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Father kills six daughters in honor killing in Pakistan


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this tragic story has simple explanation :

"this is economy!stupid!"

poor daddy had sleepless nights thinking about 6(six!) dowries he would have to cough up;

he used the first available excuse to get rid of this problem.

brothers were snitches,his partners in this crime.

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in this thread - the righteously indignant, pouring scorn on a culture of billions for the crazy interpretation of one. can you all now move on as i noticed you neglected to comment on this thread:


Disgusting though it may be it was not an 'honor' killing which this thread is about. All honor killings are completely unacceptable, whoever carries them out. To put it in perspective 91% of honor killings are carried out by Muslims so there must be a lot of misunderstanders of Islam out there. :ph34r:


P.S The facts are out there, speak for themselves and are easy enough to find in spite of the best efforts of the left wing press to conceal them.

lets map this out. an article is posted on honour killings in Pakistan, one guy killing his six daughters. we get two pages of comments, scott posting something to do with the middle east, others egypt, and someone else calling for crusades.

meanwhile, no one comments on 4 adults ganging up to kill one child.

the truth is, pakistani people are no doubt horrified by this as well. the guy was caught and imprisoned, so their laws seem to work and funnily enough, seem to reflect ours. weird right !?

egypt is about as close to pakistan as the uk is to russia. just because russia and the uk are christian countries doesn't make them the same place !

this whole 'us' and 'them' thing is boring and allows you to be manipulated.

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in this thread - the righteously indignant, pouring scorn on a culture of billions for the crazy interpretation of one. can you all now move on as i noticed you neglected to comment on this thread:


Disgusting though it may be it was not an 'honor' killing which this thread is about. All honor killings are completely unacceptable, whoever carries them out. To put it in perspective 91% of honor killings are carried out by Muslims so there must be a lot of misunderstanders of Islam out there. :ph34r:


P.S The facts are out there, speak for themselves and are easy enough to find in spite of the best efforts of the left wing press to conceal them.

also, citing grumpylarry's blog as a source is not citing anything. 91% of honor killings...really ? who does the other 9% ? how many people are we actually talking about here ? if we are going to talk facts dan, lets make sure they are all available.

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in this thread - the righteously indignant, pouring scorn on a culture of billions for the crazy interpretation of one. can you all now move on as i noticed you neglected to comment on this thread:


Disgusting though it may be it was not an 'honor' killing which this thread is about. All honor killings are completely unacceptable, whoever carries them out. To put it in perspective 91% of honor killings are carried out by Muslims so there must be a lot of misunderstanders of Islam out there. :ph34r:


P.S The facts are out there, speak for themselves and are easy enough to find in spite of the best efforts of the left wing press to conceal them.

lets map this out. an article is posted on honour killings in Pakistan, one guy killing his six daughters. we get two pages of comments, scott posting something to do with the middle east, others egypt, and someone else calling for crusades.

meanwhile, no one comments on 4 adults ganging up to kill one child.

the truth is, pakistani people are no doubt horrified by this as well. the guy was caught and imprisoned, so their laws seem to work and funnily enough, seem to reflect ours. weird right !?

egypt is about as close to pakistan as the uk is to russia. just because russia and the uk are christian countries doesn't make them the same place !

this whole 'us' and 'them' thing is boring and allows you to be manipulated.

get real !!!,........... this about evil people , just a coincidence that the saudis among others treat there servants {quite a few from thailand i believe} thousands from the phillies and indonesia in a similar manner DAILY , AND THEY ALSO ARE MUSLIM , and as its a ''closed '' society its hidden very well, there are probably 100s of SE Asians locked under a stairwell or being beaten like a camel as i write this post ,........... the only person your fooling matey is yourself !!,.......i suggest you buy a new map !! even the governments there use stone age methods of punishment i.e cutting of limbs and stonnings for adultery ..........only for women of course , so not so bad eh ???

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in this thread - the righteously indignant, pouring scorn on a culture of billions for the crazy interpretation of one. can you all now move on as i noticed you neglected to comment on this thread:


Disgusting though it may be it was not an 'honor' killing which this thread is about. All honor killings are completely unacceptable, whoever carries them out. To put it in perspective 91% of honor killings are carried out by Muslims so there must be a lot of misunderstanders of Islam out there. :ph34r:


P.S The facts are out there, speak for themselves and are easy enough to find in spite of the best efforts of the left wing press to conceal them.

also, citing grumpylarry's blog as a source is not citing anything. 91% of honor killings...really ? who does the other 9% ? how many people are we actually talking about here ? if we are going to talk facts dan, lets make sure they are all available.

So you want facts, well here they are complete with statistical analysis. By the way to state Egypt and Pakistan are not comparable is not wholly true, Islam recognizes no borders so if Sharia law is in operation the original 7th century law and morality manual is the same, just as it is in the various non-assimilating ghettos throughout Europe, but that's another story.


To combat the epidemic of honor killings requires understanding what makes these murders unique. They differ from plain and psychopathic homicides, serial killings, crimes of passion, revenge killings, and domestic violence. Their motivation is different and based on codes of morality and behavior that typify some cultures, often reinforced by fundamentalist religious dictates. In 2000, the United Nations estimated that there are 5,000 honor killings every year.[1] That number might be reasonable for Pakistan alone, but worldwide the numbers are much greater.

You can find the 91% worldwide figure based on the published study, the figure rises to 96% if you look at Europe alone. As I wrote before the evidence is overwhelming.

Edited by Steely Dan
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the truth is, pakistani people are no doubt horrified by this as well.

How can you be sure? Some Pakistanis may be disturbed or even embarrassed by this incident. However, if any are 'horrified' - then what are they, as a people, doing to try and stop this from happening again? Even if they tried doing something tangible to outlaw 'honor killings' (which are the most dishonorable thing a person can do), the Stazi-like Muslim fanatics would literally shoot them down or stone them. I don't have any good solutions for the deep-set problems in that part of the world. I know I surely wouldn't raise a child there. By hook or by crook, I'd get that child to a sane part of the world. Nowhere is perfect, but it can't get worse than the Middle East, in my view.

Someone mentioned Norway earlier in this thread. I recently saw a TV spot of a small community celebration there. People of all ages were gaily prancing and singing - uninhibited and not acting for the camera. it looked to me like about as close as an idyllic scene as can be imagined. So sad that 1 criminal nutzoid with guns got loose.

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A number of people from the Middle East will take their child back to their home country and then kill them. A father and a daughter leave, but only the father returns.

Yes, or the more common: The daughters are taken along for vacation to the middle east and are married off to a pre-determined welltodo, to prohibit the girls of acting out on their 'own choice' that is told to them that they have by people in their new country.

My home-country now tries to enact legislation to stem this issue as literately hundreds of girls have contacted social services upon returning from the summer-vacation of upper secondary school, married against their will in the home country.

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in this thread - the righteously indignant, pouring scorn on a culture of billions for the crazy interpretation of one.

That is then condoned and even applauded by many.

i didn't see that in the article - and neither did you.

I wasn't referring to 'this article' in isolation, please try to open your eyes and see the bigger picture.

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in this thread - the righteously indignant, pouring scorn on a culture of billions for the crazy interpretation of one. can you all now move on as i noticed you neglected to comment on this thread:


Disgusting though it may be it was not an 'honor' killing which this thread is about. All honor killings are completely unacceptable, whoever carries them out. To put it in perspective 91% of honor killings are carried out by Muslims so there must be a lot of misunderstanders of Islam out there. :ph34r:


P.S The facts are out there, speak for themselves and are easy enough to find in spite of the best efforts of the left wing press to conceal them.

also, citing grumpylarry's blog as a source is not citing anything. 91% of honor killings...really ? who does the other 9% ? how many people are we actually talking about here ? if we are going to talk facts dan, lets make sure they are all available.

you mean you dont have access to the internet orangekeze ?

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This guy is also a sick individual who most likely has some serious mental problems. Killing the two daughters who allegedly had dishonored the family could be attributed to religion. Killing all six cannot. He's got an issue with women.

My neighbor's two dogs bark too much. Can I use that to justify killing all the dogs in the neighborhood? Not for a sane person.

Maybe they would not lend him there make up . Hunny i killed the kids . it could be made into a film. he was just showing them his parental feelings to wards them, women in many Country's do not have any rights, and are oppressed by men.

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If we could only go back in time and re-write the Koran so it says that to save honor instead of killing your daughter you have to kill yourself.

I think if we did that, then we would have a much more liberal interpretation of honor.

Re-write the Koran?

Anyone like to show me where it says in the Koran than 'Honour' killing ( and I don't like the term either )is acceptable.

Put the guy on trial, put the evidence to a jury of his peers and either convict or aquit, if convicted let the courts decide, not the Koran, Bible or any other book, but the justice of the Country involved,

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this tragic story has simple explanation :

"this is economy!stupid!"

poor daddy had sleepless nights thinking about 6(six!) dowries he would have to cough up;

he used the first available excuse to get rid of this problem.

brothers were snitches,his partners in this crime.

you are mixing up Muslim Pakistan with Hindu India. in Pakistan the parents of the groom pay!

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If we could only go back in time and re-write the Koran so it says that to save honor instead of killing your daughter you have to kill yourself.

I think if we did that, then we would have a much more liberal interpretation of honor.

Re-write the Koran?

Anyone like to show me where it says in the Koran than 'Honour' killing ( and I don't like the term either )is acceptable.

Put the guy on trial, put the evidence to a jury of his peers and either convict or aquit, if convicted let the courts decide, not the Koran, Bible or any other book, but the justice of the Country involved,

If Sharia law is practiced the Koran IS the law. As posted earlier there is no retribution required in the Koran for infanticide.

Regarding the comment that the Pakistanis are probably embarrassed by this case I would point out the estimate of 5,000 honor killings in Pakistan each year so they appear immune to embarrassment. Rape cases there are similar with the perps rarely if ever convicted and even if they are the sentences are a joke, incidentally rape is also routinely used as a punishment if one family dishonors another.

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While there are some acts which most of the world would consider to be a crime now which are condoned by the Koran, most of the crimes such as honor killing, and even simple cultural practices such as women being fully veiled have no basis in the Koran. These and other practices evolved from tribal practices, and when these tribal people embraced Islam, they somehow became part of the religion without regards to the actual words of the book.

You can see this in other religions as well. Christmas Day has no basis from the Bible, for example. The day was picked by Constantine probably with regards to subsuming the Saturnalia holiday.

Honor killings are an evil practice, and whether advocated by the Koran or not, the fact is that the perception by the perpetrators that the act is condoned really needs to be addressed. And that should be done by the religious leaders themselves. It will take the mullahs to change this way of thinking.

If we could only go back in time and re-write the Koran so it says that to save honor instead of killing your daughter you have to kill yourself.

I think if we did that, then we would have a much more liberal interpretation of honor.

Re-write the Koran?

Anyone like to show me where it says in the Koran than 'Honour' killing ( and I don't like the term either )is acceptable.

Put the guy on trial, put the evidence to a jury of his peers and either convict or aquit, if convicted let the courts decide, not the Koran, Bible or any other book, but the justice of the Country involved,

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this tragic story has simple explanation :

"this is economy!stupid!"

poor daddy had sleepless nights thinking about 6(six!) dowries he would have to cough up;

he used the first available excuse to get rid of this problem.

brothers were snitches,his partners in this crime.

you are mixing up Muslim Pakistan with Hindu India. in Pakistan the parents of the groom pay!

are you sure about that?you are right in 25%(may be)

read this:


read also 50 comments which follows this article,you will find only one,which corresponds with your claim : Patans in Baluchistan has to pay walwar for bride.

this customs goes with ethnic lines,not religion.Arabs in Gulf and Saudi pay close to one million bucks for bride.They can afford it.

Edited by catlover
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