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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

great day for Thailand and great day for democracy. it was clearly going to be a landslide, tough to all the farangs who think they are far cleverer than the rural thais, well they get to have a vote as well and have.

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

well you would not want to live in North Korea would so best book your ticket now. dont be afraid 1 way tickets available.


Good luck to Yingluck; and first woman PM.

I thought Deerai and PKspeaker posts made a lot of sense.

Maybe this is the opportunity for the country to move forward? Can only wait and see.

Plenty of doomsday calling from the non-Thai Bangkok conservative brigade. But that can be expected.

I hope that the Thai's are more accepting of the decision, but then again if not then another coup?


"Thailand culture ans values will not change in our lifetime (no matter how young some of you are!!)."

Behaviour is already changing. I see old people ignoring the modern world.........young ones spending money their parents are borrowing... families living in separate houses( not always because of work location )...people are attending the temple less.

But granny still looks after the baby.

Old people bob down as a sign of respect, young are less inclined to........but granny still looks after the baby

I cannot see the next generation looking after the baby

Well said.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

What it also shows is how out of touch the Thai voters are with true democracy. When TRT was in power before, Dr. T dismantled and declawed any checks and balances to his power. Dr. T was so envious of Hun Sen, in power for 36 years, and Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, PM for 22 years, and the Burmese Generals, that he wants to create his own dynasty. This is the last 'democratic' election will have unless the Army intervenes again. That being said, the Army should respect the will of the People and a coup is worse than any other outcome.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

I can't believe all the people saying Thailand will now become North Korea, or Thaksin being like Mussolini or Hitler. These people must be insane and living in their own little dream world. Take a look at Thailand how it was during Thaksin's era and take a look at North Korea, Mussolini or Hitler. Maybe you will realize how ridiculous your statements are.

You're all drama queens or doomsday cult followers. One or the other.

If you're pro- military coups, pro- censorship, pro- war with Cambodia, etc. then just say so. Nothing wrong with that. But please quit with the ridiculous statements. They used to be funny at first, now they're just getting old.


Some people like to think that as they have had a "First class education" they are better than others. These are usually the same sad little people who think Great Britain still has an Empire. Having worked with Oxbridge people for 32 years I have found them small minded prigs who believe that the working class are there to be used. A phrase that will always stick with me is "Employees are the rungs on the ladder to success. Don't be afraid to tread on them"

Having worked with the rural Thai's for the last 3 years I would trust them more when the chips are down than some "Elitist", self-centred, arrogant fool.

This post above AGAIN includes text cited to me that I never wrote. PLEASE STOP THAT. Very annoying indeed.


i don't know why so many whites on this site are complaining so much, with the outgoing government new laws were being made almost weekly to seemingly get rid of farang.

Especially the under 50's, unmarried category (the undesirables) :rolleyes:


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

Thaksin is not an elite; just a bloke who made a few bob in and out of politics who comes from the North? The elites reside in Bangkok; Thaksin just got up their nose! He just rubbed it in.


i don't know why so many whites on this site are complaining so much, with the outgoing government new laws were being made almost weekly to seemingly get rid of farang.

Certainly to make life harder for farang to stay and/or live in Thailand.

This never happened under Thaksin, so i can only imagine that life will be much better for farang if he is in power.

So whats with all the complaining?

Eh??? This never happened under Thaksin??? Are you serious? Were you here through all the crap we went through with visa laws changing to the detriment of any farang based in the Kingdom on a permanent basis? And thats just to mention one small part....

<br />They may not realize it now, but they will eventually. <br />It is a sad day for Thailand.<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />^ ABSO-F'n-LUTELY....Back to the stone ages they go. <br /><br />Sadly Thai's drank the Thaksin Kool-Aid. Look at her credentials. She is not worldly, knows very little about public relations, has zero economic experience. They voted out of emotion not the best interest of their country. Most probably figured Big Man Thaksin will run it from behind the scenes and she is merely a puppet. So now the farmers THINK their problems are all fixed and it will go back to pre 2006. Thaksin fed on those poor uneducated people as he did before............... <br /><br />On the bright side however, not my country, not my problem.

well george bush won with the same credentials, and well he did not actually win Democratlically. why arent uneducated peoples votes deemed worthy, they simply looked at what they had then Thaskin was in power and what they had now. Mark should have dumped Suthep then he might not have got hammered but since when did the puppet take control of the strings


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

Thaksin is not an elite; just a bloke who made a few bob in and out of politics who comes from the North? The elites reside in Bangkok; Thaksin just got up their nose! He just rubbed it in.

Sorry... "not elite"..."made a few bob"...? Set up a huge multibillion dollar communications empire, purchased control in papers and broadcast stations, forced censorship on the media... so you reckon he's just the bloke down the road eh? One born every minute...


Well as I said in my post in another thread this is possibly going to be a disaster for Thailand and could take 10 years to recover from it. We all suspected though that this was going to happen and I will say that if a clear majority as it seems does result then all of us Thais and Guests alike must respect the democratic result as the Thai people have clearly spoken as to what they want for their country. I sincerely hope that all will work out well for Thailand and with the threats of political turmoil here if an unclear majority results it may actually be better if the PTP do have a clear majority as it will force everyone to accept the result. As the thread's lead article says it will make any unwise military or opposition intervention completely unacceptable on the world stage. All this as long as there has been no election vote buying or cheating which would invalidate the whole election results of course, but this time the law enforcement seems to have been much more intense than previous elections so maybe much more likely that it was a clean and truthful democratic election.

Although any political amnesty that the new PTP Government may bring in may clear everyone (Reds and Yellows) for the terrible political crimes and unrest over the past 3 or 4 years it really CANNOT and MUST NOT overturn the rule of criminal law. So looking at Thaksin's case he was clearly and legitimately convicted of Fraud and the gross misuse of his position to enhance his riches. There was clear proof of this so not a subject for debate and he even underlined his clear guilt by then jumping bail (another crime subject to imprisonment) to avoid the 2 years prison sentence the courts leniently imposed. The fraud and bail jumping crimes were clearly NOT political crimes but those for personal gain and cannot therefore be a subject of any political amnesty, otherwise it makes a complete mockery of Thailand's laws and it's judiciary. Lets not forget he was convicted whilst his brother-in-law was PM so was hardly a politically based conviction as his brother-in-laws Government could have overturned this straight away if there were solid grounds to prove his innocence (which there were clearly not).

So okay looks like a clear PTP victory so lets all accept that as the people have spoken and lets move on and hope we see Thailand settle down to become the Land Of Smiles again. As to Thaksin well he either comes back here as a real man to serve his rightful and just prison term conviction for his proven crimes or he stays in exile as a crook and whimp. Either way he should really have no say in Thailand's future (unfortunately with his Sister as a Puppet PM this sadly wont happen), and the judiciary and opposition should stay on their toes to look for any sign of more Shinawatra personal family wealth building at the expense of the Thai people as Thaksin clearly carried out before. Thailand must now be positive and support a clearly elected Government and respect the peoples' will and proper law and order.


Democracy is such a dumb idea.

"...democracy is the worst form of government -- except all the others..."


How about no government? Anarcho capitalism. Just people in a society based on the voluntary trade of private property and services in order to maximize individual liberty and prosperity.

Churchill was a German hating warmonger only happy when at war. Churchill helped bring about the first world war which was won by the wrong side due to the interference from America. The result destoyed the monarchies in Germany and Austro-Hungary and fermented the revolution in Russia bringing to power the bolsheviks and Stalin. The reparations enforced on Germany gave Germany hyper inflation and hence Hitler and the second world war. At least 16 million dead in WW1 not including German women and children deliberately starved to death by the Allies and 70 million dead in WW2. So forgive me if I think Churcill was no hero and wrong about most things and I say this as Brit. It is just that I have read a great deal and got further than the brainwashing given to me at school and in the media.

Churchill caused the depression of the twenties in the UK and certainly helped cause The Great Depression in the USA with his insane decision to return to the gold standard at the pre WW1 rate.

Remember governments bring us war not the people.

Are you serious?

Does he not look serious?


Let's see how long it takes for Thaksin proxies to rack up the foreign debt (giving the illusion of success.. for a time),

slowly selling out the people of Thailand as collateral, and introducing policies under-the-radar due to imposed conditionalities.

They create the diseases and also the antidotes...

They spread the diseases...

They present the antidotes only when it suits them... to their own advantage.

Their goal is usually to destroy all national sovereignty in the name of global governance.

As tested initially on New Zealand in the 80's - Rogernomics - foreign debt quadrupled in the years following.

The conditionalities imposed, as a result, altered policies - opening the country to an indirect global governance.

Thanksin-gnomes watch closely.... and weep... if that is their goal.

Thailand - please don't ever lose your freedom and sovereignty - it's easy to lose it but hard to get back.

well Mark has racked it up to the tune of 70,000 baht per head since being put in power. Thaskin paid it off last time and he will sort it this time. Suthep was worse then Thaskin new how to be. PT has a mandate to govern,


This is the best possible outcome for Thailand! If the PT win was marginal the army would be much more likely to come in. As it is, it would be difficult for them to take future action and negate the clear will of the people.

I don't have much sympathy for Abhisit although I was for the Democrats last time around. They were given an opportunity to govern for the past 2 years and didn't do anything to tackle corruption, to heal the divide, to move the country forward economically and to eradicate the poverty. Not to mention the ever worsening situation of us foreigners living here. Abhisit's English roots and education didn't make any difference. I'm happy to see him, the army and the establishment loose this one.

What is PT government going to be like is of course an open question. I hope Yingluck is not exactly the same as Thaksin. I hope they tone down cheap populism that they are in already, and make some difference to Thailand's situation that the people aspire for and deserve. And maybe, just maybe they will appreciate more the economic contribution the foreigners are making to Thailand and encourage changes in the laws that can easily double it up.

Yingluck is Thaksin's clone. He said it himself. How is she going to be different to him. I'd feel better if she'd given an interview. i guess it's hard to do that though with a phone stuck to your ear.


Some people like to think that as they have had a "First class education" they are better than others. These are usually the same sad little people who think Great Britain still has an Empire. Having worked with Oxbridge people for 32 years I have found them small minded prigs who believe that the working class are there to be used. A phrase that will always stick with me is "Employees are the rungs on the ladder to success. Don't be afraid to tread on them"

Having worked with the rural Thai's for the last 3 years I would trust them more when the chips are down than some "Elitist", self-centred, arrogant fool.

This post above AGAIN includes text cited to me that I never wrote. PLEASE STOP THAT. Very annoying indeed.

You seem to have taken out all the other quotes that were there before. Stop trying to big your self up. Look at #695 I was not replying to you but part of the thread you wanted to get involved with.


It is no longer a landslide victory as they got 255 seats :)

255 is more than half the seats, out of 10 parties. That's a landslide, my friend. The Democrats are barely above 150. What do you call that? A mudslide?


Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

Finally we know why so many farang are anti-Thaksin. Because they're worried they will lose access to cheap prostitutes.


There was a whole thread discussing that a couple of months ago.

He doesn't want to destroy it, on the contrary, he wants to reign it in, and own/control it all!

wait for the casino's coming this way soon, still better than the cash going to Cambodian casino's


I've seen a lot of change in my 27 years here, but the one thing that has always remained constant is military interference in politics and the inability of elected governments to serve a full term or be relected.

Thaksin bucked that trend.

Actually, Thaksin re-politicised the army during his tenure after they were losing influence after 1992 issues and the 1997 constitution.



Some people like to think that as they have had a "First class education" they are better than others. These are usually the same sad little people who think Great Britain still has an Empire. Having worked with Oxbridge people for 32 years I have found them small minded prigs who believe that the working class are there to be used. A phrase that will always stick with me is "Employees are the rungs on the ladder to success. Don't be afraid to tread on them"

Having worked with the rural Thai's for the last 3 years I would trust them more when the chips are down than some "Elitist", self-centred, arrogant fool.

This post above AGAIN includes text cited to me that I never wrote. PLEASE STOP THAT. Very annoying indeed.

You seem to have taken out all the other quotes that were there before. Stop trying to big your self up. Look at #695 I was not replying to you but part of the thread you wanted to get involved with.

There were too many items to include all the quotes. Now you're accusing me when you posted a post with text cited to me (that was offensive) that had nothing to do with me. Not blaming you, but don't accuse me either!

It is no longer a landslide victory as they got 255 seats :)

255 is more than half the seats, out of 10 parties. That's a landslide, my friend. The Democrats are barely above 150. What do you call that? A mudslide?

That's about 20 more than they got last time (as PPP) and that's with an extra 20 seats available. That's not a landslide.


Thaksin doesn't have to implement any of his promises to remain the popular candidate forever except to give handouts to the north. His overall policy is to keep the poor down and dependent on his loans to make them further in debt and dependent on him. It is a very sad day in deed for these rural people who have voted in a party who need them to remain poor and uneducated for the party to stay in power.

Worse is that Thaksin will try to return and it will be before December. He is a megalomaniac and narcissistic individual and this win will not only add to his ego but he will soon find he cannot run the country from Dubai, especially when his sister is not his clone and is clueless. Within a month after taking office Thaksin will believe he cannot trust those running the show for him here and will believe he will have to come back. Thaksin will demand that all policies regarding Thailand will be put on hold and direct his party to focus all their efforts on bringing him back. Of course this will result in military intervention.

It is a sad day in deed for Thailand. It is one thing to have a very inexperienced Prime Minister but another to have Thai politics and leadership be all about one fugitive who has done nothing but hurt Thailand while on the run.

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