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Garden International School Vs St.Andrews


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I'm living in Narathiwas area and I been doing and extensive research where to send my 2 and half years daughter to nursery for the first time this term.

I been looking several places so far including play groups but I'm more keen to international schools preferably with British Curriculum.

I went to:

Wells international School (too far)

Garden International School (fees are reasonable but didn't get many information yet as the principle is currently on holiday)

St.Andrews (great place but fees are over too high for out budget).

Noddy playgroup (nice but they only do half day program but we are more interest in full day programme)

Any advice or suggestion?

Anyone sending his kid to one of those school and have some opinion to share?

Any help would be much appreciated as it seems very hard to make such an important decision,


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I know this isn't really answering your question, as it isn't your area and isn't international, but we had our 3yo at a Thai language steiner school called Baan Rak, off Rama IV (a bit past Carefore).

http://www.baanrakk.th.edu/ (don't let the website turn you off).

Great little place for creative learning etc. Out daughter could be best described as native English speaker, and they teach in Thai, but most of the kids there aren't actually Thai. Many of them are Japanese kids, so my daughter picked up Thai, a smattering of Japanese, and she got a bit more of a 'open minded' play approach that you'd get in Western pre-school.

Cheap as chips too.

Out plan was to send her there before sending her to international school in BKK.

A well kept secret as far as we were concerned.

Anyway, just one off the wall there for you.

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  • 1 month later...

Any update, did you find a school ?

Reason for asking i'm in exactly same situation with our two and half year old and finding it difficult to compare the schools. We are located close to Bangna and Srinakarin areas in upper Sukhumvit would do as well.

So far have checked Berkeley which i hear negative comments on the web and plan is to check Wells next.

Both are upper limit money wise so all recommendations and advice appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I ended up choosing Garden International school.

So far so happy and my daughter is very happy in there.

Distance was a major fact in our decision as traffic is mad early morning in this area.

Wells offered me a major discount but I can't really trust a school where the principal send her children somewhere else (at least she should have not told me that).

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