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FWIW, the drivers you really need are:

- Chipset



- Sound

- Wireless

Windows 7 already includes support for Bluetooth out of the box. I would hold back on installing these drivers unless you're missing some functionality Windows drivers don't provide.

Touchpad drivers aren't necessary either, unless you want to enable features like edge scrolling, gestures etc.

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Ok, I've installed all of the drivers you listed -

as far as blu tooth goes, I actually want to be able to disable it and save battery (I never use BT) The bundled drivers/software give me no option to turn it off. On my Asus Notebook, I'm able to use fn + F2 to toggle wifi and blu tooth on and off, but I can't see a similar key on the Samsung netbook, and even if I could, my fn shortcut keys aren't working.

How do I enable those? Drivers/software/bios switch?

Thanks for the continued assistance SNova - much appreciated.

Having installed the Broadcom drivers, the wifi seems to be working now at least.


Right click on the bluetooth icon in the taskbar and then go to "stop". Or you can disable it in Device Manager. There is no shortcut for shutting it down on the keyboard.

As far as your earlier post about using Function keys to control the brightness of the display. Install the การจัดการหน้าจอแบบง่าย (Easy Display Manager) utility which is under the ซอฟแวร์ (software) tab of the Samsung site

Google translation for การจัดการหน้าจอแบบง่าย is The screen is easy to handle

You might want to also might check out the อายุการใช้งานแบตเตอรี่ (Battery Life Extender) utility.


Thanks for the forum link, Spoonman - looks like it'll come in handy.

BB1950 - cheers for the info on shortcut key and battery extender apps - be sure to get that stuff sorted soon.

I'm using a little app called 'touch-freeze' in the interim which detects when you're typing and tells the touchpad to ignore any signals telling it to move the mouse icon during those times.

It works pretty well, but I much prefer being able to just hit a key-combo and instantly disable/enable the touchpad - especially since I use a mouse most of the time.

Currently I can right-click the blu tooth icon and turn it on or off also, but again, I prefer to use a keyboard shortcut for toggling that and wifi, mostly for the purpose of conserving battery power. I'm used to doing the same thing on my 16" notebook, but I had to hunt down and install a few drivers for that too when I first got it.


I see there's one firmware update from March 24 2011. No reason not to load that up, right?

Bound to be some performance increases in terms of processing and battery use...


I see there's one firmware update from March 24 2011. No reason not to load that up, right?

Bound to be some performance increases in terms of processing and battery use...

My guess if you already have BIOS version 02GM, you won't need it.

Be aware that during Windows 7 activation, the product key is linked to the BIOS along with a few other key parameters about your system (motherboard, CPU, hard drive, etc...).

These parameters are periodically checked for changes. It is the new WAT (Windows Activation Technology) method which Microsoft uses to prevent illegal copies from being used.

If you flash a new version of the BIOS, you could possibly deactivate your Windows 7, if it is already activated. You would have to contact Microsoft to get a new product key and explain to them that you upgraded the BIOS.


Thanks JJ

BB1950 - I haven't activated Win 7 yet. It only just prompted me to do so in the next 27 days... or else.

What happens if you don't activate it on time? Does it just keep bombarding you with activate messages or shut down altogether?


Thanks JJ

BB1950 - I haven't activated Win 7 yet. It only just prompted me to do so in the next 27 days... or else.

What happens if you don't activate it on time? Does it just keep bombarding you with activate messages or shut down altogether?

Well as mentioned previously, you can rearm the timer to get up to 120 days. Once the time runs out; it will be tagged as not genuine, you will get annoying nag messages, your desktop customization will turn to a black and white screen, and desktop icons will disappear.

I've never let it go beyond this point (the black desktop and nag messages were annoying enough), but I'm told that eventually more functionality will be lost and you will be only able to use the computer for short periods of time (just long enough to activate it).

Once it is tagged as not genuine, Microsoft will offer you to purchase a 'Get Genuine Online Kit' at a significantly reduced price. This is the option I took because that way I know for sure it is Genuine. This is Thailand and all kinds of scams can occur.

Once you purchase the kit, you will receive and instant product activation key during the purchase process. You need a debit or credit card to make the purchase. PayPal can't be used. I found my Bangkok Bank ATM/Debit card worked well. The bank authorization occurred instantly.

You will also receive an email confirming the purchase with the product key in the email. Then genuine installation DVDs (32bit and 64 bit) will be shipped to you from Singapore. It took about 3 weeks to receive the disks via Federal Express.

There were no extra charges for Federal Express or Custom duties, so Federal Express delivered it directly to the house. I just had to sign for it. Because I live in the boonies, the Federal Express driver had to call me several times asking for directions.


@BB1950 - So how much was the significantly reduced price?

@JJ - Surely Microsoft are against this little command prompt trick? Unless they intentionally built it in for whatever reason and just don't publicize it themselves.

I imagine they can just as easily remove it with one of the many updates they send through for Windows 7 almost every day?


@JJ - Surely Microsoft are against this little command prompt trick? Unless they intentionally built it in for whatever reason and just don't publicize it themselves.

It is installed when Win7 is installed and is legit:

Microsoft confirmed that "-rearm" can be used as many as three times by Windows 7 users to avoid activation. "This means [that] a total of 120 days total time is available as a grace period to customers that take advantage of -rearm," said a company spokeswoman.

Computer World


Thanks Tywais.

Still curious to know what the reduced price is. I already have a legit copy on my notebook - last time I checked it would cost me another $259 or so for home premium Win 7 on the netbook. The netbook which itself only cost about $359.


I can't answer for Windows 7 Home Premium. I can only answer for Windows 7 Ultimate, although it was over a year ago. If I recall, local retailers wanted 8000 baht to 9000 baht. The 'Get Genuine Online Kit' was about 6500 baht.

You don't need the full retail version of Windows 7 Home Premium. The upgrade version will work just fine. Last I knew the upgrade versions were about $129 plus S&H. Don't get confused with the 'anytime upgrade' as it's not the same. Be aware that the OEM version can't be transferred to another machine, whereas the Retail version can.

There is now a Windows 7 Home Premium SEA version (available in Thailand). It is the same as an OEM version, but can only be activated in SEA. You would have to check around with local retailers.

It's best to wait and see what is offered to you unless somebody from TV already knows. You have time.


Oh, according to this site it's actually $299 for a full version of Win 7 (not an upgrade).


That's ridiculous!

Here's a link to one of TV's sponsors in Thailand for various Windows 7 versions:


It appears that they have only OEM and Retail versions. They don't appear to have Upgrade or SEA versions.


I did some searching to see what others have paid. Unfortunately I didn't find any results of what people have paid in Thailand, only in Europe. I think it might be about 4000 baht. Looks to me like it's similar to the Upgrade version. To know for sure, you have to wait until it's tagged as 'not genuine'. It's the only way you can purchase it from Microsoft.

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