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Yingluck: Thaksin Case To Be Reviewed


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Ultimately I think it will help the poor. The last Thaksin government gave the people a health care sytem that is the envy of many in the developing world, he build thousands of social housing units, introduced OTOP, gave loans to villages and more. Let's hope this time that education is the priority - in order to really empower the Thai people so that they can make informed decisions about issues that affect them. Sure there'll still be inequality at the end of this parliament, but maybe the poor wont have to wai quite so low as they do now.

That is the bottom line & that is why the Thai's voted the way they did.

Thais voted that way because the elite and the army forgot that Bangkok is not Thailand.

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It is her prerogative to review cases. Perhaps, it is her obligation if irregularities are suspected. She staged a brilliant campaign in which the Dems failed political science 101. There are a vastly greater number of lower income folk than high income folk. It is a one-person-one-vote world and putting the interests of the high income folk abusively prominent while thumbing their nose at the don't-know-enough-and-don't-deserve-to-vote low income masses is political suicide, despite the misguided posts on TV. If they cannot do the math to understand this most rudimentary political reality, then it is best that the Dems are not in office any more because condescension and a holier-than-thou entitlement mentality are traits of the bygone feudal era.

Bygone era? Not in the minds and hearts of the elite and the holier-than-thou minds of many here.

The army backed elite lost because they forgot that Bangkok is not Thailand.

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"Too many here at TV would like to forget, gloss over the facts or rewrite history to fit their own political agenda".

Political agenda?????? I can't even own land in the country so what good would my having a political agenda serve me. They are merely opinions my friend and everybody is entitled to have them and post them according to their personal beliefs on the topic subject in question.

Unless it is against Oprah's that is!!!;)

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Somebody should ask Yingluck what is meant exactly by "Reconciliation?"

Because her interpretation is going to be very different from many in the country.

"Reconciliation" is when her sweet brother, the man who had ONLY and SURELY the best for this country in his HEART and MIND, when he came into power in 2001 and during his reign, till the "military Junta" of an "suppressed country" took over and committed so much injustice that he needs to be aquitted from ANY wrongdoing and in one single swipe all the other "wrongly accused" of his team of helpers, arsonists', granade launchers, snipers, bombers, canvassers and the like as well - then everybody will see what justice REALLY is and it will cause much applause on the streets across the country, so the citizens will rush to Suvannabhum airport, which is also a gift of this samaritan national hero, and roll out a red carpet, let rain red rose petals and pray that he may grace this country with his immaculate presence once again and be helpful in bringing this country to the forefront of world economies and make everybody rich,in fact so rich that the streets in Bangkok will be paved with gold bars!

Yes and this is not from "Notthenation" or a new version, re-write of "Alice in Wonderland"!

I'll tell you one thing. I don't know if you're a tourist, involved in tourism, a retiree, or what, but I'm in the tourism industry. My god, if this means they finally stop fighting maybe we can all get back to business as usual. If the fighting doesn't stop, then da#%it, how many more years of wondering how bad it will get?


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I'm surprised by all the questions and speculation. We all know how this is going to end.

Thaksin's private jet will land at Suvarnabhumi where millions of his followers will be waiting with flowers and signs welcoming home their persecuted leader.

He will walk from the plane, kiss the tarmac and be whisked away in his fleet of b limousines along the police enforced empty tollways to his welcome party at Government House.

Then he will address the media into a frenzy of nationalism and rhetoric...and Yingluck will wipe away a tear, applaud his speech and fade away in the final scene. Her job, complete.

Welcome home Mr. Thaksin, we've been expecting you...

Wow? you are so good visualizing the future, I have no idea what is next after the election. Many American and International friends are asking many questions that I am unable to fill the blanks. Now I am forcing myself reading from Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, New York Time and the Economist. But, over all I enjoy reading comment and opinion the most from Thai Visa Members. You all are so true to yourself and others. Thank you and now I am something to go on.

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It is her prerogative to review cases. Perhaps, it is her obligation if irregularities are suspected. She staged a brilliant campaign in which the Dems failed political science 101. There are a vastly greater number of lower income folk than high income folk. It is a one-person-one-vote world and putting the interests of the high income folk abusively prominent while thumbing their nose at the don't-know-enough-and-don't-deserve-to-vote low income masses is political suicide, despite the misguided posts on TV. If they cannot do the math to understand this most rudimentary political reality, then it is best that the Dems are not in office any more because condescension and a holier-than-thou entitlement mentality are traits of the bygone feudal era.

System glitch re-posted the same comment.

Please explain why it is her perogative to review cases. What balderdash!!! I'm not even sure that she can apply to the courts to do this. She is the incumbent prime minister (if Thaksin lets her be) and not a member of the high court of the land for Thaksin's (I mean gods) sake!!!:jap: .

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Before and after the election, the #1 priority for the two Shinawatres is to get the money back which was taken in a fine handed down by the Thai supreme court. If that decision is somehow nullified/reversed (which it surely will be), the Shinawatres will be smiling ever more, but the Thai judicial system will be besmirched.

The #2 priority for them is to get T off the hook so he can return to Thailand. It's no secret that he want to take back the PM's seat. Several years ago in India, Ms Ghandi won the nod to become PM, but chose to hand the power seat to one of her friends instead - a position which Mr. Singh still holds.

There are unethical maneuverings the Shinawatres can do to get T off the hook. She's starting the hide and seek game already. Sometimes she mentions something remotely specific, but most of the time she hedges, vacillates, defers .....while continuing to grin and smile throughout.

Ah yes... the famous Thai smile, which can mean anything from genuine happiness/amusement/affability to "I have no idea what the f%$k you're talking about" or "I'm lying through my teeth" or "I know you're lying through your teeth" or "I should be embarrassed" or.... :rolleyes:

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

"..........a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme." You repeatedly re-post this untruth, thohe ugh its error has been pointed out to you. The law bans the PM from accepting another paid position while in office - it is there to prevent conflict of interest. Samak's main problem was that he lied in court and was proven to be a liar, and should have faced perjury charges after he left office. Though he was "deposed" he could have been re-appointed the next day, there was nothing to stop this, except that a fugitive criminal decided to run his brother-in-law instead.

Only computers and idiots repeat the same mistake.

As said, samak broke the law - the law is very clear - cannot have another paid job whilst sitting in the PM chair. But is seems again and again the likes of thaksin, samak, chalerm, sanoh, sanan and many more think they have some special status - above the law.

Further, he lied above payment for the cooking show.

Further, the citizens of any country expect the PM to spend all of his working hours devoted to running and developing the country. Cooking fairly standard Thai dishes has zero connection to running and developing Thailand.

Further, the recording of the show took much much longer than the total time of broadcasting the showclose (as is the case with recording any show), that time should have been devoted to the duties of PM.

Further, hardly a positive example for the young of Thailand who desperately need to see leaders who are credible role models.

Technically you're right down to the letter of the law, yet what about its spirit? Every law has a spirit in that it is written for a certain purpose when it is conceived. Obeying every letter is like actually trying to follow every step of a set of instructions for a prefab construction project. We already know that a screw with a cross-head carved into it takes a Phillips-head screwdriver don't we? So forth and so on, and we can skip certain steps in the instructions as long as the final product is right. Do you get it?

Of course Samak was dumb to do the show b/c he should've been smart enough to know that it would give his enemies enough ammunition to open fire. But really, was his doing the show a big deal? Did it hurt anything or anyone? No, of course it didn't, except Samak in the end.

I'm not trying to argue you down. I actually feel sorry for people who interpret laws down to their very letters and fail to see the spirit in which they were conceived. It's sad.

Clearly a law such as this was meant to combat corruption not the villainy of cooking shows.


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Let's play "Guess the technicality?"

Typically it ends up being something like they didn't have the authority to bla bla bla and to therefore the verdict is overturned. Just watch and see.

You mean like getting the Democrat party off of dissolution by technicality over delays to submission to the case, as opposed to their actual guilt.

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

They sound like a reasonable lot to me.

According to you they already have a lot of information on Thaksin. Why throw that away.:jap:

Of course this is all academic. If it had not been a known fact that Yingluck was going to white wash her brother the TP would be sitting in the opposition instead of the drivers seat if the poor uneducated Thai's had thought different.

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I'm surprised by all the questions and speculation. We all know how this is going to end.

Thaksin's private jet will land at Suvarnabhumi where millions of his followers will be waiting with flowers and signs welcoming home their persecuted leader.

He will walk from the plane, kiss the tarmac and be whisked away in his fleet of b limousines along the police enforced empty tollways to his welcome party at Government House.

Then he will address the media into a frenzy of nationalism and rhetoric...and Yingluck will wipe away a tear, applaud his speech and fade away in the final scene. Her job, complete.

Welcome home Mr. Thaksin, we've been expecting you...

Wow? you are so good visualizing the future, I have no idea what is next after the election. Many American and International friends are asking many questions that I am unable to fill the blanks. Now I am forcing myself reading from Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, New York Time and the Economist. But, over all I enjoy reading comment and opinion the most from Thai Visa Members. You all are so true to yourself and others. Thank you and now I am something to go on.

a lot of people guess the "Elite" and the Invisible Hand need a little time to prepare the next Coup.....which is probably the next step....

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"Another red-shirt leader, Kwanchai Prai-pana, said Nuttawut should stay away from the Cabinet and instead serve as government spokesman to "protect" Yingluck."

Government Spokes-liar, more like!

I think its absolutely hilarious that having done Thaksin's dirty work for him that the 'red shirt' leaders, with all the sacrifices they have made (including the regrettable and unneccesary lost lives of the naive 'red' foot soldiers) have been discarded so humiliatingly - apparently now, deemed as being liabilities to the cause, having secured Thaksin's (sorry Yingluck's victory).

That they (red shirt warriors) have spent time behind bars (not the type of bars they were used to in living it up in their 5 star hotel) and the coward Thaksin ran away in search of exile because he didn't fancy the idea of being put behind bars only serves to increase the beautiful irony of it all!!!!

Their naivity and gullibility has been exposed for what it was. "Where's our cabinet posts" they yell from the rooftops!!! "Can't have any is the reply" as your work is finished and I must concentrate on getting my brother back to Thailand without any distraction from the likes of you, go back to your farms and toil the fields where you belong, complaining peasants that you are - "a bloody nuisance if you want the truth be known" and you are starting to get on my nerves now.

Oh dear, what are the gladiators to think about how events have turned out where their rewards for distinctive service in aid of the many fellow duped kindred poor has turned into nowt with the only prizes preserved for the "cowboys" with nothing for the deserving "indians", still, thats life as they (didn't) know it!!! - maybe they should go to Bangkok and protest and create havoc again, this time against their masters. The only difference to before is that their generous sponsor's will be on the other side of the fence and they will have to pay their own way. Sorry lads and lasses, no matter your good intent - you blew it for Thailand - serves you right!!!!

Ultimate and classic own goal - team Shinawatra 1 "red" mugs zilch :annoyed:

Spot on! I wonder whether they will ever realize they have been used and abused!

On the other hand, thaksin is a master manipulator, don't be surprised if he tosses out a few crumbs just at the right time.

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As part of reconciliation everything needs to be reviewed.

The coup in 2005 - who paid for it if anyone ? All overseas bank accounts of senior coup leaders should be investigated to see if they were paid to carry out the coup, and if so who paid them.

The coup in 2005 was an act of treason. The coup leaders granted themselves amnesty without consulting the people. Should this be revoked ? It all needs investigating.

The soldiers who took their guns and tanks on to the streets committed treason by following treasonous orders from their superiors. Even though their superiors granted themselves amnesty what about all soldiers involved ? Needs investigating.

All Yellow shirts and PAD actions need investigating.

Did the military or invisible hands apply pressure to smaller parties to form a coalition - therefore doing illegal things ? Acts against the constitution in 2006 ? Needs investigating.

The Democrats dissolution case dismissed on technicalities overs submission delays, needs investigating.

Military purchases of airships, second had subs, Ukraine TC's etc.... - all needs investigating - just why did the Democrats turn a blind eye to an un-needed blatant explosion in military spending ?

And so on from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010......

Everything needs investigating again, as part of reconciliation, including the coup, the AEC and their charges against Thaksin and everything else that has happened since then.

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Well they waited 2 days at least!:whistling:

Yingluck told the US news network that she would not encourage Thaksin Shinawatra to come back and serve his two-year jail sentence. "Let's start with the principle of the rule of law first. [We must] make sure that everyone will be treated on equal basis," she said.

Let's start with the virginity of a Pattaya bar girl first. We have to make sure that nobody will sell their body to satisfy some bloody foreigners, my uncle said. :jap:

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As part of reconciliation everything needs to be reviewed.

The coup in 2005 - who paid for it if anyone ? All overseas bank accounts of senior coup leaders should be investigated to see if they were paid to carry out the coup, and if so who paid them.

The coup in 2005 was an act of treason. The coup leaders granted themselves amnesty without consulting the people. Should this be revoked ? It all needs investigating.

The soldiers who took their guns and tanks on to the streets committed treason by following treasonous orders from their superiors. Even though their superiors granted themselves amnesty what about all soldiers involved ? Needs investigating.

All Yellow shirts and PAD actions need investigating.

Did the military or invisible hands apply pressure to smaller parties to form a coalition - therefore doing illegal things ? Acts against the constitution in 2006 ? Needs investigating.

The Democrats dissolution case dismissed on technicalities overs submission delays, needs investigating.

Military purchases of airships, second had subs, Ukraine TC's etc.... - all needs investigating - just why did the Democrats turn a blind eye to an un-needed blatant explosion in military spending ?

And so on from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010......

Everything needs investigating again, as part of reconciliation, including the coup, the AEC and their charges against Thaksin and everything else that has happened since then.

Do you know the game "Simon said"? :jap:

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Look the votes are not counted yet and the royalist Nation newspaper is playing games already. Thaksin will NOT become an envoy, see tweets and statements of PT and Yingluck always said that if there is an amnesty and review it will be there for everybody red and yellow shirts. Of course Yellow shirt leaders and the Nation thought they would never have to answer for the airport occupation and the blockade of parliament but theyr were just protected by Suthep and his friends. By the way, the Thai people may vote on it in a referendum. Maybe it is time for the elite to play by democratic rules. Even the Thai generals were stunned by the real feelings of the Thai soldiers as it seems, as they voted overwhelming Pheua Thai.

Votes hardly counted yet and all types of rumours, half-truths, lies, insinuations and all-rehash-the-yellows-did-it-too.

Amnesty: 'not a priority', 'k. Chalem appointed', 'k. Chalerm: for all except Abhisit/Suthep of course', 'Yingluck: not now', 'Yingluck: later', etc., etc.

Yellow-shirts: found guilty and sentenced, currently appealing

Thai soldiers: no idea, insufficient data

Conclusion: I'm too polite to say and forum rules also do inhibit me a wee bit :rolleyes:

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As part of reconciliation everything needs to be reviewed.

The coup in 2005 - who paid for it if anyone ? All overseas bank accounts of senior coup leaders should be investigated to see if they were paid to carry out the coup, and if so who paid them.

The coup in 2005 was an act of treason. The coup leaders granted themselves amnesty without consulting the people. Should this be revoked ? It all needs investigating.

The soldiers who took their guns and tanks on to the streets committed treason by following treasonous orders from their superiors. Even though their superiors granted themselves amnesty what about all soldiers involved ? Needs investigating.

All Yellow shirts and PAD actions need investigating.

Did the military or invisible hands apply pressure to smaller parties to form a coalition - therefore doing illegal things ? Acts against the constitution in 2006 ? Needs investigating.

The Democrats dissolution case dismissed on technicalities overs submission delays, needs investigating.

Military purchases of airships, second had subs, Ukraine TC's etc.... - all needs investigating - just why did the Democrats turn a blind eye to an un-needed blatant explosion in military spending ?

And so on from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010......

Everything needs investigating again, as part of reconciliation, including the coup, the AEC and their charges against Thaksin and everything else that has happened since then.

Everything needs investigating especially lies, or are they just honest mistakes:

- no coup in 2005 unless I missed something ;)

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When poor people selling second hand CD's on Bangkok streets have been given prison terms of up to 5 years... a PM rip the Country off for $BILLIONS get 5 years Prison,RUNS AWAY then constantly cause problems for the Country HE gets amnesty (it will happen just as He will be PM again) ...THE PLACE IS INSANE

I find this charade totally sickening but this shows Thailand exactly what it's morals and principles are, to elect someone with only 6 weeks political canvassing experience ;never been an MP –Phu yai bahn or Kamnan into the highest Government office of the land is beyond a joke.

The people of Thailand have been brainwashed they deserve all they get as this Government will end just as all the other Frankenstein Children of TRT have ended.

An Almost Trillionaire with NO experience of Government running one of the most promising economies in Asia..give me a break, it stinks as does Thaksin grinning on TV with his "el Diablo" hand gestures; this man is sick, a power hungry megalomaniac that will most probably sell his sisters soul just to get his snout back into the trough. These are the type of people who are destroying peoples lives thro greed and corruption.

The power of money…if you are planning to invest here be very very careful as the Nationalistic Xenophobes are back (for now)

Four times the Thai people have chosen for Taksin, 3 Times they where driven away by power hungry elite people with no experience than occupying Thailand national airport.

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

"..........a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme." You repeatedly re-post this untruth, thohe ugh its error has been pointed out to you. The law bans the PM from accepting another paid position while in office - it is there to prevent conflict of interest. Samak's main problem was that he lied in court and was proven to be a liar, and should have faced perjury charges after he left office. Though he was "deposed" he could have been re-appointed the next day, there was nothing to stop this, except that a fugitive criminal decided to run his brother-in-law instead.

Only computers and idiots repeat the same mistake.

As said, samak broke the law - the law is very clear - cannot have another paid job whilst sitting in the PM chair. But is seems again and again the likes of thaksin, samak, chalerm, sanoh, sanan and many more think they have some special status - above the law.

Further, he lied above payment for the cooking show.

Further, the citizens of any country expect the PM to spend all of his working hours devoted to running and developing the country. Cooking fairly standard Thai dishes has zero connection to running and developing Thailand.

Further, the recording of the show took much much longer than the total time of broadcasting the showclose (as is the case with recording any show), that time should have been devoted to the duties of PM.

Further, hardly a positive example for the young of Thailand who desperately need to see leaders who are credible role models.

Technically you're right down to the letter of the law, yet what about its spirit? Every law has a spirit in that it is written for a certain purpose when it is conceived. Obeying every letter is like actually trying to follow every step of a set of instructions for a prefab construction project. We already know that a screw with a cross-head carved into it takes a Phillips-head screwdriver don't we? So forth and so on, and we can skip certain steps in the instructions as long as the final product is right. Do you get it?

Of course Samak was dumb to do the show b/c he should've been smart enough to know that it would give his enemies enough ammunition to open fire. But really, was his doing the show a big deal? Did it hurt anything or anyone? No, of course it didn't, except Samak in the end.

I'm not trying to argue you down. I actually feel sorry for people who interpret laws down to their very letters and fail to see the spirit in which they were conceived. It's sad.

Clearly a law such as this was meant to combat corruption not the villainy of cooking shows.


Bunkum. As far as I'm concerned "a law with spirit" is not a law. I know they apply this to rules in games such as in football but I think even this is wrong. Start abusing laws in this fashion and they lose all credibility and become unenforcable and non-laws!!!

One could argue that if his judgement in doing the show was so ill-conceived then what does that make his capabilities of running a country.

Another thing, if Abhisits rise to power was so wrong and illegitimate then why was Samak's OK because as far as I remember he was elected by the house MP's in similar fashion to Abhisit after Thaksin was deposed.

If cooking and appearing on TV was his forte and so much more appealing to him than running the country (clearly far less important) then he should have become a celebrity chef - maybe as the "Jamie Oliver" of Thailand. That would have been a far more suitable occupation for him. He could then wow!! the ladies with his Tom Yum Goong "Samak style" - fame at last. "Oh I'd better go and show my face in my spare time job otherwise I'll stop being invited on to TV and become even more of a nothing than I am now". Must hold on to my celebrity status - Samak, master chef - got a nice ring to it that has!!!!

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Four times the Thai people have chosen for Taksin, 3 Times they where driven away by power hungry elite people with no experience than occupying Thailand national airport.

2001, 2005, 2006. Three times, k. Thaksin and power hungry elite.

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Never mind your logic based of facts. Those who "own the truth" and are wannabee aspiring members of the "I want to be part of the elite because I feel like one" will question your wisdom and ultimately nail you to the cross.

How dare you bring to the fore factual information about the clique that hanged Thaksin.

You naughty boy!

Does it really matter who the judges were? Are you disputing the fact that the dept he was overseeing sold land to his wife (and really, the price is immaterial)?

If the USA tried Osama in absentia, would the fact that the judges who found him guilty were all americans make the judgement invalid?

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

"..........a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme." You repeatedly re-post this untruth, thohe ugh its error has been pointed out to you. The law bans the PM from accepting another paid position while in office - it is there to prevent conflict of interest. Samak's main problem was that he lied in court and was proven to be a liar, and should have faced perjury charges after he left office. Though he was "deposed" he could have been re-appointed the next day, there was nothing to stop this, except that a fugitive criminal decided to run his brother-in-law instead.

Only computers and idiots repeat the same mistake.

As said, samak broke the law - the law is very clear - cannot have another paid job whilst sitting in the PM chair. But is seems again and again the likes of thaksin, samak, chalerm, sanoh, sanan and many more think they have some special status - above the law.

Further, he lied above payment for the cooking show.

Further, the citizens of any country expect the PM to spend all of his working hours devoted to running and developing the country. Cooking fairly standard Thai dishes has zero connection to running and developing Thailand.

Further, the recording of the show took much much longer than the total time of broadcasting the showclose (as is the case with recording any show), that time should have been devoted to the duties of PM.

Further, hardly a positive example for the young of Thailand who desperately need to see leaders who are credible role models.

Technically you're right down to the letter of the law, yet what about its spirit? Every law has a spirit in that it is written for a certain purpose when it is conceived. Obeying every letter is like actually trying to follow every step of a set of instructions for a prefab construction project. We already know that a screw with a cross-head carved into it takes a Phillips-head screwdriver don't we? So forth and so on, and we can skip certain steps in the instructions as long as the final product is right. Do you get it?

Of course Samak was dumb to do the show b/c he should've been smart enough to know that it would give his enemies enough ammunition to open fire. But really, was his doing the show a big deal? Did it hurt anything or anyone? No, of course it didn't, except Samak in the end.

I'm not trying to argue you down. I actually feel sorry for people who interpret laws down to their very letters and fail to see the spirit in which they were conceived. It's sad.

Clearly a law such as this was meant to combat corruption not the villainy of cooking shows.


What screwed Samak was '

• His taking money for the show.

• Trying to pretend the fee went to his driver,

• Lying about it all in court...

this last is called perjury and tends to piss off judges.

BUT the reality of Samak's fall was he could have had the PM chair back the next day,

he was REMOVED permanently by Thaksin wanting to install a more compliant fool,

Somchai his milktoast brother in law.

I also suspect Samak didn't fight it too hard considering, he was obviously, in hind sight for the rest of us, about to die of cancer. I think he would have liked to stay on, till he was too sick to care, but not if it meant a huge fight with Thaksin. Not the way to spend your final days.

The spirit of the law is to prevent conflict of interest.

The TV shows production company had conflict of interest by using the PM,

because the regulatory bodies for TV broadcast was under Samak,

and so they had every reason to want to stroke the PM because he

has control over their revenue stream if he is not happy for him.

And not simply for this show but for ALL the production companies shows.

He was being paid and ego stroked by a company who's income was subject to regulatory bodies he oversees. That dear friends is clear cut conflict of interest.

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Bunkum. As far as I'm concerned "a law with spirit" is not a law. I know they apply this to rules in games such as in football but I think even this is wrong. Start abusing laws in this fashion and they lose all credibility and become unenforcable and non-laws!!!

One could argue that if his judgement in doing the show was so ill-conceived then what does that make his capabilities of running a country.

Another thing, if Abhisits rise to power was so wrong and illegitimate then why was Samak's OK because as far as I remember he was elected by the house MP's in similar fashion to Abhisit after Thaksin was deposed.

If cooking and appearing on TV was his forte and so much more appealing to him than running the country (clearly far less important) then he should have become a celebrity chef - maybe as the "Jamie Oliver" of Thailand. That would have been a far more suitable occupation for him. He could then wow!! the ladies with his Tom Yum Goong "Samak style" - fame at last. "Oh I'd better go and show my face in my spare time job otherwise I'll stop being invited on to TV and become even more of a nothing than I am now". Must hold on to my celebrity status - Samak, master chef - got a nice ring to it that has!!!!

He lied in front of the court (not sure he was under oath) about receiving payments for doing this show - he said: "No, only once..." or something like this, but records proved otherwise, simple as that!

Not to mention that there was something very fishy about the background of the whole thing, it happened that the owner of this Sauce Company ended up as some board member of Thai Air, after Samak took the show sponsored by this particular Company, Samak was then Minister in the TRT or XYZ Cabinet.

And being just a board member has the privilige that ANY member of the family can fly Thai Air for free! :whistling:

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Will a review of the case find different facts because different people are investigating?

The AEC brought the case forward. But the DSI prosecuted, and the judges judged.

You're incorrect. The AEC charged Thaksin, the AEC froze Thaksin's assets and it was also the AEC who found Thaksin guilty. The decisions are available online for anyone to read.

The AEC members were the only judges. And as you can see above the AEC members were all PAD or Democrat party members.

I see a lot of people say MR T is guilty? but of what? manipulating the system the same as everyone else did or does in politics in Thailand? These types of actions are not new and in reality I don't know how you are going to stop them.

TK's post really sums up what happened, but I see a lot of TV's saying the man is guilty and bringing things into the judgement that were not even judged. Some mention the war on drugs as being a guilty verdict against Mr T or human rights issues? These things were not what he was apparently judged on. There appear to be many hysterical Wendies that are making their own judgement of a country they really don't belong too.

If this new PM is going to have credibility, she will need it from her country but also from her own party. This is not a stupid decision to make, as everyone knows where the PM stands and it is an opportunity of not having a knife hanging over your head.

So the AEC being PAD members, what were their qualification that gave them the ability to act as judge. Just the ones mentioned appear to have an axe to grind with Mr T, whilst also dipping into the public purse. Nepotism is also a serious charge in public office; these types of misdemeanors were the things they sat on judgement for MR T. Any indiscretion in public office is a potentially serious offence. In Australia a high court judge went to goal, because he lied in a stat dec over a speeding ticket offence.

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Bunkum. As far as I'm concerned "a law with spirit" is not a law. I know they apply this to rules in games such as in football but I think even this is wrong. Start abusing laws in this fashion and they lose all credibility and become unenforcable and non-laws!!!

One could argue that if his judgement in doing the show was so ill-conceived then what does that make his capabilities of running a country.

Another thing, if Abhisits rise to power was so wrong and illegitimate then why was Samak's OK because as far as I remember he was elected by the house MP's in similar fashion to Abhisit after Thaksin was deposed.

If cooking and appearing on TV was his forte and so much more appealing to him than running the country (clearly far less important) then he should have become a celebrity chef - maybe as the "Jamie Oliver" of Thailand. That would have been a far more suitable occupation for him. He could then wow!! the ladies with his Tom Yum Goong "Samak style" - fame at last. "Oh I'd better go and show my face in my spare time job otherwise I'll stop being invited on to TV and become even more of a nothing than I am now". Must hold on to my celebrity status - Samak, master chef - got a nice ring to it that has!!!!

He lied in front of the court (not sure he was under oath) about receiving payments for doing this show - he said: "No, only once..." or something like this, but records proved otherwise, simple as that!

Not to mention that there was something very fishy about the background of the whole thing, it happened that the owner of this Sauce Company ended up as some board member of Thai Air, after Samak took the show sponsored by this particular Company, Samak was then Minister in the TRT or XYZ Cabinet.

And being just a board member has the privilige that ANY member of the family can fly Thai Air for free! :whistling:

Not just for his love of cooking then - maybe!!!:huh:

I mean he wasn't really in a position of authority that required transparency in everything he did and from what he received in the way of money and gifts, was he!! Lets face it - he was only prime minister of Thailand with the opposition looking into every nook and cranny of his life and his daily actions for something to pin on him. He was that stupid and naive that he handed it to them on a plate (on TV as well) with his very fishy dishes!!! Still he got paid for it and paid for it with losing his other job. What a true nightmare and embarrassement HE was for Thailand. Makes Thaksin look good in comparison.

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Let's play "Guess the technicality?"

Typically it ends up being something like they didn't have the authority to bla bla bla and to therefore the verdict is overturned. Just watch and see.

You mean like getting the Democrat party off of dissolution by technicality over delays to submission to the case, as opposed to their actual guilt.

Guilt? They were guilty of asking for tax receipts.

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Will a review of the case find different facts because different people are investigating?

The AEC brought the case forward. But the DSI prosecuted, and the judges judged.

You're incorrect. The AEC charged Thaksin, the AEC froze Thaksin's assets and it was also the AEC who found Thaksin guilty. The decisions are available online for anyone to read.

The AEC members were the only judges. And as you can see above the AEC members were all PAD or Democrat party members.

NO actually you are wrong.

The AEC found reasonable cause to investigate and freeze the funds.

It did it's investigation, complied the data and their conclusion he there was reason to forward the case to the Attorney General, who then ALSO found reasonable cause to prosecute, and then filed the case in court, which then read the filings and finally found him guilty of 1 of the charges. They rest have not gone past court filing because Thaksin absconded, refusing to go to court and hasn't acknowledged the charges.

So you whole premise is based on false information you have some how come to believe, conveniently cutting out several of the legal steps involved.

While the Attorney General is nominally under the PM and the government, once the chagres are file in court it is NOW the courts domain and out of the hands of the AG.

If you remember even with PPP in Parliament and Samak in PM chair, Thaksin still couldn't stop the cases against him. The only way to no go to jail, and then be forced to attend court on other charges, was to let the Land Case go un-appealed, and just leave the jurisdiction.

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Let's play "Guess the technicality?"

Typically it ends up being something like they didn't have the authority to bla bla bla and to therefore the verdict is overturned. Just watch and see.

You mean like getting the Democrat party off of dissolution by technicality over delays to submission to the case, as opposed to their actual guilt.

Guilt? They were guilty of asking for tax receipts.

And then attacked by the very printer that tried to avoid taxes, and then put the touch on them for more money, when he suddenly found he underquoted his price but still had to pay taxes and was going to lose money. PTP guys got ahold of him and made a deal.

Anyone want to bet this guy got a huge share of the PTP election poster business this year... someone should check if he charged, and paid, sales taxes....

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