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Question About What Happend Recently In Pattaya

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How can Thailand allow a criminal to come and live in their country? Dont they check if he has a criminal record, is a suspect or a fugitive?

Apparently he was travelling on a false passport so how where the Thais supposed to know?

Besides if everybody with a criminal record would be barred from they might as well close Pattaya.

bull shit :o:D

It's a shithole indeed and with money pouring in from the Costa Del Sol, Russia,A'dam etc. it will only get bigger unless Mother Theresa start to run Patters


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This man , John Mieremet , killed several people himself in the gangsterworld of Amsterdam and was on a hitlist . He had it coming.



Much easier to get someone knocked off in Thailand and get away with it.

One less scumbag for Pattaya.

But many more on the way.

This man , John Mieremet , killed several people himself in the gangsterworld of Amsterdam and was on a hitlist . He had it coming.



Is the loss of this man any loss to society ? I don't think so !!

And we shouldn't feel to much sympathy for his bird as she will have almost certainly reaped considerable financial benefit from his nefarious activities.

She is unfortunately not the only one to do so as many many Thai females live off the back of prostitution, gambling casinos and other criminal activities. These people are seen everywhere with their "holier than thou" noses stuck in the air.

Nuff said :o


Somebody will translate this into English please .... I am on my usual visa run ...

"AMSTERDAM, 2 NOV. De crimineel John Mieremet is vannacht geliquideerd in de Thaise badplaats Pattaya. Dat hebben verschillende bronnen bevestigd. Mieremet was jarenlang actief in de Amsterdamse onderwereld.

Media in Thailand melden dat Mieremet werd gedood rond vier uur vannacht, 10 uur lokale tijd, in zijn kantoor in Bang Lamung, een badplaats iets buiten de stad Pattaya.

De schutter arriveerde bij het kantoor achter op een brommer. Hij zou het kantoor zijn binnengelopen en naar Mieremet hebben gevraagd. De twee zouden enkele woorden hebben gewisseld, mogelijk in het Nederlands. De schutter, een ,,vrij grote man met een helm op'', zou daarop een pistool hebben getrokken en Mieremet (44) door het hoofd hebben geschoten. Mieremet zou in het gezelschap zijn geweest van een lijfwacht. Deze wist tijdig dekking te zoeken en werd niet geraakt. Dat meldt het ANP op basis van berichten van een lokale journalist.

Mieremet zou onderweg naar het ziekenhuis zijn overleden. Lokale media beschikken over beelden van een paspoort dat aan Mieremet zou hebben toebehoord. Volgens het persbureau was Mieremet bezig met een onroerendgoedproject in Bang-Lamung.

Mieremet was een bekende crimineel, die in de jaren negentig voor Klaas Bruinsma zou hebben gewerkt. In 2002 werd Mieremet al eens neergeschoten, voor het kantoor van advocaat Evert Hingst. Hingst werd afgelopen maandag geliquideerd. In een interview dat jaar zei Mieremet dat Hingst, Heineken-ontvoerder Willem Holleeder en vastgoedhandelaar Willem Endstra achter die aanslag zaten.

Met Endstra had Mieremet daarvoor een tijdlang zaken gedaan. Endstra werd vorig jaar geliquideerd. Over de samenwerking ontstond later een conflict. Mieremet eiste miljoenen terug die zijn vriendin in een vennootschap van Endstra gestoken zou hebben. Na de dood van Endstra betaalden zijn nabestaanden daadwerkelijk een paar miljoen die Mieremet nog tegoed zou hebben.


Dutch gangster killed in Thailand

BANGKOK - Reputed Dutch gangster Jonh Mieremet was gunned down Wednesday near Thailand's seaside resort town of Pattaya, officials said.

"I can confirm that he has been murdered today and we have sent two people from the embassy to Pattaya to look into this matter," Dutch ambassador Peter Marres told AFP.

Mieremet was killed around 10 am (0300 GMT) at his home in the Singtopark neighborhood of Banglamung district outside Pattaya, about 70 kilometres (45 miles) southeast of Bangkok, police Colonel Chakarin Thuasuparp told AFP.

He was pronounced dead at hospital, Chakarin said.

Mieremet was considered one of the Netherlands' most notorious criminals, and operated with his partner Sam Klepper, who was killed in 2000.

Together, they had been known as "Spic 'n' Span", after an American brand of cleaning powder.


(they'll likely need some of these products to clean off the bloodstains from the front of the house)

John was beside a drugslord also a killer,he killed many himself and now he can face them in H E L L 

so??? was John alone or did he have the drugslord and a killer next to him?

how many drugslords and killers did he kill?

was he behind them when he did this? :o


Maybe I'm eccentric but I don't want to see anyone murdered.

Big time gangster from Netherlands, is that a Phillips executive?

Lots of people in the world doing bad things, was this guy the worst?

Meom, finally someone who agrees with me!

I have been saying for years that Mother Teresa faked her death.



Yesterday evening (Euro time) another related murder in Amsterdam a supposed friend of Mierenet and Hingst

It's the Yugo's that are muscling in on the Dutch underworld supported by some old friends of Bruinsma


The three were known as Huey, Duey and Luey in the Dutch underworld (for SriJohn) some called them the Stooges :D

I do not think any gangster or mobster will be held at Thai or any border for that matter until they cross the line in that specific country.....

I agree with most of you, the world became a little bit more better yesterday-evening!

How can Thailand allow a criminal to come and live in their country? Dont they check if he has a criminal record, is a suspect or a fugitive? DOnt they have contact with the dutch government. Its really ridiculous cause he just came to Thailand to run away from his enemy and to have illegal business in THailand of his own. How can you let him in your country?

That's great. The guy is Dutch. He was a criminal in the Netherlands where, apparently, they couldn't manage to prevent him from committing crimes nor could they arrest & detain him. He left the Netherlands undetected and the Dutch seemingly hadn't a clue where he was.

BUT, surprise, surprise it's all the fault of Thailand. Another example of Eurotrash logic.


Guys lets not be to hars on FANTA ROOD's initial mail.

He is still a youngster and is not aware that criminals are allowed to travel just as other people.

Fanta also has forgotten (as many others of you that blaim the inability of the Dutch government to keep him within its borders) about the Schengen agreement in which Europeans that are a part of this group are allowed to travel without any significant customs/border checks.

So probably he was able to get into the plane in another country without the Dutch noticing it and since he has not violated Thai laws the Thai cannot keep him out unless they brand him to be a person they do not want to enter Thailand.

The Thai let almost anybody (and his brother) in, see Roman Polanski a known child abuse. But that is not the point; the point is why should the NOT let him in, because he is a criminal in the Netherlands....so why is he not in a Dutch jail....obviously because they cannot detain him without any good reason...which they hadnot.

Don't forget this is not just a cmall time criminal, he was compared to US mobsters a family crime boss and was very, very hard to catch.

But then again once a bullet catches you....hehe

Just like the UK harbours known terrorists and hate preachers.

Well Said Jack. Terrorist attacks on London gave a clear signal to UK that harbouring terrorists and criminals from other countries only bring out bad results for oneself in future. The same happened with US. Osama and Saddam are none other than the puppets of US government. Now when the purpose of US was solved and these puppets had no other thing to do, they backfired.

UK has also harboured terrorists and hate preachers from asian and africal countries. result was the recent blasts in UK, but wait, its just beginning.

Is Thailand going on the same ways?? afterall Thailand has always followed US


I don't know tommorow you'd be shot and police would say you were a gangster ! I don't believe this shit TOP GANGSTERS don't come and marry hookers and ride bickes like nothing happened .... this is bull ....

I knew a story where a girl was pushed out of her balcony in the hotel, and thai police said she commited suicide !

yeah she wore a g strings and a pretty night gown must be because she wanted to impress everyone who'd come to pick her body up !

lousy thai police


I don't know about you guys but i really don't care about gangsters going around killing each other. It's when they start killing innocents, that i get bothered. Look at the Kray's. All they did, was go around knocking the other big boys off their perches and when they got locked up, along came the next set of big boys. Who, probably got knocked off etc. etc. :o


Dutch gangster was gunned down by ‘Westerner’

PATTAYA:-- A Western man gunned down in Pattaya on Wednesday morning was a well-known Dutch underworld figure, police and Dutch newspapers said yesterday.

John Mieremet, 44, died after being shot in the neck and temple by another Westerner at his office in the Singto Thong housing estate, Col-onel Waratchai Sriratanvuth said.

The gunman, who had arrived at the office on motorcycle, was identified as a Caucasian by Mieremet’s Thai wife, Sukanya Khan-in, the police officer added. Another witness identified the driver of the motorcycle as a Thai man.

Thai investigators said the motive for the killing may have stemmed from a personal or business conflict. Newspapers in the Netherlands, however, reported that the killing appeared to be in retaliation for the murder early this week of a lawyer, Evers Hingst, who defended senior Amsterdam crime figures

Mieremet was reportedly part of a mafia-organisation founded by the late Dutch “godfather” Klaas Bruinsma. Mieremat and his partner, Sam Klepper, who was killed in 2000, were considered to be one of the Netherlands’ most notorious criminal outfits, involved in gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution and extortion rackets. The pair was known as “Spic ‘n’ Span”, after an Ameri-can brand of cleaning powder, for their skill in eliminating rivals.

After Klep-per’s death, Mieremet moved to the villa-district of Neerpelt in Belgium, where several other reputed Dutch criminals reside. He continued, however, to oversee his crime operations in Amsterdam and in February 2002 he narrowly survived an attempt on his life as he was leaving the office of his lawyer, Hingst.

Mieremet suspected Hingst was involved in the murder attempt; Hingst had invited Mieremet to his office, said little and then bolted his door shut soon as his client left.

After he was shot, Mieremet granted an interview to the De Telegraaf newspaper, in which he spoke openly about his contacts with organised crime and implied Hingst was involved. Hingst, known in Holland as the “Devil’s Advocate” for his underworld ties, denied that he was party to the murder plan.

On Monday, Hingst was shot dead in Amsterdam.

De Telegraaf reported on Tuesday that Hingst was preparing to give a television interview to respond to charges that he was the “lawyer of the underworld”. Hingst represented one of the men who kidnapped brewing magnate Freddy Heineken in 1982 and Dutch real estate tycoon Willem Endstra, a reputed mafia banker murdered in May 2004.

Dutch commentators said Mieremet’s killing, the 20th involving a senior crime figure from the country since 1991, appeared to be in retaliation for the killing ofHingst.

The killings were related to a battle for control of the city’s drug trade between Dutch gangs and those of Arab and Yugoslavian origin, Dutch media reported. The feud began with the killing in 1991 of Bruinsma.

--The Nation 2005-11-04


Well, I've tried to crack the gangster code but have now given up.

It's all Double Dutch to me... :D

Red Blue green "Shoot the Moon at Sunbar Six"

Olie Olie Um-pum-free

I had the quote at the end of the qoute

The chances of me figuring this out are quite remote

At least they could have put him in a cement coat

And let him sink off a rented boat

Try to find out if criminals float

We all know that he had become the goat

Of a fiendish plot from the crime he wrote

Got out of town and didn't cost him one note

Big crime boss didn't get one vote

Wore a stray bullet from the gun he'de tote

Cracker Jack code from the threaded quote

Anyway I believe that criminals are scum

I just wish they would all drop dead

and leave the Kingdom to it's fine people.

Greed mongers notwithstanding


Is the loss of this man any loss to society  ? I don't think so !!

And we shouldn't feel to much sympathy for his bird as she will have almost certainly reaped considerable financial benefit from his nefarious activities.

She is unfortunately not the only one to do so as many many Thai females live off the back of prostitution, gambling casinos  and other criminal activities. These people are seen everywhere with their "holier than thou" noses stuck in the air.

Nuff said  :D

I wander what has happend with you'r (silly) live in the past, but I can't see the connection here between a liquidation of someone and (from yout point of view) what his (and other Thai women) wife has done to you that you have to write so bad about women. :o

And personally I think it would be better for (wo)mankind if you will be the next one on the list.

By Dutch law you are not guilty until proven, this means that whatever Mr. Mieremet was doing, was not in connection to ANNY criminal activity for what he good be punnished.

If so he was being detained already long ago. :D

John R.I.P. brotha.


Hey before we forget lets contact Al Capone for advise!!!!!!! Heheheheheheheheheheeh :o:D:D:D

Duh, wait a minute dude, he huh darn went south like 70 lights ago, and hold it now wait a minute, chum, whatcha talkin about dude ???????

Duh, I cannot remember now, been so long ago!!!!!!!!!!!


What is a "Dutch Gangster" anyway? What did he do steal a few tulips? Maybe didn't eat his olebole on New years

Well, for starters in the early eighties he apparently was involved in the kidnapping of mr. Heineken, the beer guy. Later on he moved to become a drugdealer, murderer and god knows what. Apparantly, for his income he had a "laundry" deal with mr. Endstra, who is now by the media being called "the Dutch banker of criminals". Mr. Endstra refused to give him money back and that's how the murders started. This is as far as I understand it.

For the dutch people here, check www.elsevier.nl


I saw on the news today that dutch top criminal mobster John Mieremet was murdered in Pattaya. Maybe you already heard about it. Here is the link, but its in dutch. http://www.rtl.nl/(/financien/rtlz/nieuws/..._liquidatie.xml

How can Thailand allow a criminal to come and live in their country? Dont they check if he has a criminal record, is a suspect or a fugitive? DOnt they have contact with the dutch government. Its really ridiculous cause he just came to Thailand to run away from his enemy and to have illegal business in THailand of his own. How can you let him in your country? I'm glad hes dead.

Also did the thai police did anything to stop the liquidation from happening? Did they knew anything about it? How come a criminal orginasation in Netherland can go all the way to Thailand and kill people there? Was the killer of Mieremet a local thai guy?

The security in Thailand must be very tight. They let a known criminal come and live in their country and they let other criminals easily kill him.

Is it just me? Or is there any irony in this question?

Guys lets not be to hars on FANTA ROOD's initial mail.

He is still a youngster and is not aware that criminals are allowed to travel just as other people.

Fanta also has forgotten (as many others of you that blaim  the inability of the Dutch government to keep him within its borders) about the Schengen agreement in which Europeans that are a part of this group are allowed to travel without any significant customs/border checks.

So probably he was able to get into the plane in another country without the Dutch noticing it  and since he has not violated Thai laws the Thai cannot keep him out unless they brand him to be a person they do not want to enter Thailand.

The Thai let almost anybody (and his brother) in, see Roman Polanski a known child abuse. But that is not the point; the point is why should the NOT let him in, because he is a criminal in the Netherlands....so why is he not in a Dutch jail....obviously because they cannot detain him without any good reason...which they hadnot. 

Don't forget this is not just a cmall time criminal, he was compared to US mobsters a family crime boss and was very, very hard to catch.

But then again once a bullet catches you....hehe

Don't run...you will only die tired. :o

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