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Well I'd be happy to share mine.


It's a reading resource. I take an event/issue/piece of trivia that is current or pertinent or just interesting and find a piece of writing in Thai which talks about it. Then I break down the key vocab (tweet that out as a primer) then provide a translation of the text. Not rocket science, but I hope it is a useful resource for people wanting guided reading practice.

I've been on holiday for the last month, so it's lain dormant for that time. However, of relevance now, which learners of Thai might like to check out are some posts from the archives:

Some readings about flooding here here and here. Some older ones about the rain here here and here. One on Mothers' Day here and, since the English football season has just kicked off, one about the beautiful game here.


Great idea Keo. How about this?: http://wp.me/pUfz6-pN A guided reading based around a report of the fourth day of rioting in the UK. Audio included if listening practice is more your bag.

Two bits of key vocab to get you in the mood:

จลาจล riot

ปล้นสะดม to loot or plunder



Great idea Keo. How about this?: http://wp.me/pUfz6-pN A guided reading based around a report of the fourth day of rioting in the UK. Audio included if listening practice is more your bag.

Two bits of key vocab to get you in the mood:

จลาจล riot

ปล้นสะดม to loot or plunder


Audio, transcript, vocab list, and translation...absolutely perfect! I just quickly searched your blog and there is enough material there to keep me busy for quite a while. What a great resource! You should put a link in the tagline of your posts. People need to know about this site.


Thanks for the support kikenyoy. Glad you like it.

I'd be happy to put a link in, but last time I did that the mod said it was against the rules.

The best way to keep up to date with new posts on the site is to follow me on twitter or like my facebook page. Info at my profile page.



p.s. just for the sake of full disclosure, it is an entirely non-commercial endeavor and I keep the blog because it think it's nice to share.


I'd be happy to put a link in, but last time I did that the mod said it was against the rules.

Well... their house, their rules I suppose, but it seems a shame to not allow links to useful sites (especially non-commercial ones).

I'm about the only person left without a facebook or twitter account but I have it bookmarked and will be checking it every few days.

Now that I've had time to go through a few articles it's amazing how efficient it is: I read the vocab list and article while the audio is downloading and cut and paste any interesting phrases/sentences directly into Anki. With most material I need to have thai2english open as well to type in unknown words. The only improvement I can think of would be more frequent updates. :)

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