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France confirms air-dropping weapons to Libyan rebels


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France confirms air-dropping weapons to Libyan rebels

2011-06-30 04:59:46 GMT+7 (ICT)

PARIS (BNO NEWS) -- French officials on Wednesday confirmed reports that France air-dropped weapons to Libyan rebels opposing the Muammar Gaddafi's regime in early June, Radio France Internationale (RFI) reported.

The information first surfaced after a report published by French newspaper "Le Figaro" in which it was reveled that France unloaded weapons above the Djebel Nafusa region where Berber tribes joined the anti-government rebellion.

The report indicated that the French shipment included assault rifles, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, as well as European-made Milan anti-tank missiles. The French government said the weapons were provided for self-defense.

The confirmation came after the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Gaddafi and two others, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi (his son) and Abdullah Al-Senussi, for crimes against humanity.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) said it was not on its mandate to arrest the Libyan leader and proper authorities should enforce the orders instead. However, the organization vowed to keep up the pressure until the Gaddafi regime is overthrown.

NATO's Operation Unified Protector in Libya entered its 90th day on Tuesday after it took control of foreign military operations on March 31 under UN Security Council Resolution 1973, which authorized member states to take 'all necessary measures' to protect civilians.

Libya has been engulfed in a civil war since February when an uprising against Gaddafi's regime began. Libyan forces have been accused of violently cracking down on anti-government protesters.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-30

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Perhaps it's the wise thing to do, yet it underlines the endemic problems of Islamic countries throughout their width and breadth. From the west coast of northern Africa - all the way to the India/Pakistan border - and from Islamic enclaves in former Yugoslavia south to Islamic parts of Nigeria - trouble prevails. (and outside those vast boundaries, to Indonesia and Bangladesh).

The same weapons that France is giving to Libyans, will likely be used against westerners in the not-too-distant future. Add to that, Europe and the US will be compelled to shovel billions of $$'s to Libya and all the other decrepit Arab countries, once the smoke clears. Already, there are dire predictions of groveling-in-the-sand poverty when the smoke clears in Yemen, which is already the poorest Arab country. What to do with that wide swath of problem countries? Western democracies will have to just keep applying billion dollar band-aids and hope Islam extremism doesn't spread beyond the places it's already ruined.

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Idiots! If history is anything to go by. Sometime in the future Nato, even French troops, will be getting shot and killed by these weapons. We never ,never learn. :rolleyes:

The Alqada operators amongst these 'rebels' must be licking their lips with delight right now.

Edited by coma
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Perhaps it's the wise thing to do, yet it underlines the endemic problems of Islamic countries throughout their width and breadth. From the west coast of northern Africa - all the way to the India/Pakistan border - and from Islamic enclaves in former Yugoslavia south to Islamic parts of Nigeria - trouble prevails. (and outside those vast boundaries, to Indonesia and Bangladesh).

The same weapons that France is giving to Libyans, will likely be used against westerners in the not-too-distant future. Add to that, Europe and the US will be compelled to shovel billions of $$'s to Libya and all the other decrepit Arab countries, once the smoke clears. Already, there are dire predictions of groveling-in-the-sand poverty when the smoke clears in Yemen, which is already the poorest Arab country. What to do with that wide swath of problem countries? Western democracies will have to just keep applying billion dollar band-aids and hope Islam extremism doesn't spread beyond the places it's already ruined.

Yes agreed, the Islamic supremacists must be rubbing their hands with glee. Wholesale immigration from an alien and hostile civilisation has gone unchecked in Europe and ironically the only thing reducing the blowback from the folly of multiculturalism was the despots keeping the cave dwelling theocrats out of power. The west has now seen to it that said theocrats are given a helping hand deposing the despots whilst all the time assylum seekers flee the turmoil Europe facilitated arrive in boatloads undermining the very European civilisation that's misguidedly aiding them.

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Perhaps it's the wise thing to do, yet it underlines the endemic problems of Islamic countries throughout their width and breadth. From the west coast of northern Africa - all the way to the India/Pakistan border - and from Islamic enclaves in former Yugoslavia south to Islamic parts of Nigeria - trouble prevails. (and outside those vast boundaries, to Indonesia and Bangladesh).

The same weapons that France is giving to Libyans, will likely be used against westerners in the not-too-distant future. Add to that, Europe and the US will be compelled to shovel billions of $'s to Libya and all the other decrepit Arab countries, once the smoke clears. Already, there are dire predictions of groveling-in-the-sand poverty when the smoke clears in Yemen, which is already the poorest Arab country. What to do with that wide swath of problem countries? Western democracies will have to just keep applying billion dollar band-aids and hope Islam extremism doesn't spread beyond the places it's already ruined.

Perhaps it's a crazy thing to do, yet it underlines the endemic problems of Christian countries throughout their width and breadth. From the Emerald Isle - all the way through Europe including Russia - and from the US down into South America - trouble is fermented. (and outside those vast boundaries, Australia is also involved).

The same weapons that France is giving to Libyans, were earlier given to them by Christian Nations. Helicopters from Italy, communication technlogy from Germany: When the arms embargo against Libya was lifted in 2004, the countries dictator Moammar Gadhafi went on a shopping spree in the European Union. Now he is using those weapons against his own people - to the EU's shame. Add to that, Libya has some of the biggest and most proven oil reserves — 43.6 billion barrels — outside Saudi Arabia, and some of the best drilling prospects. Christian nations from Europe and the US will be compelled to remove billions of $'s from Libya. What to do with that wide swath of problem countries? Western "democracies" will have to just keep signing billion dollar arms deals and hope Christian extremism continues to spread beyond the places it's already ruined.

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...Christian extremism...

It is 2011, not the crusades, but thank for lightening up the thread. :lol::lol::lol:

Actually had Christianity not evolved through it's difficult period of crusades, witch trials, inquisitions and burning of heretics then the same dynamic might apply. However the bloody turbulent battles separating religion from politics and the state have already been fought and won, which is why when Franco was deposed in Spain a democracy quickly replaced the old despot. Libya and Egypt have different dynamics at work because Islam is still a political movement has well a a religion and hence will fight tooth and nail against secularism once an autocrat is removed - the difference is vital but seems to elude even many western leaders.

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...Christian extremism...

It is 2011, not the crusades, but thank for lightening up the thread. :lol::lol::lol:

you like what i did there ? i took a population of billions, branded them all with the same logo and proceeded to make sweeping generalizations. using weasel words aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful had been said, i in fact only conveyed only a vague or ambiguous claim based on bigoted and one eyed impressions.

modern day examples of Christianities perversions are not difficult to find.

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Sigh...... Do your research and get with the program.... The US, France and the UK are not there to "support the rebel movement", there are there because Gaddafi doesn't give a shit about the western globalist movement, the international banking cartel and so-called "global elite". They're there to accomodate a regime change. They are there to put some other dictator in place who does play ball with the corrupt western establishment. You seriously think the US, France and the UK give a rats ass about the "poor oppressed people of Libya".

It's unbelievable how people believe every single word coming out their corrupt governments mouth. NATO is full-out trying to take control of the entire middle east and we let them because they're there for "humanitarian reasons". "Bringing democracy" and killing civilizations in the process ... More Kool-Aid anyone?

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Sigh...... Do your research and get with the program.... The US, France and the UK are not there to "support the rebel movement", there are there because Gaddafi doesn't give a shit about the western globalist movement, the international banking cartel and so-called "global elite". They're there to accomodate a regime change. They are there to put some other dictator in place who does play ball with the corrupt western establishment. You seriously think the US, France and the UK give a rats ass about the "poor oppressed people of Libya".

It's unbelievable how people believe every single word coming out their corrupt governments mouth. NATO is full-out trying to take control of the entire middle east and we let them because they're there for "humanitarian reasons". "Bringing democracy" and killing civilizations in the process ... More Kool-Aid anyone?

Of course! The global elite. afdbsmiley.gif

I can't see them staying elite for long then judging by the disjointed half-assed way they have gone about partitioning a smallish North-African Country, which isn't even liked by the rest of the arab world. Subtle, indeed they are.

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