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Estate Agents


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Been sick and stuck at home my boredom drew me to the internet. Before I retired I owned a real estate compagny for over 20 years, thank god this was before internet !

Looking at site found by googling "phuket long term rentals" I was utterly amazed how bad 90 % of these sites function. Barely readable letters, faulty search machines, even a site that does not even list most of the prices!

For the last 5 years I've been amazed by the lack of knowlegde of real estate matters by these "agents" but the fact that they can not put up a half decent website leaves me utterly flabbergasted.

To be onest , I found (only) 2 good sites .

O.K. back to bed.

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There are a mass of bad agents out there as you have discovered..the worst is when they ask a client to send pics and details of a property to list...without even seeing the property...what chance can they have of selling a product they havnt even seen.....there are also a lot of good ones that are proffessional and do know the market and what they are doing...working for both the customer and client

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Those good site have bad service though.. All you get is someone that opens the door and walks behind you in every room with not much more info than you, yourself have.

I have found its better to use those website to find the house yourself. The owner does a better job usually.

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This is an area in sever need of regulation in Thailand. Most of the so called "estate agents" here are simply english speakers who want to live here and or think they will get rich here...that used to happen by the way!!! And even the very very few here who have any real understanding of the industry as a "professional" take advantage of the fact there is no regulation of them here. I challenge anyone to name a truly knowledgeable and ethical estate agent here on Phuket...hell in Thailand for that matter. I am not a big fan of regulation nor do I think that will make the current "estate agents" here "ethical" or even knowledgagle... but that said, this area of business needs regulation, it is deperately needed ..in the short AND especially the long run much more than the timeshare touts, but no one seems to see that.

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People do not list exclusively with one agent here but let all the agents good or bad list the property for sale

If they had exclusive listing of properties agents would spend the time and work a lot harder to sell them.

All so a lot of the people selling real estate here would not be qualified to do it in there home country

They have no idea how to value a property and just except the sellers price as its value

Therefore you get a lot of unrealistically priced properties on the market which will never sell in the current market

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