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Tablet Computer Issue Has Nothing To Do With Real Education Reform: Thai Talk


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Truly, the 'Wannabe Emperor' has no clothes.

Without graded readers for remedial English content, the English language 'window to the world' will remain firmly closed and democracy will likely continue to advance at a very slow pace.

Hopefully the wheels fall of Thaksin's latest political bandwagon before he can do too much damage or it all turns ugly again.

Maybe if they would drop the English classes and focus on mathematics science social issues the standard of education would go up. Just at a guess I would say that the ability to communicate in English would effect less than 5% of the students. It could be that the ability to communicate in Chinese in the future would help them more. In ther mean time teach them some thing that they would need those abilities for. Makes no sense tto teach them English when you don't teach them some thing they would need it for.

How come is it that in some countries they manage to have 3-4 languages in school while here (and in some anglo-rooted nations) they can barely learn one?

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