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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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You can't argue with the result, and for stability it's perhaps the worst possible result. With such a clear majority in the House the Puea Thai will ram through an amnesty unchallenged in time for 'the wedding' but that won't be the case settled. With Thaksin walking free with such ease there will almost certainly be a riot on the streets. What happens after that is anyone's guess, for the Reds will be emboldened to wade in and tell them to 'put up or shut up'.

It truly is amazing that after all we've been through, it appears that 60% of this country want the crook back, we shall just have to accept that that is where Thailand is at in it's development.


Scary to see all the ignorants here that are not aware of the danger a 0ne-party state represents.

They just had multiparty free elections where the voted out an unelected leader. no violence either. and a massive turnout.

The best case scenario for Thailand was a clear winner.

That's what happened. so long as the army except it Thailand should have a period of stability.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Spot on!!

Spot on? I'm sorry but that's just laughable. Do you know anything about Thailand or its history? Please tell me what basis you can support that?


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

I think you mean you wish it was dead as do the yellow shirts. Today is one for celebrating the health of Thai democracy.

This clear mandate from the people is the best thing that could happen for the country. The people have spoken and hopefully even the army will accept it and disappear back into their barracks.


It's not unprecedented for noxious dictators to be "elected" and then that's the LAST real election.

Hitler was elected.

Just sayin'.

(No I'm NOT saying Pheua Thai = National Socialists. Nor am I saying this will be the last election.)

Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Hugo Chaves... and on and on.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

There was a general election and the winner was voted in by a large majority of the population.

That is Democracy at work. Most Thais would say it's a great momentous occasion!

How many times do people have to be told that "A majority of Votes" is NOT the ONLY criteria for a democracy...

If it was, then China and North Korea and Burma are also democracies!!!

Until people Learn the difference there will NEVER be a REAL Democracy here in Thailand.



Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

the army being the masters is democracy you mean ??


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

There was a general election and the winner was voted in by a large majority of the population.

That is Democracy at work. Most Thais would say it's a great momentous occasion!

As long as vote buying continues and the elite keep the masses uneducated, there is no real democracy.

Do you think people want to be uneducated?


The only thing that is surprising is the extent of the landslide. If you are one of those who thought otherwise you were either dreaming or informed by the opinion of the Thai Visa echo chamber.


It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Mmmm . . . no. Democracy is NOT dead, the people have voted, democratically, and the masses will now get what they voted for.

What I think you mean is that they were 'duped' into voting in the way they did as they are 'uneducated' and don't know any different or don't see the 'big' picture.


The military will stay out of it for practical reasons. They couldn't control an uprising in the north, and there's a lot of folk who don't like TS and don't want to see him back, but who nevertheless would rather see how things turn out with little 'sis before resorting to the tanks.

Will TS have learned the lessons of his bro-in-law and Samak failed gov'ts? Will he be smarter this time, and not make a move to come back till he's castrated all his enemies (one way or another)? Or will his ego interpret a landslide win as a call for his immediate return and force a direct confrontation with the military? Interesting but undoubtedly troubling times ahead for this country.

BTW, going on his past behaviour, I agree with animatic and others, you've got one serious dictator in the making here, my lovely Thai friends. Don't expect there to be much tolerance for any anti-Thaksin stories in the news, 'net, or streets ever again. We're all gonna be red-shirts now....like it or not.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

It also shows how fundamentally different Asian and Western cultures and values are. This is something that a lot of farang posters overlook. You may be married to a Thai. You may have been living here for 20 years. But still, you grew up in a completely different society, with different morals, values and ethics. What's right for the goose may not be right for the gander. You may treat this country as your home. The Thais may treat you as one of them. But, you are and will always be a foreigner and trying to force your values and ethics down the Thai people's throat will merely make them resent you more.

I guess you exclude Japan, Singapore, HK, perhaps Malaysia from the term "asian cultures" Not too long ago Japan was an agricultural nation, but they evolved and progressed much do to a different style of morality and ethics. In Thailand it is the lack of "meaningful education" that leads to the perpetuation of their system. I don't hate taksin or abisit or the military but taksin is but another elite/wealthy person that has learned to manipulate the system very well to his advantage. I dont see any thai political figures akin to Mandela, or Ghandi, do you?


Now we know how many wholes it takes to fill the albert hall. This only shows just how many people are lost in the land of the lost. This is the Dems own fault, no one elses. This thing is far from over


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

If you don't like it then go home. It's called democracy. Deal with it.


It's not unprecedented for noxious dictators to be "elected" and then that's the LAST real election.

Hitler was elected.

Just sayin'.

(No I'm NOT saying Pheua Thai = National Socialists. Nor am I saying this will be the last election.)

Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Hugo Chaves... and on and on.

Let's hope he doesn't go further than Chavez. He reminds me of Chavez, lots in common.



Time to re-assess what Thailand is all about. Maybe this time the rural poor will finally get representation . So what if her name is Shinawatra? Who cares? A new era is about to open with hi so people forced to share. About time.

SHE, is not the problem.


Democracy is messy. I wish Thailand the best and only time will tell the story. All these dire predictions are premature. We just have witnessed a convincing election win and need to support the will of the people. Unless you are a citizen, we are all guests of the country and should behave as such. This policy has made my years of leaving abroad much easier.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Already the Nick you've chosen say's it all, double underlined!

@Animatic: agreed,this is the blackest day for Thailand since 2006 well let's watch the show unfold... will it repeat itself just as a follow up of Somchai and Samak puppet Governments, it will be terrible at best!

I can't believe that this had happened...


Scary to see all the ignorants here that are not aware of the danger a 0ne-party state represents.

corruption will fall because they don't need it anymore.


The army will do nothing yet, the people have spoken they would not dare interfere against such a big majority

I wonder if Taksin will let Abbisit have his digs in Dubai, got a feeling he might need it. "Night of the long knives" and all that


I really do not understand the mentality of the thai population sometimes. Do they actually understand anything at all, I swear in some situations they are like children, or at least have the mentality of children. I can see conflicts on the horizon, yet again. Why would they vote in a corupt figure after he has been ousted... Sometimes I wonder about this society (thumbs down)

Ousted by who and how?

The Thai majority has spoken......


Get a life Taksin and Peau Thai haters...voice and rights of the majority must be respected!

Respected as in acknowledged and lawfully deferred to? Sure.

As in agreed with and supported? No. That's not democracy. Even if I were Thai, I'd not be obligated to do that (just as I wasn't obligated to agree with or support Bush -- and I didn't).

mie penrie up to people. Ive made my plans in case of this. All I can do is protect my family as best I can and watch sadly while all those celebrating see their hopes smashed. Nothing terrible will happen for a few years it will just slowly steadily turn into yet another 1 man 1 family 1 party failed state. I dont have any faith im wrong. Maybe before Taksin gets a solid grip on everything enough Thais will see whats obvious and be prepared to do something. I really hopeI dont take to much pleasure out of seeing even most dense buffalo here eventually see what they have done. Now im off to continue my exit strategy which will be accelerated but im hoping I have 3 years or so before it really turns very very nasty. Expect a Zimbabwe Cambodia or North Korea not an italy or Brazil. All best to those who got what they wanted and remember the saying be careful of what you want you might get it.


A new era is about to open with hi so people forced to share. About time.


How can people say this stuff? can they actually believe it?


It appears that PTP have won.

Now, will they keep their promises?

The first one will be coalition partners.

Another one will be who will be the PM ...

Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Let's hope so

Much better to have the Army running things than these feeble excuses for politicians.

Time to step up, General Prayuth.


I love how superior all the farangs are on here.

I am one aswell and don't pretend to be Thai. But, honestly to all the people that think that you hail from a proper democracy yourself is a laugh.

The richer the country - the more complex the web of lies are.

Thailands democracy shall remain as false as the rest of ours are.

Now shut it and go enjoy the sun shine.

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