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Briton Who Faked His Own Death Found Living In Thailand


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The Daily Mail tracked him down to Bangkok and Meanwhile Kellaway was travelling the world on a false passport which he secured using the birth certificate of a dead child – a ruse inspired by the Frederick Forsyth thriller The Day Of The Jackal

A news paper can track him down but the authorities can't?

Wasn't that movie was made in the 1960s (?) Too bad the authorities didn't take the proper steps, like entering death certificates in a data base...

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This story leaves one feeling decidedlyunderwhelmed.

Nowhere does it mention Stephen Kellaway's having been tried and sentenced – he'd hardly have been permitted to have travelled to Russia, had that been the case – hence making the line: “… they fraudently claimed housing benefit on their property portfolio …” an as yet unproven allegation.

They built up a one million pound property empire in London? First, the South East is NOT London. Second, if they did indeed buy the properties in London, then, at a million pounds, one property, three at most, would, even these days, pretty well constitute the exaggerated 'empire'.

If he IS guilty of fiddling the system – illegally, as opposed to 'legally', such as some politicians have, and any number of illegal residents manage – being able to do so, whilst owning six houses and flats and earning 100,000 a year, exposes, yet again, the farce that is the benefits system, and the ineptitude of the officials running it.

His payments from the UK had been temporarily halted. Which payments? Benefits? Or income from the million pounds? If benefits, hardly likely – even allowing for endemic incompetence – to have been halted this late, nevermind temporarily. If from the property proceeds, why would a would-be John Stonehouse have left the monies IN the UK, instead of placing them offshore?

The false passport being linked to the Frederick Forsyth novel smacks of overly romantic imaginations.

And the photograph taken in the airport lounge, hardly bears any resemblance to someone sleeping rough.

All in all, this whole saga sounds typical UK rag – and,for that matter, Thai – media storytelling.

Edited by JohnAllan
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/../ he jetted off to Bangkok and lived on rental income he received from the UK.

But things started to go wrong after he was mugged and lost his false passport – meaning he had no official identification to collect his payments.

Heh - small snag to his plans...

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Wasn't that movie was made in the 1960s (?) Too bad the authorities didn't take the proper steps, like entering death certificates in a data base...

almost from the same book, but instead of using a dead person's details, Israelis were caught in NZ a few years ago using the details of a tetraplegic to gain a false passport

The prime minister of New Zealand angrily denounced Israel and imposed diplomatic sanctions on it after two suspected Mossad agents were jailed for six months for trying on false grounds to obtain a New Zealand passport. The plot, which involved obtaining a passport in the name of a tetraplegic man who had not spoken in years, provoked a furious reaction yesterday.

and more recently a (now former) NZ Member of Parliament in court last year 2010 - the offence was picked up when they did create a database matching dead people with passport holders.

Name suppression over Garrett's 2005 court hearing has just been lifted. Garrett was discharged without conviction and granted permanent name suppression after he stole the identity of a dead two-year-old boy in 1984 and used it to obtain a false passport in the boy's name.

Edited by Atmos
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I am surprised he did not want to stick around and see the results of the boob job!

"where his wife had breast enlargement surgery, to avoid jail for swindling £50,000 benefits."

I guess this means the British authorities were looking for a small breasted woman or is it a law in the UK that large breasted woman cannot go to jail? :lol:

Almost spot-on - but the writer did include a comma in the right place . . . granted, hyphens would have made it clearer

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The picture of him at Suvarnabhumi must be staged. There's a picture of him - in Khao San? - in clean togs. The article states he's moved into a guesthouse and then there's the pic of him at the airport. Clean-shaven, neat hair. Does he look like he's been sleeping rough? Looks like he was driven out to the airport and told to pose for the photo for dramatic effect.

What a mug this person is. I trust the British Embassy / Irish Embassy is investigating this?

As for his fake teaching credentials, I suspect there are a whole lot more of these types. Wishful thinking, but I really wish the Thais would get serious about cleaning up who lives and works here.

And leave the country almost unpopulated . . .

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If he bribes the right people in Thailand he might avoid extradition by dying again,

incase the next bribe is found to be insufficient he might just as well be extinguished for real this time by "the right people"

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I am surprised he did not want to stick around and see the results of the boob job!

"where his wife had breast enlargement surgery, to avoid jail for swindling £50,000 benefits."

I guess this means the British authorities were looking for a small breasted woman or is it a law in the UK that large breasted woman cannot go to jail? :lol:

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There ya go! Let's start speculating corruption on the part of the Thais. This forum never disappoints. :thumbsup: Hey- I witnessed a woman preparing a bowl of noodles at a street market in Maesai the other day. This surely must imply a plot involving police corruption, infringement of human rights and endangered species poaching. :cheesy:

I think there's even more to it; she was also intending to sell those noodles to farang - at double the price she charges locals! I think she was a hi-so Chinese-Thai with a worthless uni degree, majoring in robbing gullible 70 year old foreigners.

Start some new threads now.


But seriously - a site here for people who do want to 'disappear'

How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever

and a book

How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace

No problem. If she get's in trouble (doesn't pay ca cha) to the right folks she can always protest like pirates in Phuket........

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A news paper can track him down but the authorities can't?

I very much doubt the Daily Hate did anything other than answer a call from someone who knew him and knew where he was. Luckily for the upstanding, God-fearing citizenry, this anonymous individual was prepared, for only a small consideration, to fulfil his civic duties.

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You can't write fiction this amazing! Incredible story. Fake housing claims, fake boobs, fake identity, fake death...fake fake fake. This guy has a serious wake up call coming his way.

He might have had a fake wife as well......................:jap:

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Another great film coming from this - what a great story - this must be happening all the time - amazing!!!!

Might be a new movie out soon, with Nicholas Cage as the deceased.............................:lol:

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well he wasn't doing much harm was he?

The guys who need screening are the big fish that cause misery and suffering to others via exploitation and greed...

His wife was probably feeding the greed factor


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Why do these people always come to Thailand? Why don't they go somewhere else?

Name another country that provides anonymity, low cost of living, good weather, a "compliant" police force, readily available companionship and western amenities? There are some out there and yes, low-lifes emigrate to those countries too, although Thailand seems to be to destination of choice for Euro trash.

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...Kellaway was travelling the world on a false passport which he secured using the birth certificate of a dead child...

I find it interesting that as recently as two years ago it was still possible to get a UK passport this way. I thought this loophole had been closed but apparently this is not the case.

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it apears they have, or at least tried to; couldn't find anything more recent than this BBC News item on the UK Passport Service from 2005:

Passport applicants face grilling

More than 4.5 million people a year will have to go to an interview to get a new passport from the end of 2008. The interviews are part of plans to replace traditional passport photos with high-tech biometric data such as face scans, fingerprints or iris scans.


The service has already set up a database of 500,000 children who died under the age of 18 since the early 1950s.

The idea is to prevent the scam used in the book and film The Day of the Jackal, where an assassin applies for a passport using the birth certificate of a dead child.

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The picture of him at Suvarnabhumi must be staged. There's a picture of him - in Khao San? - in clean togs. The article states he's moved into a guesthouse and then there's the pic of him at the airport. Clean-shaven, neat hair. Does he look like he's been sleeping rough? Looks like he was driven out to the airport and told to pose for the photo for dramatic effect.

What a mug this person is. I trust the British Embassy / Irish Embassy is investigating this?

As for his fake teaching credentials, I suspect there are a whole lot more of these types. Wishful thinking, but I really wish the Thais would get serious about cleaning up who lives and works here.

All to fit the perfect Daily Hate story.

He has a 'property empire' of a whole 6 houses. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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There ya go! Let's start speculating corruption on the part of the Thais. This forum never disappoints. :thumbsup: Hey- I witnessed a woman preparing a bowl of noodles at a street market in Maesai the other day. This surely must imply a plot involving police corruption, infringement of human rights and endangered species poaching. :cheesy:

I think there's even more to it; she was also intending to sell those noodles to farang - at double the price she charges locals! I think she was a hi-so Chinese-Thai with a worthless uni degree, majoring in robbing gullible 70 year old foreigners.

Start some new threads now.


But seriously - a site here for people who do want to 'disappear'

How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever

and a book

How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace


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Another great film coming from this - what a great story - this must be happening all the time - amazing!!!!

Might be a new movie out soon, with Nicholas Cage as the deceased.............................:lol:

His acting isn't quite that wooden.

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There are probably many others who are like him living in Thailand.

And in a noble profession like teaching, with a fake degree to boot. What a selfish scoundrel, cheating young children. And claims that he is missing his young kids. :angry:

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Can we have some actual pictures of real hippies please?

This so called hippy makes us all qualify: short hair, neatly cut, T-shirt, trousers.

The hippies have really lost the plot then.

But our friend hasn't. If any one can cope with the anxiety and uncertainty then it's a psychologist. Or so you'd think. But wife wanting bigger tits in middle age - couldn't he have got her to have some self esteem higher than the average bar girl's? Apparently not. But then he'd already chosen fraud as a modus operandi.

It does smell of a set up; the air port, photographed sleeping. It just doesn't smack of crediblility at all.

Despite his understanding of the human psyche he clearly chose the wrong options when doing a Reggie. But his troubles had started long before that - low life, white collar crim.

Silly boy.

Edited by housepainter
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well he pretended to die so hang the scamming Bastard!!! Then come to Chiang Rai and get the rest of the fiddlers! the ones who say they are resident in the UK but are here and claiming housing allowance..The ones who have split the profits with the landlord or are saying they live with their family!!! Who said you had to be a immirgrant to rip off the Uk?

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Thailand ... Hub of Farang Reincarnation ! :D

Or rather, a lime pit for the living dead.

I have often wondered about the other two farang living, or should I say lurking in my village. I once got close enough to say hello to one of them, but he waved me off, feining some sort of mute- noncomprehendo hand gestures and high tailed it in the opposite direction. Kind of crossed my mind that .... all sorts of things.


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