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Abhisit Still Best To Lead Democrats, Chuan Says

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Abhisit still best to lead Democrats, Chuan says


Former Democrat leader Chuan Leekpai said yesterday that Abhisit Vejjajiva was the most suitable candidate to lead the party.

Abhisit, the outgoing prime minister, said on Monday that he would step down as Democrat leader to take responsibility for the party's election loss, as it had fared worse than in the 2007 polls. But he did not rule out the possibility of being re-elected.

Chuan, who is a mentor of the PM, said he agreed with Abhisit's decision to resign as the Democrat leader. As a professional politician, Abhisit had to keep his word, he said.

"It will depend on the party members as to who will be the next Democrat Party leader. There are many suitable candidates, although Abhisit is still the most suitable candidate now," Chuan said.

He said that unlike in the past, he did not think selecting a new party leader would lead to infighting. "Most people in the party sympathised with the leader for his hard work."

A two-time prime minister, Chuan said Abhisit had called him on Sunday night after the voting to inform him about his decision to step down from the party's top job.

Abhisit said yesterday that he did not want to influence party members about the selection of a new leader. He said they should base their decisions on good judgement, not emotions.

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.

"They may not create any problem for their people. These people are less likely to go on a rampage and there is less likelihood for arson attacks or rioting," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-07-06

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.
Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Is this confirmation from the Old Elite that The Army will clear the inevitable Yellow Shirt protests from the streets once they start dragging on and have a few accompanying acts of random violence?

Anyway, on the main subject of the thread, once Abhisit picks himself up and dusts himself down, he and his allies must surely decide to build on the reforming, modernising agenda that was so badly compromised by their backers during the last government. There will never be a better time than now for Abhisit and his reformers to lay their table according to their goals.

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Is this confirmation from the Old Elite that The Army will clear the inevitable Yellow Shirt protests from the streets once they start dragging on and have a few accompanying acts of random violence?

Anyway, on the main subject of the thread, once Abhisit picks himself up and dusts himself down, he and his allies must surely decide to build on the reforming, modernising agenda that was so badly compromised by their backers during the last government. There will never be a better time than now for Abhisit and his reformers to lay their table according to their goals.

And how do you propose he gets the message to the people? Due to the Red propaganda the people in my MIL village blame abhisit for the higher

price of eggs -- Thaksin 2.8 baht? Abhisit 3.8 baht

Pork Loin -- Thaksin 95 baht? Abhisit 140 baht

chicken -- Thaksin 55 baht? Abhisit 90 baht

diesel -- Thaksin 15 baht? Abhisit 30 baht

etc etc

But in the past two years they have built new houses and bought new cars because coffee cherry prices have gone from 6-8 baht to 16-18 baht per kilo. There village has never been so rich due to the high price of coffee. i know that the price of coffee has very little to do with abhisit but i also know that he is not responsible for the cost of food going up all over the world. The villagers have not been able to. They blame him for the ills of the world but do not give him credit for the good. They are completely brain washed by the reds propaganda no matter how ludicrous it is.


Democrat Chief Adviser Still Backs Abhisit to Lead Party

The chief adviser to the Democrat Party still considers the recently-resigned party leader Abhisit Vejjejiva the most suitable person to lead ther party, but says the final decision is up to the party's members.

Democrat Party Chief Adviser Chuan Leekpai denied that the party's defeat in the election will mark the beginning of the party's decline.

The veteran politician added that he respects the decision of Abhisit Vejjajiva to resign as party leader to show responsibility, but he believes Abhisit is still the best man for the job.

Meanwhile, Chuan said he has nothing to say in particular to Thailand's likely-to-be first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

He only said that he believes the ongoing political turmoil will likely end soon.

He added that the Democrat Party is ready to be scrutinized by the new government for alleged irregularities in the previous administration, particularly the 91 deaths during the political turmoil last year, for which the red-shirt group alleged the Democrat-led government was responsible.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06


Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Former Democrat leader Chuan Leekpai said yesterday that Abhisit Vejjajiva was the most suitable candidate to lead the party.

I guess he was the most suitable PM for this country as well..................................:jap:

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Is this confirmation from the Old Elite that The Army will clear the inevitable Yellow Shirt protests from the streets once they start dragging on and have a few accompanying acts of random violence?

Anyway, on the main subject of the thread, once Abhisit picks himself up and dusts himself down, he and his allies must surely decide to build on the reforming, modernising agenda that was so badly compromised by their backers during the last government. There will never be a better time than now for Abhisit and his reformers to lay their table according to their goals.

And how do you propose he gets the message to the people? Due to the Red propaganda the people in my MIL village blame abhisit for the higher

price of eggs -- Thaksin 2.8 baht? Abhisit 3.8 baht

Pork Loin -- Thaksin 95 baht? Abhisit 140 baht

chicken -- Thaksin 55 baht? Abhisit 90 baht

diesel -- Thaksin 15 baht? Abhisit 30 baht

etc etc

But in the past two years they have built new houses and bought new cars because coffee cherry prices have gone from 6-8 baht to 16-18 baht per kilo. There village has never been so rich due to the high price of coffee. i know that the price of coffee has very little to do with abhisit but i also know that he is not responsible for the cost of food going up all over the world. The villagers have not been able to. They blame him for the ills of the world but do not give him credit for the good. They are completely brain washed by the reds propaganda no matter how ludicrous it is.

Very interesting comment.

My belief is that Abhisit and the dems need to devise policies and fast implementation plans which would take capability development ahead with speed and at the same time build infrastructure and attract investment right across Thailand* with speed, so that a much larger percentage of all Thais have the opportunty to gain a good quality of life through their own productivity. (*There has been success in some states in India with this formula - a state panel decides where new factories etc etc are to be located, ensuring there is a good geographical spread, and at the same time ensuring that there are subsidies etc to get goods to the right market locations. It works.) And by the way, capability and opportunity is not a new formula - it's basic and thaksin knew this years ago - did he do anything to work towards these goals? Nothing!

At the same time ensure that there are real activities to get people more knowledgable about democracy (its got lip service in the past but no action) and get people to realize that deciding which party to support needs to be a long-term appraoch / long-term thinking, not basic commodity costs.

Unfortunately (and this election proves it without a doubt) a very very large percentage of the population still analyse 'politics' by basic commodity prices egg and pork prices etc. Also most Thais are confused about what they want. On one hand they want the government to fix the price of eveyrthing (a Communist appraoch), on the other hand they want market freedom (capitalism). Again, there needs to be better education on all of these points so people understand.

The dems need to get way way ahead of the current scenario so that thaksins approach (comparison of basic commodity prices, and reliance of short term sweeteners) becomes irrelivant.


Very interesting comment.

My belief is that Abhisit and the dems need to devise policies and fast implementation plans which would take capability development ahead with speed and at the same time build infrastructure and attract investment right across Thailand* with speed, so that a much larger percentage of all Thais have the opportunty to gain a good quality of life through their own productivity. (*There has been success in some states in India with this formula - a state panel decides where new factories etc etc are to be located, ensuring there is a good geographical spread, and at the same time ensuring that there are subsidies etc to get goods to the right market locations. It works.) And by the way, capability and opportunity is not a new formula - it's basic and thaksin knew this years ago - did he do anything to work towards these goals? Nothing!

At the same time ensure that there are real activities to get people more knowledgable about democracy (its got lip service in the past but no action) and get people to realize that deciding which party to support needs to be a long-term appraoch / long-term thinking, not basic commodity costs.

Unfortunately (and this election proves it without a doubt) a very very large percentage of the population still analyse 'politics' by basic commodity prices egg and pork prices etc. Also most Thais are confused about what they want. On one hand they want the government to fix the price of eveyrthing (a Communist appraoch), on the other hand they want market freedom (capitalism). Again, there needs to be better education on all of these points so people understand.

The dems need to get way way ahead of the current scenario so that thaksins approach (comparison of basic commodity prices, and reliance of short term sweeteners) becomes irrelivant.

good ideas but impossible for the dems to implement their own plans now. They should have educated the people about what they were doing at the time they were doing it. The dems did not fight the red propaganda with facts such as the improvements to the school system they implemented.


It means they have no option, so they will likely stick with staying exactly where they are right now rather than build for a future where they could move forward. Admittedly to take the turmoil of modernising the party would probably mean short term it became even smaller as internal feuds broke out. However, in the linger term it could become a bigger party. To just stick with what they are now shows how bereft of ideas they are sadly. Even Chuan himself as an interim leader (nobody could think he was a long term one) while they rebuilt would be preferable and move the party away from the diversional baggage (fair or not) that Abhisit brings with him.

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Is this confirmation from the Old Elite that The Army will clear the inevitable Yellow Shirt protests from the streets once they start dragging on and have a few accompanying acts of random violence?

Anyway, on the main subject of the thread, once Abhisit picks himself up and dusts himself down, he and his allies must surely decide to build on the reforming, modernising agenda that was so badly compromised by their backers during the last government. There will never be a better time than now for Abhisit and his reformers to lay their table according to their goals.

And how do you propose he gets the message to the people? Due to the Red propaganda the people in my MIL village blame abhisit for the higher

price of eggs -- Thaksin 2.8 baht? Abhisit 3.8 baht

Pork Loin -- Thaksin 95 baht? Abhisit 140 baht

chicken -- Thaksin 55 baht? Abhisit 90 baht

diesel -- Thaksin 15 baht? Abhisit 30 baht

etc etc

But in the past two years they have built new houses and bought new cars because coffee cherry prices have gone from 6-8 baht to 16-18 baht per kilo. There village has never been so rich due to the high price of coffee. i know that the price of coffee has very little to do with abhisit but i also know that he is not responsible for the cost of food going up all over the world. The villagers have not been able to. They blame him for the ills of the world but do not give him credit for the good. They are completely brain washed by the reds propaganda no matter how ludicrous it is.

"There are three kinds of economists, those who can count and those who can't.

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Is this confirmation from the Old Elite that The Army will clear the inevitable Yellow Shirt protests from the streets once they start dragging on and have a few accompanying acts of random violence?

Anyway, on the main subject of the thread, once Abhisit picks himself up and dusts himself down, he and his allies must surely decide to build on the reforming, modernising agenda that was so badly compromised by their backers during the last government. There will never be a better time than now for Abhisit and his reformers to lay their table according to their goals.

You said

" There will never be a better time than now for Abhisit and his reformers to lay their table according to their goals."

I agree. Now they can make a plan and work towards it. They no longer have to fight terrorists and lack of knowledge. They have the time to build a strong platform. Hope fully it will be Abhist but if not I am sure the person they choose will be a honorable person also. They have come to far to go back to the old style of filling there pockets and then if there is any thing left over Thailand can have it. They are on a road to future greatness and they have the time to build for it on a solid foundation.

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Former Democrat leader Chuan Leekpai said yesterday that Abhisit Vejjajiva was the most suitable candidate to lead the party.

I guess he was the most suitable PM for this country as well..................................:jap:

Yeah, I agree that he was the most suitable PM for Thailand... but it is time to move on... Thailand cant remain in bad conditions forever... we need a man with some wisdom to run a country... not Abhisit...

Chuan said that unlike Abhisit's government, the new administration would not have to worry much about unrest because it was in the same camp as the troublemakers behind last year's turmoil.
That sounds like it may be a delicious dig.

Former Democrat leader Chuan Leekpai said yesterday that Abhisit Vejjajiva was the most suitable candidate to lead the party.

I guess he was the most suitable PM for this country as well..................................:jap:

Yeah, I agree that he was the most suitable PM for Thailand... but it is time to move on... Thailand cant remain in bad conditions forever... we need a man with some wisdom to run a country... not Abhisit...

Some seem to want to change the slogan of Pheu Thai 'one woman, one party, no compromise' <_<

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