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Amazing Thailand


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Last night I found it amazing that the City of Pattaya can be turned in to a ghost town because of a ban on Alcohol and a little tropical storm. I went down to Hard Rock Cafe to watch the new band and the entire Beach road was deserted before the rain came on but as soon as that started, I could have streaked along beach road and nobody would have seen me....Amazing Thailand.

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Thai toilets. The ability of Thais to aim for the hole without causing collateral damage is amazin'. My Thai friends prefer western toilets though, except in the bars. the ladies are livid on that aspect. What's amazing is that guys still manage to spray a toilet seat. I always use my foot to lift the toilet seat. (Aint no way I'm touching that lid. I also use a tissue to open the door. I also hold my breath in some facilities. Amazed that I haven't passed out yet.

Are you amazed yet?

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bum guns.....:lol: ...Amazing idea...

Amazed how more people dont electrocute themselves

Amazed that more people riding motorbike on the wrong side the road, driving into oncoming traffice dont get wiped out

Amazed how even the simplist instruction/arrangement even in Thai gets completely c*kced up

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Thai toilets. The ability of Thais to aim for the hole without causing collateral damage is amazin'. My Thai friends prefer western toilets though, except in the bars. the ladies are livid on that aspect. What's amazing is that guys still manage to spray a toilet seat. I always use my foot to lift the toilet seat. (Aint no way I'm touching that lid. I also use a tissue to open the door. I also hold my breath in some facilities. Amazed that I haven't passed out yet.

Are you amazed yet?

I understand that completely. Even back in the UK I would flush with my foot but over here it's a whole other experience.

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Sitting 30 feet from the hotel reception using THEIR WiFi and about to book an extension for 2 more nights, twice the price online unless I want to walk 30 feet to reception. Amazing Thailand. (Although, this would likely happen in anu country)

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I also use a tissue to open the door. I also hold my breath in some facilities.

That reminds me of a time taking a whiz in Gullivers and walking past the wash basin to head straight out the door....a guy washing his hands with a greater attention span than mine....asked me if I was going to wash my hands.....I said 'no'...I only touched my cock and nothing else and I know it is cleaner than that door handle you will touch on the way out 'after' washing your hands......he was disgusted.....if it is good enough for my wifes mouth...its good enough for my hand.

Oh and don't get me started on e-coli contamination....if you can stick your tongue up someones kyber pass as far as it will go before bending over.....then really.

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Amazing Thailand, what do I think? Well keeping with the toilet thing, I recall some time ago, while driving to Chiangmai from the south with my then g/f, we stopped at a service station.

As I drove in, (to first fill up with fuel) I could see in the toilet block area a small crowd, as I watched I could see a man, being carried out of the toilet, he was laid out on the grass. Well I filled up and drove over to the shop, parked and walked to the toilet, I passed the guy who had been carried out, he was sitting up, he had a nasty cut, and lump on his head. So, I did the heads and grabbed some snacks from the shop and we hit the road.

As we got going I asked the g/f what had happened to the guy by the toilet. First she said…….."What guy" (amazing Thailand) after some prompting she said the guy had fallen IN the toilet!

"Fallen IN the toilet" I say, "yes" she said, "he fall IN the toilet" I ask her how he could fall IN the toilet, typically she said nothing, shrugged her shoulders and go's off into a Thai dream world of fishheads and soup! I then think, OK, her English is not that good, a short but polite English lesson is called for, just to explain; in, out, on and off. So I explain enough so she gets it but not so much as to be boorish.

We drive on for what must have been another 30 minutes in silence, save the radio. Suddenly my g/f turns to me and says, "The man he fall IN toilet" "No" I say, he must have fallen OFF the toilet…………………………."yes" she says " he fall OFF, but first he fall IN toilet………….He stand on seat, and fall IN, then after, he fall OFF and hit his head on wall!"

I did laugh because she was right.

Edited by Tonto21
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after coming to thailand for more than 12 years and now living here for 4 years.

And in all this time that i have spent in this country there aint a single day that goes by where the locals dont fail to amaze me..rolleyes.gif

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It never ceases to amaze me how Thai women with a 3rd grade education can get the better of western-educated farang. Long game, short game, doesn't matter.

Also, not sure who thought of using a dish-washing spray gun to clean their bum, but it's a great use of the invention.

And yes, at least once a day I have one of those moments when I shake my head, have a little chuckle and am amazed at life in Thailand.

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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It never ceases to amaze me how Thai women with a 3rd grade education can get the better of western-educated farang. Long game, short game, doesn't matter.

Probably because education not always go hand in hand with intelligence.

I constantly travel at work, and each time Im back to Thailand, I am amazed of how many of the female population I personally consider as good looking.

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It never ceases to amaze me how Thai women with a 3rd grade education can get the better of western-educated farang. Long game, short game, doesn't matter.

Probably because education not always go hand in hand with intelligence.

I constantly travel at work, and each time Im back to Thailand, I am amazed of how many of the female population I personally consider as good looking.

"Probably because education not always go hand in hand with intelligence." Well said!

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Sitting 30 feet from the hotel reception using THEIR WiFi and about to book an extension for 2 more nights, twice the price online unless I want to walk 30 feet to reception. Amazing Thailand. (Although, this would likely happen in anu country)

Amazing... usually it is the other way in Thailand!

cheap on the net, expensive as walk-in!

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Sitting 30 feet from the hotel reception using THEIR WiFi and about to book an extension for 2 more nights, twice the price online unless I want to walk 30 feet to reception. Amazing Thailand. (Although, this would likely happen in anu country)

Amazing... usually it is the other way in Thailand!

cheap on the net, expensive as walk-in!

Yep. And they let you use their Internet to book the cheap rate on the net, where the agent gets his commission, rather than giving you the cheap rate directly.


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I find it amazing how I have not been locked up in a lunatic asylum after being repeatedly subjected to catch phrase's on a certain TV channel...

"If i don't get your visa, i don't want your money!"

or WOW WOW god dammed WOW!

Or, "so and so's fish and chips where every night is a f'ing Friday night!"


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I find it amazing how I have not been locked up in a lunatic asylum after being repeatedly subjected to catch phrase's on a certain TV channel...

"If i don't get your visa, i don't want your money!"

or WOW WOW god dammed WOW!

Or, "so and so's fish and chips where every night is a f'ing Friday night!"


Hahah! I was just saying that to my friend earlier today. I've heard nothing all week but "My name is Matthew from MatVic Wholesale Butchers..."

The other one is "We are everywhere, we are everywhere, we are everywhere"

Pattaya Telly needs to get their 5hit together. It's very amateur. I'm surprised people would want to advertise their company on it. It can't really do them any good.

Amazing Thailand?... Amateur Telly.

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Every few days I get amazed by antics in the family/the village.

Last week was the story of my wife's grandmother. She's obviously got Alzheimers or some other form of senility, but my wife tells me that her village shaman has decided that 'she has a ghost inside'. This can only be outed if a close family member joins the monkhood. Luckily I don't yet qualify as 'close', so uncle Chantaburi has to have the shaved head and saffron job for 9 days. A least-likely character to take up spirituality I cannot imagine, but the poor bugger happened to be visiting and got caught in the headlights!

We travelled up to Yasothon to see him on Friday - looks like a fish out of water, still smoking at the temple like a chimney and still looking for any edge where he can make a bit of money, but he does seem to have given up the Lao Khao ... during the morning at least.

Amazing Thailand

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I have several more ridiculous ideas/questions for new threads

I'm amazed by the fact that some thais think that America has white people because it is too cold for us to get tans

That Coke in a bag can get to 39 responses to date!!

Someone trying to get his post count up me Thinks :D

Edited by Warhammer820
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I find it amazing how I have not been locked up in a lunatic asylum after being repeatedly subjected to catch phrase's on a certain TV channel...

"If i don't get your visa, i don't want your money!"

or WOW WOW god dammed WOW!

Or, "so and so's fish and chips where every night is a f'ing Friday night!"


Hahah! I was just saying that to my friend earlier today. I've heard nothing all week but "My name is Matthew from MatVic Wholesale Butchers..."

The other one is "We are everywhere, we are everywhere, we are everywhere"

Pattaya Telly needs to get their 5hit together. It's very amateur. I'm surprised people would want to advertise their company on it. It can't really do them any good.

Amazing Thailand?... Amateur Telly.

And the TV addy guys' accent is irking, that and the simplistic messages as in your examples - like in ads they make exclusively for the low-educated over 50 brigade.

Oh wait... :(

and the "interviews" of satisfied customers.

sometimes I think it is a remake of Monthy Python.

- "so why do you like XY restaurant"

- "..."

- "errrm..."

- "I loike it... coz tis good... that's wha ah loike it..."


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Have you been to the Hands Free Restaurant, where the girls put the food in your mouth??

I understand the toilets are also "hands free".

That should make Nawtier happy. :D

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On the subject of restaurants I am always amazed by the way in which MK restaurants are so popular with the Thais. To me they have absolutely no appeal at all. Everything that goes into the pot comes out completely tasteless. It is probably impossible to get "full" in an MK, you would need to order maybe 50 of those silly plates. Yet there are the obligatory family outings when the entire family decamps to MK. They even seem to have a policy in MK of not hiring any attractive waitresses at all so not even any scenery to keep one occupied...

But for general amazement Bangkok taxis are hard to beat, pretty much every journey is an event too many to list but, for example the time a few days ago when the driver turned onto the expressway when travelling from Hualampong to Yaoarat which is 1 km away, the time when the driver spent the journey trying to sell me a phone which the previous passenger had left behind, the driver who, on seeing me waiting for a cab on Lad Phrao, stood on the brakes and ended up skidding into the kerb and writing off his front wheel and tyre, the many times the car has run out of fuel halfway and the driver turns around with a smile and states "gas finit", the list goes on...

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Have you been to the Hands Free Restaurant, where the girls put the food in your mouth??

I understand the toilets are also "hands free".

That should make Nawtier happy. :D

Funny you should mention that....there was an old one above Bully's pub on Sukhumvit some time ago....but it was not Bully's back then.

The toilet was NOT hands free because I fell asleep in it for more than an hour....well more unconscious than asleep....and there was no hands there to help me.

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Yep, amazing Thailand when my GF's brother (30 Years old the brother) married a 15 year young girl.

Amazingly, he made her pregnant.

More amazingly he was her second man.

Even more amazing, she left him yesterday for the ice delivery man leaving a 4 months old baby for his care, well the baby is at the man's parent house and he is crying and drinking right now.

Also amazing, a sister got pregnant from a drug addict, they married and he promised to be good.

Amazingly, the marriage lasted one month.

Even more amazing, within one month she was married to an other man who was in love with her for a long time.

They now have 3 kids, amazing :rolleyes:

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