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There seems to be no end to the creepy-crawlies that make their homes here in the north and some of them tend to want to make their homes in my home. Something as efficient as the bug bombs available in the old country doesn't seem to be available here. If they were, I would buy them. I really don't want to start having the place treated commercially. But I just ran across these tips on another site. Maybe they work. Maybe not.

Spray white vinegar around door frames and window frames. Ants don’t like the smell of vinegar and will avoid it at all costs.

Put out a small dish of white wine. There’s nothing worse than fruit flies hovering around your countertops all summer! Fruit flies, however, love the sweetness of wine, and will quickly jump in (and stay there indefinitely).

Hang chalk in your closet. Chalk will dry out your closet and keep moths away.

Peel a vegetable. Before you throw those cucumber peels away, save some and put them on your kitchen counter or even on the side of your bathtub. Roaches hate them!


Thanks for the tips KD, I've heard of the white vinegar tip before but not the others. White vinegar is also a great cleaning product but can't be advertised as such as it is registered as a food. We have a lot more ants than we used to and I'd like something like this http://www.vitax.co.uk/index.php/area/pest-control/ants-crawling-insects/nippon-ant-killer-liquid/ which is what my Mum always used back in the UK, if anyone sees any around please let me know.


best thing I've found for Ants is a Dog & Cat Flea powder called 'PINK'. it comes in a small tub/carton which is also pink in colour. Active ingredient - Carbaryl 5%

It really does work. Ants avoid it like the Plague they are. sprinkle some around the route they take and they will forever aviod that route.

I believe its about 40-60 baht or something.

Soap put me onto it.

It really is the 'Dogs <deleted>' B)


best thing I've found for Ants is a Dog & Cat Flea powder called 'PINK'. it comes in a small tub/carton which is also pink in colour. Active ingredient - Carbaryl 5%

It really does work. Ants avoid it like the Plague they are. sprinkle some around the route they take and they will forever aviod that route.

I believe its about 40-60 baht or something.

Soap put me onto it.

It really is the 'Dogs <deleted>' B)

Yeah. It comes in little collars too but they are so tiny I can't get them on the ants. Nothing worse than having ants that have fleas.


Hey Guys,

Insecticides are generally lethal to Insects. I wasn't suggesting you use it on the Dog or your Cornflakes , just the Ants.

I don't use any insecticides normally, but Ants seem to get the Upper hand here. Its either this stuff or Napalm. All I'm saying is it works and stays working for months. And you only need a light dusting of the stuff.

I Guess if the Dogs suffering its better than bathing it in Vinegar Too :)


Ant's? A 15 cm wide trench surrounding the house filled with laundry detergent will keep the house free of ants.

But then: Who wants a trench with laundry-detergent arond the house? And also if water hits the trench (rain) it doesen't work anymore. So much for ants.

If you would like to keep aunts away from your property just say "may me satang". After the third repetition it usually works (so I hear).



An environmentally friendly cure for

fire ants has been announced by Walter Reeves on his Georgia

Gardener radio program. Testimonials that it REALLY WORKS

are coming in.

Simply pour two cups of CLUB SODA

(carbonated water) directly in the center of a fire ant

mound. The carbon dioxide in the water is heavier than air

and displaces the oxygen which suffocates the queen and the

other ants. The whole colony will be dead within about two


Besides eliminating the ants, club

soda leaves no poisonous residue, does not contaminate the

ground water, and does not indiscriminately kill other

insects. It is not harmful to your pets, soaks into the

ground. Each mound must be treated individually and a one

liter bottle of club soda will kill 2 to 3 mounds.<br style="mso-special-character: line-break"> <br style="mso-special-character:line-break">


Okay...alright...that is something to think about for the ants, but what about those uncles?:lol: Perhaps something else mixed with the Club Soda? Hmmmmm......

Actually I have been revered with such a small extended family. Oh, but wait...don't want to give this thread a turn away from what the heck to do with pesky creepy crawlies. Actually, if we didn't have most insects, we would not have fresh water fish, at all. Not to mention bats. But I would still rather they stay outside my domicile. My dad used to put boric acid in small bottle caps and place them strategically in corners and under toe-kicks of cabinetry. I really don't know if this kept anything at bay or not. What I would like to know, is how to catch those small lizards...preferably alive...to toss them outside, where I think they belong. I would really rather have them eating insects at night and not staying inside my house during the day. We lived in a house with no ceilings and cornices that let anything and everything in. Talk about lizard sh*t all over everything....man, it took awhile to clean it all off before moving it into the new place. I have seen the glue boards and know that they work, but I don't want to kill them, just relocate them. Any ideas? Thanks PP


The first thing to do is to get rid of all the bugs in the house. That removes the food source for the geckos. The next is to seal the house; using screens where you can, caulking where it is needed. I doubt you can get rid of them 100 percent but you can reduce their numbers.

My last place was made from wood and the geckos were inside, everywhere. The house we are in now is made from blocks and concrete and we have very few geckos inside. Not sure why that is.


An environmentally friendly cure for

fire ants has been announced by Walter Reeves on his Georgia

Gardener radio program. Testimonials that it REALLY WORKS

are coming in.

Simply pour two cups of CLUB SODA

(carbonated water) directly in the center of a fire ant

mound. The carbon dioxide in the water is heavier than air

and displaces the oxygen which suffocates the queen and the

other ants. The whole colony will be dead within about two


Besides eliminating the ants, club

soda leaves no poisonous residue, does not contaminate the

ground water, and does not indiscriminately kill other

insects. It is not harmful to your pets, soaks into the

ground. Each mound must be treated individually and a one

liter bottle of club soda will kill 2 to 3 mounds.<br style="mso-special-character: line-break"> <br style="mso-special-character:line-break">

The more environmentally aggressive amongst us could always try a CO2 fire extinguisher.


Environmental issues are all to often written off as tree hugging &lt;deleted&gt; but I suspect that any house without a few insects would be a bit strange.

I find the bug problem a virtual none issue, the flies are nowhere near as bad as they are in rural Australia and I usually keep the ants at bay with a few whacks of the tea-towel.

Being Thai ants they then carry the bodies back to the nest and disappear for a three day funeral.

Ants come into houses because their is something to eat, sinks, floors and cupboards all supply plenty of grub.


I hate ants with a passion but not enough to use chemicals or even chalk as I have a very inquisitive 2 year old so for me the best solution is boiling water (which supposedly kills the scent the ants leave to mark a trail toward a known food source)


We a problem with crawling Millipedes & Earwigs

We were given a natural receipt to keep them from coming inside.

  • 10 ml Eucalyptus Oil
    10 ml Biodegradable Hair Shampoo
    80 ml water
    Mix all ingredients together and spray around on the ground at night

(Earwigs love to live in rotting vegetation, and are not really a huge threat. They are sometimes accused of nipping off seedlings. Not known to be disease vectors, harmful to humans )

This could be off help to someone :)


More discussion of ant fighting and some other remedies in this thread-


For anyone fighting the big red biting ants in your gardens, bring in a local and tell him/her that the nest is free for taking. They will find the big leaf nest in your tree/trees and remove it for the eggs and be happy to get it. They love to eat those eggs. This does not get rid of the ants but it slows the population quite a bit. Just about any time a local worker discovers a nest in our yard, he will ask if he can have it.

I don't know why, but I get the idea that those red ants do some good on the garden. Maybe pollinating plants, keeping other bugs at bay?


More discussion of ant fighting and some other remedies in this thread-


For anyone fighting the big red biting ants in your gardens, bring in a local and tell him/her that the nest is free for taking. They will find the big leaf nest in your tree/trees and remove it for the eggs and be happy to get it. They love to eat those eggs. This does not get rid of the ants but it slows the population quite a bit. Just about any time a local worker discovers a nest in our yard, he will ask if he can have it.

I don't know why, but I get the idea that those red ants do some good on the garden. Maybe pollinating plants, keeping other bugs at bay?

Yeah, keep well away while they are bringing them down, they get very angry and their nip is quite painful. Mrs Lman and sis attacked a nest recently and they seemed quite immune to the bites, I suppose the thought of the arroy larva made it worth their while. I sampled the resulting fry-up, and the only taste that registered with me was cooking oil!


Mrs scea and her sister dig up the eggs of the large black ants for fishing bait.

They have just about wiped the nests out in the village and have to go further and further a field to find them now..

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