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Renewing A 5 Year Driving License In Chiang Mai


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To get your first thai driving licence do you need both your country of origin DL (in my case UK) and an international driving permit ?

I have a yellow house book, anything else needed ?

If the original is in English then I believe you don't need an International driving permit. ( Being from the UK, I'd say it's in English. ;) )

To others: If the original is NOT in English, then you need either an International dirving permit from the same country as your drivers license, or a certified translation.

Thanks for that

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  • 8 months later...

Well, just to throw in my own two cents on the subject, I jumped through all the same necessary hoops today, and here's how it went:

By the way, I don't have a work permit, so it was my understanding that getting a Certificate of Residency was necessary for me. So, after having requested and received a letter from the management of my condo building that I've been living here since last year, I took the letter, along with copies of the relevant pages from my passport, to Immigration. When I went to get a queue number from the machine, there was a nice Thai woman staffing the machine who told me that I didn't need a queue number for a Certificate of Residency, and to just go to the indicated counter, which I did. They accepted all my stuff (passport, passport copies, letter described above, and two photos), and asked me to wait. About 45 minutes later, they called my name, handed over the Certificate of Residency, and asked for 500 baht. Having previously read this forum thread, I was under the impression that this service would be provided at no charge, so I protested, but they just shrugged and said that's what it costs. I then asked for a receipt, and they said none would be available (or to quote them exactly, "mai mee"). So either they've formalized their method of charging for this service (under the table, but overtly), or they just choose to do it for selected nationalities (I happen to be American). Anyway, I don't enjoy being forced to participate in the rampant corruption happening all around me, but as someone else on this thread observed, I suppose it's cheaper than getting the identical thing from the American consulate here--which I'm sure is why Thai Immigration feels comfortable charging for the service in the first place: they're actually doing me a favor by offering me a discount. clap2.gif

Anyway, then I go off to get a Health Certificate, or whatever it's called. For this purpose, I decided to follow the advice of someone else on this thread, and stopped by the hospital which you find on the left immediately before you reach the Hang Dong Tesco-Lotus--just look for the large "+" sign. When I asked beforehand what the charge would be for this service, the nurse said 70 baht. However, when I went to the cashier's window, they said 100 baht--although a young Thai guy had received exactly the same Health Certificate before me, and I watched them charge him only 70 baht. OK, another 30 baht down the drain unnecessarily. Beginning to feel like I have a sign tattooed into my forehead, in block letters: PLEASE RIP ME OFF.

Finally, I make my way to the Department of Land Transportation, a bit further down the Chiang Mai-Hang Dong highway. To find it, use the following reference: there is a pedestrian crossover across the highway at Tesco-Lotus. If you continue from there in the southbound direction on the highway, the entrance to the Department of Land Transportation is immediately before you pass under the next pedestrian crossover (maybe 2K further down the road from Tesco). This government complex has a purple fence bordering the highway, so this should be your warning that you're getting close to the entrance, and will be turning left very soon.

Once inside, take the stairs on the left to the second floor, and chat with the folks at Information. The process is very streamlined--they seem to be used to having foreigners around who need to be told what to do next, which was actually very appreciated. Anyway, I was renewing both my car and motorcycle licenses, and changing my address from Bangkok (which was on the old licenses) to Chiang Mai, so for the car license they charged me 500 + 50 (for address change), + 5 baht, + 100 baht for the photo to be taken. For the motorcycle, it was 250 + 50 (for address change), + 5 + 100 for the photo as well. Total was 1060 baht. The only test they made me take was to confirm that I could distinguish red/green/yellow using a simulated traffic light, which of course was quick and painless. My old licenses had expired 12 days previously, so apparently no problem with that (although I believe it's foolish to drive around with an expired driver's license, because I'm pretty sure it voids my auto insurance policy).

So, despite my complaints above about paying more than necessary, I was able to get the entire thing accomplished in a few short hours, and I don't have to worry about it again for 5 years. All in all, I suppose I can live with that. wai.gif

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and asked for 500 baht. Having previously read this forum thread, I was under the impression that this service would be provided at no charge, so I protested

The very first reply to this topic: "Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt." wink.png

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and asked for 500 baht. Having previously read this forum thread, I was under the impression that this service would be provided at no charge, so I protested

The very first reply to this topic: "Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt." wink.png

Very helpful, Admin. Did you notice another reply, slightly further along the thread, which reads:

"..why are you paying an Immigration Official 500 baht to issue a form that is FREE..you're only making it harder and harder for us all by pushing up the bar!"

But of course, this must be the first time that people have different opinions on a subject, eh? Please advise as to how I should gauge the validity of any particular opinion in the future....

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  • 2 months later...

update ( price for driver lic. + 5 year for bike AND car ) july 2012 CHIANG MAI

photo ( for immigration ) + photocopies 160B

residence certificate ( by immingration) 500B ( picup time after 13:00 )

fit for drive certificate ( by hospital ) 100B

2 driver lic. 1080B ( start at 9:00 or 13:00 )

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update ( price for driver lic. + 5 year for bike AND car ) july 2012 CHIANG MAI

photo ( for immigration ) + photocopies 160B

residence certificate ( by immingration) 500B ( picup time after 13:00 )

fit for drive certificate ( by hospital ) 100B

2 driver lic. 1080B ( start at 9:00 or 13:00 )

Immi 500bt Residence Cert. is a rip! Same thing elsewhere is FREE.

Clinic on moat/south excellent @ 20 baht for medical .... worth a BIG tip!

Transport Dept efficiency is A1. 5 years D/L no problem with all papers, in-out = 20 mins.

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Transport Dept efficiency is A1. 5 years D/L no problem with all papers, in-out = 20 mins.

i needed to make color and reaction test and look a (english) trainings video for an hour ( not bad )

so near to 2h, but ok and very friendly people.

now the driver lic. is electronic type, whats the use of this ( for us)? or just that police can work faster?

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  • 4 months later...

I have a one year license (first year) now, anyone know what to do to get a 5 year?

when i upgraded my 1 year licence to a 5 year one i had to provide the same documents and do the simple tests,

you do need more than just a tourist visa to get a 5 year licence.

You must have the Certificate of Residence from Immigration office no matter what visa type you have.

Or A work permt or Yellow Tabian Baam.

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I'm going in tomorrow to renew both my 1 year Bike and Car licenses. What is the latest time you guys would suggest to get there for, as I'm fairly busy in the morning. And should I get photocopy's of my passport before I go?

Bump. Does anyone know what's the latest time I can go in today and get both my licenses renewed?

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My one-year licenses expire on Dec. 9th. I have been told that they cannot be renewed until after they have expired, and that I should renew them any time within 60 days of their expiration. I've also been told that they need to be renewed a little bit before they expire, i.e., any time between now and Dec. 8th.

Does anyone know the facts (not guesses) about when to renew?


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My one-year licenses expire on Dec. 9th. I have been told that they cannot be renewed until after they have expired, and that I should renew them any time within 60 days of their expiration. I've also been told that they need to be renewed a little bit before they expire, i.e., any time between now and Dec. 8th.

Does anyone know the facts (not guesses) about when to renew?

The law states that the one year license has to have expired before renewal as it is a temporary license. This is from the transportation department info. There have been reports of some members successfully renewing shortly before expiration but wouldn't rely upon it.

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  • 1 month later...

Quick update on rolling over from 1 year temp to 5 year license today.

First the Residency Certificate.

Rocked up at Immigration at 10.30am, copies of passport bio page, visa, entry card and lawful until date, passport size photo, plus rental agreement. It was absolutely packed, bikes and cars parked all over the place outside.

No need to take a number, rock up to centre desk, they give you the forms, you complete, and drop off, told to come back at 1.00pm.

In the break went for the medical, I go to McCormick as they actually do some form of assessment and keep the info in database. It's the closest thing I get to an annual check up. Blood Pressure fine (thanks for asking), scales seem to have put on a kilo since last year. Must be a mistake, the machine is clearly defective as has put on a kilo each year for a long long time. Must be nearly 15 plus kilos over what it should read. Curiously machine only makes an error for me? Eyesight test with the numbers it dots on a coloured background. Asked if I am allergic to anything answered no. Last time they asked if I was epileptic. I guess the recent spate of accidents through allergic reaction to peanuts by Honda Click riders while eating Massamam has caused a rethink. Good news is if you are epileptic you are now good to go.

In to see Doctor, checks heart. Contrary to view of wifey apparently I have one and it is working fine. I should live for years. While waiting for certificate to be typed wifey suggests that we by buy a high floor condo in Pattaya.

Pay 100baht (yes I know you can get it cheaper but I like it there ok and have all my records there) and have a nice typed certificate.

Drive back to Immigration at 1.05pm...still packed. Off to centre desk again and as it is busy am actually met by Dragon Lady. Anyhow she explains they have a lot of requests but actually takes my passport and has a look through various desks. She gets a call on mobile and hands it off to someone else who continues the search. Application found but not done, Dragon arranges typing and stays back to sign it before going off to lunch (otherwise would not have been out till after 2.00pm). I love you Dragon Lady. Asked for 500 baht which I gave, no receipt. Always willing to make a donation to the CM Immigration Officers Benevolent Fund. A very unassuming organisation as they do not publicise much but clearly do a lot of good work for Immigration Officers judging by the late model cars in their no entry car park.

Anyhow ...certificate in hand off to Hang Dong licensing. Up to the 2nd floor and a bit concerned as the very very very good lady at counter 21 not there. Have written before this lady is an absolute gem. Saw the young receptionist and believe it or not she was just as good. Separate forms for Motor Cycle and Car license renewal....and each needed a copy of residency and medical cert (they keep original). Made copies down the back quickly, then back to reception. Was a bit concerned as both licenses expired in July but apparently not an issue (old licenses attached to forms by receptionist). Told to go to counter 28 where there was a quick amber/red/green test with lights (all of 30 seconds) told to go back to reception. Given an number and told to wait, number called before I sit down paid 900 and something baht for both licenses. Told to wait for photo, again number called before I sat down. Into booth. Can you make yourself shorter please as height on camera does not adjust, slouch down in chair, told to lean head forward and then they take two happy snaps. Asked to pick which is best. Its a toss up do I go with the one with the pronounced forehead with eyes looking through eyebrows, or the one with three chins. Up to you. So I have the forehead shot (think Nick Nolte dui photo or perhaps DeNiro in Cape Fear).

Finished photo and went and saw reception lass to thank her. She also helped clarify one misconception I had being that Thais get a free 5 year license if they kill me on the superhighway on a Tuesday as there seems to be a lot trying today. Though it may seem so to me she assures me that this is not the case though some Wats do take this as a form of merit making.

End result is two valid licenses which is more that wifey, wifey sister, wifey 4 brothers, wife parents have who have been driving for years.

I digress. Even at licensing where they do the afternoon test (i think about 2.00pm) there were a lot of Thais going for the test that clearly would have been able to sit it eons ago. Wifey sister was reluctant to take day of work for test (she has been driving for 17 plus years in CM). Took day off eventually, failed test miserably, drove home and will continue to drive and not sit test again (waste of a day off).

Edited by mamborobert
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Just had a quick shufti at mine which was issued last March and as said by earlier posters ..above due to birthday timing (Feb) I got a 6 year minus 1 month validity which was unexpected...good one

All the usual paperwork but missed the test time which I believe are at 10-00am and 2 PM (maybe wrong ) so had to go back next day.

About 6 F and 10 Thais and we all did the eyesight test and red light break test...bang big foot...

Then had to watch the video (about 30 mins) but no questions.

Nice coloured Credit Sized DL now which as we all know is also good for ID.

Their mugshot of me looks better than any I could have got taken so happy until..... 2018.

Asked about the Lifetime licenses but no..only for Thais...MPR

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Asked about the Lifetime licenses but no..only for Thais...MPR

As far as i know lifetime DLs are no longer issued to Thais. Now only 5 years for new applications. Been like that for over 10 years, I remember my wife applied for the lifetime licence just before the deadline.

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Asked about the Lifetime licenses but no..only for Thais...MPR

As far as i know lifetime DLs are no longer issued to Thais. Now only 5 years for new applications. Been like that for over 10 years, I remember my wife applied for the lifetime licence just before

the deadline.

Sounds about right.

Wifee has had the old lifetime DL for about 20 years but lost it somewhere along the line and got a new/replacement lifetime shiny multicoloured jobbi same time as I got my 6 year one last March.

(Just checked to make sure)

They may not be giving out new ones but replacing existing seems in order.

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