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Going Back To The Uk


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• deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

• the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

• high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

• visas and work permits (don't get me started)

• xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

• lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

• corruption pervades every fabric of this society

• murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)

• drugs

• pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

• dishonesty

• lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

• a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I agree in many points on the list and there are lots of not only opinions but facts in there.

Driving habits are a fact – the visa system is long outdated and lame, fact – lack of basic rights is a fact – corruption is a fact – murders on the rise is a fact – heavy drug use is a fact – pollution is a fact.

The bargirl thing is hardly to be seen where we live but I was for the first time for at least 8 years over to Chalong, the road down to the pier (I don’t like it there so don’t frequents the area) a few weeks ago and very surprised to see the amount of what for me looked like beer bars!

High cost well I think it’s reasonable in Thailand and Phuket, but then again nobody get me to pay 140 Baht for a coffee at Starbucks in Thailand. That’s what you pay in the western world where the waitress makes that amount in less than 10 minutes work and not a half day.

Thais dislike of foreigners – some probably, but personally I think it is more based on fear of something unknown and previously seen as of someone of higher status than it is dislike!

Lack of intellectual stimulus – guess it depends on who you generally interact with.

what`s in it for me – irrelevant for me personally, come here for have a good life not to prove anything, not to exploit anyone or anything and so far don’t think I have, but sure some greedy humans have exploited this island for every satang.

Anyway Good luck pmgthailand I fully understand your reasoning to leave.

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BTB has "a lot of boxes he needs ticked." He needs certain "boxes" that I don't. Eg. education in an International School. Phuket currently ticks all of his boxes. I don't have a problem with that. I gave an example of an older friend who could no longer ride his motorbike due to loss of balance. He moved to Pattaya to regain his freedom of movement through the better transport up there - the baht bus system. He recognised Phuket wasn't able to "tick his transport box" so he moved. I'm the same. If/when the day comes that Phuket doesn't tick all my boxes, I will most likely move on. At the moment, I'm happy here, BUT, I am aware of the entrenched and systematic issues the island has.

You're pretty much just stating the obvious now NMK. That's why no place is perfect for everyone, because we are all different and need different things. Did your wobbly friend blame Phuket when he had to move? Did he insinuate that how he feels about Phuket is how everybody should feel about Phuket. Did he make it more about the place, than himself? All I have done in this thread, is point out that the OP's Phuket is not Phuket, which is what he and others like him imply. Somebody else gave the good example, of it being akin to me coming on a forum and telling everyone that rock music is rubbish and nobody should listen to it, and anyone who does is deluded and doesn't know the truth about it. Just because I like folk music and not rock music. That's a daft example but it's exactly what the OP and many others are doing when it comes to Phuket.

I have no problem with people discussing what they see as being the bad points of Phuket, how could I possibly have. I have issues with the huge amount of forum users, who want to tell the world that their opinion IS what the place is like. If I'm sitting indoors, reading something that 100% isn't true for me, then why shouldn't I say so. I think the people who are reading the forum and making a judgement based on that report, has a right to know that different realities of the same place exist, and the problems mentioned are to do with the phuket not being right for the person writing, and has no reflection on Phuket itself.

You constantly use the transport as your main example. That was how it was before the you lived here, so it is impossible to use it as a reason for why Phuket has made you want to leave. Like your wobbly friend, if your needs have changed to make that an issue, it's not Phuket that's to blame for that, so having a grudge is high lighting an irrational bitterness, which makes posts like the OP's too bias and exaggerated.


Have you got a "Plan B" IF sh*t ever hits the fan in Phuket and/or Thailand? Eg. let's say, hypothetically, crazy things like the International Schools shut down, or they don't allow farang teachers to teach in Thailand anymore, or they don't give long term visas to farang anymore, or you have to show you have $10,000,000 in the bank for a retirement visa etc etc

I would suggest your next best alternative would be Bali. I think it would tick all of your boxes. Have you ever been there?

I have been to Bali but it was before I had kids, so I have no idea what the schooling options are there. I could make myself happy there I'm sure. What I do most of the time is compare my happines to when I'm living in the UK . So I could move anywhere in SE Asia tomorrow, and I would be happier than I would in the UK.

Your list in another post, shows there really is nowhere quite like Phuket anywhere in Asia and possibly not the world. Beaches are important to me, so the closest you can get is somewhere that ticks most boxes, but not the beach box.

It's this uniqueness that Phuket offers, along with it's fantastic location (One of my biggest selling points of Phuket isn't Phuket itsef, but the list of places you can get to within 1 hour and a day of traveling.) that makes it so much easier to slag the place off than suggest a suitable alternative. Which is why people like 'shot' and Billy the hat' go very quiet or start posting smilies when you ask them.

As for a plan B, don't have one yet, but when the time comes It doesn't take long to make decisions like that. Phuket could easily change to make me want to leave. If it did though, I wouldn't blame Phuket, and I wouldn't suggest to anybody else that it wasn't a perfect place for them to live, it would simply be a case of it no longer suiting my needs. This is not what the OP did.

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I agree in many points on the list and there are lots of not only opinions but facts in there.

Could you, the OP and NKM, give me a run down of how these things affect you directly on a day to day, week to week basis. Particularly the corruption, xenophibia, murders, drugs, and dishonesty etc. How is it I can avoid them but others can't?

Does nobody else find it random that the OP has upped his stake by moving on from his first list, and now going down the moral, homosexual, Katoey, and child prostitution route? Reaks of being desperate for something to blame, for what is nothing more than Phuket not being right for him. Bitterness and resentment don't often lead to balanced unbias posts.

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This is exactly what he said in his first post....its not for him...

That's not strictly true is it. He said the whole of THAILAND wasn't for ANYONE. :(

He then changed his main reason, from the list in the OP to a moral stance on homosexuals, prostitutes and child abuse. :o

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I agree in many points on the list and there are lots of not only opinions but facts in there.

Could you, the OP and NKM, give me a run down of how these things affect you directly on a day to day, week to week basis. Particularly the corruption, xenophibia, murders, drugs, and dishonesty etc. How is it I can avoid them but others can't?

Does nobody else find it random that the OP has upped his stake by moving on from his first list, and now going down the moral, homosexual, Katoey, and child prostitution route? Reaks of being desperate for something to blame, for what is nothing more than Phuket not being right for him. Bitterness and resentment don't often lead to balanced unbias posts.

I'll briefly address the things you mention.

Corruption: an example, once again, the good ole tuk-tuk cartel that is allowed to operate due to corruption. This effects me, directly, because I have to stay walking distance to some nightlife, because I refuse to use them and will not ride whilst intoxicated. Therefore, my freedom of movement around the island, for a night out, has been impeded.

Xenophobia: in my own opinion, this is mostly shown in Thai Laws. Farang can't own land, outdated visa regulations, harsh working resrictions - even in your own business - despite the fact you are already employing Thai's and the common saying of "they want our money here - not us here." Do I feel this from the average Thai, no, is it something that comes from the rule makers in Bangkok, probably. This effects me, directly, being unable to 100% freehold own land here, not being able to work in my own business and I have to do visa runs because I am under 50. Hence, I have not bought property and/or bought or started a business or worked here. So, I'm not greatly effected by those, but effected by the visa regulations. However, ownership is preferable to paying rent, but if I can't own it, I'm not buying it, so, this does effect me. Let's not get into all the little loop holes you can do to own land here, it's been done to death. For me, it's not "solid" enough at Thai Law and those loop holes could be closed overnight with the stroke of a pen in Bangkok.

Murders: I've never been murdered :) Seriously, I do not know anyone who has been murdered, but, obviously, people have. I hope it stays that way, but, as mentioned in an earlier post, I am not thinking just about ME. I feel for the victim and their friends and family, who are directly effected. So, murder does not effect me, although it can make you adjust your habits to minimise the risk. Eg. don't walk down that dark Soi where a guy got robbed and murdered last month. Murder/s, when reported in the media, does effect people's psyche. So, it effects me by committing to memory where the murder happened and under what circumstances and then you adjust your behaviour to avoid the risk of a similar fate. Having said that, I'm into adrenaline sports etc - I don't wrap myself up in cotton wool, but, if I'm in a bar and see some Thai's hitting the Samsong pretty hard, and I can see what appears to be a pistol handle protruding through a shirt, I "check bin" and leave.

Drugs: I don't take them, make them or sell them. So, they do not directly effect me, although, the crime associated with drug abuse creates a more dangerous environment as people need to source cash to fund their addiction, so, basically, the streets become unsafer. Drug crime effects us all that way. Recent "busts" on Phuket have not been small. 2000 pills here, 1000 pills there. Large amounts. Also, the dealers are armed, and most likely high on their product. I hope I do not stumble across a shootout one day like the police officer that was shot in both legs down south a little while ago. I believe the police can walk into any nightclub and make you give them a urine sample. My sample would be clean, but, in this case, am I effect, yes, I am forced to piss in a cup while I'm having a night out.

Dishonesty: as mentioned earlier, I know I have had the odd beer added to the bill and forgot to watch the fuel pump being reset and been stung. It's not big money and I don't go back to that business and let my friends know about the place as well. Let your guard down for one minute and you can get stung. As said, I defy any member on TV to say they have never, ever, been "ripped" for a single baht here. The fact that we all have, is sad. Let's not get into the whole "that only happens in Patong" thing again. Or "Only stupid people get ripped off." Remember when we all came here for a holiday, our first time, we got ripped off - we all know it. "Here" - meaning the island of Phuket.

Finally, I have no idea what the OP was on about when he posted about children in the sex trade or whatever it was. It was really left field. I could write a huge post about it, but, it would be nothing that anyone couldn't find on google.

**** NOTE**** - my above post is not a rant, or a whinge. I was asked to address how, in my eyes, a certain list of things effect me in daily life as an expat on Phuket.

Edited by NamKangMan
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I'll briefly address the things you mention.

Thanks. Nice honest post. Answering questions asked, and addressing points raised. Shame a few more people on here can't do the same.

Have to be honest though, you kind of help my argument some what. Your best and possibly only example of corruption affecting you regularly, is the good old tuk tuk problem, which when you think about it is cheating because it's the same thing as the problem with transport. Things can't be all that bad if you have to use the same thing twice. :whistling:

You seem to accept that xenophobia on a personal level isn't a problem, which is very positive and I agree with fully. That isn't what the OP was implying of course.

You admit that drugs and murders don't affect you personally, except for maybe having to pee in a cup. Which I would guess has never happened to date, and the chances are never will. You also say that you need to be a bit careful as to where you go at night. But where in the world is that not the case.

And when it comes to the dishonesty, you only quote the same two things we have already mentioned, and you have already admitted that you are more than capable of avoiding them, by checking, and boycotting the guilty parties.

So overall NKM, it would seem that you have just as few, problems with the OP's list as I do . :)

If the OP answered the question as honestly as you did, I bet the amount the things he mentioned that actually affected him on a regular basis, would be as few as it is for you and I. Which is pretty much the point I've always made. The OP's post and posts like them, are bias over exaggerations, to cover up the truth of a failed experience.

I enjoyed this thread NKM, I'm sure we'll do it again soon, as is the way with this forum, and I apologies humbly to all you highly interesting people out there that found it so desperately boring that you were forced to log in, open the thread, read it, and then comment that we should get a room, or post some smilies. :( Perhaps you could start a more interesting discussion and show us how it's done. B)

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Just google "opinion" and then google "debate", this particular forum is falling into the latter category. BTW When are you going to tell us about your 20 cars and 5 motorbikes again? And how you support 6 families and transport is not an issue for you.......rolleyes.gif, (just in case we forgot)

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Just google "opinion" and then google "debate", this particular forum is falling into the latter category. BTW When are you going to tell us about your 20 cars and 5 motorbikes again? And how you support 6 families and transport is not an issue for you.......rolleyes.gif, (just in case we forgot)

Doesn't differing "opinions" lead to a "debate" within a "discussion" or making an "argument?" I note the time of your post and will make allowances. Just off the rig, are we? :) :)

I don't own 20 cars and 5 motorbikes and employ 5 drivers 24/7. I used that as an example to say, even if I did, I would still say Phuket has a public transport problem, even though the lack public transport here would not effect me. The same example was given for BTB. I don't have kids on the island, so, whether or not there are International Schools on the island, doesn't effect me, but, if they all closed down tomorrow, I would say Phuket has a problem for educating expat kids.

My point is, just because an "issue" here doesn't effect YOU personally, that doesn't mean the problem, or the "negative" doesn't exist for others.

I gave the example of an older fella who was losing his balance and couldn't ride a motorbike any more. He moved to Pattaya, where the public transport is cheap and reliable, to regain his freedom of movement from home to entertainment to shops etc. He either could not afford 1000's of baht in tuk-tuks per week, or, refused to use them, he was left with little other option but to move (single guy - no GF to drop him off and pick him up) For him, the lack of public transport here was all he needed to make his move. I'm nowhere near that. I have a bike, but have chosen to live walking distance to nightlife becaue I will not ride whilst intoxicated. This was my solution to the lack of public transport here. My friend's solution was to move. He didn't want to, but Phuket could no longer tick that important transport "box" for him after he relised he could no longer ride a bike. Nothing drastic like moving home like the OP.

Anyway, if I ever need to to buy 5 motorbikes, I'll be sure to come and see you. What's on "the lot" at the moment? :):)

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My replies are short and sweet and to the point, you still havent answered BTB's question, where is the alternative to Phuket? You are being smacked here by BTB you should give up, your only support is from F1 fanatic, the same person (i cant work out if its a guy or girl) has stated in a previous post that they "dont have time for any thai women that go out with falang men". That must make for interesting dinner dates if you are in fact friends outside of Thai visa

I agreed with the post I quoted in my reply - nothing more, nothing less.

You are in a minority as most posters who have been on the forum for a couple of years know I am female.

And no, I have no idea who NKM is and I'm sure he doesn't know me either.

Anyway, few people who have lived on Phuket for a few years will disagree that it has problems for a farang... However, some of us find a way to live with those 'problems' and still enjoy living here. There are others that realise it is not somewhere they wish to live and decide to move elsewhere.

I can understand both points of view.

This is a good post, and I truly wish both Bangtao/WHOHOO/Ausinpatong and NKM would learn brevity, but then maybe that's an issue the OP needs to take up as to why he is leaving. God knows I don't read all that B.S., what a waste of time.

Doesn't matter where you are, there are going to be positives and negatives. Do the negatives outweigh the positives? Seems for the OP that is the case here in Phuket, so.........cya.

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I'll briefly address the things you mention.

Thanks. Nice honest post. Answering questions asked, and addressing points raised. Shame a few more people on here can't do the same.

Have to be honest though, you kind of help my argument some what. Your best and possibly only example of corruption affecting you regularly, is the good old tuk tuk problem, which when you think about it is cheating because it's the same thing as the problem with transport. Things can't be all that bad if you have to use the same thing twice. :whistling:

You seem to accept that xenophobia on a personal level isn't a problem, which is very positive and I agree with fully. That isn't what the OP was implying of course.

You admit that drugs and murders don't affect you personally, except for maybe having to pee in a cup. Which I would guess has never happened to date, and the chances are never will. You also say that you need to be a bit careful as to where you go at night. But where in the world is that not the case.

And when it comes to the dishonesty, you only quote the same two things we have already mentioned, and you have already admitted that you are more than capable of avoiding them, by checking, and boycotting the guilty parties.

So overall NKM, it would seem that you have just as few, problems with the OP's list as I do . :)

If the OP answered the question as honestly as you did, I bet the amount the things he mentioned that actually affected him on a regular basis, would be as few as it is for you and I. Which is pretty much the point I've always made. The OP's post and posts like them, are bias over exaggerations, to cover up the truth of a failed experience.

I enjoyed this thread NKM, I'm sure we'll do it again soon, as is the way with this forum, and I apologies humbly to all you highly interesting people out there that found it so desperately boring that you were forced to log in, open the thread, read it, and then comment that we should get a room, or post some smilies. :( Perhaps you could start a more interesting discussion and show us how it's done. B)

I could have mentioned many other things, but I mentioned the easiest and obvious ones and the ones most members on TV can related to.

My main point is, what is major to one person, may not even be minor to you. Eg. transport. And what may be major for you, Eg. International Schools shut down, may have no impact on someone else at all, BUT, are they issues that effect both, and others, yes.

I think corruption is the main thing for stopping progress here on the island. In a recent PG poll, many comments were made that if the issue of corruption was addressed, many other issues would automatically be negated. Of course, this will never happen and I'll keep plodding along here, like most.

Unlike the OP, I am nowhere near leaving Phuket. I have found solutions and "work arounds" to most of the negatives on the island that do have a minor impact on me, as best I can. I don't need much to be happy and, for me, anywhere over here is better than back home.

Whilst a bit off topic, what is of great concern to me, are the changes that could come out of Bangkok that would not only have a major impact on me, they would be "game enders." I'm currently living, errrr - being a tourist, on tourist visas. At the moment, you can keep getting them "back to back." If they ever change that rule and say you can only have 3 back to back tourist visas and then you have to vactate the country for the same amount of time, I'm out. There was a scare with this a few years ago when they moved from the 30 day overland stamp to the 15 day overland stamp. I don't want to get into, "you should get a Non O visa" or "you should get a dodgy Education visa" (they are cracking down on the education visas now) I have looked into it, and tourist visas are the best for me, at the moment. For the members on TV who can't relate to this, an example for you would be the say you no longer need 800,000 baht in the bank for a retirement visa, you now need $1,000,000US. My point is, we are all here on the grace of the Thai Government and they are not the most stable, reliable and forward thinking people.

This is why I asked BTB if he has a "Plan B." Things can change like the drop of a hat here in Thailand, and Phuket would have to follow suit. Not only do we need a Plan B for IF the day comes when Phuket does not "tick all of our boxes" but I think we all need a Plan B for the posibility that some of us may not be allowed to reside here in the future. This would certainly have a major impact on expats businesses, families and lifestyle.

Edited by NamKangMan
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Just google "opinion" and then google "debate", this particular forum is falling into the latter category. BTW When are you going to tell us about your 20 cars and 5 motorbikes again? And how you support 6 families and transport is not an issue for you.......rolleyes.gif, (just in case we forgot)

Doesn't differing "opinions" lead to a "debate" within a "discussion" or making an "argument?" I note the time of your post and will make allowances. Just off the rig, are we? :) :)

I don't own 20 cars and 5 motorbikes and employ 5 drivers 24/7. I used that as an example to say, even if I did, I would still say Phuket has a public transport problem, even though the lack public transport here would not effect me. The same example was given for BTB. I don't have kids on the island, so, whether or not there are International Schools on the island, doesn't effect me, but, if they all closed down tomorrow, I would say Phuket has a problem for educating expat kids.

My point is, just because an "issue" here doesn't effect YOU personally, that doesn't mean the problem, or the "negative" doesn't exist for others.

I gave the example of an older fella who was losing his balance and couldn't ride a motorbike any more. He moved to Pattaya, where the public transport is cheap and reliable, to regain his freedom of movement from home to entertainment to shops etc. He either could not afford 1000's of baht in tuk-tuks per week, or, refused to use them, he was left with little other option but to move (single guy - no GF to drop him off and pick him up) For him, the lack of public transport here was all he needed to make his move. I'm nowhere near that. I have a bike, but have chosen to live walking distance to nightlife becaue I will not ride whilst intoxicated. This was my solution to the lack of public transport here. My friend's solution was to move. He didn't want to, but Phuket could no longer tick that important transport "box" for him after he relised he could no longer ride a bike. Nothing drastic like moving home like the OP.

Anyway, if I ever need to to buy 5 motorbikes, I'll be sure to come and see you. What's on "the lot" at the moment? :):)

Wrong again, On a ship, I got 8 days to go and i start work at 6am, Its actually habit forming and i wake up at that time on my leave. Im not selling any of my bikes at the moment...low season is the time to buy, can crunch a better deal

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This is a good post, and I truly wish both Bangtao/WHOHOO/Ausinpatong and NKM would learn brevity, but then maybe that's an issue the OP needs to take up as to why he is leaving. God knows I don't read all that B.S., what a waste of time.

Doesn't matter where you are, there are going to be positives and negatives. Do the negatives outweigh the positives? Seems for the OP that is the case here in Phuket, so.........cya.

Firstly, although for implication reasons I am not saying that BangTaoBoy and WOOHOO are the same person, I can confirm 100% that neither are connected to a 'AusinPatong'. You have mentioned that before old timer, and you were wrong then and now. What ever issue you have with AusinPatong, I suggest you take it up with him. ;)

Secondly, you got your wish. I didn't know the meaning of the word brevity, so googled it. ;)

Thirdly, making a post on a thread just to say you didn't like the thread, is a highly pointless pass time. :(

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I could have mentioned many other things,

That's kind of what I was hoping you would do, when I asked you to list them. :whistling:

I'm not going to because I can't be bothered, but if you went through this thread and counted the amount of times the same two or three things have been repeated, it would be very revealing. Normally when there is an array of examples to choose from the same one wouldn't need to be used over and over again.

That's why I asked the OP and you to list REAL everday things that affect you. The OP didn't reply of course, instead just moved the goal post as to why he was moving. With yourself, once the tuk tuks/transport issue has been adressed, (over and over again) you seem to move on. So I suspect that corruption, doesn't really affect a lot of people on the island at all. They just enjoy moaning about it. Just like the OP talked about Pak Lok being the drug capital of the island. I know that the area does have a lot of 'Jai Dums' but has the OP actually been burgled? Was he ever attacked by druggies? Did Pak Lok having a lot of drugs affect him personally, or is it just something to latch on to, and vent the frustration that he was living somewhere he didn't enjoy living?

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This is a good post, and I truly wish both Bangtao/WHOHOO/Ausinpatong and NKM would learn brevity, but then maybe that's an issue the OP needs to take up as to why he is leaving. God knows I don't read all that B.S., what a waste of time.

Doesn't matter where you are, there are going to be positives and negatives. Do the negatives outweigh the positives? Seems for the OP that is the case here in Phuket, so.........cya.

Thirdly, making a post on a thread just to say you didn't like the thread, is a highly pointless pass time. :(

Never said I didn't like the thread, I said I didn't read all the B.S. from certain blowhards that have to post a convaluted book, or post six posts in a row due to ADD.........

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It's much easier to write very short posts, when you have naff all to say. ;)

Don't agree.

It's a clarity of thought issue. The more succinct you can put it, the quicker you can get your ideas across.

A few well thought out words is better than a whole slew of "stream of consciousness" waffle.

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It's much easier to write very short posts, when you have naff all to say. ;)

Don't agree.

It's a clarity of thought issue. The more succinct you can put it, the quicker you can get your ideas across.

A few well thought out words is better than a whole slew of "stream of consciousness" waffle.

Hear-Hear KB, good post.

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I could have mentioned many other things,

That's kind of what I was hoping you would do, when I asked you to list them. :whistling:

I'm not going to because I can't be bothered, but if you went through this thread and counted the amount of times the same two or three things have been repeated, it would be very revealing. Normally when there is an array of examples to choose from the same one wouldn't need to be used over and over again.

That's why I asked the OP and you to list REAL everday things that affect you. The OP didn't reply of course, instead just moved the goal post as to why he was moving. With yourself, once the tuk tuks/transport issue has been adressed, (over and over again) you seem to move on. So I suspect that corruption, doesn't really affect a lot of people on the island at all. They just enjoy moaning about it. Just like the OP talked about Pak Lok being the drug capital of the island. I know that the area does have a lot of 'Jai Dums' but has the OP actually been burgled? Was he ever attacked by druggies? Did Pak Lok having a lot of drugs affect him personally, or is it just something to latch on to, and vent the frustration that he was living somewhere he didn't enjoy living?

I'm disappointing myself getting involved in your argument with NKM, but thought it was time to list the 'everyday' things that affect me - obviously I am only speaking for myself.

I think the worst thing is never trusting anybody unless I have known them for a long time and know them v well.

Unfortunately even local suppliers/workmen that I used to use regularly as they charged a fair price (I think!), instead of being grateful for the custom - started to charge far more as time went on...... So now I have to find new suppliers/workmen when I want anything done. As this is difficult, I do as much as I can myself - when I would far rather pay a local a fair price.

Having to watch the petrol meter every time I go for petrol is another inconvenience.

Realising that when I have internet problems my supplier will just 'hope the problem will go away' is another annoyance.

The awful TV programmes available is a minor inconvenience, but still an inconvenience.

Not having decent water on tap but having to buy bottled water is another.

And these are just 'off the top of my head'. There are MANY but, at the end of the day I still prefer to live here than back in the UK :lol:!

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I have found like the OP that tourist place's in Thailand are not for me. They have all and by that I mean all gone down hill. But the centre of Thailand is a different kettle of fish. Nice Thai peep's clean and most of all cheap like 50 bt for a large Leo. Have lived her for over 5 year's now, have the odd holiday to other part's and cant wait to get back. The only drawback I can see is we dont have the sea. Oh that the thing filled with salt water with load's of rubbish floating in it if you dont know. Best of luck with your trip to Blighty, if you decide to come back give the centre a go.

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Never said I didn't like the thread, I said I didn't read all the B.S. from certain blowhards that have to post a convaluted book,

It's much easier to write very short posts, when you have naff all to say. ;)

As you have quite marvellously exemplified in the above sentence. :rolleyes:

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I have found like the OP that tourist place's in Thailand are not for me. They have all and by that I mean all gone down hill. But the centre of Thailand is a different kettle of fish. Nice Thai peep's clean and most of all cheap like 50 bt for a large Leo. Have lived her for over 5 year's now, have the odd holiday to other part's and cant wait to get back. The only drawback I can see is we dont have the sea. Oh that the thing filled with salt water with load's of rubbish floating in it if you dont know. Best of luck with your trip to Blighty, if you decide to come back give the centre a go.

As mentioned in an earlier post, this is something gaining in popularity. Airasia have really done their research. I already have a mate in Udon Thani that flies to Phuket regularly, meaning, just about on a monthly basis, to enjoy the nightlife, beach, food variety and to catch up with friends, since Airasia have put on the Phuket - Undon Thani - Phuket direct route. I have some other friends considering doing the same, but basing themselves in Chiang Mai. I was on a Phuket - Chiang Mai Airasia flight recently and the plane was full. Also noted a lot of farang on board as well. Airasia are now doing direct flights from Chiang Mai, Udon Thani and Ubon Ratchathani to Phuket.

This is certainly an option I may consider in the future. Basically, live in Chiang Mai and get my dose of sun, sea and sand as well as catch up with friends etc with cheap Airasia flights to Phuket on a regular basis.

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This is a good post, and I truly wish both Bangtao/WHOHOO/Ausinpatong and NKM would learn brevity, but then maybe that's an issue the OP needs to take up as to why he is leaving. God knows I don't read all that B.S., what a waste of time.

Doesn't matter where you are, there are going to be positives and negatives. Do the negatives outweigh the positives? Seems for the OP that is the case here in Phuket, so.........cya.

Thirdly, making a post on a thread just to say you didn't like the thread, is a highly pointless pass time. :(

Never said I didn't like the thread, I said I didn't read all the B.S. from certain blowhards that have to post a convaluted book, or post six posts in a row due to ADD.........

I'm guessing this post was aimed at me, as some of my posts were long and detailed. Ahhhh, it's quite simple really, if you are not interested in the thread, don't open it and read it. I'll keep this post short so it matches your short attention span. :) :)

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A few well thought out words is better than a whole slew of "stream of consciousness" waffle.

That may be the case. You need to have a few well thought out words for it to work though. Never see too many coming from your good self. :(

I still remember the time you told everyone, you can't have a flat roof in Thailand because of the weather. :D

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