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Best Way To Clean Tar Off Bike/Tires


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i had to ride through 2-3km of tarred road (on my way to khao yai along route 3222 ban na to kaeng khoi, well past the point of no return) & accumulated quite a bit of tar & some debris on my tires. i scraped off much of it but unfortunately i dumped my bike on the bridge over mittraphap road & cracked a few ribs (and a big big thanks to the highway dept for that lovely road surface on the bridge) . so i've only gotten around to cleaning things now.

managed to clean up the frame, etc. pretty well but the tires are another story. thin crust of tar & debris won't come off no matter what i tried (gas, fab, etc.). pretty sure i'll have to toss the tires but before i do i thought i 'd ask here.

btw there's a lot of road construction on route 3222 starting 10km from kaeng khoi. and no alternative routes (that i can see yet).

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Hi 'CP' try this stuff, it's a general purpose kitchen cleaner, (see attachment) I think it's about 60 baht, you get it from most shops that stock house cleaning products. They also do a bathroom one, (purple)

I use it on my bike all the time……How to use; wash off the worst of the muck, with the bike still wet, spray anywhere there is old grease, oil or tar, give it a minute, (you can use a soft brush, or cloth if you want)……..Then wash off.

Note; DO NOT let it dry out on the bike and keep the bikeout of the sun when using.


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