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...post when you feel the need to those posts are usually the best in my opinion. Rushed ones arn't so good....

We mods have 500 of your posts to decide whether you're in... or permanently out! :D


What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies! :D

Can't say "exactly" what goes on... but basically we talk about you lot! And we try to guess which trolls are former banned members and ban 'em again - lot's of fun! :o:D

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...post when you feel the need to those posts are usually the best in my opinion. Rushed ones arn't so good....

We mods have 500 of your posts to decide whether you're in... or permanently out! :D


What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies! :D

Can't say "exactly" what goes on... but basically we talk about you lot! And we try to guess which trolls are former banned members and ban 'em again - lot's of fun! :o:D

I hope all your talks about us arn't too bad :D

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...post when you feel the need to those posts are usually the best in my opinion. Rushed ones arn't so good....

We mods have 500 of your posts to decide whether you're in... or permanently out! :D


What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies! :D

Can't say "exactly" what goes on... but basically we talk about you lot! And we try to guess which trolls are former banned members and ban 'em again - lot's of fun! :D:D

I hope all your talks about us arn't too bad :D

Do you think they twigged IM? :o

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What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies!  :o

It's all business mostly. (Bronc, Tukyleith, Sbk)


Ocassionally there's a crisis and we have a conference. (Boo, RDN, Wolfie, Penz (on mike)


In these cases we sometimes have to give out warnings to users. (p1p with Moog & Kringle)


That's pretty much it. :D


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What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies!  :o

It's all business mostly. (Bronc, Tukyleith, Sbk)


Ocassionally there's a crisis and we have a conference. (Boo, RDN, Wolfie, Penz (on mike)


In these cases we sometimes have to give out warnings to users. (p1p with Moog & Kringle)


That's pretty much it. :D


Hey where do I sign up? :D

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