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Computer Monitor Repair In Bangkok...


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Hi Guys,

Does anyone know where to take a Compaq 17" LCD monitor for repair in Bangkok?

I imported the monitor from the US, and it has worked fine for me in Thailand for about a year. The LCD screen goes black after a few seconds when powered on.

I took the monitor for repairs in the shop on the top floor of Pantip Plaza, and they told me the cost of repair will be similar to buying a new monitor (about 10-15,000 baht)! The sign in the shop on the wall said computer monitor repairs are about 800-1000 baht...

I find it hard to beleive that a LCD monitor can not be repaired in Thailand and needs to be replaced. The shop in Pantip Plaza even told me they had contacted the Compaq/HP service center of Thailand and was told they needed to import an expensive component from the US.

Does anyone have any experience with how to explore alterntives for fixing this monitor? Or, do I really need to buy a new monitor?

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You might check down in Ban Mor near Chinatown as they have lots of parts stores and used equipment there. Very likely there is a shop that repairs and resells many compnents like drives and monitors. If they take cell phones apart at MBK, maybe there is a place that does the same for monitors in Ban Mor.

Let us know how it turns out.

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as I have never had an LCD screen apart I can only guess - but in this day and age the whole screen will probably be controlled by a surface mount chip with a couple of capacitors and resistors to stabilise a few voltages. if this controller chip is playing games and it is an OEM item I am sure the vendor will charge the earth for a new one - but as the above poster points out maybe you should check ban mor as there might be an aftermarket generic which will do the same job and you will also be able to find a repairer with the right tools to replace surface mounted devices.

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  • 2 years later...
Anyone find a LCD repair service. My LCD that was working fine in USA will not work now. Picture flash's on for about 1 sec then screen goes blank. If you disconnect the video and reconnect same thing.

I was never able to repair my LCD monitor for less than the cost of buying a new one. I tried many shops, including the original manufacturer.

Sadly it is cheaper to buy a new monitor than repair it, in most cases.

Edited by ThaiLover1
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Guest Reimar

Forget to repair an LCD Monitor if cost more than THB 1,500! Buy a new one and get 3 years warranty! The price of the new quite cheap now.


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All consumer electronic devices under $300-500 are made

and designed as disposable items. But the good ones should

last for about 10 years if treated well [adequate cooling, few to

no mechanical events such as moving to another home or

room, not left on indefinitely, no spills or moisture problems, etc.]

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Here are a few quick troubleshooting procedures to help understand what is wrong:

  • What do you mean it goes "blank"? Is the backlight on or off?
  • Does it fail the same way with all video input types or just VGA? E.g. DVI, S-video.
  • Can you use the on-screen menu functions even when it is "blank"?
  • Can you get an alternative power supply or otherwise rule out the power supply as the culprit?

For the first item, is there any light coming out of the screen at all when it fails, i.e. normally a "black" screen is really glowing a little compared to the screen when it is powered off. If it is really "dark", also try shining a bright light on the screen and see if you can see even a faint outline of the video image you would expect to be showing; if you can see this, then it is a backlight failure. A backlight failure (whether its power inverter or the lamp itself) should be relatively cheap to get repaired, but the quality of the workmanship may affect the resulting image etc.

For the second item, you want to rule out a problem with one input of the monitor, one video cable, or one graphics card. Any of these situations might mean less repair cost than a problem affecting all input modes of the monitor (which would point to a problem deep in its circuitry).

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Turning of after a few minutes sound to me as a problem with the power unit. Probably will cost not more then 500 to 700 Baht at the local mooban electric appliances repair shop (the guy who repairs washing machines, Microwave ovens, etc they are highly qualified to repair LCD TV's and monitors.....no kidding)

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