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3 Thai Cops Guilty In 9-Year-Old Boy Shooting Case


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Only 8.5 years to reach a verdict and then a suspended sentence. Thai Justice at its best. :bah:

We don't know when the legal process dealing with this case started. They may have already been held on remand for 8 years or however long it has taken.

Edited by hanuman1
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Seemingly no punishment at all...

Except, the article doesn't mention what if anything happens to their status as police officers, given they now each have a criminal conviction on their records....

Promotions for each, perhaps?

No, they'll be on the party list of the next reincarnation of TRT in the next election. Rewarded for doing Dear Leader's dirty work.

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The driver of the vehicle had the option to stop when requested to do so by the police and she chose to ignore it. This does not justify the accidental killing of the child however, but we reap what we sow, a suspected drug dealer chose to flee when legally requested to stop by the police, and we all see the results of that in this basically 'law unto themselves' country.

After having read your outrage over deaths during the redshirt insurrection in BKK, one can only assume that you have come to a 180 degree feeling about deaths caused after a lawful order to disperse was given.

This verdict really does make me sad. I think that is about all I can legally say about a particular court verdict in Thailand.

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The drug war is likely for a myraid of reasons to see few cases and no proper inverstigation into what happened. The best we can probably hope for are the HRW and Amnesty reports. Human Rights have a long way to go in Thailand. It would also be nice to see the rd shirt movment actually take up some rights caess that were poltically difficult for them to demonstrate a broader rather than selctive belief in human rights

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With what they can steal it's roughly a months salary for these guys ($300 USD). No jail time.

Off ya go now fellers - Have a nice day

Not so.

These policemen were doing an extremely dangerous job, their lives at risk.

Now they have to live with the death of this 9 year old child on their consciences for the rest of their lives.

Part of the fault lays with the commanding officers for not insuring that their police are properly trained in these instances, but the main blame has to be with the mother, who failed to stop her car, putting lives at risk.

It concluded with her innocent child paying the price for the mother’s misdeeds.

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With what they can steal it's roughly a months salary for these guys ($300 USD). No jail time.

Off ya go now fellers - Have a nice day

Not so.

These policemen were doing an extremely dangerous job, their lives at risk.

Now they have to live with the death of this 9 year old child on their consciences for the rest of their lives.

Part of the fault lays with the commanding officers for not insuring that their police are properly trained in these instances, but the main blame has to be with the mother, who failed to stop her car, putting lives at risk.

It concluded with her innocent child paying the price for the mother's misdeeds.

For sure each of us has a differing opinion about most things.

But this comment leaves me totally Gob Smacked

As I have heard my wife say to many police in Thailand “You are here to protect us, not to rob us” and most certainly not to murder

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