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Is It Worth It To Fly Business Class On A Long Haul Flight

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Up to 4 years ago I used economy.When I left the plane on the last economy flight I got a stroke.For me it is worthwhile to fly business class where I can stretch out.

It's your diet and lifestyle that caused the stroke, not flying in Coach!

Maybe use the extra $$$ spent on Business Class airfares consulting a professional dietitian and getting a yearly full medical exam?

Its a fair point perhaps.

I'm 6 foot 3 and 109 Kgs currently but am quite happy to sit in economy rather than pay an extra £1000 for a seat. No way.

Have had upgrades over the years but so what ?? Bigger seat and arrive 25 metres in front of the rest !!

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Like a number of other posters above, I fly a lot at the moment, usu, 4-6 times a month. Most flights are 2-3 hrs and I would never pay Business class for such a trip.

Even longer than 6 hrs I would consider other options, e.g. splitting a 10-12hr journey to the UK by flying via Qatar, giving 2 manageable 5-6 hr flights.

I have flown Business Class a few times and INHO it is over-rated and not worth the price premium, and I am fairly tall at 6 ft 2. My air mile points I use to buy additional flights, rather than upgrades.


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Look at it another way.

Would you pay £1000 for sitting in a more comfortable chair for 12 hours at home ?? Simple question ??

Well thats what you throw away when you fly Business UK-Bangkok.

Cannot ever be justified unless money is no object to you-if you have to ask the question you haven't enough.

Very interesting point..

How about: Would I be prepared to sit in my normal chair at home, but after 12 hours suddenly find myself in another location.

Both the point Chivas brought up and the point above inadequately address the issues of comfort in flight and whether its worth the money or not. When compared to home furniture no business class seat is comfortable.

As other posters have discussed - a significant difference between business and economy is how disturbed you are by people around you, firstly because there are fewer people around out, and secondly because in general those around you know not to be so damned inconsiderate.

It it were only the seat - the value might be in greater question.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Since business class arrives at the same time as economy class I can't see that it is worth the extra large amount of money. The one time I would have gladly paid the extra money was when I was seated between two obese people. The flight attendant did feel sorry for me but said the flight was full and there were no other seats available even in business class. I now just make sure I have a window or aisle seat.

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Yes for long haul, especially if it's not a regular occurance, Business class is the way to go. WITH the notable exception of American carriers which IMO, generally suck when compared to so many other carriers that you would think you where on a different planet going from B.class on Delta to B.class on Emirates.

Traveling well is important, you arrive relaxed, refreshed and ready to go when coming of Business class, you are pampered and generally taken care of and made to feel as though your getting what you paid for.

For me it's worth it, and I usually won't do long haul otherwise.

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For me the experience starts at check in, special queues, the lounge, boarding first, better seats if not beds, great food, super wine, first to de-plane as they say life isn't measured by the breaths we take rather the moment that take our breath away and J class and F class do it all the time for me.

If you can afford it go for it and do yourself a favour and dress up like the old days, I don't know just makes me feel better.


But must be flat bed, only way I can, must and will sleep on a plane, will not fly with those who don't offer flat beds on my route (Luftwaffe, Thai, EVA, Air Berlin, China Airlines)

I do watch out for promotions on the leftover companies, have a Etihad flight booked for November at 72k baht, paid 83 in May.

I only live once and am not going to leave much money to my kids, thus I spend it on business class tickets :rolleyes:

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I always fly business class *if* the flight is going to be more than 4 hours.

You don't have to squeeze into your seat next to an obese disgusting sweating smelly passenger inches away from you.

And you don't have to listen to the babies/brats that stupid selfish people take onto planes to annoy everyone else. whistling.gif

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I would pay another £200 (only) for a business seat if it's my money we're talking about. But I am not overweight and I sleep well, whether it's a bed or a shallow rake. The extra sleeping room and the lounge with all the free goodies are worth something, but no more than £200 IMO. The upgraded food can be replicated with a £20 meal before you fly.

Business fares are for companies to pay or for individuals to pay if they have sleep difficulties (or self-regard problems :rolleyes:)

Of course you have to pay a hell of a lot more than £200, so the result is I fly London to Bangkok six times a year in the back of the bus. Not a problem.

I might pay for premium economy if travelling with wife and kid.

[That's a considered response - I flew business or first long-haul twice a month for 10 years plus before retiring. First class - now there is a premium that is hopelessly overpriced]

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I would pay another £200 (only) for a business seat if it's my money we're talking about. But I am not overweight and I sleep well, whether it's a bed or a shallow rake. The extra sleeping room and the lounge with all the free goodies are worth something, but no more than £200 IMO. The upgraded food can be replicated with a £20 meal before you fly.

Business fares are for companies to pay or for individuals to pay if they have sleep difficulties (or self-regard problems :rolleyes:)

Of course you have to pay a hell of a lot more than £200, so the result is I fly London to Bangkok six times a year in the back of the bus. Not a problem.

I might pay for premium economy if travelling with wife and kid.

[That's a considered response - I flew business or first long-haul twice a month for 10 years plus before retiring. First class - now there is a premium that is hopelessly overpriced]

I used to fly London - Mumbai return with BA and they would sell premium economy seats for about 100-150 GBP more than standard economy.

No lounge access but it gave an extra 4 inches of legroom. On a long flight I think the extra was worth it.


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Up to 4 years ago I used economy.When I left the plane on the last economy flight I got a stroke.For me it is worthwhile to fly business class where I can stretch out.

It's your diet and lifestyle that caused the stroke, not flying in Coach!

Maybe use the extra $$ spent on Business Class airfares consulting a professional dietitian and getting a yearly full medical exam?

How would you know.I do not smoke nor drink alkohol and I eat mostly fruit and vegetables and work out and I have a yearly full medical exam.The mistake was I did not move around as I had a middle seat and is was very cramped.Next time do not assume things.

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When the difference between economy and business was around 30% then it was worthwhile paying the extra to get the comfort etc. Now that the difference is often nearer to 100% I have trouble justifying a business class seat, as much as I enjoy them.

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First I'd like to thank everyone for there answers on this topic. The reasons I had asked was I will be flying back to the US and the company I work for got me a business class seat to fly back home on. I like many of you cannot justify for the price for a business class seat so I always fly economy class everywhere, but when going back to the US, I've got a long flight and depending on what you consider a long flight

1st Flight is 6 hours long no problem

2nd flight is 14 hours long though

and of course I've learned over the years never ever fly any american carriers. Again thanks for your comments on this topic

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I always fly business class *if* the flight is going to be more than 4 hours.

You don't have to squeeze into your seat next to an obese disgusting sweating smelly passenger inches away from you.

And you don't have to listen to the babies/brats that stupid selfish people take onto planes to annoy everyone else. whistling.gif

You obviously were born at the age of majority and experienced no childhood whatsoever....

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I fly EVA. Their premium economy gives you business class seat size and spacing with economy meals.

I have only flown EVA on their 777s, but on my last trip I flew both business and premium economy and the seats are distinctly different.

Business gives massively more leg room and reclines to a sloping (and somewhat hard/bumpy) bed. Premium economy barely reclines more than normal economy and gave me about enough room to cross my legs. In economy, my knees are hard up against the seat in front. Thai use the same PE seats to LAX but with more legroom.

The experience is quite different. PE is ok for a day flight, but I wouldn't want to sit in it over night.

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Look at it another way.

Would you pay £1000 for sitting in a more comfortable chair for 12 hours at home ?? Simple question ??

Well thats what you throw away when you fly Business UK-Bangkok.

Cannot ever be justified unless money is no object to you-if you have to ask the question you haven't enough.

If you put it like that it sounds like a simple 'no'.. But I have paid for business from my own limited resources many times. Fo me, if I have to sit up all night in economy, then I can't afford the holiday. Sitting in a business class seat for me is about the same as a more average size person sitting in economy. It's worth it to not have my knees wedged into the seat in front, to be able to cofortably slide my hips through the armrest and to not be shoulder to shoulder with the unfortunates next to me.

Plus I don't have much patience for the groups of Indians/Chinese who go to immigration without filling out their landing cards and keep me their for hours.

Premium economy is something of a godsent, but only EVA price it for what it is - an improved economy - rather than business class junior (BA/Qantas). If it was up to me, it would be the minimum standard for all long haul seats.

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Have made 11 round trip flights from the US to Thailand. First 10 were always coach. I just couldn't justify the extra $500 or so minimum that business class charged. $500 pays my entire hotel bill in Thailand so I took coach. That 13 hour flight from LAX to Taipei is a pain.

This May 2011, I made a last minute booking, literally 2 day notice. Coach fairs were about 1200. EVA air Business/Elite class was at its ususal 1670 USD. I went to lunch and came back and the price was down to $1530. So I booked it. That flight was totally worth it. Here is why.

1: At LAX there was no waiting in a long line. I only have a carry on bag, and I hate having to stand behind all the regular passengers that are checking in luggage. If I had luggage, business class would have made the experience even better.

2: At the gate, boarding ahead of the hoards of passengers is a bit nicer. And you don't have to worry about overhead storage not being available because there are less seats in the Business section for the same mount of storage.

3: The seat was definitely wider and a bit longer. I am not a large person, 5' 7" 160 pounds, but it was nice not rubbing elbows with anybody. I didn't completely like the way the seats reclined. Still not as a good an angle as my reclining chair in my living room, but my back and butt definitely liked this seat more than any coach seat.

4: There were not any babies crying in the business section. One baby in coach can make the trip horrible.

5: I was able to reserve and specify my seat exactly. Coach often does not do that or EVA re-assigns it. I have been "stuck" near the bathroom too many times. In addition, even if you don't select your seat, it does not matter. All the seats are the same with the exception of the up front ones that are next to the bulkhead or the one row that might be closer to the bathroom than you might like.

6: Definitely arrived fresher, felt better, etc. Just the feeling of flying in a better class of seat and section adds to the goodness of the trip.

So, all in all, it was great and I would pay the $330 more again. The $500+ more option starts pushing my limits. $1670 versus $1100 is usually the tradeoff I am faced with. Been two great years financially so I will probably do it again. If a shorter trip (2 -3 weeks), I spend less time away from work, so I get back to work sooner and make the money back quicker. If a longer trip, I usually rent longer term and spend less that way while in Thailand.

Edited by gk10002000
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If you can afford ,try it.

Some airlines are better than others ,but the extra comfort/leg-room can enable a better sleep

Generally the catering is similar,but often in business class when you want to eat.

I am always hoping for an upgrade with TG ,but it is has never happened ,

Qantas,CI & BA have upgraded & KLM during Gulf War 1

Generally ,because of cost ,you will find me & the kids in cattle class at the back

Keep Smiling

Wiley Coyote

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It's all down to personal circumstances afaic. We're based in the UK and fly out to Thailand for four or five weeks at a time. We simply don't get the week of 'jetlag' fatigue from flying in business (and the associated loss of quality time at each end through said 'jetlag'). so it's worth it for us.

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It's all down to personal circumstances afaic. We're based in the UK and fly out to Thailand for four or five weeks at a time. We simply don't get the week of 'jetlag' fatigue from flying in business (and the associated loss of quality time at each end through said 'jetlag'). so it's worth it for us.

If you can afford it go for it.

However I'd think that the price difference would go an awfully long way in Thailand e.g. I could probably buy the best part of a new motorbike for the price difference between a Qatar Airways Economy and Business Class seat. And such a gift would certainly get me some quality time with my latest teelak :rolleyes:

Joking aside, I'm fairly tall but if you drink well (water), get-up and walk around a bit now and then and sleep when you can, jetlag and fatigue from a long flight is not too bad.


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However I'd think that the price difference would go an awfully long way in Thailand e.g. I could probably buy the best part of a new motorbike for the price difference between a Qatar Airways Economy and Business Class seat.

Interesting comparison, I've actually priced flights back to the UK on Thai, Business Class was 103,000 Baht more expensive than steerage, so you could actually buy two motorbikes, puts it into perspective a bit.

That said, I would fly Business Class every time if I could afford to, have had my share of screaming babies in Business though.

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However I'd think that the price difference would go an awfully long way in Thailand e.g. I could probably buy the best part of a new motorbike for the price difference between a Qatar Airways Economy and Business Class seat.

Interesting comparison, I've actually priced flights back to the UK on Thai, Business Class was 103,000 Baht more expensive than steerage, so you could actually buy two motorbikes, puts it into perspective a bit.

That said, I would fly Business Class every time if I could afford to, have had my share of screaming babies in Business though.

If memory servers me correct, Qatar to LHR economy (with restrictions) is between 25 and 30K, whereas Business Class seats on the same route is about 70 to 80K. I've flown with Qatar quite a lot over the last couple of years and I like them a lot.

A more sensible comparison might be that not including apartment rent, I could happily live in Pattaya for a month on the difference :)

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There's business class and then there's business class. Glad to know that the OP realizes the carrier (especially avoiding usa metal) will probably make a great deal of difference in the experience and the sense of value. I travel a lot, own a small company that requires it, and even though I might get slammed here for attitude, there is no way I would willingly spend more than a couple of hours in coach. I've put in my years in the back and as I look at it, the wear and tear on me for the long-hauls at this point is a liability for my business and keeping myself comfortable and generally happy in Business or First on a good airline is a benefit I frankly deserve given the hours I put in and risks I take professionally. Obviously you can buy a bottle of Krug and a tin of caviar and sit in your armchair for as long as you like for substantially less than the cost of those amenities on a long-haul, but to borrow a catchphrase from several of the airlines, it's not just getting there, it's the "experience".

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Is It Worth It To Fly Business Class

it all depends on the contents of your wallet.

Mine contains money, ATM and credit cards, but while comfortable, I still don't think business class is worth the money. If I had ailing health I would likely think differently.

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I have been flying Emerites for the past few years and because of the accumulation of frequent flyer points i can't afford to change. They also keep me interested with upgrade offers to Business class for a minor amount, without spending points, but offers a access to the business lounge and most of the other benifits except flyer points at Business class rates and the limo service. This is good business for them as it keeps me happy and they resell my seat in cattle class for much more than it costs them to bump me up to an empty business class seat.

Unless i had much more money i could not afford Business Class in my present circumstances. But i know i would if i could. When i am siting there with a screen twice the size of a economy screen , with noise reducing headphones and in a seat that is triple the comfort level of cattle class then it is worth it. I often think that this is the way all airflight should be.

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Up to 4 years ago I used economy.When I left the plane on the last economy flight I got a stroke.For me it is worthwhile to fly business class where I can stretch out.

It's your diet and lifestyle that caused the stroke, not flying in Coach!

Maybe use the extra $$ spent on Business Class airfares consulting a professional dietitian and getting a yearly full medical exam?

How would you know.I do not smoke nor drink alkohol and I eat mostly fruit and vegetables and work out and I have a yearly full medical exam.The mistake was I did not move around as I had a middle seat and is was very cramped.Next time do not assume things.

Maybe you should fortify your days with at least 1 glass of red wine, brew your own coffee in the mornings and have a decent cigar after your twice-monthly prime rib dinner. Then you won't need to worry about moving around too much on your flights. Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes while eating 'mostly' rabbit food and walking up and down the stairs doesn't make a hill of beans if you don't consider your age, physiology and family history of coronary disease. Seriously.

Flying Coach almost killed you? Flying Business Class is going to save your life? I still don't buy it.

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discussing "business vs. cattle class" does not provide any insight and is as superfluous as discussions whether the tits of a nun serve a valid purpose.


p.s. for many years i preferred flying "first". but because the fare is nowadays paid from my own pocket i grind my teeth and fly business except when there are special offers for first. and of course i never refuse an upgrade from business to first (which happens regularly on Qatar for two sectors when flying four sectors).

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I have been flying Emerites for the past few years and because of the accumulation of frequent flyer points i can't afford to change. They also keep me interested with upgrade offers to Business class for a minor amount, without spending points, but offers a access to the business lounge and most of the other benefits except flyer points at Business class rates and the limo service. This is good business for them as it keeps me happy and they resell my seat in cattle class for much more than it costs them to bump me up to an empty business class seat.

Unless i had much more money i could not afford Business Class in my present circumstances. But i know i would if i could. When i am siting there with a screen twice the size of a economy screen , with noise reducing headphones and in a seat that is triple the comfort level of cattle class then it is worth it. I often think that this is the way all airflight should be.

Good point indeed! A well-managed frequent flier program where one gets regularly 'bumped upstairs' makes for good customer loyalty and harder for another airline to poach the happy customer. Before Air France bought KLM, I was Gold status for several consecutive years with the latter as was doing at least 6000 miles/month with them between North America and the middle east flying Coach. Towards the end, I was pretty much assured at least one sector of a round-trip would see me moved up a class. Unfortunately, the Air France buyout brought some changes such as making most award travel to/from Europe have at least one leg routing through Paris CDG... no thanks! I still use mostly KL to Scotland and manage to get Silver status every other year but now that I am ROP Gold with TG and the terminal change through Heathrow isn't too traumatic, THAI might get half my business and keep me Gold. My TG ROP Gold status came from a few long-haul flights to New Zealand and regular regional flights but stays topped up mostly with TG domestic flights.

Similarly, I used UA pretty much exclusively for flights to the US and was consistently Silver until they screwed up badly, charged me twice for the same ticket through a combination of THEIR ticketing rules, THEIR unobservant gate clerk at SFO and THEIR reservation system limitations. Their customer service (in India) is a joke. The only downsides to the alternatives are TG using the abysmal LAX gateway and CO (now with Star Alliance AND bought by <deleted>' UA) having piss-poor seating (no Premium Economy) on it's loooooong flights to Narita.

Edited by NanLaew
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