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when I lived in Thailand there was plenty of people saying 'England I could never go back there'

well those types it appeared were on the bones of their arse and would beg-steal-lie and cheat and love to play the victim, they had pretty much nothing to their name as they had spunked their nest egg.

I decided to move back as the work I was doing at the time(Estate Agent) became so popular with anyone and everyone setting up business doing it (well attempting to) that the name of all those in that profession has been badly damaged to pretty much beyond repair.

I had money, but not enough to carry on as I had been living like and luckily for me I still had youth on my side so knew it wouldn't be easy moving home but in the long term it was for the best.

I had 10 great years out there, but sometimes people need to wake up and realise that the position they are in or have put them in has changed and they need to do something about it?

Good post. If only others had your sense....


give me a house in isaan and a small wage or a house in the uk with a moderate wage , i would pick thailand any day without a doubt. i hate it here in uk. its just a rat trap dry.gif


"who'd a thought..thirty five years ago we'd be sitting here ....."

...dear me I have obviously gotta get a life!! go spend some money or better yet just give my wife a wad and sit here with another beer or three...lol

one poster talks about all the stuff he's done....you know it's really great to look back at that stuff and think well I dun a lot ain't I now I will veg out....

made me think of flying a Cessna over Victoria falls (when Rhodesia was Rhodesia)

...don't know what happened to all the slides though... n'em mind better in noodle memory probably...


Hmmm. Not going to read 5 pages of what are probably same same as page 1, but an average day in LOS is probably better than a good day in my "home" country, and the saddest day of my life will be the one when I have to leave LOS permanently.

If I ever have a "bad" day in LOS, it's because I didn't try hard enough, while "back home" it seems that everything is conspiring to make my life cr*p. Cost of living too high, no decent public transport, regulations up the ying yang, way too PC, dole blugers everywhere, thugs loitering, bureaucracy gone mad, and it's COLD!


Thailand, probably the worst dressed expats in the world.

No doubt that I fit in that category. I dress to suit myself and I really don't have to impress anyone. Do you actually think that I would concern myself as to what you think? I dress comfortably and other than my wife throwing away some of my favorite clothes, I'm quite happy.

The Vietnam Veterans Organization was probably quite happy to receive about 40 ties, 10 sport jackets, 15 pairs of dress pants and a number of suits. My job required me to dress like an important person and those days are over. I will never wear a suit and tie again as long as I live.

Happy days indeed.

It's a sad person that judges another by what he dresses.

I haven't worn a "uniform" ( includes suit and tie ) for over 12 years, and would hate to have to again.


Why make fun of poor people?

Fact is, a guy living here on 15,000 a month is better off than someone on minimum wage in the west.


Actually, Stepping back we are all pretty much floating through Thailand. I like JT pretty much had my options cut out from under me far to early in life (at least I was prepared!).   One thing that would stop many of us is the ability to easily employ ourselves or at least busy ourselves with meaningful volunteer work. Thailand will have none of it.  Was just coming back to BKK from Cambodia a few days ago via minivan. There were the KSR tourist gaggle and then the chain smoking, alcoholic, new pierced earring, wearing wife beater crowd. Surely its this lot that is the bane of the nation. No style, no clue.   To flip the argument around - not actually have a great deal of respect for teachers, shonky real estate flunkies or multi-level marketers. Guess I will sit on my ass.

TBL: I totally agree, even laugh at people wearing ties (and long pants) here but many, many foreigners especially in Pattaya wear old, tired smelly clothes. Shorts that most would wear to bed, wife beater with rips and tears, bathroom flipflops. That's the Pattaya uniform. Far dry from a decent pair of name brand collar shirts, very nice T perhaps/belted shorts (imported gray market wear from Cambodia)and a proper pair of sandals. It is pretty disgraceful...


Actually, Stepping back we are all pretty much floating through Thailand. I like JT pretty much had my options cut out from under me far to early in life (at least I was prepared!). One thing that would stop many of us is the ability to easily employ ourselves or at least busy ourselves with meaningful volunteer work. Thailand will have none of it. Was just coming back to BKK from Cambodia a few days ago via minivan. There were the KSR tourist gaggle and then the chain smoking, alcoholic, new pierced earring, wearing wife beater crowd. Surely its this lot that is the bane of the nation. No style, no clue. To flip the argument around - not actually have a great deal of respect for teachers, shonky real estate flunkies or multi-level marketers. Guess I will sit on my ass.

TBL: I totally agree, even laugh at people wearing ties (and long pants) here but many, many foreigners especially in Pattaya wear old, tired smelly clothes. Shorts that most would wear to bed, wife beater with rips and tears, bathroom flipflops. That's the Pattaya uniform. Far dry from a decent pair of name brand collar shirts, very nice T perhaps/belted shorts (imported gray market wear from Cambodia)and a proper pair of sandals. It is pretty disgraceful...

All sorts of reasons to dress down. Call me twisted if you like, but as a reaction to many years in the army with it's enforced dress code, I choose to dress scruffy, because I feel that it's one in the eye for the army ( they were NOT the best years of my life ) every time I do so.

Bit like not following ( rugby ) football because I was forced to play it in school.

I don't wear smelly clothes because my wife washes them after one or two times, but I like wearing old clothes, because I get a sense of satisfaction of not conforming to the consumer model. I wore a pair of pants "back home" for 14 years, and I bought them second hand from the Salation Army for a few $. Only reason I stopped wearing them was because I got too fat!


I know the people OP is talking about, and while I do not know why these people do these things, I also do not care as it is their life and their choice. The hardest thing for me to understand since I have been on forum is why so many people are so concerned over what other people do and how they live their lives. By your own statement OP these people are not really bothering you or anyone else. I think you have more of a problem than these" why bother" people do. Many people on forum seem to have a strange and obsessive interest in the activities of everyone else. Whether they are tourist police volunteers, backpackers, cheap people, rich people, people with Thai girlfriends, people without Thai girlfriends, Americans, Europeans, or whatever is nobody else's business but their own. If they are pedophiles or some other sort of criminal whose activities harm others, then it is right and proper to criticize. But if people, such as these why bother people, are not hurting anyone, why doesn't forum just leave them alone?


I know the people OP is talking about, and while I do not know why these people do these things, I also do not care as it is their life and their choice. The hardest thing for me to understand since I have been on forum is why so many people are so concerned over what other people do and how they live their lives. By your own statement OP these people are not really bothering you or anyone else. I think you have more of a problem than these" why bother" people do. Many people on forum seem to have a strange and obsessive interest in the activities of everyone else. Whether they are tourist police volunteers, backpackers, cheap people, rich people, people with Thai girlfriends, people without Thai girlfriends, Americans, Europeans, or whatever is nobody else's business but their own. If they are pedophiles or some other sort of criminal whose activities harm others, then it is right and proper to criticize. But if people, such as these why bother people, are not hurting anyone, why doesn't forum just leave them alone?

I suppose it is better to gossip about them behind their backs, as we do, than to disturb them and ask directly.

I had assumed that the question was meant in all innocence: the OP had observed people living a much more limited life than his own, with a far lower environmental impact, less apparent stress, at far lower cost, and he was wanting to identify all the good points of that life style, as he was considering a major readjustment of his attitudes.



Sorry 4300 thb but had to pay my 1900thb extension.

Thts is amazing and impressive. I would like to hear how it could be done- never know if something happens and I have to live like that one day.


Thailand, probably the worst dressed expats in the world.

No doubt that I fit in that category. I dress to suit myself and I really don't have to impress anyone. Do you actually think that I would concern myself as to what you think? I dress comfortably and other than my wife throwing away some of my favorite clothes, I'm quite happy.

The Vietnam Veterans Organization was probably quite happy to receive about 40 ties, 10 sport jackets, 15 pairs of dress pants and a number of suits. My job required me to dress like an important person and those days are over. I will never wear a suit and tie again as long as I live.

Why would your wife throw away your clothes without even asking you? That to me shows that she has very little respect for you, or the clothes are so crap that not even she can believe that you would actually wear them. Either way it puts you in a bad light.

So, tramp clothes or no respect from the wife? Which one is it?

My wife says that I make her shy when wearing shirts that are frayed around the collar and have a few holes in them. I just hate to throw away my most comfortable clothes.


I have to wonder why the OP posted two almost identical posts. What is this doing for him? If I remember correctly he is bailing out in a couple of months anyway. Probably another case of the, "Thai woman did me wrong blues."

You are a sharp observer, kerryk. Everyone else seems to have missed what you have caught him at.

I went in a bit more detail though, of his past posts, on page 3. He's definitely looking for affirmation. He is posting about himself.

The guy just likes to stir up trouble. He never posts any answers i will ignore his threads in future.

:thumbsup: Yep, me too.


Sorry 4300 thb but had to pay my 1900thb extension.

Thts is amazing and impressive. I would like to hear how it could be done- never know if something happens and I have to live like that one day.

'live' Did you say 'live'?


My scruffy clothes are always clean. If I try to wear my clothes a second day, my wife says that Thai people notice that and they will think that she doesn't take good care of me.

I must admit that I wouldn't be happy living on a budget. Not that I am wealthy but I don't have to scrimp on anything. Thailand is a great place to live provided that you have enough money to live as you choose.

I had a school teacher friend when I lived in Bangkok. He was single and his teaching clothes smelled bad. I doubt that they got cleaned more than once every couple of weeks. I once asked him about his clothes and he told me that dry cleaners were expensive and hard to find. I really can't imagine wearing clothes that need to be dry cleaned. He was actually a nice guy but no way could I live like that.


Perhaps they just prefer to stay indoors and stuff that way so they don't need to worry about having to deal with self righteous judgmental pricks?



Hmmm. Not going to read 5 pages of what are probably same same as page 1, but an average day in LOS is probably better than a good day in my "home" country, and the saddest day of my life will be the one when I have to leave LOS permanently.

If I ever have a "bad" day in LOS, it's because I didn't try hard enough, while "back home" it seems that everything is conspiring to make my life cr*p. Cost of living too high, no decent public transport, regulations up the ying yang, way too PC, dole blugers everywhere, thugs loitering, bureaucracy gone mad, and it's COLD!

I don't know what a dole bluger is but I can imagine it isn't nice. The rest I can identify with.

I added up the cost of my outfit today, stylishly designed to not look new and it came to 11,550 baht. Jeans, polo shirt and tennis shoes. I don't know if the Thai people recognize the labels and I didn't buy the clothes because of brand names. I bought them because of the number of pockets in the jeans, the shirt is all cotton and the tennis shoes are the same brand I have been wearing for 20 years.

I still have some hand made ties in the closet and my Dunhill lighter and Omega watch in a lock box in the corner of my bedroom but I have used them only once in six years. But if you want to pick me up in your Bentley I can still get turned out adequately for the occasional birthday party or state dinner.

I remember the bus boys at the Petroleum Club in Chicago used to wear Gucci shoes. One needs to dress appropriately to the circumstances. I always kept a set of slumming clothes in my trunk in case anyone wanted to hit the blues clubs. You can take a well made Italian suit and throw it in the back seat, leave it overnight and when you put it on the next day it still looks pressed.

I am still waiting for the OP to let us in on his Thai woman done me wrong story. Although I could be wrong. Maybe he came to Thailand for the culture.


Sorry 4300 thb but had to pay my 1900thb extension.

Thts is amazing and impressive. I would like to hear how it could be done- never know if something happens and I have to live like that one day.

Ok to be fair this is money I have ONCE I have paid my rent and Internet, and I am a veggie so that helps. I would not do it for long but it can be done ...

Budget on 1000 thb a week:

- Only buy food at the market. I just went yesterday, got my fruits and veg for 3/4 days 100/150 thb. Bargains of the day : Dragon fruits at just 10 thb a kilo, 2 big pineapples for 25 thb ( made pineapple fried rice yummy!), and 3 chinese cabbages for 15 thb.

- Live like thais on rice and noodles: Thai rice is 20-40thb a kilo, don't get cheap on the rice quality though, take the 35-40 thb one (1 kilo last 3 weeks) Noodles 50thb for a packet of 20 servings or get cheap fresh noodles also at market.

- Obviously never eat out, or just light snacks,being vegan is easier for me to resist.

- For supplements, tofu, faux meats, food that I cannot cook (deep fried), nuts, treats and other sweets: Veggie Foundation (cheap veggie shop), they also have cleaning products, shampoos, soaps and toiletries. I spend there around 400- 500 thb a week

Chose to take buses the non air ones, instead of MRT/BTs or obviously cabs.

I have done 500/600 a week by just cutting off the veggie foundation.(my treat) and buy absolutely everything from the market...

To think I use to go to makro / big C every 2 other days :) ! total waste of money if you ask me.

Forgot : Water 36 to 54 thb a month

Electricity : 0 ; Thai government rewards frugality and does not make you pay if your don't use much.

Never paid a baht :)


Many people think that money=happiness, whereas in fact, money=money and happiness=happiness. I think that's why there are different words for them.

Some people spend all their lives, in whatever country they live, having to be careful about how much money they spend. Others can spend as much as they want. Some in either category will be happy, some not.

This is true. People don't realise/understand that there is a vast spectrum, in the material sense, of those who 'have' and those deemed to 'have not'. From someone living in a shack to a luxurious home. BUT. The emotional scale of human beings is very much more narrow.

There was a survey, not so long ago, which showed the people of Isaan to be the happiest in Thailand. This I have personally found to be true. Perhaps because they have tighter communities and much less to prove to their family/friends/neighbours than the aspirant middle class/hi so Thai.

Being completely 'no end in sight' 'broke' sucks for most of us though. So, no I'm not trotting out the 'I was poor but I was ''appy' cliche. But I've met just as many miserable 'wealthy' people as 'poor'.


Sorry 4300 thb but had to pay my 1900thb extension.

Thts is amazing and impressive. I would like to hear how it could be done- never know if something happens and I have to live like that one day.

'live' Did you say 'live'?

Obviously it can be done because many Thai live on the same amount.


Some posters are missing the point here.

Sure part of the picture is not having enough money but this is only part of the picture.

Indeed you can have small amount of money but still be leading a fruitful and productive life.

The other part is the aimlessness of many people. The torpor that many expats seem to be in and the meaninglessness of their lives. I think it is sad and certainly wouldn't want to end up like that and that can include expats with money as well as those without money.

As for the poster who reeled off all the things that he has done and all the places he has lived in etc along with his degrees that is all well and good but that is the past. What are you doing now is the only thing that really counts.


'live' Did you say 'live'?

Obviously it can be done because many Thai live on the same amount.

When my wife and I were first together, she worked a sewing machine at a factory 12 hours a day for 6000 THB/month. Her apartment in Samut Prakan was 1800 baht and she was paying for one daughter's school and bus to get to school. She walked a couple kms each way to and from her work to save money, and to this day she is quite frugal (keenyow).

Yes, it can be done but it's a tough life. She is a budget fanatic to the maximum, and I wouldn't have her any other way. Now what was the question hotandhumid? Oh yeah, stagnant existence, never mind.:blink:


The other part is the aimlessness of many people. The torpor that many expats seem to be in and the meaninglessness of their lives. I think it is sad and certainly wouldn't want to end up like that and that can include expats with money as well as those without money.

So who gets to decide what is meaningful?


The other part is the aimlessness of many people. The torpor that many expats seem to be in and the meaninglessness of their lives. I think it is sad and certainly wouldn't want to end up like that and that can include expats with money as well as those without money.

So who gets to decide what is meaningful?

Rakers - You are just looking for an arguement.

Meaningless, is a life with no direction, no future, no prospects, nobody to love, nobody who loves you....look around you, there are plenty of them in Thailand, certainly more than any other country I have seen. Are you one of them?


Vs Kerry post

Today I wear

Jeans 200bht

T-shirt 150bht

Underwear 40bht

Flip flops 90bht

Total 480bht, same as any trendy young Thai guy.

Tonight add Nike Trainers 1,200 bht, cotton shirt 300bht, about 1,800bht.

Big booze night out, might spend 300bht if have coyote dancers on table.

If you have style and good looks, don't need spend much money on clothes.


The other part is the aimlessness of many people. The torpor that many expats seem to be in and the meaninglessness of their lives. I think it is sad and certainly wouldn't want to end up like that and that can include expats with money as well as those without money.

So who gets to decide what is meaningful?

Rakers - You are just looking for an arguement.

Meaningless, is a life with no direction, no future, no prospects, nobody to love, nobody who loves you....look around you, there are plenty of them in Thailand, certainly more than any other country I have seen. Are you one of them?

I'm a happily married man with a rosy future ahead of me, cheers.

But what if I wasn't? What if I was single and not doing much, who's to say that won't be a meaningful life? Perhaps somebody enjoys being single, for example, so who are you to tell them how to live their lives? And as has already been alluded to, the chances are that they couldn't give a flying one about the likes of you where you certainly seem to be thinking of them a lot. So, who's the loser?


Vs Kerry post

Today I wear

Jeans 200bht

T-shirt 150bht

Underwear 40bht

Flip flops 90bht

Total 480bht, same as any trendy young Thai guy.

Tonight add Nike Trainers 1,200 bht, cotton shirt 300bht, about 1,800bht.

Big booze night out, might spend 300bht if have coyote dancers on table.

If you have style and good looks, don't need spend much money on clothes.

News for you Olaf ... That is not a big booze night out ... And those are not Coyotes.


Vs Kerry post

Today I wear

Jeans 200bht

T-shirt 150bht

Underwear 40bht

Flip flops 90bht

Total 480bht, same as any trendy young Thai guy.

Tonight add Nike Trainers 1,200 bht, cotton shirt 300bht, about 1,800bht.

Big booze night out, might spend 300bht if have coyote dancers on table.

If you have style and good looks, don't need spend much money on clothes.

News for you Olaf ... That is not a big booze night out ... And those are not Coyotes.

Think he might have missed a '0'

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