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Yingluck: Thaksin Case To Be Reviewed


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(Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)

Anyone with even a superfcial knowledge of Thai history knows that corruptionon a truly gargantuan scale has gone on under the auspices and/or actively enaged by former PMs (for example I'd be surprised if any of them surpass Phibun -- with his massive opium /heoin syndicate -- for for a combination of corruption and criminal activity).

But the idea that because no one has been punished for it befopre means that no one ever should be is just absurd. It makes no logical or legal sense.

And let's make no bones about it: the reason to go after Thaksin is becasue he had achieved -- through a briliant use of skils and circumstance (the latter being primarily the new constitution and incredible wealth) -- a position where he was virtually untouchable with no checks or balances and an extremely auithoritarian (at best) syle of leadership. For those who saw him as bad for the country I doubt it was never entirely about corruption or that he was the most corrupt. It was about the (percieved) danger of his power and ambitions. So the corruption is a legitimately prosecutable offense but more importantly, just like Al Capone's tax problems, not the worst of all things but merely the best (or only) means to bring him down.

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"Another red-shirt leader, Kwanchai Prai-pana, said Nuttawut should stay away from the Cabinet and instead serve as government spokesman to "protect" Yingluck."

Government Spokes-liar, more like!

I think its absolutely hilarious that having done Thaksin's dirty work for him that the 'red shirt' leaders, with all the sacrifices they have made (including the regrettable and unneccesary lost lives of the naive 'red' foot soldiers) have been discarded so humiliatingly - apparently now, deemed as being liabilities to the cause, having secured Thaksin's (sorry Yingluck's victory).

That they (red shirt warriors) have spent time behind bars (not the type of bars they were used to in living it up in their 5 star hotel) and the coward Thaksin ran away in search of exile because he didn't fancy the idea of being put behind bars only serves to increase the beautiful irony of it all!!!!

Their naivity and gullibility has been exposed for what it was. "Where's our cabinet posts" they yell from the rooftops!!! "Can't have any is the reply" as your work is finished and I must concentrate on getting my brother back to Thailand without any distraction from the likes of you, go back to your farms and toil the fields where you belong, complaining peasants that you are - "a bloody nuisance if you want the truth be known" and you are starting to get on my nerves now.

Oh dear, what are the gladiators to think about how events have turned out where their rewards for distinctive service in aid of the many fellow duped kindred poor has turned into nowt with the only prizes preserved for the "cowboys" with nothing for the deserving "indians", still, thats life as they (didn't) know it!!! - maybe they should go to Bangkok and protest and create havoc again, this time against their masters. The only difference to before is that their generous sponsor's will be on the other side of the fence and they will have to pay their own way. Sorry lads and lasses, no matter your good intent - you blew it for Thailand - serves you right!!!!

Ultimate and classic own goal - team Shinawatra 1 "red" mugs zilch :annoyed:

I must admit Thaksin has one amazing quality: his unlimited capacity to turn his former friends into his worst enemies. After use.

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"Another red-shirt leader, Kwanchai Prai-pana, said Nuttawut should stay away from the Cabinet and instead serve as government spokesman to "protect" Yingluck."

Government Spokes-liar, more like!

I think its absolutely hilarious that having done Thaksin's dirty work for him that the 'red shirt' leaders, with all the sacrifices they have made (including the regrettable and unneccesary lost lives of the naive 'red' foot soldiers) have been discarded so humiliatingly - apparently now, deemed as being liabilities to the cause, having secured Thaksin's (sorry Yingluck's victory).

That they (red shirt warriors) have spent time behind bars (not the type of bars they were used to in living it up in their 5 star hotel) and the coward Thaksin ran away in search of exile because he didn't fancy the idea of being put behind bars only serves to increase the beautiful irony of it all!!!!

Their naivity and gullibility has been exposed for what it was. "Where's our cabinet posts" they yell from the rooftops!!! "Can't have any is the reply" as your work is finished and I must concentrate on getting my brother back to Thailand without any distraction from the likes of you, go back to your farms and toil the fields where you belong, complaining peasants that you are - "a bloody nuisance if you want the truth be known" and you are starting to get on my nerves now.

Oh dear, what are the gladiators to think about how events have turned out where their rewards for distinctive service in aid of the many fellow duped kindred poor has turned into nowt with the only prizes preserved for the "cowboys" with nothing for the deserving "indians", still, thats life as they (didn't) know it!!! - maybe they should go to Bangkok and protest and create havoc again, this time against their masters. The only difference to before is that their generous sponsor's will be on the other side of the fence and they will have to pay their own way. Sorry lads and lasses, no matter your good intent - you blew it for Thailand - serves you right!!!!

Ultimate and classic own goal - team Shinawatra 1 "red" mugs zilch :annoyed:

I must admit Thaksin has one amazing quality: his unlimited capacity to turn his former friends into his worst enemies. After use.

Yes he gets very upset about treating them like used chewing gum - it makes him feel mildy guilty for all of a few milli-seconds B).

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Lets play a word game. Here are the words.

Thaksin Shinawatra


2 year jail sentence


Business as usual

Triple family wealth

To hell with the rest

Lots of red roses


What order will Yingluck choose?

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Lets play a word game. Here are the words.

Thaksin Shinawatra


2 year jail sentence


Business as usual

Triple family wealth

To hell with the rest

Lots of red roses


What order will Yingluck choose?

The one that suits her brother most of course!!! What a silly question :)

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

Samak was not banned for hosting a cooking program, he was removed from the premiership because he was in breach of constitutional provisions that state that a PM can't be employed in any private business. The fact that he could had been reappointed as PM the very next day of the ruling if the PTP had wanted to is enough to disprove the notion that he was banned from being PM.

He ceased to be PM because in the end his own party decided they wanted someone else in that position.

Now take a moment to evaluate what other of your beliefs are false.

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Look the votes are not counted yet and the royalist Nation newspaper is playing games already. Thaksin will NOT become an envoy, see tweets and statements of PT and Yingluck always said that if there is an amnesty and review it will be there for everybody red and yellow shirts. Of course Yellow shirt leaders and the Nation thought they would never have to answer for the airport occupation and the blockade of parliament but theyr were just protected by Suthep and his friends. By the way, the Thai people may vote on it in a referendum. Maybe it is time for the elite to play by democratic rules. Even the Thai generals were stunned by the real feelings of the Thai soldiers as it seems, as they voted overwhelming Pheua Thai.

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Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


We might as well just get the group amnesties over now and see the country move on as delaying it is just going to add more and more people to those needing amnesty and increasing utter hatred and eventually it will still happen but after more acrimony.

The establishment have lost. They need to accept this as if they dont the only options they have left are a horrible violent coup that will probably result in failure or ever more court cases that more and more people see as poltically motivated and unfair to the point where the whole justice system is discredited. This was a let the people chose election and they have. They have rejected the establishment and their supporters and chosen Thaksin and his even after the establishment and the poltical parties close to them had two years to change minds or even crush their opponents. They failed in such a way that PTP are now stronger and more united than PPP 4 years ago. Unless anyone wants to see more tragedy, it is time to put this to bed, and if that means a few old elite figures have to go to tending their flower beds rather than sitting in smoke filled rooms plotting what the government are allowed to do then so be it.

Right now the country has a senate, a reasonable sized opposition and the courts havent been totally undermined in government supporters minds. There is also the media. This is a check and balance enough on a government coalition. Thailand remains a functioning developing democracy if it is allowed to be. Sadly further interferance will only destroy this with the only possible outcomes being a military backed up hated government of probably useless old people with no forward vision but plenty of backward vision, or a Thaksin government full of suspicion, utter hatred and control of everything and with absoltuely no check and balance on it. Neither of these scenarios is anywhere near as good as letting the elected goevernment get on with its job and the check and balances theirs while those who like to interfere find more pastoral pursuits and enjoy family time

VERY well put, I totally endorse your point of view.

And when the next rich family's child kills some peasant on the road they won't serve a day in jail because Thailand never changes or dares to change.

Sure, and when the sky falls down, we all wear blue hats!

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

Samak was not banned for hosting a cooking program, he was removed from the premiership because he was in breach of constitutional provisions that state that a PM can't be employed in any private business. The fact that he could had been reappointed as PM the very next day of the ruling if the PTP had wanted to is enough to disprove the notion that he was banned from being PM.

He ceased to be PM because in the end his own party decided they wanted someone else in that position.

Now take a moment to evaluate what other of your beliefs are false.

It would have helped if he had cooked something nicer :blink:

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When poor people selling second hand CD's on Bangkok streets have been given prison terms of up to 5 years... a PM rip the Country off for $BILLIONS get 5 years Prison,RUNS AWAY then constantly cause problems for the Country HE gets amnesty (it will happen just as He will be PM again) ...THE PLACE IS INSANE

I find this charade totally sickening but this shows Thailand exactly what it’s morals and principles are, to elect someone with only 6 weeks political canvassing experience ;never been an MP –Phu yai bahn or Kamnan into the highest Government office of the land is beyond a joke.

The people of Thailand have been brainwashed they deserve all they get as this Government will end just as all the other Frankenstein Children of TRT have ended.

An Almost Trillionaire with NO experience of Government running one of the most promising economies in Asia..give me a break, it stinks as does Thaksin grinning on TV with his “el Diablo” hand gestures; this man is sick, a power hungry megalomaniac that will most probably sell his sisters soul just to get his snout back into the trough. These are the type of people who are destroying peoples lives thro greed and corruption.

The power of money…if you are planning to invest here be very very careful as the Nationalistic Xenophobes are back (for now)

Good I'm not alone in my thinking

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Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


We might as well just get the group amnesties over now and see the country move on as delaying it is just going to add more and more people to those needing amnesty and increasing utter hatred and eventually it will still happen but after more acrimony.

The establishment have lost. They need to accept this as if they dont the only options they have left are a horrible violent coup that will probably result in failure or ever more court cases that more and more people see as poltically motivated and unfair to the point where the whole justice system is discredited. This was a let the people chose election and they have. They have rejected the establishment and their supporters and chosen Thaksin and his even after the establishment and the poltical parties close to them had two years to change minds or even crush their opponents. They failed in such a way that PTP are now stronger and more united than PPP 4 years ago. Unless anyone wants to see more tragedy, it is time to put this to bed, and if that means a few old elite figures have to go to tending their flower beds rather than sitting in smoke filled rooms plotting what the government are allowed to do then so be it.

Right now the country has a senate, a reasonable sized opposition and the courts havent been totally undermined in government supporters minds. There is also the media. This is a check and balance enough on a government coalition. Thailand remains a functioning developing democracy if it is allowed to be. Sadly further interferance will only destroy this with the only possible outcomes being a military backed up hated government of probably useless old people with no forward vision but plenty of backward vision, or a Thaksin government full of suspicion, utter hatred and control of everything and with absoltuely no check and balance on it. Neither of these scenarios is anywhere near as good as letting the elected goevernment get on with its job and the check and balances theirs while those who like to interfere find more pastoral pursuits and enjoy family time

VERY well put, I totally endorse your point of view.

And when the next rich family's child kills some peasant on the road they won't serve a day in jail because Thailand never changes or dares to change.

I agree we all should give the government a chance. Clearly the majority of the people want them to be their leaders. Bickering and division will get Thailand no where.

As far as Thailand never changing, I totally disagree. All people change slowly. If you look at Thailand now compared to 100 years ago they have absolutely changed way more than any western governments. Sure, there is still plenty of stupid nonsense going on and lots of old mentalities and the ruling elite are well entrenched, but change is something that will come to everywhere at some point or another, you never know.

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Ultimately I think it will help the poor. The last Thaksin government gave the people a health care sytem that is the envy of many in the developing world, he build thousands of social housing units, introduced OTOP, gave loans to villages and more. Let's hope this time that education is the priority - in order to really empower the Thai people so that they can make informed decisions about issues that affect them. Sure there'll still be inequality at the end of this parliament, but maybe the poor wont have to wai quite so low as they do now.

That is the bottom line & that is why the Thai's voted the way they did.

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

"Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for"?

Thats a big fat yes on that one!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:.

I think that only the Italians are more gullible and naive!!!!

and the millions that did not vote for thaksin ? What about them ?

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

Of course he has every right to live here, and no one forced him to leave. He was sentenced to prison and fled. For the time being anyway, but probably not for long, he can come back anytime and be arrested.

And why discourage people from talking about it here in a forum when the subject is on topic? That's pretty much it's raison d'etre. It's a forum. If you don't like the subject maybe you can find an article more to your liking.


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THe methods used to prosecute or persecute these people - coup and politically motivated legal system - cannot be regarded as valid. THe majority of Thai people have voted against this and the situation needs to be set straight.

Because of the lack of separation of the legislative executive etc any legal rulings during the past 5 years really can't be worth the paper they are written on. Whether justified or not.

Many posters seem to think that so long as an action is in support of someone they agree with, it doesn't matter what that action is or was. Well it does matter as part of establishing a secure democracy, there needs to be both an independent judiciary and a de-politicised military.

Whether or not the intentions of this new government are genuine remains to be seen.

but one thing is sure is that Thaksin cannot remain in exile when the majority of the country want him back. Hopefully this time there will be an increased awareness by all sides of appropriate democratic procedures.

THe string of cynical partisan posts on TV does nothing but show how vacuous some members are.

You think substituting one 'politically motivated legal system' with another is a step forward? That things can be 'set straight' by overturning judicial decisions concerning a brother? Whose own lawyer was busted - by a JUDGE - trying to bribe court officials with a snack box full of money?

You have no clue about separation of powers, do not abuse this term any further.

Part quote from above: ".....THe methods used to prosecute or persecute these people - coup and politically motivated legal system - cannot be regarded as valid. THe majority of Thai people have voted against this and the situation needs to be set straight. ....."

Perhaps it's more like 'the majority of Thai people have been convinved to go for more short term sweeteners which will likely bankrupt the country'. Why, because they are mostly still uninformed about how evaluate what is good for the country long-term, also a very unfortunate reality of life is that Thailand still has a large percentage of the populace who need to rely on the sweeteners to keep things rolling today.

Comments suggesting that the majority of Thais have a well informed evaluation & opinion about justice, the legal and judiciary process, the processes of establishing and protecting quality democracy are a sick joke. I'm absolutely not suggesting that Thai people (and the same comments can be made about many countries) are stupid. All past governments since 1932 shoud be ashamed that the Thai populace is so uninformed.

"Perhaps it's more like 'the majority of Thai people have been convinved to go for more short term sweeteners which will likely bankrupt the country'"

Most of them don't care that it will bankrupt the country because they think it will not affect them and they think that they will get a good deal of money for themselves before the country gets bankrupted. It is the same reason they don't care that thaksin and his friends stole billions. They do not see it as him stealing from them and as long as they get their small share they are okay with that. When some thais ask me why i care so much i tell them it is because my kids are thai and I worry about their future they do not understand. they think the future is preordained or something. When i then tell them that i pay income taxes and i feel like he is stealing my money then they understand why i feel the way i do. Since they do not pay income tax they do not feel like he is stealing from them.

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Yingluck has not changed the committee that the outgoing Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva put in place as is quoted in the above article.

Asked later by Thai reporters whether her interview comment meantthe amnesty plan for Thaksin was still on, Yingluck maintained the Pheu ThaiParty's ambiguous line.

"I didn't mean it that way," she said."Bringing him back is not the main point. Our policy is not meant for anyparticular person. Everything will have to wait for the Truth andReconciliation Committee, which will work independently towardsreconciliation," she said. Although the Pheu Thai Party has surprised critics bykeeping the top reconciliation job in the hands of the Kanit na Nakorn panel,its chairman has expressed concern that the change of political guard couldaffect the committee's ongoing work. He has yet to react in detail toYingluck's disclosure that legal cases that were part of Thailand's politicalcrisis could be reopened for review.

I would give it a go and see what pans out before any comments were made.

How refreshing to see a voice of reason amidst all the whining and pouting.

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Never mind your logic based of facts. Those who "own the truth" and are wannabee aspiring members of the "I want to be part of the elite because I feel like one" will question your wisdom and ultimately nail you to the cross.

How dare you bring to the fore factual information about the clique that hanged Thaksin.

You naughty boy!

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

"Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for"?

Thats a big fat yes on that one!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:.

I think that only the Italians are more gullible and naive!!!!

and the millions that did not vote for thaksin ? What about them ?

They are the educated sensible ones that can see through Thaksin's true veiled intentions and were trying in vain to stop him achieving his mission of raping the country of it's wealth again.

I concede one thing and that is that his sister does seem more genuine (not difficult in reality) but just how long do we have to wait until the puppet master comes back on the scene to run the show????

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

I see your point, but you act as if the group that acquits him will do it fairly. He was condemned by enemies and he'll be acquitted by friends. Where's the fairness in that?


Well I am sure no one had any doubt that this would happen It seems to me that it has come to quick.

I see only one solution

A National Referendum: Paid for by the Shinawatra fortunes


1. Should Taksin go to prison

2. Should Taksin be allowed to return to Thailand

3. Should Taksin be allowed to return to Politics again

4. Should Taksin get his money back

I know a lot are going to say but the uneducated stupid peasants are going to answer yes to all except (1) But that is their choice, not yours or mine.

Then whatever happens it has been decided by the majority, good or bad, right or wrong. That’s democracy for you

this referendum will never happen. Thaksin only got 44% of the vote so they can not be sure that they will get 51% yeses.

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Look the votes are not counted yet and the royalist Nation newspaper is playing games already. Thaksin will NOT become an envoy, see tweets and statements of PT and Yingluck always said that if there is an amnesty and review it will be there for everybody red and yellow shirts. Of course Yellow shirt leaders and the Nation thought they would never have to answer for the airport occupation and the blockade of parliament but theyr were just protected by Suthep and his friends. By the way, the Thai people may vote on it in a referendum. Maybe it is time for the elite to play by democratic rules. Even the Thai generals were stunned by the real feelings of the Thai soldiers as it seems, as they voted overwhelming Pheua Thai.

More Camp Thaksin disinformation...

Yellow shirts have faced the courts over the airport occupation and other illegal activities. Hopefully they'll get sentences according to the gravity of their offenses in a timely manner.

As much as I dislike their antics at least the Yellow Shirt leaders (as well as Abhisit and Suthep) have openly and repeatedly declared that they will not seek an amnesty for whatever wrong they may have done.

By the way, very bizarre statement, that the YS where protected by Suthep during the airport and government house occupation; some poorly informed (or misinformed people) may be led to believe that those events did NOT happen under a PPP (AKA TRT, AKA PTP) government but a Democrats one.

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THe methods used to prosecute or persecute these people - coup and politically motivated legal system - cannot be regarded as valid. THe majority of Thai people have voted against this and the situation needs to be set straight.

Because of the lack of separation of the legislative executive etc any legal rulings during the past 5 years really can't be worth the paper they are written on. Whether justified or not.

Many posters seem to think that so long as an action is in support of someone they agree with, it doesn't matter what that action is or was. Well it does matter as part of establishing a secure democracy, there needs to be both an independent judiciary and a de-politicised military.

Whether or not the intentions of this new government are genuine remains to be seen.

but one thing is sure is that Thaksin cannot remain in exile when the majority of the country want him back. Hopefully this time there will be an increased awareness by all sides of appropriate democratic procedures.

THe string of cynical partisan posts on TV does nothing but show how vacuous some members are.

You think substituting one 'politically motivated legal system' with another is a step forward? That things can be 'set straight' by overturning judicial decisions concerning a brother? Whose own lawyer was busted - by a JUDGE - trying to bribe court officials with a snack box full of money?

You have no clue about separation of powers, do not abuse this term any further.

Some will argue a coup is illegal and that the amnesty already granted coup leaders has a set the precedent. It is a powerful argument. So you either unfetter Thaksin or prosecute the coup leaders or you have to accept that seperation of powers is already compromised and therefore blatantly unfair. There is also an irony in discussing seperation of powers when a coup ( a fairly major and blatant breach of any democratic ideal) is the route of much of the trouble.

It is time to move on and amnestying everyone is easier and more even handed than selectively prosecuting or not and having different people let off, jailed, different jail terms etc

Very pragmatic and sensible.

More selective prosecutions will almost certainly lead to more civil strife.

Far better to wipe the slate and start again but that may let those who authorised the snipers to be let off the hook.

Do you mean the black shirt snipers that Hun Sen admitted to last week in Cambodias press?? Another one where red shirts lied all along!!

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Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


listen to this man, he talks sense!

Oh my God,

Thaksin is back reincarnated into a woman "Badluck" Shinawat. God help the justice in Thailand.

The lack of justice was one of the problems: The PPP government was banned with indecent haste to get the protesters out of the airport with no proper time to prepare a defence. The Democrats were not banned despite receiving huge undeclared poliical donations. There was no transparent investigation into the murder of Seh Daeng or the others who were killed for demonstrating against the unelected Democrat government.

Is any of this going to benefit the minorities in Thailand?

The poor people will stay poor, non-educated and forced to continue to live impoverished, while the rich business elite will stay lining their pockets from corruption and slavery.

Makes me f****** sick.

Ultimately I think it will help the poor. The last Thaksin government gave the people a health care sytem that is the envy of many in the developing world, he build thousands of social housing units, introduced OTOP, gave loans to villages and more. Let's hope this time that education is the priority - in order to really empower the Thai people so that they can make informed decisions about issues that affect them. Sure there'll still be inequality at the end of this parliament, but maybe the poor wont have to wai quite so low as they do now.

Sure OTOP was a big success. All of the successful OTOP companies were successful before OTOP. True a few (very few) of the village funds were successful and helped people in the villages. The majority of them just caused more debt and went broke. One of my workers has to borrow from the loan sharks to pay back his village fund loan then he borrows from the village fund to pay the loan sharks. A never ending cycle of debt for him. Guess what he did with the money? he has a relatively new pickup truck and he bought 3 new motorcycles. When these are rusted heaps he will still have his debt.

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When poor people selling second hand CD's on Bangkok streets have been given prison terms of up to 5 years... a PM rip the Country off for $BILLIONS get 5 years Prison,RUNS AWAY then constantly cause problems for the Country HE gets amnesty (it will happen just as He will be PM again) ...THE PLACE IS INSANE

I find this charade totally sickening but this shows Thailand exactly what it's morals and principles are, to elect someone with only 6 weeks political canvassing experience ;never been an MP –Phu yai bahn or Kamnan into the highest Government office of the land is beyond a joke.

The people of Thailand have been brainwashed they deserve all they get as this Government will end just as all the other Frankenstein Children of TRT have ended.

An Almost Trillionaire with NO experience of Government running one of the most promising economies in Asia..give me a break, it stinks as does Thaksin grinning on TV with his "el Diablo" hand gestures; this man is sick, a power hungry megalomaniac that will most probably sell his sisters soul just to get his snout back into the trough. These are the type of people who are destroying peoples lives thro greed and corruption.

The power of money…if you are planning to invest here be very very careful as the Nationalistic Xenophobes are back (for now)

Good I'm not alone in my thinking

That makes three of us then!!! Spot on Beam me up!!

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

I see your point, but you act as if the group that acquits him will do it fairly. He was condemned by enemies and he'll be acquitted by friends. Where's the fairness in that?


Well I am sure no one had any doubt that this would happen It seems to me that it has come to quick.

I see only one solution

A National Referendum: Paid for by the Shinawatra fortunes


1. Should Taksin go to prison

2. Should Taksin be allowed to return to Thailand

3. Should Taksin be allowed to return to Politics again

4. Should Taksin get his money back

I know a lot are going to say but the uneducated stupid peasants are going to answer yes to all except (1) But that is their choice, not yours or mine.

Then whatever happens it has been decided by the majority, good or bad, right or wrong. That's democracy for you

this referendum will never happen. Thaksin only got 44% of the vote so they can not be sure that they will get 51% yeses.

Add to this that none of the anti-Thaksin voters AND many of the PT supporters are not in favour of this happening either as witnessed by the unpopularity of such a policy when it was brought into the campaigning and hastily withdrawn as being a liability to their chances of being elected!!

There will not be a referendum on this - mark my words!!!!!

It was definitely a case of "we love Yingluck" and NOT "we want Thaksin back".

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Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


THIS one is a conflict of interest charge.

Will he come back to face all the other charges against him?

Maybe they can re-open the assets concealment case as well.

...and the perjury case...

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Last week while walking in Sukhothai, my wife, her mother and her father and sister were offered 500 baht to vote PT. They wanted to walk away but \i told them to take the money and vote democrat. this they did - stating that they had just seen the best reason for voting democrat. What Abhisit should have done was to change the boundaries reducing the importanbce of the north and northeast vote much as Mrs Thatcher did in her last election win. Problem is - democrats are too nice. But lets sit back and watch PTP fail in spectacular style in the next eight years economics will take care of the Shinawatra family, I have no doubt of that. Credit and inflation will do their work. But for now Thailand has the Government that 60% of its population deserve. I feel very sorry for the other 40% of Thais who arent blinded by a free tablet and a credit card!! Its started already - so bring on the corruption!!

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[Do you mean the black shirt snipers that Hun Sen admitted to last week in Cambodias press?? Another one where red shirts lied all along!!

Oh dear, has Mr Thaksin done something to upset him??? Surely, he (Hun Sen) is accountable for hiring assassins to kill innocent Thai people then if what he has said is true!!

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A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Will a review of the case find different facts because different people are investigating?

The AEC brought the case forward. But the DSI prosecuted, and the judges judged.

You're incorrect. The AEC charged Thaksin, the AEC froze Thaksin's assets and it was also the AEC who found Thaksin guilty. The decisions are available online for anyone to read.

The AEC members were the only judges. And as you can see above the AEC members were all PAD or Democrat party members.

It is refreshing and a pleasure to read posts by someone who has a comprehensive understanding of what has transpired since the coup. Too many here at TV would like to forget, gloss over the facts or rewrite history to fit their own political agenda.

Never mind that he is wrong, and it was the Supreme court that found Thaksin guilty and sent him to jail.

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It is her prerogative to review cases. Perhaps, it is her obligation if irregularities are suspected. She staged a brilliant campaign in which the Dems failed political science 101. There are a vastly greater number of lower income folk than high income folk. It is a one-person-one-vote world and putting the interests of the high income folk abusively prominent while thumbing their nose at the don't-know-enough-and-don't-deserve-to-vote low income masses is political suicide, despite the misguided posts on TV. If they cannot do the math to understand this most rudimentary political reality, then it is best that the Dems are not in office any more because condescension and a holier-than-thou entitlement mentality are traits of the bygone feudal era.

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To hammered

Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

To most the other commentators

Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

Get used to the idea.

yeah and irakis also loved saddam, germans in the early thirties also loved you know who and north-koreans love their dear leader.

Seri - I don't recall the Iraqis or the North Koreans ever having a free and fair election under their dictator and yes the Germans did vote for Hilter in the 30s - they suffered the consequences and I doubt they'll ever do it again. So whats your point?

You know you touch on a good point here. Hitler was voted in by a desperate people who just nodded their heads to whatever he said while thinking, "as long as you make us prosperous please." Interesting to see how things go here b/c the promises of prosperity part has already been issued.

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