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Rabid Songtaws


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The last one (near South Pattaya Road) is the queue bus. All others are generally open to be chartered (otherwise they are waiting to be the queue bus). Occasionally the last one is chartered by someone, but that will be made clear if you try to board it.

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And here we go again with the baht bus topic :annoyed:

Don't read it then. Is that so hard? I am guessing you don't even ride them regularly. People who do are often quite interested.

No, I don't, that's why I'm not whining around that much. Wasn't pleased with the service and discovered other means of transportation, rather than being chased around by tormented taxi drivers for 10 baht, not mentioning that the very few times I used a songteaw I paid 10baht, not 20 and had no problem. Maybe the way you present yourself and behave might have some influence on the matter

You don't know the half of it,

The Jinkster you have to understand is, how do we put this, very frugal, to be kind.

He's had many issues with baht bus drivers, has been pick pocketed by passengers, chased by drivers, not because of gross disrespect like not looking at the driver, or being completely devoid of common courtesy like throwing the fare on the seat, running away, very masculine by the way, etc.

He's burned up more bandwidth with his baht bus mafia conspiracies, well, you get the point.

Unfortunately it's just a matter of time until some interaction goes horribly

wrong for him, eg TIT

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And here we go again with the baht bus topic :annoyed:

Don't read it then. Is that so hard? I am guessing you don't even ride them regularly. People who do are often quite interested.

No, I don't, that's why I'm not whining around that much. Wasn't pleased with the service and discovered other means of transportation, rather than being chased around by tormented taxi drivers for 10 baht, not mentioning that the very few times I used a songteaw I paid 10baht, not 20 and had no problem. Maybe the way you present yourself and behave might have some influence on the matter

You don't know the half of it,

The Jinkster you have to understand is, how do we put this, very frugal, to be kind.

He's had many issues with baht bus drivers, has been pick pocketed by passengers, chased by drivers, not because of gross disrespect like not looking at the driver, or being completely devoid of common courtesy like throwing the fare on the seat, running away, very masculine by the way, etc.

He's burned up more bandwidth with his baht bus mafia conspiracies, well, you get the point.

Unfortunately it's just a matter of time until some interaction goes horribly

wrong for him, eg TIT

I suggest you two find other threads to read. Jingthing's expertise on the topic is very useful to many members. He's only concerned with paying the going rate, as most of us are. If you want to pay a baht bus 2, 3 or more times the going rate, go ahead, that's your choice, but don't come on here and accuse anyone who wants to pay the exact fare of being cheap.

Out of principle I will not pay these drivers anymore than I have to. If I have spare cash to give away I can find far more worthwhile charities than these........ people.

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Unfortunately it's just a matter of time until some interaction goes horribly

wrong for him, eg TIT

You've been saying that for many years now and sorry to say to you as you clearly wish me harm (that's sick, dude) my baht bus riding expertise has become stellar. Interaction with drivers? Don't you get it? My goal is NO interaction with drivers, as little as humanly possible, and that is what I suggest to others.

Really, the people you need to worry about are motorcyclists.

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Well, i avoid feeding these thieves at all cost, i rather have a bike taxi, or my own.

But anyways i wonder if @Darrel & @tropo has any suggestion of a good place to live on Pratamnak hill ?

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now what was it that sting sang...." a gentleman will walk but never run lalalalalalalala"

btw surprised the "experts" here have not mentioned the white baht buses up on sukhumvit...can ride all the way to the ambassador for 10 baht...of course I have only heard of this, never having taken one

Not a rat's a*s chance in hell of seeing me on one of those povertymobiles arguing with the great unwashed baht bus driver masses, while sheepishly running away.......however if you do see me, it means I am headed for leaper's lounge...the last 6 baht in my pocket are for for you...run like the wind when you pay the next fare son!

I would love to see them implement the double pricing model on these rust buckets.....all foreigners pay 50 baht flat fare regardless of distance!

You don't ride them, huh? I hope the cost of your petrol goes up 100 times, see you on the bus, mate.


I've actually only ran away on time ever from a baht bus driver; the incident where the driver wanted me off the bus and I didn't want to get off the bus so he started after me, so I ran. I don't "run" when paying. I guess I would if one of them was chasing me.

I don't want your six baht. Maybe you should invest that with a night out the the great unwashed. The word SNOB comes to mind. BTW -- maybe I haven't made this clear, I ENJOY riding the baht buses. It's a great people watching experience, sometimes you get into interesting conversations with people you never would have met or talked to, and there is always the excitement and drama of the unpredictability of drivers.

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Well, i avoid feeding these thieves at all cost, i rather have a bike taxi, or my own.

But anyways i wonder if @Darrel & @tropo has any suggestion of a good place to live on Pratamnak hill ?

I don't think Darrel can help you there as he stated it's one place he will not live. It's a big area with plenty of places to rent. Just ride or walk around checking for rental signs.

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now what was it that sting sang...." a gentleman will walk but never run lalalalalalalala"

btw surprised the "experts" here have not mentioned the white baht buses up on sukhumvit...can ride all the way to the ambassador for 10 baht...of course I have only heard of this, never having taken one

I ain't no gentleman but I do have all my limbs.


If a big gruff angry yabba eyed possibly armed baht bus driver (who may have nearby friends) is running after me, yes, I will run every time. Congrats to the "macho men" who wouldn't; not really, I think that's stupid, but I respect your right to take a beating for nothing.

Sukhumvit white buses are a different system but yes in my understanding long runs are 10 baht.

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Get into a confrontation with a driver (or any local thug) and the police will side with the thugs...EVERY TIME.

The locals know this and are getting more abusive all the time.

This is a sad state of affairs, but I believe you're right.

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Get into a confrontation with a driver (or any local thug) and the police will side with the thugs...EVERY TIME.

The locals know this and are getting more abusive all the time.

This is a sad state of affairs, but I believe you're right.

I actually saw the police try to set up a confrontation with a farang.

Early one morning I was at McDonalds Cafe at Avenue Mall.

A farang customer, was shorted 500 bt in change.

The cashier denied it. The farang was firm but polite and wanted the tourist police to assist.

I watched the cashier walk over to the Wonderful Bar across the street and speak to a policeman that was sitting there.

The policeman didn't do anything, but 5 minutes later a gang of motorcycle taxies showed up.

The farang didn't even realize it so I called him over and informed him he was about to be pounced on,..... then booked/extorted by the police for fighting.

He wisely forgot about the stolen 500 bt change and went away.

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simple rules

never flag down an empty BB

always have exact change - either 10baht or 20baht depending on journey (you will know what's a good deal)

never hand over large notes expecting change - there is a chance you won't get it or get into a confrontation trying

avoid confrontation as you will end up in trouble over 10baht - hardly worth it

only rarely have I used larger notes and have always politely held on to them until my change is in sight or in hand

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I agree with everything other than not flagging down an empty BB. I have never had a problem stemming from that.

The problem is not so much flagging an empty one down as whether or not it stays empty - except for you - during its journey. Take one on Sunday morning from Jomtien into town if you want and this can happen. At some point the driver may (1) decide to abort the journey half-way or (2) ask you for double the usual amount.

It does happen.

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Well, i avoid feeding these thieves at all cost, i rather have a bike taxi, or my own.

But anyways i wonder if @Darrel & @tropo has any suggestion of a good place to live on Pratamnak hill ?

Odd. I always think that the motorbike taxis really are the invention of the devil: dangerous, no fixed fare. In 30+ years of coming here I have only taken one once. Never again.

For me, the problem with Pratumnak is getting there/back. If you have your own transport (or dont mind a 10 minute walk every time) then the Star Beach Condo isnt bad. I would live there, on a high floor.

There are a couple of good buildings right down by the beach, very near the palace, but they cost megabaht. That's too far to walk though.

There are also the Hyde Park buildings, and the various neighbouring ones, half way up Pratumnak on the way to Jomtien. They are easy to get to from the bahtbus route and are also within reasonable walking distance of south Pattaya. They are often quite cheap for what they are.

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btw surprised the "experts" here have not mentioned the white baht buses up on sukhumvit...can ride all the way to the ambassador for 10 baht...

Indeed. A cracking bargain. And they go for miles in the opposite direction also.

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Thanks Darrel, will check it out.

On the bike taxi thing, i always explain where it is, ask what the cost is before i go,

and i believe i have a pretty good clue what the cost is. (30-50 baht depending on distance)

The baht buses pissed me off a few times more than i accept, so i refuse out of principle.

If you are having trouble with the bike taxi here, then try at all cost to avoid Vientiane,

those thieves charge between 3 to 4 times more than here, i'll rent a bicycle there next time if i ever have to go there again.

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btw surprised the "experts" here have not mentioned the white baht buses up on sukhumvit...can ride all the way to the ambassador for 10 baht...

Indeed. A cracking bargain. And they go for miles in the opposite direction also.

Peak season, these buses are PACKED coming from the Ambassador. Many times, the guys are only wearing speedos...nothing else. I think I'll drive.... :D

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Yes I like empty buses (to start) but often they are only looking for a charter. Perhaps they should be required to post a TAXI sign on their truck when they aren't accepting bus riders. That would make the process more efficient. (Not that they would follow a requirement, but one can wish.)

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Peak season, these buses are PACKED coming from the Ambassador. Many times, the guys are only wearing speedos...nothing else. I think I'll drive.... :D


20 semi-naked Russians crammed into a bahtbus. It's worth 10B just for the cabaret.

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simple rules

never flag down an empty BB

always have exact change - either 10baht or 20baht depending on journey (you will know what's a good deal)

never hand over large notes expecting change - there is a chance you won't get it or get into a confrontation trying

avoid confrontation as you will end up in trouble over 10baht - hardly worth it

only rarely have I used larger notes and have always politely held on to them until my change is in sight or in hand

If you give him a large note, even if he does hand you change you'll more than likely be charged at a higher price.

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Peak season, these buses are PACKED coming from the Ambassador. Many times, the guys are only wearing speedos...nothing else. I think I'll drive.... :D


20 semi-naked Russians crammed into a bahtbus. It's worth 10B just for the cabaret.

Ummm...I'm not into a guy's speedo clad but in my face...but some of their gals are pretty darn nice. So I guess you have to take the good with the bad?

Note: One inappropriate post has been removed along with an associated reply. Apologies to the member with the reply. :jap:

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I concur.

Not everyone is suited to riding a scooter.

Personally I wont ride one for safety reasons.

Having said that I dread what would happen if I had a bad accident sitting in the back of a songtaew. You could end up anywhere.

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sorry ... but don't understand why so many people think baht buses are complicated.

Step 1. Flag down bus

Step 2. Sit in back

Step 3. Ring bell when near destination

Step 4. Pay 10 baht (or whatever ?)

if want to use as private taxi.. negotiate price first.. if too expensive.. walk

Not hard really ???

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sorry ... but don't understand why so many people think baht buses are complicated.

Step 1. Flag down bus

Step 2. Sit in back

Step 3. Ring bell when near destination

Step 4. Pay 10 baht (or whatever ?)

if want to use as private taxi.. negotiate price first.. if too expensive.. walk

Not hard really ???

Please, give us a break. There are many well documented situations where complications arise. I can name quite a few. JT could write a book about them. I suggest you read the thread instead of just complaining about it.... or just stay away.

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