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I have used the survey people supplied via the Ampur 'land office' on a couple of occasions. Cost reasonable (less than 1500 baht). This was several years ago, so inflation may come into play.

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My wife had some land surveyed about 6 months ago .You have to go to the local land Dept and they will contact the neighbours and arrange a day and time for them to survey and other neighbours normally need to attend to agree with the outcome and sign . It cost us 2000 baht , it can be up to you if you feel you want to pay more.

In our case it took 4 to 5 hours as the land had not been surveyed for over 30 years and they needed to find the corner markers then survey and calculate their findings.

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Did a bid of a short cut survey last year, Government was doing charnote surreys along a new proposed highway. 30,000 Baht to do a 50 Rai block well away from the highway. Haven't got the charnote, but the paper work is in. Told it could be up to 10 years, but at least it has the pegs and no dispute about where it starts or ends. Jim

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Did a bid of a short cut survey last year, Government was doing charnote surreys along a new proposed highway. 30,000 Baht to do a 50 Rai block well away from the highway. Haven't got the charnote, but the paper work is in. Told it could be up to 10 years, but at least it has the pegs and no dispute about where it starts or ends. Jim

Well Bam Baby. Finally. I thought this forum had gone silent. thanks all for the info. this is what Thai Visa is all about. This is what I was hoping for. I told the wife and father in law when we bought this Chanoted property to go to each cement survey marker and hammer three triangulated 2 foot long pieces of 1/2 inch pipe into the ground and take pictures of it from different angles then pound them down until the y are about 6 or so inches under ground. Well as you all know they only went to the 4 corners? (it has about 15 different corners as it is a slightly irregular rectangle in shape) and put in only one pipe and took the pictures of the corners less than a meter away from the cement monument. All nearly useless and sure as you are born the neighbors started digging them up and moving them around to their benefit. One brain surgeon actually dug one up and then put it back in the ground about 2 feet above the original grade on a new levee i just built and then started complaining about me messing up "his" land. I asked him to help me by standing where I was going to dozer off a piece of earth. I asked him to stand still close his eyes and plug up his ears and i would show him where his land was and even put him right back on it if he wanted. Soooooo with the buffales about in the off season and my perimeter levee approaching two meters it is time to establish a true and correct boundary and plant a fence and also start the planting of the hundreds of coconuts and other fruits trees that will be going on the levee. FF

Edited by Foreverford
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Did a bid of a short cut survey last year, Government was doing charnote surreys along a new proposed highway. 30,000 Baht to do a 50 Rai block well away from the highway. Haven't got the charnote, but the paper work is in. Told it could be up to 10 years, but at least it has the pegs and no dispute about where it starts or ends. Jim

Well Bam Baby. Finally. I thought this forum had gone silent. thanks all for the info. this is what Thai Visa is all about. This is what I was hoping for. I told the wife and father in law when we bought this Chanoted property to go to each cement survey marker and hammer three triangulated 2 foot long pieces of 1/2 inch pipe into the ground and take pictures of it from different angles then pound them down until the y are about 6 or so inches under ground. Well as you all know they only went to the 4 corners? (it has about 15 different corners as it is a slightly irregular rectangle in shape) and put in only one pipe and took the pictures of the corners less than a meter away from the cement monument. All nearly useless and sure as you are born the neighbors started digging them up and moving them around to their benefit. One brain surgeon actually dug one up and then put it back in the ground about 2 feet above the original grade on a new levee i just built and then started complaining about me messing up "his" land. I asked him to help me by standing where I was going to dozer off a piece of earth. I asked him to stand still close his eyes and plug up his ears and i would show him where his land was and even put him right back on it if he wanted. Soooooo with the buffales about in the off season and my perimeter levee approaching two meters it is time to establish a true and correct boundary and plant a fence and also start the planting of the hundreds of coconuts and other fruits trees that will be going on the levee. FF

Typical of you FEFto plan the day so carefully, travel all the way to the farm, erect the fence, then into BKK and out to the airport, all on the way to the US. What a man!

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Did a bid of a short cut survey last year, Government was doing charnote surreys along a new proposed highway. 30,000 Baht to do a 50 Rai block well away from the highway. Haven't got the charnote, but the paper work is in. Told it could be up to 10 years, but at least it has the pegs and no dispute about where it starts or ends. Jim

Well Bam Baby. Finally. I thought this forum had gone silent. thanks all for the info. this is what Thai Visa is all about. This is what I was hoping for. I told the wife and father in law when we bought this Chanoted property to go to each cement survey marker and hammer three triangulated 2 foot long pieces of 1/2 inch pipe into the ground and take pictures of it from different angles then pound them down until the y are about 6 or so inches under ground. Well as you all know they only went to the 4 corners? (it has about 15 different corners as it is a slightly irregular rectangle in shape) and put in only one pipe and took the pictures of the corners less than a meter away from the cement monument. All nearly useless and sure as you are born the neighbors started digging them up and moving them around to their benefit. One brain surgeon actually dug one up and then put it back in the ground about 2 feet above the original grade on a new levee i just built and then started complaining about me messing up "his" land. I asked him to help me by standing where I was going to dozer off a piece of earth. I asked him to stand still close his eyes and plug up his ears and i would show him where his land was and even put him right back on it if he wanted. Soooooo with the buffales about in the off season and my perimeter levee approaching two meters it is time to establish a true and correct boundary and plant a fence and also start the planting of the hundreds of coconuts and other fruits trees that will be going on the levee. FF

Typical of you FEFto plan the day so carefully, travel all the way to the farm, erect the fence, then into BKK and out to the airport, all on the way to the US. What a man!

Boom Baby in Taipei and on my way. Like Country Joe McDonald with his Fish sang. "I went flying high all the way" Full of Campari and Cognac with a bit of champagne to settle it all. Gotta love Chi9na Airlines they were sweet and upgraded me to Business again. " i was stuck on LA freeway with rain water in my boots. thumb done froze can't feel my toes and feelin' a little destitute.." as old Joe used to sing it. He and Taj gave us a bunch of free gigs in Palo alto in the old days. got to love em all. don't fence me in Flying ona Ford Forever

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Another thing to think about is when you do the survey mark the area well and do it on the day of the survey , at one of the corner markers our neighbor decided he wanted some more land and pulled up moved the marker stake overnight ,I argued with my wife it had been moved so her father had a land office staff come back and he measured again and sure enough it was about 3 meters into our land .

We had workers cement a big concrete post next to each marker and a barb wire fence along his property .

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Another thing to think about is when you do the survey mark the area well and do it on the day of the survey , at one of the corner markers our neighbor decided he wanted some more land and pulled up moved the marker stake overnight ,I argued with my wife it had been moved so her father had a land office staff come back and he measured again and sure enough it was about 3 meters into our land .

We had workers cement a big concrete post next to each marker and a barb wire fence along his property .

That is the reason if you can't handle the expense of hauling all the fixing for cement and posts and wire etc, or you hve many monuments due to irregular shape, just pound in a 1/2" iron pipe 2' long, as I said before, just inside your marker and then place two more, all, say one foot equidistant to each other to form a triangle. Pound them almost all the way into the ground and then take photographs from about a few meters aWAY from a couple of angles and then pound the stakes below ground level about 1/2 to 1 foot deep. when they move your boundary markers like they will always do. Or move the entire 30 meter cement and wire fence like they did to my F-i-l on a remote piece of property all you have to do get is a cheap metal detector and your photos and then grab your kind neighbor somewhere about one foot north of the intersection of his kneecaps and pick him up and hang him from a tree branch by his belt loops and give him a good perspective to look at your photos. Forever fooling with Fools with your Ford

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