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Thai Women Being Refused Entry Into Hong Kong


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I have read a number of threads about Thai women, either travelling on their own or accompanied, being refused entry into Hong Kong, or at least being given a hard time by the Immigration Authorities.

Friends of ours went a few months ago, Thai woman and long term English boyfriend, stay of only a few days with hotels bookings and return flights, she was given a hard time and they both thought she was going to be denied entry. A friend of my partners went yesterday, a woman in her late 20's, was intending to stay with her Thai sister for four days and had return flight tickets, she was denied entry and sent back the same day.

OK that's only two instances over a few months, but has there been a tightening up.

We are going to Macau in a couple of weeks and are intending spending a day in Hong Kong, although we have been there before, as well as the UK and Europe, my gf has a brand new passport and is a little anxious, think we will take the expired passport as well.

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Thank you, to be honest we don't really envisage any problems though it always annoys me when I have "to vouch for her, but such is life.

My girlfriend spoke to her friend that was denied entry during the week, she was travelling with her sister who is resident in Hong Kong, her sister had a single ticket and our friend had a return ticket. They allowed the resident in, whilst her sister was denied entry and returned to Bangkok, all very strange.

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Thank you, to be honest we don't really envisage any problems though it always annoys me when I have "to vouch for her, but such is life.

My girlfriend spoke to her friend that was denied entry during the week, she was travelling with her sister who is resident in Hong Kong, her sister had a single ticket and our friend had a return ticket. They allowed the resident in, whilst her sister was denied entry and returned to Bangkok, all very strange.

If you are travelling with your partner, there should be no problem. Two years ago in Macau with a thai girlfriend I simply explained our travel plans with a thai gf and the entry officer was helpful !

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This has been going on for decades. I remember letters about it to the South China Morning Post in the early 80s. Since then the number of Thai hookers soliciting in HK night clubs has grown many times over. So the policy is clearly not very effective.

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Wanchai is notoriously riddled with Thai hookers.. Understandably immigration are careful as indeed are Singapore on occasions...

I suspect they may try and profile the single women...

I rekon I can spot the hookers coming and going on some flights in and out of HK and Singapore on occasions.

My Wife and I had no issues entering HK a few months back by the way - so there is certainly no blanket change in regulations to question Thai's.

Edited by richard_smith237
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My girlfiend (now my wife) was subjected to an internal examination that left her in floods of tears when she joined me in Hong Kong - her first overseas visit - four years ago. That must have bee about drugs not hooking. Ba$tards!

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Wanchai is notoriously riddled with Thai hookers.. Understandably immigration are careful as indeed are Singapore on occasions...

I suspect they may try and profile the single women...

I rekon I can spot the hookers coming and going on some flights in and out of HK and Singapore on occasions.

My Wife and I had no issues entering HK a few months back by the way - so there is certainly no blanket change in regulations to question Thai's.

Was there with Mrs Soutpeel last Xmas & New Year and absolutely no problems at all, in fact immigration/customs far more pleasant than Swampy...;)

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Frankly, most of the country will give Thai ladies a hard time crossing the immigration unless her husband is beside her, ready all relevant documents like Registration of marriage etc. It's the same as Chinese ladies from China.

Sorry no offense, I think those past reputation of Thai ladies always make the officer to handle a little tougher.

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Frankly, most of the country will give Thai ladies a hard time crossing the immigration unless her husband is beside her, ready all relevant documents like Registration of marriage etc. It's the same as Chinese ladies from China.

Sorry no offense, I think those past reputation of Thai ladies always make the officer to handle a little tougher.

Abosolute <deleted>.....Mrs Soupeel has travelled to over 20 countries with me and alone over the years with nothing more than her passport and never once was questioned what she was upto.

Now will agree if a Thai lady walks through immigration looking like a Thai hooker, they will get treated as such, even with a farang BF/husband in tow, not difficult to spot...:rolleyes:

To date I have yet to see any immigration requiring someone to carry things like registration of marriage etc.....a valid PP/ visa (if required) and possibly return air ticket are the only things that are legally required.

The only occassion she any issue with immigration was in Indonesia when they tried to scam her for a VOA that she didnt need becasue she has an Asean passport ( Indo immigration where trying to scam all Asean PP holders on this one both male and female)

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But this did happen many times in HK, Singapore and even Taiwan.Not long ago I remember a thread here had thousands of discussions.A Farang brought his Thai GF to Singapore and was prohibited by Singapore immigration. And she was sent back to BKK on the following day. Anyone can dig up this thread.&

Of course I am not saying all of most Thai ladies will encounter this, BUT there is always a high possibilities unless you can provide documents that proved that you enter "their" country mainly for vacation.

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But this did happen many times in HK, Singapore and even Taiwan.Not long ago I remember a thread here had thousands of discussions.A Farang brought his Thai GF to Singapore and was prohibited by Singapore immigration. And she was sent back to BKK on the following day. Anyone can dig up this thread.&

And what was the reason the TGF was refused entry to Singapore ?.....had been "working" there before ?, came in under a diferent name ?, been deported from Singapore before ?......It is highly unlikely Singapore immigration prohibited entry just because she was Thai, there will be a reason.

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But this did happen many times in HK, Singapore and even Taiwan.Not long ago I remember a thread here had thousands of discussions.A Farang brought his Thai GF to Singapore and was prohibited by Singapore immigration. And she was sent back to BKK on the following day. Anyone can dig up this thread.&

And what was the reason the TGF was refused entry to Singapore ?.....had been "working" there before ?, came in under a diferent name ?, been deported from Singapore before ?......It is highly unlikely Singapore immigration prohibited entry just because she was Thai, there will be a reason.

Young,pretty and not attanded Thai female - 99% chance of going back on the same flight,happening all the time.

Edited by fantuzi
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But this did happen many times in HK, Singapore and even Taiwan.Not long ago I remember a thread here had thousands of discussions.A Farang brought his Thai GF to Singapore and was prohibited by Singapore immigration. And she was sent back to BKK on the following day. Anyone can dig up this thread.&

And what was the reason the TGF was refused entry to Singapore ?.....had been "working" there before ?, came in under a diferent name ?, been deported from Singapore before ?......It is highly unlikely Singapore immigration prohibited entry just because she was Thai, there will be a reason.

I do remember the thread, but cannot find it now. As I recall it was an American guy who was travelling with his long term girl friend, they had confirmed hotel reservations and return flights, they were both given a hard time by Singapore Immigration and she was denied entry. Obviously without finding the thread I, or indeed 'veryruay', cannot give a specific answer to your question, but it certainly happened, though of course it was a thread started by a very angry individual and I think he did "lose it" with immigration officials, so may not have been very objective.

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You are not wrong, this incident does exist. There is always a reason why Thai ladies encountered hard time crossing certain country. Why were they prohibited from entering or why were they hving a hard time from the immigration! There are always reason behind.

This really does happen where some friends work in the Airport, not only Thai but Viet and Chinese too!

But this did happen many times in HK, Singapore and even Taiwan.Not long ago I remember a thread here had thousands of discussions.A Farang brought his Thai GF to Singapore and was prohibited by Singapore immigration. And she was sent back to BKK on the following day. Anyone can dig up this thread.&

And what was the reason the TGF was refused entry to Singapore ?.....had been "working" there before ?, came in under a diferent name ?, been deported from Singapore before ?......It is highly unlikely Singapore immigration prohibited entry just because she was Thai, there will be a reason.

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My wife and I went to HK with no problems at all.

Same thing. I went with my wife to HK and there were absolutely no issues. I have a feeling there's more to this story than meets the eye. Same goes with the girl that got kicked back to Thailand at Singapore. I bet there were major red flags raised about her background or the way they interacted with the officials. Singaporean immigration officials are pretty sharp and not known for being random a-holes like they are at swampy.

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We arrived in Macau on Monday and despite my girlfriend having a virgin passport, she didn't get a second look and was stamped in without question.

We went to Hong Kong yesterday and, again, was admitted without question.

Whilst I was with her, I remained in the background , she took her old passport and had with her return flight tickets but they were not shown.

In fact I was the one who encountered a minor problem, when I entered Macau, as a Brit, I get entry for six months, the IO stamped my passport with permission to remain until March 2011, six months ago, on leaving Macau the IO picked up on the error and needed to go to her boss to find out how to rectify it, no real problem, just took a bit of time, and she got a bit of stick from her boss.

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New passport is a bit of a flag but not a show stopper.

Just keep the makeup to a limit and no heels or fashionable clothes (like the ones the HKG Chinese wear every day ;-)

Why is a new passport a flag....

I asume you are adressing your remarks about make up to the females of the species...?......If the typical fat farang walked past Singapore/hong kong immigration in make up and hight heels, very certain they will be getting stopped and questioned...:whistling:

But even to the females of the species....you are talking <deleted>.....as pointed out earlier if a Thai lady walks through immigration looking like a Thai hooker even with the farang BF/husband in tow, they will get treated like Thai hookers, they are not hard to spot....Mutton dressed as lamb and all that.

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I am surprised to read about all these Thai ladies having problems with overseas immigration. From my reading of the Visa forum I thought it was only Thai Immigration that was racist and xenophobic. :whistling:

Singapore is becoming more and more Xenophobic and in my opinion ranks as one of the most racist countries in the world. I live and worked in Singapore for 18 months on an employment pass. Have been in and out of the country for 22 years with no problems. Thai girlfriend, finace and soon to be wife tagged along on a tourist visa. First entry with me ok. 30 days and left for 3 weeks. Came back in ok for another 30 days. Pulled aside and interogated for 40 minutes. I'd written a letter of guarantee, she had a Singapore bank account with me and no legitimate reason to refuse her entry but still she got a hard time.

Meantime I'm waiting at arrivals wondering what is going on. She eventually got in and near the end of the 30 days we extended online for another 30 days so 60 days in total. She then left Singapore for a month and returned later for another 30 days and the same interogation at airport check point. She then started in an English school there on a student visa/pass and was free to come and go. No problems while holding the pass but as soon as the student pass expired back to the interogation. They could clearly see that she had been there for legitimate reasons but still chose to give her a hard time. Quite upsetting for her on all occasions which in turn got me wound up. I kept my cool on all occasions but pressed them for the reasons of continually singling her out. She fits a profile was the answer I got. What profile I said. Classified they said. Conservative appearance and dress, no make up, plain clothes, no piercings, no tattoos and previous history of studying in Singapore I said, is that your profile. Last year they had the youth olympics on and I think they were trying to make the place appear squeakly clean again for a few months. I know alot of working girls were getting turned back. Double standards is what annoys me. Thailand is part of Asean and Thai's should be free to come and go within reason. Fair enough your can't expect to live in a country on a tourist visa if that is the laws but if they are going to refuse people then they should change the rules and make Thai's get a visa before hand rather than outlay money for tickets, hotels etc and then get refused entry. I've mulled overthe idea of wrttting to Immigration checkpoint authority, ministry of man power, tourism board, foreign ministry etc but with the unfortunate rerality of having to go back there to work I don't want to dig a hole for myself. Back to double standards. They tolerate all the bars with working girls all over the Island (i don't have a problem with that) but then give legitimate people a hard time on entry. I know of several case where locals have married Thai's, Vietnamese for an income and in return the girl gets to live and work in Singapore.

Just be weary and don't expect to get in all the time without any problems. I think a few of the times the old hag at immigration was just jealous, bitter and twisted and pulling her weight.

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So here's my story about the pr*cks who work the Immigration desks at HKG:

Flew up to HKG on the morning flight along with a company consultant, who is Thai, mid-30ish, and was dressed for a business lunch that we were both attending. That is, conservatively dressed, in Hong Kong business fashion. We both approached different immigration desk simultaneously. My passport was stamped in 30 seconds and I looked over at her and she was being questioned by the Immigration officer, who looked over at me and shouted "hey, are you two traveling together"? I told him yes, we were traveling together on business, to which he replied "where are you two staying?". Self-restraint became the key concept at this point, and besides, a reply to that question was easy since we were both leaving that evening after a meeting and we were not even spending the night in his fair city.

"Racist" or discriminating on national origin? Obviously. Insulting? I'd say so, for both of us, as if every Caucasian male entering HKG is sleeping with the Thai woman who is traveling with him. Sad? Yes, our consultant was visibly upset and offended by her treatment and it lasted through lunch.

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That's how the immigration officers work. They're on a different mindset. I would say that the majority of us are good people with good intention. It just that the small percentage of 'not so good' had ruin it for all.

I've seen some very rude treatment from Thai ladies at a certain embassy in Bangkok toward Thai ladies, too.

The safe bet is to keep it cool and ask for a reason. This must happened to single Thai female only. If she is married (and using Mrs. in her passport) she might not run into this kind of trouble. My wife traveled to Hong Kong alone quite often due to her work and never once get this kind of insult.

I agree that if the IO or Officers in general learn to behave they can get much more cooperation and result without upsetting anyone. I would recommend a book called "Verbal Judo" for these people. They really need a training.

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I know a lot of Immigration Officers in the UK, most of them are OK and are regular people doing a pretty mind numbing job the best they can. I will agree that some IO's develop a mindset where they are very cynical and suspicious of everybody, I don't know if it's in their training or if it's something they develop over the years.

I have only had one experience of a bloody minded IO, and that was a couple of years ago when my girlfriend and I were visiting the UK and we took a side trip to Paris on the Eurostar, on the way back the IO gave my girlfriend a hard time, this was extended to me when I tried to assist as she was getting flustered because of the speed he was talking. I honestly have never come across such a rude IO, I really believed he was going to refuse her entry back into the UK, the irony was that we were actually staying with an HMI, that's one grade up from a Chief Immigration Officer, in the UK.

Whilst the majority of IO's are, as I say, doing a pretty decent job, you only remember the ar**holes.

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