuses and many other examples during his tenure.

Do you think Yingluck would be able to control the military? Possibly, if Yingluck (by Thaksin's ocommand) stacks the military with Thaksin's loyalists and/or gives the right people enough rewards to satisfy them and thus acquire their allegiance. In effect, Thaksin may own the military.

Ultimately, the ones who are holding the big guns are the ones who have the most power.


Defamatory post deleted. In light of the zero tolerance policy implemented and widely broadcast in this forum these kinds of posts earn a 30 day suspension so as to give those people who fail to follow the rules plenty of time to enjoy the elections.


In my moobaan here in western Bangkok and in a nearby province where most the in-laws live and from listening to the neighbors and in-laws speak, the Pheu Thai Party (#1) seems to be the favorite....seems to match-up with what the polls are generally saying. And the idea of a female PM seems to have real support; maybe it's just the desire to give a different political party and a female PM a stab at running the government/fixing problems in the country. Remember, politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often. Don't know, but don't discount the polls especially since almost every poll has the Pheu Thai in the lead. But regardless of which party wins the most votes, the winning party getting other parties to join-in to form a coalition government may be a real cirrus show. For Thailand's sake, I sure hope the election goes smoothly without too many follow-on red cards/disqualifications being issued out afterwards.

Well the last thing I want to be is a Thai basher

But if the people really think that a mediocre business women with no political experience depending on her fugitive brother to tell her what to do and say as well as making sure she has the money to do it is what Thailand needs well it really dosen't say much for there decision making abilities.

That doe's not even mention having the backing of a group who are responsible for starting actions resulting in over 90 dead and one hospital invaded and trying to burn Bangkok down. You will find these people running for office can you imagine what they will do if they have immunity. If not having immunity held them back God, Diva, Buddha what ever save Thailand.


At least the undecided has come down. Now only 26% instead of 30-50% that previous polls showed.

Can't see Dems gaining much this time - generally Thais are not happy at the way the coalition was put together and the double faced nature of it all - but no one really knows of course

Had they seeked for reconcilation since the beginning, they wouldn't have been in this place.

The result of bullying Thaksin since 06 only bring backfire.


Chuan Leekpai's thoroughly corrupt administration while his brother embezzled billions from the banks is coming back to haunt them yet again

Try and hold the hyperbolic exaggerations to a minimum. The alleged corruption in Leekpai's administration involved millions, not billions.

It's Thaksin's administration that is accused of corruption in the Billions (with a "B").

The difference being a factor of 1,000 to 1.



Chuan Leekpai's thoroughly corrupt administration while his brother embezzled billions from the banks is coming back to haunt them yet again

Try and hold the hyperbolic exaggerations to a minimum. The alleged corruption in Leekpai's administration involved millions, not billions.

It's Thaksin's administration that is accused of corruption in the Billions (with a "B").

The difference being a factor of 1,000 to 1.


More hyperbolic exaggeration by Oberkommando.

" The Rachaprasong massacre"?

"Massacre" means " The wholesale killing of persons, usually brutally and indiscriminately"

There were around 91deaths in the entire April / May2010 protests.

Tragic, but hardly a massacre.:whistling:


Looks like Mr T can buy that one way ticket again but this time come back through the front door...offically... :whistling:


Looks like Mr T can buy that one way ticket again but this time come back through the front door...offically... :whistling:

Law enforcement officials always say the best way a fugitive can turn himself in before their incarceration is through the front door. ;)



Looks like Mr T can buy that one way ticket again but this time come back through the front door...offically... :whistling:

Law enforcement officials always say the best way a fugitive can turn himself in before their incarceration is through the front door. ;)


Always best to call ahead for a table.

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