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Briton Charged Over 'Air Rage' On THAI Flight


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Man charged over 'air rage'

LONDON: A man from south Wales has been charged with drunken and disruptive behaviour on a flight from Thailand, it has emerged.

Car salesman Michael Jones, 46, was taken away in handcuffs by police who boarded a Thai Airlines aircraft after it touched down at Heathrow Airport on New Year's Eve.

Airline staff alleged that a man had been drinking excessively and smoking in the toilets on the flight from Bangkok.

Mr Jones from Llangyfelach in Swansea was taken by Metropolitan Police Force officers to Heathrow police station for questioning where he was later charged.

A police source said: "It is claimed he became abusive and disorderly when confronted by staff.

"The captain of the aircraft subsequently ordered that he should be restrained.

"Other passengers on the flight were involved in handcuffing him."

Mr Jones was released on bail.

He is due to appear before magistrates in Uxbridge, London, on January 9.

--BBC 2004-01-04

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Good and hopefully the Thai authorities have marked his card should he ever wish to go back there!

I felt quite embarassed when returning from BKK last time, a large party of oiks turned up just in time to catch the plane then proceeded to complain because of the extra hand luggage search that's now done at the gate. For their safety!

At one point the polite Thai Airways guy said "Do you want to get on this flight or not"

Good old Brits abroad!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Car dealer bailed on charge of drunken air rage behaviour

A WELSH car dealer was yesterday accused of going on a drunken rampage on a flight from Thailand after he was asked to stop smoking.

Michael Jones, of Llanyfelach, Swansea, appeared in court to answer charges of being drunk on an aircraft and behaving in a threatening, abusive, insulting or disorderly manner towards a member of cabin crew.

The 46-year-old spoke only to confirm his name, age and address during the brief hearing at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court in west London.

He was bailed to reappear on March 1, when the case is expected to be committed to Crown Court.

Jones was arrested on New Year's Eve when the Thai Airlines flight touched down at Heathrow Airport.

--IC Wales 2004-01-20

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I get the impression that in a lot/most?/ the great majority?/ of cases of passengers causing so much trouble that they actually break the law, and of many other cases where they upset other passengers, there is a common factor of having had a skinful of booze before boarding. Personally, I like my booze, but I would give up my right to board tight if it increased my chances of not having to see crew trying to cope with drunken oiks. The confined nature of air travel, where you can't depart the scene of potential violence, must make incidents like this very scaring to the timid. If they start making us pass a Breathalyzer test before boarding, I, for one, won't start moaning about 'encroachment on my Civil Liberties'.

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  • 1 month later...

Man in Court Accused of Being Drunk on Plane

A car dealer accused of being drunk on a flight from Thailand is set to appear in court.

Michael Jones, of Llanyfelach, Swansea, was arrested on New Year’s Eve when the Thai Airlines flight touched down at Heathrow Airport.

He faces a charge of being drunk on an aircraft.

A charge of behaving in a threatening, abusive, insulting or disorderly manner towards a member of cabin crew was withdrawn and replaced by a charge of interfering with a crew member.

Following an appearance at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court in west London yesterday, the 46-year-old is now expected to attend a plea and directions hearing at Isleworth Crown Court on April 20.

--scotsman.com 2004-03-09

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luckily for him he he got drunk and caused trouble on the way home and not touching down in bkk, would of been a very uncomfortable holiday indeed, if ya read this taffy dont come back, go to bogna next time

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  • 1 month later...

I wonder what happened to that guy?

I know a guy that got pissed up on a Singapore Airlines flight to LHR in Business class, he was drunk and was hugging other passengers, they refused to serve him any more Alcohol, so he opened his bag and got his duty free whisky out..........well apparently he was being a pain in the azz big style, like all drunken people are.

Long story short...................He got 9 months in Jail on an Air Rage charge in UK, and that guy being commited to Crown Court leads me to think he will get a dose of the same.

A Magistrates court can give a sentence of up to 6 months imprisonment, if they think that you are worthy of more or the offence is serious enough, they commit the case to Crown Court so you can get sentenced by a jury and the punishment is given by a Judge.

Air rage is not well tolerated.

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Man charged over 'air rage'

LONDON: A man from south Wales has been charged with drunken and disruptive behaviour on a flight from Thailand, it has emerged.

Car salesman Michael Jones, 46, was taken away in handcuffs by police who boarded a Thai Airlines aircraft after it touched down at Heathrow Airport on New Year's Eve.

Airline staff alleged that a man had been drinking excessively and smoking in the toilets on the flight from Bangkok.

That boozing it up and smoking in the toilets will do it every time. :o

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Never understood why anyone would fly when drunk in the first place.

You would think people would want to keep their wits about them in case of an emergency.

In case of an emergency I'd prefer to be seriously plastered any day. I've always wondered why they go through the charade of emergency procedures on airplanes. If the d4mn thing crashes there ain't a thing you can do (except if you happen to have a parachute in which case the only chance is bailing)

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The problem, as always, if someone canot hold his drink and becomes bothersome or aggressive.

For myself I do not like any drugs, not even a sleeping pill. So, whisky it is, before the flight and on purpose one too many. Once airborne I tell the crew not to disturb me, stretch out and sleep. Six hours later ask for some soda water against dehydration, turn the other side and wake up when breakfast comes.

On top of this, while sleeping I do not need to smoke.

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