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California Senate approves college aid for illegal immigrants


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this is a tad off topic but it does have relevance when discussing the benefits being provided to illegal immigrants and/or undocumented workers (i.e. Illegal Immigrants).


Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds

By Lisa Rein

The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago.

Although undocumented workers are not eligible for federal benefits, the report released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concludes that federal law is ambiguous on whether these workers qualify for a tax break based on earned income called the additional child tax credit.

Taxpayers can claim this credit to reduce what they owe in taxes, often getting refunds from the government. The vagueness of federal law may have contributed to the $4.2 billion in credits, the report said.

The IRS said it lacks the authority to disallow the claims.

Entire article here... http://www.washingto...og.html?hpid=z3

Illigals also pay billions in Social Security taxes which they will never draw. Give it a break one can find stories about any and everything worrying over something you cannot control only causes stress.

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this is a tad off topic but it does have relevance when discussing the benefits being provided to illegal immigrants and/or undocumented workers (i.e. Illegal Immigrants).


Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds

By Lisa Rein

The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago.

Although undocumented workers are not eligible for federal benefits, the report released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concludes that federal law is ambiguous on whether these workers qualify for a tax break based on earned income called the additional child tax credit.

Taxpayers can claim this credit to reduce what they owe in taxes, often getting refunds from the government. The vagueness of federal law may have contributed to the $4.2 billion in credits, the report said.

The IRS said it lacks the authority to disallow the claims.

Entire article here... http://www.washingto...og.html?hpid=z3

Illigals also pay billions in Social Security taxes which they will never draw. Give it a break one can find stories about any and everything worrying over something you cannot control only causes stress.

Most illegals work off the books. Hence, no social security card and no social security card payments. It's part of what makes their hiring so attractive to criminal employers.

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On the topic of cheating in order to get government funny money, either Federal or State, it's widespread throughout the US. It's a major reason why the US is in a bottomless pit with overspending, particularly if you include so-called 'Defense Spending' in the equation. Sorry to get off the original topic, but at least half the hundreds off people I was close with in the US, when I resided there, were cheating the gov't in one form or another. The most common cheating scam was SSI (Social Security Insurance), either mental or physical disablility. SSI fraud is extremely prevalent in the US.

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I have known quite a few people on SSI. They didn't cheat, of course, the fact that some of them were mobile meant a lot of people did. If you have limited education, then you are confined to jobs that involve manual labor, something they couldn't do. Most were job related injuries by the way.

For the big employers who employ illegals, they have to show their papers--including a social security number. These papers aren't legal, but they do pay into the system, it's someone else's account.

The reasons given so far are good reasons to have a well educated work force.

The students this article is addressing are generally students who were in the US and attended High School in the US. They are not people sneaking across the border to take advantage of a scholarship. They are a better class of people than what most think of as illegal immigrants.

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I agree most people on SSI don't cheat. In fact, lots of eligible people need to wait years and most need to get lawyers to fight for their legit cases. I have met a few mentally ill people who may have thought they were scamming the system with claims of insanity, but I am sure if you met them you would agree their claims are well qualified.

Edited by Jingthing
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This just in today. With this unemployment picture, the California Senate just keeps giving money away.


California Employment at Record Low

By Christopher Palmeri - Sep 4, 2011 1:45 PM GMT+0700

The percentage of working-age Californians with jobs has fallen to a record low, and employment may not return to pre-recession levels until the second half of the decade, according to a research group.

Just 55.4 percent of working-age Californians, defined as those 16 or older, had a job in July, down from 56.2 percent a year earlier and the lowest level since 1976, the Sacramento- based California Budget Project said in a report released late yesterday.

California’s 12 percent unemployment rate in July, the nation’s second-highest after Nevada, compared with 9.1 percent nationwide. The most-populous state lost 1.4 million jobs during the recession that began three years ago, and has gained back only 226,800, or about 17 percent, according to the report.

Entire article here... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-04/california-employment-level-sinks-to-record-low-as-fewer-women-find-jobs.html

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Note, however, that the assistance is for students who completed 3 years of high school in the US, and who are also brighter than average. Looking at the sunny side, it will assist low income students who are already at least somewhat acclimated to California, in furthering their education. I don't think it's fair to call them 'illegal immigrants' if they've already been getting acclimated and haven't been getting in trouble.

When I read the title I was out-raged. But when I read the part about having to attended three years of high school in California and GRADUATED I changed my mind. Somehow I don't see the illegal immigrants who are street gang members and criminals qualifying. I'm not sure how it is done in California but is it safe to assume they must have some command of English to graduate and attend college in the first place?

America (any country for that matter) needs more people who show this kind of effort and we should encourage anyone who wants to be a productive member of our society no matter what their citizenship. The more good people we can get from other countries the better since our own kids are becoming more and more slackers.

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America (any country for that matter) needs more people who show this kind of effort and we should encourage anyone who wants to be a productive member of our society no matter what their citizenship. The more good people we can get from other countries the better since our own kids are becoming more and more slackers.

Exactly. Welcome to America! You can have my spot.

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America (any country for that matter) needs more people who show this kind of effort and we should encourage anyone who wants to be a productive member of our society no matter what their citizenship. The more good people we can get from other countries the better since our own kids are becoming more and more slackers.

Exactly. Welcome to America! You can have my spot.

You have to admit it is ironic to hear some ex-pats sing the praises of spending tax money on educating illegal aliens back in the expats home country

Edited by flying
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America (any country for that matter) needs more people who show this kind of effort and we should encourage anyone who wants to be a productive member of our society no matter what their citizenship. The more good people we can get from other countries the better since our own kids are becoming more and more slackers.

Exactly. Welcome to America! You can have my spot.

You have to admit it is ironic to hear some ex-pats sing the praises of spending tax money on educating illegal aliens back in the expats home country

I don't have to admit it, but I do admit it. You're right; it's ironic.

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America (any country for that matter) needs more people who show this kind of effort and we should encourage anyone who wants to be a productive member of our society no matter what their citizenship. The more good people we can get from other countries the better since our own kids are becoming more and more slackers.

Exactly. Welcome to America! You can have my spot.

You have to admit it is ironic to hear some ex-pats sing the praises of spending tax money on educating illegal aliens back in the expats home country

Yeah, we need to make it more fair. How about this - if your family has been in the USA for at least 5 generations and you are stil unable to graduate high school - then you and your family are at risk of losing your citizenship to a non-American who can show that they are capable of of succeeding in the good ol' US of A. Or for every illegal immigrant who manages to graduate high school with grades good enough for college, we toss out 2 slackers who will do nothing more than leech off the taxpayers for the rest of their existence. Sounds like a fantastic plan and a real vote getter!

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Yeah, we need to make it more fair. How about this - if your family has been in the USA for at least 5 generations and you are stil unable to graduate high school - then you and your family are at risk of losing your citizenship to a non-American who can show that they are capable of of succeeding in the good ol' US of A. Or for every illegal immigrant who manages to graduate high school with grades good enough for college, we toss out 2 slackers who will do nothing more than leech off the taxpayers for the rest of their existence. Sounds like a fantastic plan and a real vote getter!

But at that point would we capitalize the K in Amerika?

btw: "still" has two L's

Sorry we have to toss you :lol:

Just kidding ;)

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