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Full Moon Drugs & Booze

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guess the only way it will stop is if people stop going but that is unlikly to happen. maybe just maybe new goverment may do something but would imagine they have other things to sort first. places in greece and spain have similar partys ianapa and ibiza. whist there is a demand there will be a supply. when a Thai official threaten the news team say bad things and you will be kicked off the island its clearly well run by local groups and gangs whatever.

sad for the victems but they go of there own free will.

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"Within a few slurps, they are hammered and easy prey for predatory locals and expats alike."

OK, which of you guys are the "predatory expats"?

Have there ever been reports of expats preying on the partiers?

Edited by koheesti
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i don't supposed they named this supposed Thai offical that was allleged to threaten the news crew.

seems like just a stupid story to appeal to a specific audiance. like Dailt mail readers vs news of the world.

or BBC vs Channel 4 .

2 stories about the same place promoting 2 opposite things.

1 miht promote the thousands of people enjoying themselves

the other pormoting the incodents involving accidents. bit like Glastonberry in England.

Stupid telly

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As I walk through the crowd, shady local Thai men repeatedly offer our hidden cameras illegal drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana or speed for just a few dollars.

Almost sounds like they were on an expedition in Australia.

Edit: Haha after watching the last few seconds of the video and the person appearing in there I knew what kind of newspaper brought the article.They could make a much more spectacular article if they wrote about what happens in their own ranks.:bah:

Edited by janverbeem
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is there any parties where there are not drugs and booze what a stupid headline lol

if y kids told me ther were going to a party and they were 19 years old. then how stupid would i be if i thought that they would be drinking cups of tea and playing connect 4 all night.

Just imagine how the media think that they behave


kids in a party " anyone want some booze " kids answer no way that is illegal and our parents would be afffended " ok what about drugs"#

kids answer " leave now or i call the police you horrible drug dealer trying to sell us fun next you will be asking us for sex and we a re not even married"

dream on !

Edited by BigC
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I enjoy koh phangan fmp,no problems.i don't see anything to crazy

How disappointing.

Smokes was in Samui whistling.gif

Great Title of the thread but nothing new,choose your partys biggrin.gif

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I enjoy koh phangan fmp,no problems.i don't see anything to crazy

How disappointing.

Smokes was in Samui whistling.gif

Great Title of the thread but nothing new,choose your partys biggrin.gif

Its more fun to get pissed up then charter a boat against all rational advice paying well over the odds and have to jump in the sea and swim to shore cos the boat cant/wont go any closer to shore due to high tides.

No adventure left for some people that's the trouble....

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I enjoy koh phangan fmp,no problems.i don't see anything to crazy

How disappointing.

Smokes was in Samui whistling.gif

Great Title of the thread but nothing new,choose your partys biggrin.gif

i find Glastonvberry more dangerous. over crowding, over drugged. though parents don't have to worry cause it is only a few hundred miles from their house.

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I enjoy koh phangan fmp,no problems.i don't see anything to crazy

How disappointing.

Smokes was in Samui whistling.gif

Great Title of the thread but nothing new,choose your partys biggrin.gif

i find Glastonvberry more dangerous. over crowding, over drugged. though parents don't have to worry cause it is only a few hundred miles from their house.

I hear at Glastonbury these days its the children who do the worrying....

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those 2 forang tourist police do abosilutly nithing for samui island aprt from talk an tv and take other peoples credit for their real work that they put into it.

can't stand them

as for the director of that crap clip. I bet he enjoyed his holiday expense free paid holiday to Thailand. would love to kmow what he got up to here..

Edited by BigC
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