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Moo Baan Montfort Villa


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Moo Baan Montfort Villa Thasala, district In the city .Is this a good place to live? If anyone lives there can you let me know if this a good area,.Please feel free to PM me if you do not wish to post on the forum.

Many thanks Frank

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The reason behind my original post was that there was a house for sale that I really liked the look of ( at the moment I live in the UK and looking to settle in Chiang Mai later) the plan was to get my sons in laws to check it out ,but they live more than an hours drive away. So Tv was the place to get some initial

information .

The people who replied in formed me that in the floods of 2005 the area was severely flooded, so that put paid to my quest.

The situation may have improved with flood defence work, but I am unwilling to take that chance.

Best regards.

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Yep, Montfort Villa if there is severe flooding you will be well up to your waist and then to your knees for many days while water recedes. But the same for a number of places including Palm Springs across the street and Siriwattana at Nong Hoi junction.

Lots of school children and traffic jams in term time (the older ones always looking for parking) and dead as a doornail in holidays.

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But I think with the flooding you need to put it into perspective. I think maybe once every 10-15 yrs it floods. The trouble is when it does, it takes ages to clean up. Its not only damage from the water, everything is mouldy.

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Not sure that the 1 flood every 10 to 15 years has ever been true in the past. Granted the flood prevention work has been ongoing for the past 2 to 4 years, after 2 years of floods. A big effort has been put into the river road on the west side of the river, dredging, etc. Road raised as well as concrete barriers installed. This improvement??? does appear to be at the low areas on the other side of the river if/when the next flood comes.

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