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Doesnt Want Money Or Show Interest In It, But Wants To Get Married Real Quick


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This one is easy. So easy.

You're apparently in the market for a life partner. You're considering her or you wouldn't be asking questions. It wouldn't even be important enough to ask if you weren't considering her.

That being the case, here is the question you need to be asking yourself instead of asking us:

Do you really want to consider a life with ANYONE who makes decisions the way she does?

What kind of life partner is that? Can you imagine spending a life with someone who thinks things through the way she does and then acts on the small amount of info she has at her disposal? I cannot imagine spending my life with someone who thinks about small things in life that way, let alone the major decisions that life presents.

In my mind, she has already shown you that she is at best, a person to chat with online and no more than that.

As for all she has told you about herself, her two jobs, etc., she, just as well as you, can be anyone she wants to be online. She, just as well as you, can paint any picture she wants of herself.

Close your computer. Get on the airplane and come check out Thailand. Meet some people. You will find there are MANY available single women here, younger and older, with good educations and good jobs. They won't be asking you for anything. They won't be looking to get a visa and get out of here. They will be tied to family, intent on taking care of mother and father as they age and maybe, looking to share that life with you. Look for the women who hold dear the family traditions of Thailand and allow plenty of time for trust to be built on both sides. If you're spending time with someone who falls for an Internet created personality, you're going to get exactly what you deserve and that is going to be reflected in every portion of your daily life with her.

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I know a thai girl who does this on facebook. She talks to a lot of foreigners. Do not believe you are the only one and research sin sod.That is dam_n important, she says she does not want money but the sin sod takes care of that. Getting married quicker means the sin sod is given quicker. She is toying with you i believe. Stay away man, trust me on this one.

Just to add to my OP and answer a few posts, i'm not trolling. I actually met her on a site like facebook, I've not joined any dating sites and don't intend to.

Im not stupid enough to go blindly and marry her at first sight. I just wanted to know why she wanted to rush into things. After i posted the OP i spoke with her this evening stating i dont want to rush things and dont want to even think about marriage until we have spent alot of time together getting to know each other.

Her reaction was slighty upset but said whatever i think is best as she didnt mean to pressure me.

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these stories are getting better,lately we have the 70year old bagging a 20year old vigin,now this one,all that the op has said you just cant make it up,like john mac.said ,[YOU CANT BE SERIOUS]

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exactly, but the difference here is that the OP obviously has not had many if any dealings with thai people. Wasn't there a man on here several years ago in a similar situation where he actually went to Thailand and had one of the thai girl's bf's call him to tell him she had like 5 other guys.

these stories are getting better,lately we have the 70year old bagging a 20year old vigin,now this one,all that the op has said you just cant make it up,like john mac.said ,[YOU CANT BE SERIOUS]

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exactly, but the difference here is that the OP obviously has not had many if any dealings with thai people. Wasn't there a man on here several years ago in a similar situation where he actually went to Thailand and had one of the thai girl's bf's call him to tell him she had like 5 other guys.

these stories are getting better,lately we have the 70year old bagging a 20year old vigin,now this one,all that the op has said you just cant make it up,like john mac.said ,[YOU CANT BE SERIOUS]

I think you meant to mean with women.

Those who fall on this are only the desperate few(millions) that browse the net thinking there is an easy cure to their layzness to fix their life.

Chat a bunch of birds and get married even if my job sucks, i dont think care of myself and have no personality.

I mean seriously the guy works at a retail shop and is a manager, that means hes making tops 30k$ a year and to get there you usualy have no education.. just worked the floors a few years and kissed some boss ass or outlasted the kids who were in college.

My brother was the same, he was working mcdonalds, going to be a manager, he wanted to quit school.. knew he would never get a girl, only played hockey and video games with his 3-4 friends who were going no where in life.. He prob was going to end up here and broke if he had not decided to go into finance, cut his hair, lose weight and diverse his intrerest to get a better interesting personality.. Now hes a financial decently big shot, decent looking, in good shape and married to a very good looking white woman with 2 houses and a kid. Only took him a few years of work instead of trying to find an easy solution on facebook.

Edited by seriouseats
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First step is wait One year before thinking of it as serious which can be almost impossible to do but after one year all the drugs your brain is making to make you feel attached will stop and you will be able to make the proper decisions> BR

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I don't understand these dating sites.

How the hell can you fall in love with someone through a web cam (mine's broken).

There has to be physical, face to face meetings. Smell, touch etc.

But sometimes it works. "We met over the Internet" stories are out there.

Edited by Patsycat
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I know a Farang who spends a lot of time on various websites trying to scam people.

He initiates initial contact, probes for weaknesses then sends pics of his GF to the Farang who can then see her on a webcam for confirmation it is her, then the Farang comes up with the reasons as to why this lonely Farang should part with money for his new ' Girlfriend ' from Thailand. He is the one doing all the texting, he is the one chatting in chatrooms, he is the one sending emails, she is just a pretty face to appear on webcam if it is unavoidable.

Now, I have known this guy for years, and I know he was Teaching English in Bangkok when his money ran out in Pattaya, now hes back in Pattaya and not teaching anymore and rents a decent condo, he was drunk one night and told me they have 7 Farangs that send money to help the new Thai GF out and are working on many more.

Be warned. smile.gif

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I know a Farang who spends a lot of time on various websites trying to scam people.

He initiates initial contact, probes for weaknesses then sends pics of his GF to the Farang who can then see her on a webcam for confirmation it is her, then the Farang comes up with the reasons as to why this lonely Farang should part with money for his new ' Girlfriend ' from Thailand. He is the one doing all the texting, he is the one chatting in chatrooms, he is the one sending emails, she is just a pretty face to appear on webcam if it is unavoidable.

Now, I have known this guy for years, and I know he was Teaching English in Bangkok when his money ran out in Pattaya, now hes back in Pattaya and not teaching anymore and rents a decent condo, he was drunk one night and told me they have 7 Farangs that send money to help the new Thai GF out and are working on many more.

Be warned. smile.gif

Classic. You have to give the guy an "A" for ingenuity. Not that I condone that sort of thing, but any guy who can fall for that sort of online scam deserves to be separated from his money.

As for the OP, no, it's not normal for a Thai girl to want to get married that quickly to a guy she's never met. UNLESS she's got something up her sleeve. Doesn't want money? As another poster mentioned, learn the words "sin sod" because you'll be hearing them again.

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Well I will say most internet relationships are great as long as they stay on the internet and most will not work well once they get off it and they actually meet in person. In my case I was lucky real lucky!. I am from Miami and when i was there I would get on a music site that traded music and music dvds. I wanted a dvd from a alternative Uk band from the 80"s and I sent a private messege to the user asking if we could trade for it. I did not think now wanted to know if the user was male or female at the time because the main goal was trading or just getting music. After six months I found out the user was a female from another user in another country. Turns out this user I was trading music with was a female in Hong Kong. I liked the way she thought and she was witty but also very different from me. I am out going and I like sports and she likes staying in, does not like sports. So right away 2 red flags for her and if I was younger I would have written her off. After three years of talking and trading music we decided to meet in person. I flew to Hong Kong after four years of talking to her and she was nervous and so was I when saw each other at the airport. We got a taxi went to the hotel then we went out to eat and later that night we did it and well it wasnt that good hahaha. The next day we went all over and got to know each other more and I stayed with her for three weeks. I flew back to Miami and we continued talking and trading and it was interesting how I missed her more then she missed me or maybe (i Hope) she is not used to expressing her feelings. I flew to see her the following year and in 2009 we got married and her mother gave me her apartment to live with her daughter (in Hong Kong). Rent free just pay electricity and water also management fes. Now we have a 1 year old baby and going well even thought we are so different which is a interesting challenge. BR

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he met her on a social networking site, so he's just one of those desperate nutter who send private messages to every girl from thailand?

my woman gets one a day of these.. dam_n ugly guys on top.. mostly UK/germany

Usually report them to FBI/interpol online link hoping they end up being a sexual predator

And where might you be from Handsome manwhistling.gif

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It beats me how some one can fall in love and not even meet a person..!!

Best bet , come to Thailand dont show you got any money ..and then you might just meet people who want to be with you ..and not be with you for your money !!

Edited by welsh1
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Hi trent83…Welcome to TV, to start with mate you're going to get called a 'troll', maybe you are, who knows a?

Taking the post at face value, you have already answered your own questions. She may also be a leper nurse in her spare time and on a short list for a Nobel Prize, but to modest to say.

Ask yourself this; does a burglar wear a hooped shirt, flat cap and carry a bag on his…..or her back, (let's stay PC here) with 'swag' written on it......The answers NO! A wise friend once said to me; "be careful of the ones that say they don't want anything" They generally want it all and are prepared to play the long game. So, get a grip, give yourself a slap and wake up, but I could be wrong, by all means meet the her, she may be a nice girl. Go tiger!

OP's a Troll. :huh:

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Perhaps as a test you could send her $2000.00 USD (wire it to her account), and tell her to go ahead and buy herself a wedding dress and spend the rest buying you a round-trip ticket to Thailand.

If she buys the dress and sends you the tickets, than maybe you have a chance of not getting conned.

If she accepts the money and then asks for more, you can just drop her as a potential life partner.

If you only lose $2000.00 USD, than you are getting away cheap.


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Well thanks to the people who actually posted some sensible replies. Also thanks to those who have made assumptions about me, my actual type of work and my earnings.

At the end of day like some have said its my choice and to be eyes wide open. Its not like i have to be forced into anything with her when i come over or give her money or agree to anything. I would never even think about giving money to someone i've never met or even giving money to someone i've only just met in person. She is not even aware of my earnings to be honest.

Also to add about how we met regarding to the post about Brichards meeting his future wife on a music trading site, we actually met on a sailing/yachting site for enthusiasts.

But anyhows thanks for the sensible and helpful replies guess i will see how it all goes when i come over at the beginning of the year.


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Well thanks to the people who actually posted some sensible replies. Also thanks to those who have made assumptions about me, my actual type of work and my earnings.

At the end of day like some have said its my choice and to be eyes wide open. Its not like i have to be forced into anything with her when i come over or give her money or agree to anything. I would never even think about giving money to someone i've never met or even giving money to someone i've only just met in person. She is not even aware of my earnings to be honest.

Also to add about how we met regarding to the post about Brichards meeting his future wife on a music trading site, we actually met on a sailing/yachting site for enthusiasts.

But anyhows thanks for the sensible and helpful replies guess i will see how it all goes when i come over at the beginning of the year.


good luck fella,i hope it works out for you,....

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At the end of day like some have said its my choice and to be eyes wide open. Its not like i have to be forced into anything with her when i come over or give her money or agree to anything. I would never even think about giving money to someone i've never met or even giving money to someone i've only just met in person. She is not even aware of my earnings to be honest.

Many foreigners do give money to someone they never meet.

Also to add about how we met regarding to the post about Brichards meeting his future wife on a music trading site, we actually met on a sailing/yachting site for enthusiasts.

She might assume you are a foreigner rich enough to be yachting enthusiast.

(as in VERY RICH)

I just did.

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Assuming you aren't trolling here, you say you are 28. If you came over here on holiday, met your internet girlfriend, fell further in lust/love, where would you live IF you married her? Would she want to live in Englandistan?

You say she works 2 jobs AND goes to University; surely a very busy and ambitious young lady?

Is it your intention or dream to marry a Thai lady and then live back in the U.K.? Visa can cause difficulties?

Come here on holiday, check out the other products on the shelf, and there are lots to choose from, then you will be better informed about this lady.

You have been warned by many posters on this board. Wise advice I'd say, but caveat emptor. Nothing ventured etc.

Good luck.:)

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Assuming you aren't trolling here, you say you are 28. If you came over here on holiday, met your internet girlfriend, fell further in lust/love, where would you live IF you married her? Would she want to live in Englandistan?

You say she works 2 jobs AND goes to University; surely a very busy and ambitious young lady?

Is it your intention or dream to marry a Thai lady and then live back in the U.K.? Visa can cause difficulties?

Come here on holiday, check out the other products on the shelf, and there are lots to choose from, then you will be better informed about this lady.

You have been warned by many posters on this board. Wise advice I'd say, but caveat emptor. Nothing ventured etc.

Good luck.:)

totally agree i was given the same advice when i first visited thailand [1982] had 2years trying diff.products and learned a great deal,i got the urge many times but seen things happening before my own eyes,had good advice from a female friend and i did find the right one,lived together for 6years before taking the plunge never looked back.

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