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3 U.S. Navy Ships, 1,800 Sailors Visit Phuket.


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1,800 officers and enlisted sailors from the USS Boxer amphibious assault ship, USS Green Green Bay amphibious transport ship, and the USS Comstock dock landing ship will be visiting Phuket this week. The vessels based out of San Diego California and have recently been battling pirates off the coast of Somalia.


There is a US Navy League command staff welcome party open to all at the Irish Times Pub in Jungcyclon tonight starting at 1800.




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Correction, apparently it is more like 4000 sailors and marines. The crew compliment is usually about the same, but it's hard to tell how many marines the vessels carry at any given time as that is not published and can change drastically depending on the deployment.

are we allowed to visit the vessels?

I have not heard if these ships are allowing visitors, but I don't think so. Let me ask. I believe only the big carriers allow tours to the public, but even then you need to be a associated with the Phuket Navy League, rotary, or know the right people. I got to tour the Ronald Reagan last time it was here. Very cool.

The amphibias assault ship it looks pretty badass

If you are talking about the picture on the right, that's the USS Green Bay, the amphibious transport ship commissioned in 2009. It was made by Northrop Grumman, the ones behind things like the B-2 bomber and the new F-35 Joint Stike Fighter, hence it's badass looks.

USS Green Bay Amphibious Transport Ship.





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Tours. what tours.. they exsist but are kept for VIP's What about a tour for American Citizens who are veterans, I writing a letter to the NavLge HQ and CC Dept of the Navy... Payola a-go-go. Private tours for contributors who are non americas.. Bogus, I'll stop that right now!

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Tours. what tours.. they exsist but are kept for VIP's What about a tour for American Citizens who are veterans, I writing a letter to the NavLge HQ and CC Dept of the Navy... Payola a-go-go. Private tours for contributors who are non americas.. Bogus, I'll stop that right now!

Take a deep breath Pete. You clearly have miss-understood.

I never said you had to be a contributor to get a tour. And in fact you don't.

First thing you need to understand is there are, of course, security issues. You need to get on a list first, presumably to give navel security a chance to check you. If you, me, or anyone, US citizen or not, veteran or not, walk up to the boat on visiting day you will likely be turned away if you are not on the list. Having said that it's not that hard to get on the list. I'm sure it would be very easy if you were a veteran. Of course priority is given to USNL members because space is limited, and the number of visitors is set by the Navy, not the League. Discounts are also given during USNL events. These things are done to show appreciation for their support. Support is, of course, encouraged.

You can inquire about visits through the groups which act as liaison between the Navy and the local community such as the USNL, IBAP, Rotary, and Lions Clubs. Of course VIP's get tours which may be private, but were talking about Governors and Police Chiefs and such. No surprise there, same as everywhere in the world.

Not sure what "Payola a-go-go" means. The ship visits are free and the Navy League is a non-profit organization which also organizes community relations (COMREL) activities. During each visit US Navy personnel visit school children, paint schools, build playgrounds, etc. http://www.navyleaguephuket.org/comrel/ Several of the core members worked very hard and are basically the sole reason the US Navy has shifted their port of call in Thailand from Pattaya to Phuket. This clearly benefits everyone in Phuket.

Just so you know, I am just an occasional contributor to the USNL in Phuket due to my schedule, as I am not in Phuket all the time. But I believe in what they are doing. Pete, if you are a vet, I am sure a ship visit, when they are offered, and be arranged. After all, the USNL exists to honor people like you.


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Oh I forgot to mention, these ships are not taking visitors. The next Nimitz or Enterprise class carrier probably will though. (I'm looking forward to setting foot on the Ford class coming out in 2015.)


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