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THAI is the first airline to ensure maximum hygiene in its cabins in face of the outbreak of the deadly avian virus

BANGKOK: -- Even though Thai Airways International has not scored highly in rankings of the world's favourite airlines in recent years, the national carrier believes it is second to none when it comes to hygiene.

This attribute should bode well for THAI now that many parts of the world are entering a state of panic over the resurgence of bird flu.

While most other airlines have yet to highlight the issue, THAI has come out strongly to reassure flyers that its passenger cabins are insulated from the deadly virus that has recently reached Europe, apparently spread from Asia by migrating birds.

The airline spends six million baht a year on its ``Most Hygienic In-cabin Environment'' programme, which covers almost every inch of its aircraft, not just cabin walls and floors, but the equipment it uses, the food and drinks it serves and that air that passengers breathe.

THAI executives want to spread the message that the airline's hygienic standards exceed the levels set by global agencies such as the World Health Organisation or Thailand's Ministry of Public Health.

The airline is prepared to take the preventive measures to higher levels on any emerging signs from its monitoring system, said an executive at the crisis management operation centre (CMOC), a body set up at THAI to deal with crisis issues.

Last Friday, acting president Somchainuk Engtrakul signed an order to create another executive-level task force to co-ordinate efforts of all related departments to guard against the bird flu.

When asked if the creation of the task force was an overreaction, especially when the airline already has several preventive measures in place, he responded, ``No, we are not overreacting to the bird flu concerns but rather taking more precautions so that parties dealing with us can feel fully rest assured.''

In fact, the airline cannot afford to lose passenger confidence due to the bird flu panic at this time of the year, the start of the holiday travel season when airlines earn enough money to offset lower revenue from low-season traffic.

``People are highly sensitive about this kind of issue (bird flu), especially the Japanese, so the sooner we address it the more confidence they will have in us,'' added Vasing Kittikul, THAI's executive vice-president for commercial affairs.

To illustrate the airline's proactive approach to guard against the spread of the bird flu and other diseases, the airline last June began to use better air filters on its entire fleet of 88 aircraft.

It replaced the Hepa (high efficiency particle arrester) system previously used and still in use by other airlines with the new True Hepa filters.

True Hepa is a high-performance air filter that is used in operating rooms of major hospitals worldwide. It can prevent the spread of disease, bacteria, dust, mold and vapour, with the ability to catch viral particles as small as 0.1 microns, or by 99.999% of all airborne contaminants.

THAI's flight and cabin crews, now numbering 3,000, also receive vaccinations annually in December and January to protect them from contracting pneumonia.

The company began the pneumonia vaccination programme four years ago and this year's vaccinations will be given next month as a preventive measure for the benefit of passengers.

In addition, flight and cabin crews receive vaccinations against meningococcal meningitis, which is spreading in Delhi and Bombay, two cities to which the airline flies.

THAI executives pointed out that 36 areas in the passenger cabin are subject to special routine cleaning.

For instance, the seats are replaced every month. Reusable items such as blankets are thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sterlised after use, and the interior of each aircraft is sprayed with disinfectant prior to departure.

--Bangkok Post 2005-10-25

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