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So i received my cruze and noticed that the km/l indicator was quite low.. i played a bit around and it was always at 5km/l in city and 12 @ 90km/h with a very light foot.

Then i turned off Traction control and it went to normal levels that i had with my previous car.

So should i turn off traction control or this is just a bug? Will turning off stability control on top of that also help? I can't believe that its normal for a car on default settings to get such low gas mileage. You have to turn the TC off everytime you open the car from what i read.


Should have it checked anyway. What would you prefer, losing control and having an accident or have better gas mileage even if its just a few more km/l?


but 5km/l is close to an hummer h1 with an heavy foot

no way

my Ford excursion V10 was 3 km/liter, so was my RAM V10

congrats on new cruze

traction control or vsc does not affect milage except for the very few occasions it is engaged, very noticable by applied brake on one or more wheels, and reducing throttle

keep it on for safety, and yes it must be switched off every time you start or enter car depending on setting for cruze

as for milage reading, switch the sh-t off as they are always optimistic anyway and do your own measuring, zero one tripmeter at evey full tank, and do the math



7.4l per 100km is about 12-14km/l right?

Why am i getting 8.4? my usage of fuel correspond perfectly with 8.4 aswell so the computer isnt off..

From an uk site 45 avg miles per galon.. thats 16l/km?

Every time i let go of the pedals, i only get 24 is km/l and it goes down very fast unlike with my city where it went on neutral and just slid off into unlimited km/l.

I have no idea what to check, this makes really no sense to me.


สำหรับคนที่อยากอ่านแล้วเข้าใจง่าย ๆ สรุปได้ดังนี้

1. cruze 1.8 กินน้ำมันกว่า CIVIC FD 1.8

2. CIVIC FD 1.8 เครื่องแรงกว่า Cruze 1.8 ยิ่งอัตราเร่งหลัง 100 km/h จะยิ่งชัดเจนขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ( CIVIC เหยียบเป็นมา ครูซ หลัง 130 km/h เบ่งกันเข้าไป )

3. การควบคุมพวงมาลัย ความเงียบ เสียงยางบดถนน ลมเข้ารถ การขับขี่พื้นฐานทั่ว ๆ ไป Cruze ทำได้ดีกว่า CIVIC FD ชัดเจน

4. ความสวยงามแล้วแต่มุมมอง สวยทั้งคู่แหละ แต่ซื้อครูซหาชุดแต่งของปลอมตอนนี้ ไม่มี

อัตราการกินน้ำมันสำหรับ Cruze 1.8 ว่างทางไกล ไม่แตะเบรค ( เปิด Cruse Control วิ่งยาว ๆ ) ที่ เกียร์ 6

@ 100 km/h display show avg. real time = 15 - 17 km/l ที่ 2000 รอบ

@ 120 km/h display show avg. real time = 13.5 - 14.5 km/l

@ 140 km/h display show avg. real time = 11 - 12 km/l ที่ 3000 รอบ

วิ่งในเมืองรถติด ๆ ต่ำกว่า 8 km/l แน่นอน

ข้อมูลของ 1.8 LT ที่ ตอนนี้ใช้ไปแล้ว 3700 km. ครับ "

Saw this on a thai forum, does it mean that the cruze sucks in the city but does very good at highspeed on the highway?

Not complaining too much because the car is so safe and easy to drive but getting worse gas mileage than every single car on the road is just crazy for an engine named 'eco'


How many KM's on your car now?

By the sounds of it, you've had it only a week or so - there's absolutely no point getting concernced about FE until it's got at least 2000-3000KM's on the clock, and it won't reach maximum FE unti it's got at least ~5000KM on it.

To convert L/100km to KM/L, it's simply 100 divided by the L/100KM figure - so 8.3L/100KM = 12.05 KM/L

Also note that a UK gallon is not the same as a US gallon, so 45MPG UK = 15.87 KM/L, but 45MPG US = 19.12 KM/L

In any case, let you car run-in before getting too concerned about it, and also don't forget that the kind of people who make a habit of posting their FE results online are hypermilers (read: obssessive compulsives), so if you get within 20% of their numbers you're doing OK, or you too are a hypermiler ;)


Ok i did not know that a new car had worse mileage for a few km's. Thanks

Is it bad though, to switch my D to N when im not using gas? shifting gears like that on an automatic worries me.


Ok i did not know that a new car had worse mileage for a few km's. Thanks

Is it bad though, to switch my D to N when im not using gas? shifting gears like that on an automatic worries me.

all new cars come with a break in program, running richer (more fuel less air). How long depends on number of start ups, logged km and possibly more factors.

best break in is achieved by giving 80% throttle at least every 3 minutes, for 3-5 seconds or so

Change to neutral, I do it whenever redlight is more than 60 seconds, to let some pressure/heating off the brakes

no shifting to neutral during speed tho


Ok i did not know that a new car had worse mileage for a few km's. Thanks

Is it bad though, to switch my D to N when im not using gas? shifting gears like that on an automatic worries me.

Why are you switching from D to N while the car is running? If it's to save gas, save yourself the workout - it won't make a pinch of measureable difference.. If you really want to save gas when stationary, switch off the engine - new cars only use the equivelant of 1-3 seconds of idling gas when starting up, so even switching it off for just 4 seconds can save money - if you care enough, and can live w/out the AC while stopped ;)

As for expected FE, the Cruze 1.8L 6AT is rated at 9.5 KM/L City, 17.9 KM/L Highway, and 13.5 KM/L combined - that's driven for economy though however, so don't expect to hit those numbers unless you're doing the same..

For comparison, the Civic quoted in your previous post is rated at 9.6KM/L City, 18.9KML Highway, and 13.9KM/L combined.

Also, the Thai language post you quoted above also claims that the Civic 1.8L is more powerful, but that's not the case - the Civic is actually has 1HP less power, and 3Nm less torque than the Cruze - not a big difference, but it would appear the poster of those figures was either embellishing things, or is poorly researched...


Hehe i cant read thai so i was unsure. Im not trying to count my pennies but i try to avoid wasting natural resources as much as i can so i was switching to neutral while i had no use for the gas (small downhill roads) since the cruze seems to not go automaticly on it when you release the gas(instead it slows down rapidly)

I'll just try to make the engine work a little more to end this breaking phase ASAP :)

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