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Thai Govt Slammed For Plan To Provide Computer Tablets To Pathom 1 Kids


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"...Worawat is planning to offer higher pay to teachers based on scores given to them by parents"

Sorry but what the <deleted> do most parent know about teaching and education - Maybe the government should extend this idea to offer higher pay to MPs based on scores given to them by Thai Visa members.

you forgot the part of the quote that shows that it was a Dem MP who was claiming this about a PTP minister ...

That makes it almost as reliable as what the TVF members say about Thai politicians. biggrin.gif

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Maybe the Democrat Party can explain why it is fine for rich kids to have access to computers when they are in kindergarten already. The temptations of the internet? What a joke... he means that there might come a moment when they are 11 or 12 years old that they figure out that everything that was written in the paper text books about Thai history was distorted. There might even be a time that they learn what the military did and why Abhisit and Suthep are living in a compound with Khadadffi and others ....... when they are a bit older.

It is proven that access improves the skills of the people. The Democrat simply do not want to move on. They love the methods of two centuries ago. If you ask the DP they rather would re-impose corporal punishment again on the children.

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Absolutely hopeless.

Having just been asked to prepare several students for an English test I received the materials and set to work.

Well written stuff it even had idiomatic references, wide ranging vocabulary and was progressively composed.

The students had no english language at all and worked parrot fashion without any comprehension of what they were saying. One was outgoing and able, one introverted and more able and the third was attention deficit disorder and completely inadequate for the meeting the task.

Was the whole thing sabotaged?

They failed. A comprehensive failure compounded by the fact that they had been given 2 days to prepare. Useless. Mission Impossible.

Like giving Pcs to kids.

The Head teacher worked tirelessly with me whereas the teachers who had prepared the material were face savingly concerned that I should find any error in their work. Consequently, they refused to be involved, wouldn't speak any English with me and yet had shown a high level of competence in what they had written.

But then the kids themselves couldn't speak a word.

The teachers themselves couldn't teach it. They didn't know how to teach a foreign language.

They kids all knew the alphabet and could monotonously intone 'good morning, tea-cher' followed by ' how are you?' and topped off by 'I am fine thank you.' Note the 'I am' and not the 'I'm' form. Totally un-natural and hopeless.

The basics.


Now into the hands of the blind are placed tablet PCs.

Think caveman and iPod.

It just doesn't work.

The whole education system just doesn't work.

It is symptomatic of the Thai malaise; an agricultural economy as existed a thousand years ago suddenly receives IT having by-passed the industrial revolution. Caveman to spaceman in a single bound.

The education system would be better equipping all schools with white boards, books and a teaching methodology that bans rote learning, chanting, sitting in rows, class numbers above 35, instruction, lecturing and uniterupted speaking.

The kids are not encouraged or allowed to contribute. They write it down by way of copying and are not encouraged to think for themselves.

That would lead to freedom of thought, opinionated free thinking individuals who may just want to challenge and change their system as people do in democracies. University students in the west wear what they what, experiment, fail and succeed. Hence the Bill gates' of the free world emerge to change the world for the better. But what did any Thai ever invent? Flavoured noodles? No free thinkers then.

And Thailand with its oppression and class elitist system, poverty and suppression of its population doesn't actually want to education the masses to their full potential. As their grip on power would diminish and society might just improve for all not for the few. Tut tut we are talking 'change'.

In England John Major [ Secondary School - few qualifications, no A-levels, no university] became Prime Minister. He made it through hard work and the most basic of qualifications only. But he got there. It was still possible and an education may well have speeded up the and his progress.

In contrast Thailand would never allow that. The priviledged only make it.

Why then tablet PCs?

Corruption, rip off, pay back, settling the accounts of those who bought the red shirt votes throughout the length and breadth of the country. Billions in budget and all up for grabs by the rich and the greedy but not the poor and the needy.

Did you really think it were any different?

Try getting out more.

Edited by housepainter
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Do you mean they won't be the Samsung Galaxy Tabs that Yingluck implied they would be during the campaign?

That would be deceitful of them.

Yingluck Shinawatra, the sister of toppled former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra and the prime ministerial candidate for the country's biggest opposition Puea Thai party, holds up a Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet computer as she speaks to supporters in Bangkok June 18, 2011. Thais will go to the polls on July 3 for a general election. Yingluck was speaking about using tablets for use in schools as part of her plans if she is elected.



The budget for said "tablets" is 3,000 Baht each, so factoring in "business expenses" that could mean something as low as 800-1500 cost - So what these kids will be getting is Chinese kindle reader clones. All this talk of internet access, wifi, games, internet porn etc is completely misguided ;)

But when the words "tablet computer" instantly conjure up images of iPad2, and the PM (well, back when it was PM-to-be) holds up an old 7" Galaxy tab, it's not hard to see why people get overly excited :D

Sure they get excited. Given the campaign presentation to the public and the flashy tablet Yingluck thrusts in the air like she's the Statue of Liberty holding her tablet, was selling online for 30,000 baht. That's multiple months of salary to many voters.

Perhaps that's what the Phallus Selling Education Minister meant to say... 30,000 not 3,000 baht.


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Wonder if all these millions of tablets will becoming from JAPAN ?

now I wonder why Japan would benefit in that way, did they help anyone recently ??:whistling:

As said by others here there are far more basic needs in schools throughout like writing books, pencils, and basic necessities like running water and useable bathrooms, drinking water, all better than these tablets that just appeal to the greed in people. Shiny trinkets for the natives is it ?

Missin link found. That 's why the new government helped with the VISA request.

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don't worry, they will just use those tablets to play games on them. ever observed these ipad carrying yuppies in bangkok (just watched one today)? they do not read books on their tablets nor do they surf the internet nor reply emails, they just play funny games on their expensive equipment.

Do six years old kids ever drop or break anything? Hope the govt has a robust maintenance/repair/exchange program for the tablets.

I wonder if the tablets are going to be wifi or 3g or both? If just wifi, what do the kids do at home (just an e-book reader?) if no wifi?

Who pays for the internet connection at home or if 3g, who pays?

Could get expensive.

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I wonder if the tablets are going to be wifi or 3g or both? If just wifi, what do the kids do at home (just an e-book reader?) if no wifi?

Who pays for the internet connection at home or if 3g, who pays?

Could get expensive.

I would say no one thought that far ahead

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All this opposition is being created within the Red government itself IMO. Things are never going to get handed out as they promised unless they find a way to buy them through a Thaksin company at inflated prices.

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Do six years old kids ever drop or break anything? Hope the govt has a robust maintenance/repair/exchange program for the tablets.

I wonder if the tablets are going to be wifi or 3g or both? If just wifi, what do the kids do at home (just an e-book reader?) if no wifi?

Who pays for the internet connection at home or if 3g, who pays?

Could get expensive.

Well, as long as it has all the required software installed, there is no need to use internet all the time...

However, it must also have a proper child safety software to use internet to ensure that most, if not all, unwanted contents are not accessible...

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Do six years old kids ever drop or break anything? Hope the govt has a robust maintenance/repair/exchange program for the tablets.

I wonder if the tablets are going to be wifi or 3g or both? If just wifi, what do the kids do at home (just an e-book reader?) if no wifi?

Who pays for the internet connection at home or if 3g, who pays?

Could get expensive.

I have one of the said knock off tablet computers, that I use as a reader and video player. It works well enough for these as I am reasonably skilled with a computer. However the interface of tehse computers is so random that if I try to use it on the internet with the wifi (I have 50 MB wifi at home) it is almost useless, so I just don't use it.

I really wonder how giving all of these kids a sub standard tablet computer is going to increase their IQ. This was just pure vote buying of the current government.

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"...Worawat is planning to offer higher pay to teachers based on scores given to them by parents"

Sorry but what the <deleted> do most parent know about teaching and education - Maybe the government should extend this idea to offer higher pay to MPs based on scores given to them by Thai Visa members.

It'll be easy for the teachers to push their salaries to the upper limit. Simply give every child in their class 5 out of 5 stars for every homework their children do regardless of the quality of the work and you will be every parents favourite teacher!!! In the meantime, those struggling students will not improve and leave school being unable to read and write!!!:unsure:

Makes you wonder how these ministers get into these positions when they don't seem to understand what they are doing!!:huh:.

They are probably old mates of Thaksin.

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"...Worawat is planning to offer higher pay to teachers based on scores given to them by parents"

Sorry but what the <deleted> do most parent know about teaching and education - Maybe the government should extend this idea to offer higher pay to MPs based on scores given to them by Thai Visa members.

It'll be easy for the teachers to push their salaries to the upper limit. Simply give every child in their class 5 out of 5 stars for every homework their children do regardless of the quality of the work and you will be every parents favourite teacher!!! In the meantime, those struggling students will not improve and leave school being unable to read and write!!!:unsure:

Makes you wonder how these ministers get into these positions when they don't seem to understand what they are doing!!:huh:.

They are probably old mates of Thaksin.

Mate.. Thats what happens now in most schools..... I have kids that failed my tests but miraculously passed a retest set by the Thai teacher. NOT.....Still failed but the Thai teacher just made it up to minimum score. :realangry:

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"Pathom 1 students are around six years old, still too young to know what to avoid on the Internet," Kanok said.

haha, too young to know what to avoid, yet old enough to work out how to bypass easily installed security set ups and use proxies? pretty smart six year old's!

"He said the tablets would likely hurt the children's eyesight"

so why not just ban them in Thailand altogether then, or does this only affect children?!

those arguments are ridiculous and have nothing to do with the concern for the children, just political bickering and point scoring....it's a joke.

what a div.

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Cleaning up my PC I found this picture I copied around the Election Campaign time. It shows then Pheu Thai party list candidate Yingluck and some schoolkids with tablet PCs. Ms Yingluck's seems switched off, the one with the kids is on, but unclear what it displays. Shows you, kids are smart regarding trinklets like tablets :)


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Cleaning up my PC I found this picture I copied around the Election Campaign time. It shows then Pheu Thai party list candidate Yingluck and some schoolkids with tablet PCs. Ms Yingluck's seems switched off, the one with the kids is on, but unclear what it displays. Shows you, kids are smart regarding trinklets like tablets :)


As a Billionairess, I'm sure she has someone in her staff that does the more mundane tasks like turning a computer on.


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Do six years old kids ever drop or break anything? Hope the govt has a robust maintenance/repair/exchange program for the tablets.

They won't have time to break them. They will all be stolen from them by the first week. I wish some to the PTP defenders would try to shine a positive light on this because what I just read is depressing. The children ARE your future.

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