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Tramp On Soi Bukow


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If I was a bum and had the choice between here and there I know what I would choose.


But there are run-of-the-mill bums and losers (like the English guy in the news report posted earlier) and there are mentally sick people (like the English guy found emaciated in jail some months back).

The German guy seems to me to be in the latter group, and as such probably deserves help.

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mr docwllll......

I think you should go to the church....

Why would I want to go to a church? I believe in Buddhism and have done for 15 years and like Buddha says "life is suffering."

Darrel, that's great that you want to help but Embassies are not here to help degenerates etc. They have specific rules and regulations like they told you.

Basically all they do is provide people with a list of lawyers and can contact family and friends for a person. Its not up to them to help drunks, drug addicts etc. Im sure when this loser came to Thailand he wasn't mental (or maybe he was but at least cleaned up etc.) and like many people just lost it here in LOS and now it's his fait that whatever happens will happen.

As you said you haven't spoken to him so you don't know its story so maybe he is fully aware of everything and just choses this. Why get involved trying to save the world for him if you don't even know him?

Let society and the police deal with him. I'm sure the police, Germans etc (especially with all you posting pictures of him etc.) are well aware of him and until he hurts someone or someone reports a threat then why should anyone care? Maybe he is happier then you.

I have no sympathy for these degenerates.

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Darrel, you are a Super Member, if you want to be a Super Hero go speak to the guy, he speaks English and offer him the hospitality of your home and provide him the drinks he wants while his problem is resolved by someone of the German community as he is not lucky,again, not to be English or French, otherwise you will have done all the necessary.

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I don't get why everyone is so concerned. The guy is obviously a verbally abusive bum who deserves what he gets. I don't care if I'm in Thailand or Germany or my country but when I see a bum like this that yells profanities at people trying to help, I take a b-line around him and think "why don't the police get this loser off the streets?"

I say if the guy is drunk walking around with his woody hanging out yelling at people and begging then the police should simply throw him in jail with the rest of the bums. They would if it was a Thai guy so what's the difference.

I understand all you people being concerned and being a fellow human being and that's great as we should do but it also seems most of you are trying to pass the buck. Saying that the German community etc. should deal with him. Why should they? Why don't you do it (I see some people have and that's great) but if you are going to join this topic and have legitimate concerns then do it yourself anonymously.

To me, he is a niucense and if he approached me with that verbal bum like crap I wouldn't hesitate to smack him in the face.

This guy obviously had a life at one time and then lost it. He is after all in Pattaya so say no more. If you folks want to help someone in need then visit the orphanage or the battered woman in Rayong or some poor Thai people and help them.

Sorry but I just have no time for folk like this. I agree that the UK story was sad and should never have happened but I don't think it would again. When a faring like this bum is taken away they are supposed to contact the persons embassy so the best thing you could do for this guy the way you are thinking is bring the police or even the VP to him HOWEVER maybe he prefers to be a bum in a warm country with beautiful woman walking around and cheap food and drinks rather then be a street bum in Germany with winter coming in so maybe better just to leave him alone and let his fait take effect.


I largely agree. On one level I have sympathy for a human being who gets himself into this sort of state. On the other "God helps those who help themselves".

There is another aspect to this however. When Thais see this sort of thing on their streets is it any wonder they want to tighten up on visa regulations. One person like this ruins the reputations of thousands of farang who live here decently. Unfair perhaps, but reality.

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Darrel, you are a Super Member, if you want to be a Super Hero go speak to the guy, he speaks English and offer him the hospitality of your home and provide him the drinks he wants while his problem is resolved by someone of the German community as he is not lucky,again, not to be English or French, otherwise you will have done all the necessary.

I am not a super hero, nor do I wish to be one.

I am not a doctor, or a policeman, or a social worker or an Embassy official. As such I am not qualified to deal with sick and homeless people, or get them issued with new travel documents.

I dont speak German, or know anything about Germany, so I am not qualified to attempt to contact people or associations in Germany.

However, unlike some here I am a human being, and as such I will not stand by idly whilst someone suffers as a result of illness or accident. So, like some others here, I have passed the information on to those who should be in a position to help this man. That is my moral responsibility and I am satisfied that I have discharged it correctly.

If ever you have a traffic accident, or get mugged and knifed whilst walking home one evening, or have a stroke or heart-attack, you may be glad if someone conscientious is around, rather than some other people who would just gawk and say "well, he deserves it".

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Which makes you, I presume, happy; not knowing if that's make him happy.

As far as I know he only wants money to buy booze.

Now and then there is one or another girl in Soi Honey who buy him some food and beer. Apparently they are not looking to help him in another way than this one, knowing that's what he wants.

And if one day I should need the help from somebody, I will be very pleased to receive it, because that's what I want; at least that's my wish now.

Edited by luckyluke
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The tramp is not only drunk most of the time,he is mentally ill all of the time,off his rocker so to speak. Whatever drove him to this state is anyone's guess The knuckleheads that offer him violence for insulting words,well I am sure your covering yourself in glory there,I can see some slap on the backs for help when help was needed.

I am sure this guy is past the point of asking anybody for help save for drinking himself into oblivion.

Have contacted a few more agencies,hopefully something soon will develop.

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(Reference to deleted post edited out/Scott)

Maybe he has just given up on material life the same way, say, Guttama Buddha, did?

He will not freeze to death, seems to find food enough to eat, and is not apparently interested in doing anything apart from what he is doing. Maybe he hasn't hit rock bottom yet. Until then, there isn't much we can do.

Hey, soi dogs survive and I don't think they have much money either..

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(Reference to deleted post edited out/Scott)

Maybe he has just given up on material life the same way, say, Guttama Buddha, did?

He will not freeze to death, seems to find food enough to eat, and is not apparently interested in doing anything apart from what he is doing. Maybe he hasn't hit rock bottom yet. Until then, there isn't much we can do.

Hey, soi dogs survive and I don't think they have much money either..

they survive in packs. Bums don't travel in packs

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Of course there are other people, mostly drunken, and speaking principally nonsense, in the bars of Pattaya,

but they have money, are more or less well dressed and they sleep in a room.

Or, to put it another way, they are still capable of taking care of themselves. As such they can make their own decisions about drinking themselves to death if that's what they want. I have no issues with that: let them get on with it.

This guy, however, is ill and is not capable of making decisions. He needs help before he dies or gets arrested and thrown into jail to rot, as others have been.

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Maybe it's what he wants, I don't know, you don't know, all we know he don't want to get any help except money to get booze.

So, up to you, let him do what he like, even if this disturb you, or he has to do what you like, against his will.

Here the @mail address of people who needs help and want to receive help :


Discussion close to me.

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Maybe it's what he wants, I don't know, you don't know, all we know he don't want to get any help except money to get booze.

So, up to you, let him do what he like, even if this disturb you, or he has to do what you like, against his will.

Here the @mail address of people who needs help and want to receive help :


Discussion close to me.

Your suggestion will likely fall on deaf ears lucky. It seems that ever since that bad 90s Nicolas Cage movie Leaving Las Vegas that drinking yourself to death has become almost noble.

Of course it is almost for certain that the current cause celebe aka the German had finances to get here and is killing himself by free will whereas the kids in the orphanage did nothing to put themselves in their predicament. It is also for certain that the Orphanage is very appreciative of any and all support it receives whereas the cause celebe is assumed to be too stupid or ill to continue to be given the right to exercise his free will.

Free will is a bitch but everyone should have that right even the German.

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What on earth does Pattaya orphanage have to do with this topic? Totally irrelevant.

Some people still dont seem to be able to grasp the difference between free will and being deranged. This man didnt decide one day to be insane, he just became it for some reason. He cant think straight and so probably needs someone to think for him, to get him back to a state where he can think for himself. Like the English chap a few months ago, who, I'm sure, is suitably grateful that someone intervened on his behalf.

Donations of money such as one would give to an orphanage are precisely what this German chap doesnt need, as they will just encourage him to drink more.

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What on earth does Pattaya orphanage have to do with this topic? Totally irrelevant.

Some people still dont seem to be able to grasp the difference between free will and being deranged. This man didnt decide one day to be insane, he just became it for some reason. He cant think straight and so probably needs someone to think for him, to get him back to a state where he can think for himself. Like the English chap a few months ago, who, I'm sure, is suitably grateful that someone intervened on his behalf.

Donations of money such as one would give to an orphanage are precisely what this German chap doesnt need, as they will just encourage him to drink more.

I agree Darrel you cannot grasp the difference that your will does not translate to another. You do not seem to be any more a doctor than you are not a psychiatrist so your judgements about whether the guy understands his plight or not ... Are just your judgements. He does not need you or anyone else to think for himself. The comparisons to the orphanages just point out that all this conncern over the German has little to do with compassion for humanity.

Like the English chap referred to in the above post by Rimmer, the German is most likely a loser tourist who came to Pattaya and drank away all of his money and was left to getting scraps from the BGs. Further to that story is that guy has 8 kids living on the dole back in the UK. Great role model.Yeah we need to show compassion for these guys, that and keep their habits fueled and their kids taken care of because they choose to abandon them.

Meanwhile let us maintain the superiority that we know better what others need to do and if they do not want our advice then they are obviously just insane and mentally I'll.

Worse thing for the German who seems to want to drink himself to death is to alert the authorities because they will place him in lockup and I bet he prefers the street to that. Even if he did go back to Germany it is much more likely he just kills himself another way.

Leave him alone before that happens.

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What on earth does Pattaya orphanage have to do with this topic? Totally irrelevant.

Some people still dont seem to be able to grasp the difference between free will and being deranged. This man didnt decide one day to be insane, he just became it for some reason. He cant think straight and so probably needs someone to think for him, to get him back to a state where he can think for himself. Like the English chap a few months ago, who, I'm sure, is suitably grateful that someone intervened on his behalf.

Donations of money such as one would give to an orphanage are precisely what this German chap doesnt need, as they will just encourage him to drink more.

I agree Darrel you cannot grasp the difference that your will does not translate to another. You do not seem to be any more a doctor than you are not a psychiatrist so your judgements about whether the guy understands his plight or not ... Are just your judgements. He does not need you or anyone else to think for himself. The comparisons to the orphanages just point out that all this conncern over the German has little to do with compassion for humanity.

Like the English chap referred to in the above post by Rimmer, the German is most likely a loser tourist who came to Pattaya and drank away all of his money and was left to getting scraps from the BGs. Further to that story is that guy has 8 kids living on the dole back in the UK. Great role model.Yeah we need to show compassion for these guys, that and keep their habits fueled and their kids taken care of because they choose to abandon them.

Meanwhile let us maintain the superiority that we know better what others need to do and if they do not want our advice then they are obviously just insane and mentally I'll.

Worse thing for the German who seems to want to drink himself to death is to alert the authorities because they will place him in lockup and I bet he prefers the street to that. Even if he did go back to Germany it is much more likely he just kills himself another way.

Leave him alone before that happens.

This is ridiculous comment,. statistics have proven time after time that a greater proportion of orphanages ( Its my guess that most will be abandoned or given up) or are products of broken homes and are farmed out to whoever will have a greater preponderance to dish out in later life what they experienced in an earlier life, the German guy in question in all probability is a product of such a situation

The greater majority of the 8 kids belonging the UK guy who was on the dole will undoubtedly find themselves in exactly the same position as their father later in life ,if not already . What to do with them when they in turn reach the level of a bum? leave them to it

The concern with the German has everything to do with compassion.hopefully not to hear of a foreign bum being found dead on Soi B,and everyone cheering at his death,because of him being labelled a "worthless bum"

If he dies anywhere,I hope it is not anywhere around here. Most Embassies as an absolute last resort will repatriate a flyable subject to their home country.

I have no intention of as you suggest of leaving him alone, end of.

Edited by dandare11
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saw him at some dark spot on soi diana inn...at the middle of the soi...looking ....i really dont know where he whas looking at..just stared..looking dirty like never before....

I think that helping him is only going end up bad...

So just give him some money...or food...and that's it.

Try to speak whit him but no answer...

Maybey this dude got stuck in a bad lsd trip..?....

Seen guys like that before...getting stuck in a trip..

Or maybey some one whit big money offer him a ticket to germany.

Sooner or later the police will take him...and i can guess that that isn't really a solution..specially because he won't go whit any police whitout a struggle..this i can guarantee...

Offering a ticket back home...for some one who can miss the money...

By the way....anyone donating a free 400cc bike?

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saw him at some dark spot on soi diana inn...at the middle of the soi...looking ....i really dont know where he whas looking at..just stared..looking dirty like never before....

I think that helping him is only going end up bad...

So just give him some money...or food...and that's it.

Try to speak whit him but no answer...

Maybey this dude got stuck in a bad lsd trip..?....

Seen guys like that before...getting stuck in a trip..

Or maybey some one whit big money offer him a ticket to germany.

Sooner or later the police will take him...and i can guess that that isn't really a solution..specially because he won't go whit any police whitout a struggle..this i can guarantee...

Offering a ticket back home...for some one who can miss the money...

By the way....anyone donating a free 400cc bike?

This guy will need processing,passport,fitness to fly,escorted and probably tranquilised. Think the overstay will be waived

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saw him at some dark spot on soi diana inn...at the middle of the soi...looking ....i really dont know where he whas looking at..just stared..looking dirty like never before....

I think that helping him is only going end up bad...

So just give him some money...or food...and that's it.

Try to speak whit him but no answer...

Maybey this dude got stuck in a bad lsd trip..?....

Seen guys like that before...getting stuck in a trip..

Or maybey some one whit big money offer him a ticket to germany.

Sooner or later the police will take him...and i can guess that that isn't really a solution..specially because he won't go whit any police whitout a struggle..this i can guarantee...

Offering a ticket back home...for some one who can miss the money...

By the way....anyone donating a free 400cc bike?

This guy will need processing,passport,fitness to fly,escorted and probably tranquilised. Think the overstay will be waived

A shower and shave too.. no way will they let him fly looking like that

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What on earth does Pattaya orphanage have to do with this topic? Totally irrelevant.

Some people still dont seem to be able to grasp the difference between free will and being deranged. This man didnt decide one day to be insane, he just became it for some reason. He cant think straight and so probably needs someone to think for him, to get him back to a state where he can think for himself. Like the English chap a few months ago, who, I'm sure, is suitably grateful that someone intervened on his behalf.

Donations of money such as one would give to an orphanage are precisely what this German chap doesnt need, as they will just encourage him to drink more.

I agree Darrel you cannot grasp the difference that your will does not translate to another. You do not seem to be any more a doctor than you are not a psychiatrist so your judgements about whether the guy understands his plight or not ... Are just your judgements. He does not need you or anyone else to think for himself. The comparisons to the orphanages just point out that all this conncern over the German has little to do with compassion for humanity.

Like the English chap referred to in the above post by Rimmer, the German is most likely a loser tourist who came to Pattaya and drank away all of his money and was left to getting scraps from the BGs. Further to that story is that guy has 8 kids living on the dole back in the UK. Great role model.Yeah we need to show compassion for these guys, that and keep their habits fueled and their kids taken care of because they choose to abandon them.

Meanwhile let us maintain the superiority that we know better what others need to do and if they do not want our advice then they are obviously just insane and mentally I'll.

Worse thing for the German who seems to want to drink himself to death is to alert the authorities because they will place him in lockup and I bet he prefers the street to that. Even if he did go back to Germany it is much more likely he just kills himself another way.

Leave him alone before that happens.

This is ridiculous comment,. statistics have proven time after time that a greater proportion of orphanages ( Its my guess that most will be abandoned or given up) or are products of broken homes and are farmed out to whoever will have a greater preponderance to dish out in later life what they experienced in an earlier life, the German guy in question in all probability is a product of such a situation

The greater majority of the 8 kids belonging the UK guy who was on the dole will undoubtedly find themselves in exactly the same position as their father later in life ,if not already . What to do with them when they in turn reach the level of a bum? leave them to it

The concern with the German has everything to do with compassion.hopefully not to hear of a foreign bum being found dead on Soi B,and everyone cheering at his death,because of him being labelled a "worthless bum"

If he dies anywhere,I hope it is not anywhere around here. Most Embassies as an absolute last resort will repatriate a flyable subject to their home country.

I have no intention of as you suggest of leaving him alone, end of.

What a laugh. Then post a few statistics and particularly cite your insight to the German being an orphan ... just priceless.

Even taking a stab at rationalizing the behavior of the Brit bum is shameless so hopefully the bleeding hearts will not even try. These sods are owed nothing from society and they will get little pity from most. They are truly in charge of their own fate and deserving of their feckless plight.

No one is cheering for the German bum to be found anywhere ... dead or alive, but rather that he be given the same courtesy as any other and left alone unless he chooses to be helped. Yes, you will not do that and he will no doubt thank you for your concern in lockup. Will you visit him there?

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What a laugh. Then post a few statistics and particularly cite your insight to the German being an orphan ... just priceless.

Even taking a stab at rationalizing the behavior of the Brit bum is shameless so hopefully the bleeding hearts will not even try. These sods are owed nothing from society and they will get little pity from most. They are truly in charge of their own fate and deserving of their feckless plight.

No one is cheering for the German bum to be found anywhere ... dead or alive, but rather that he be given the same courtesy as any other and left alone unless he chooses to be helped. Yes, you will not do that and he will no doubt thank you for your concern in lockup. Will you visit him there?

Your a true work of art you are. Nowhere in the previous post was it cited he was a orphan,you are an ignorant individual.

I do find it utterly amazing you occupied yourself in a organisation,as you have stated, with your opinions

Few statistics? think a few surfing's on the web on the subject will confirm all

Again who is rationalizing the behaviour of the British Bum?,go direct me to to anything stated previously.The only rationalizing of this character would be to force him off his sofa by way of starvation, and force him into work. A true father figure there,a chip off the old block following on with his kids.

Yes ,if does end up in lock-up I'll visit him, probably give him money there.

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