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Guest IT Manager


I have an acquaintance who has been feeling ill, and is looking at using some sort of natural product to develop his immune system a little.

I remember I read someone on here has a knowledge of such things but I forget who.

He had a bit of a bad chest last year (2 months ago) and still feelsa little under the weather.

Any assistance appreciated.



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Wasn't that p1p or P1P who was helpful with?

Something good for the immune system is the black molasses , a sideproduct from sugar fabrication. A teaspoon full, in a half cup of hot water , stir well , fill up with cold water, drink slowly to avoid flatulence. Can be used with milk also.

Another natural product very vitalising, as it delivers the good bakteries to the body and especially the digestive system, is EM ( Effective Microorganisms ).

Please don't be scared, as it was developed for farming, in EU it has food grade already as an additional nourishment, it is the same quality product made here in Thailand, but doesn't have the "aw yaw" (food grade) yet.

EM-Thailand :o

On this side you can find where it is sold ,( wont find it in supers or drugstore).

They will have molasses also.

For more questions, email or pm me, sorry but need to work and therefor have to cut my time on this site- it's steeling my time. :D

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Just about any member of the ginger family is good for you, but turmeric is best for boosting the immune system. No known side effects, cheap and reaqdily available. Just ask any herbal medicine shop in Bangkok. A diet containing sufficient fruit and vegetables is even better as a poor immune system is susually a result of bad diet and unhealthy habits.

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OK, IT-M. I'll see if I can give a little bit of advice here and I apologise for the length of this post, I fear it may go on!! :o

Your acquaintance has breathing problems and is looking for natural products to help him/her to boost their immune, and presumably other, systems.

The above post put forward some helpful suggestions. The EM is a very good dietary supplement and is particularly helpful for those who are on a strong antibiotic therapy. However it can be contraindicated in certain immunological disorders and for those with chronic gastric or intestinal problems. Thailand also has no food grade EM at present and some EM here has been shown to carry H. Pylori bacteria, a particularly nasty bug and precursor and causitive agent to ulcers and adenocarcenoma, so you need to take care here.

Your friend could do much worse than to take Jiaogulan tea and Spirulina, (as I gave to you for your son. )

If we look at Jiaogulan first, (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) the Chinese regard it as the "Longevity Herb" because it has such a pronounced health giving effect. It is the strongest known adaptogenic and antioxidant herb, (after Korean ginseng.) An adaptogen works to bring the body back to a normal, healthy state from an abnormal state. So it will help an overweight person lose weight by speeding up the metabolism and reducing appetite. It will also help an underweight person gain weight by improving appetite and digestive systems. Jiaogulan works with all the body's systems; heart, digestive, blood pressure, endocrine, immune etc. and is known as a miracle herb due to it's effects.

Spirulina is one of the few known concentrated sources of gamma-linolenic acid, GLA, an important constituent in mothers' breast milk and the precursor to the body's master hormones that control many functions. Spirulina has been shown to increase lactobacillus in humans and thereby increase absorption of B1 and other dietary vitamins. This is an important finding for sufferers from HIV because one of the main precursors to full-blown AIDS is a decrease in Lactobacillus in the gut and resulting inefficient absorption of nutrients.

Apart from the above, spirulina is one of the most concentrated food sources known with a huge cross section of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other dietary necessities.

To take Jiaogulan, I would recommend purchasing a large vacuum flask, (1 Litre or more,) placing in a Jiaogulan tea bag and filling with boiling water. Drink the resulting tea throughout the day, topping up with more hot water as the level goes down. If you have a genuine health problem drink only Jiaogulan wherever possible.

It is not possible to overdose on spirulina and you should take as much and as often as your budget allows.

The advice here will be of no use unless your friend looks into all other areas of their life and health. They need to take a holistic view of their body.

So I shall try to expand to give advice to everybody, but which will be of particular use to people with genuine health problems ranging from the simple common cold or influenza through HIV, Cancers and even full blown AIDS. I am not going to advocate any treatment as such, the medical practitioner is far better placed to both diagnose and treat, but I know the lifestyle habits I propose will help considerably to alleviate and even bring about remission in many, even chronic, ailments.

As I wrote above, health has to be looked at from a holistic viewpoint. If any one part of your body is not functioning correctly, then your whole body will suffer. This is the true meaning of disease, Dis-Ease. To rid your body of Dis-Ease, you need to try to bring all parts back into balance and strive to keep them in harmony.

There are several important facets to winning the battle against diseases, including immunological problems: You need to not only take the medications prescribed by your doctor, but you must also work hard to help these drugs do their job.

This means you must have the right mindset philosophy, you must eat and drink right, and you must also exercise your body to give it the energy it needs. (These exercises need not be hard, they can be as simple as breathing correctly for those who are very sick.)

Taking these different areas one by one and assuming you are fighting genuine Dis-Ease.

The first and most obvious thing to do is to give up things that are bad for you. Stop smoking, no more Chang or other booze except for small amounts of red wine and rough, "Scrumpy" cider if it is available to you. (About half a glass per day!) No Marijuana, Ecstasy, Heroin, Cocaine or any other recreational drug. Avoid stressful situations and move home if you live in a polluted environment.

Mental health: You need to bring your mind to a state of calm; that means no anger, no fear, no strong emotions. This is not difficult to accomplish if you can learn to meditate and turn to meditation if or when you feel an attack of fear, anxiety etc. coming on. You also need to try to accept the way things are, in this way you will be able to alter them from within, rather than fighting from outside yourself.

Exercise is vital, particularly breathing and posture. Your body can never be free of dis-ease if your posture is wrong and/or if you are not getting enough oxygen.

A very simple and efficacious exercise for those who are unwell is to sit straight up, (or lie down if necessary) and gently clasp your hands in front of your belly. Breathe in through your nose whilst pulling your shoulders back. (You should think to let your shoulder blades touch behind your back.) Your breath should go to the very bottom of your lungs and expand your diaphragm, pushing your belly out. When your lungs are full, allow the air to leave through your mouth whilst relaxing your shoulders and your whole body. Chinese Qi Kung exercises are very helpful if you can learn them.

Sex to orgasm should be abandoned completely. This causes your body to loose too much vital energy however gentle recreational sexual touching, holding and massage etc. can help, but NO Orgasm!)

Nutrition: You should aim to cut out all processed foods and complex proteins such as those from meat etc. No white sugar, white bread, white rice etc. Eat brown, or better red rice, wholemeal, or better mixed grain bread. Use unprocessed brown sugar or honey, (if you have no known problems with honey). Eat as much raw fruit and vegetables as possible and try to eat the seeds of fruits like grapes, melons, oranges etc. (Not peaches, almonds etc, some are poisonous.) Wash your fruit and veg' then soak for a short while in a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide. This helps remove many chemicals as well as ensuring their cleanliness. )

Drink Jiaogulan tea and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Beetroot and red or white cabbage are particularly efficacious. (You can try adding a small amount of raw potato juice, no more than 10-15%, but do not use spuds with any green on them.)

With the correct mindset and correct dietary and health discipline it is possible to overcome almost any dis-ease of the body.

Good Luck.

(I must point out that I have no connection with any company or person selling or producing Jiaogulan or Spirulina. Nor am I currently a practicing health care professional.)

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Good idea. Could we make the new branch a bit wider? Merge a couple of things, and I can add a new forum branch.

Health, body, spas, xxxxxx, yyyyyy, zzzzz etc. And a description, please. Pls have a look at the other forum branches here for ideas.

When ready, I can move related topiucs to the new forum branch.

Thanks for your input!



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I have an acquaintance who has been feeling ill, and is looking at using some sort of natural product to develop his immune system a little.

He can try Echinacea, it's well known for boosting immunity. It's extremely popular in the western countries and most people use it to prevent and treat colds, influenza and infections. I'm an antibiotics girl, but have tried it and it's helped.

p1p has offered some great advice about leading a healthy lifestyle, as this also effects your immune system. However, there's one particular point I can't agree with, "Sex to orgasm should be abandoned" - sorry, think humans need their endorphins :o

ps the health section sounds like a good idea - guess you can expect quite a few posts about the runs :D

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Is everybody sure that boosting the immune system is positive? Like in all fields the average is the best.

Lots of diseases are caused by over-reactions of the immune system.

I can name asthma, lupus , psoriasis, Chron disease and many other.

Even Hep C, though the disease is caused by a virus, the damages to liver is caused by an over reaction of the immune system to the virus and not by the virus itself. Hep C is treated also with steroids that depress the immune system.

I know this because my wife has Hep C and her hepatologist explained that she should even avoid vaccins of any type because these boost the immune system and it is not positive for her.

Don't you think that the immune system should be left to do its job without interfering?

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Let me take some of these points in order.

alanw, I'm afraid I do not know of anywhere you can purchase in Bangkok. However I will get some phone numbers and addresses in Chiang Mai and pass them on to you if you can drop me a PM. You should be able to order direct and transfer money to them.

Nat. I fully agree we all need our endorphins but we can get these from exercise, whether sexual or otherwise. When one reaches orgasm the body releases a huge burst of energy, which is totally counterproductive if one needs all the energy possible to fight one's disease. You can build up this energy, as I said by general and sexual exercise such as mutual touching or masturbation and even penetrative intercourse but allowing the body to orgasm is contraindicated in these circumstances.

buasaard. The object is to achieve a healthy immune system, which is why the recommended treatments are to use adaptogenics with support from top rate nutrition and healthy living styles. You will find your wife would also benefit from the regime as described. It will help bring her immune system back in order and give her the energy to fight the virus and repair hepatic damage, if any.

One small note of caution. Anybody who takes Jiaogulan will initially find that they have a tendency to urinate frequently and profusely. Their urine will also tend to have a strong colour and may smell unpleasant. This is due to the cleansing effect of the herb.

If they are receiving treatment for anything that requires urinalysis at a hospital, the readings could go haywire. It is best to refrain from drinking Jiaogulan for at least 24 hours before a specimen is given.

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Balancing the immune system with good nutrition and healthy life style is surely positive. I just mentioned because someone might think that having more "antibodies" would mean being healthy. I think science is still far to understand correctly how the immune system is working.

But it's just my opinion.

Luckily my wife seems not to have liver damages so far. ALT and AST where normal when we discovered Hep C (who knows when she got it) , went up when we tried to kill the virus with Interferon and Ribavirin, returned to normality when we stopped doing everything. So the hepatologist recommended not to do anything that could alter her immune system. In her case wait and see seems to be the best approach.

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Nat. I fully agree we all need our endorphins but we can get these from exercise, whether sexual or otherwise. When one reaches orgasm the body releases a huge burst of energy, which is totally counterproductive if one needs all the energy possible to fight one's disease. You can build up this energy, as I said by general and sexual exercise such as mutual touching or masturbation and even penetrative intercourse but allowing the body to orgasm is contraindicated in these circumstances.

Hi p1p

Agree that unnecessary excersion can be counterproductive when one's white blood cells are in battle. However, the interesting thing is that research (by Dr Dudley Chapman) has found that orgasms boost T3 and T4 cells (types of white blood cells) by up to 20%. Also a study conducted by psychologists found that students that engaged in regular sexual activity had higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody which boosts the immune system. The other thing, everytime one orgasms the hormone DHEA increases in response to sexual excitement, this hormone can also boost the immune system.

Regardless if orgasms boost immunity or not, the most recent research conducted by The Cancer Council (in melbourne, oz) has found orgasms are beneficial to males. Apparently, the more men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer.


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Nat, we seem to be coming at the question from different angles. I accept the Western research findings and understand their importance. However my advice is based on traditional Chinese teachings and is given in order to try to preserve and increase Qi life energy, which is direly needed to fight serious disease. Catch .22, both answers are correct for different reasons.

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Spirulina is readily available in Bangkok, and typically costs around 400 baht for a normal month's supply i.e. for someone who is just seeking regular health and immune system benefits. Most major department stores have at least one herbal medicine store. Be aware that 99% of Thai manufacturers do not conform to even the minimum standards in terms of hygiene or quality control. Supplies from most other countries are probably of similar standards. The bottom line is that while most herbal medicines are beneficial, some may actually be harmful.

The only side effects I am aware of with clean Spirulina is it turns faeces green. The more you eat, the more pronounced the effect. Bear in mind that it is a form of algae, and a bad batch could give a very unpleasant dose of the squits.

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  • 1 month later...
Spirulina is readily available in Bangkok, and typically costs around 400 baht for a normal month's supply i.e. for someone who is just seeking regular health and immune system benefits. Most major department stores have at least one herbal medicine store. Be aware that 99% of Thai manufacturers do not conform to even the minimum standards in terms of hygiene or quality control. Supplies from most other countries are probably of similar standards. The bottom line is that while most herbal medicines are beneficial, some may actually be harmful.

The only side effects I am aware of with clean Spirulina is it turns faeces green. The more you eat, the more pronounced the effect. Bear in mind that it is a form of algae, and a bad batch could give a very unpleasant dose of the squits.

Today I found Spirulinain "Boots"

"Boots Spirulina 500" 90 Capsules Bht 350

They Currently have a Two for the Price of One Promotion.

It is Manufactured for:

Boots Retail (Thailand) Ltd

Manufactured by:

The British Dispensary(L.P.) CO., Ltd.

Samut Prakarn


Take as a Food Supplement, 2 capsules

half an hour before meal.

It says meal - singular - so I am not sure

if it means every meal - 3 times per day


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