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Is Big Thai Brother Watching?


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i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address.... :ermm:

also, Thais are not so good on the interent, so probably never read here, and the guidelines and rules set out by the mods are strictly adhered to so the site is 100% within the thai law ....

any way i am off back to my luxury villa in Dubai , and power to my little sister and the red shirts :ph34r:

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i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address.... :ermm:

also, Thais are not so good on the interent, so probably never read here, and the guidelines and rules set out by the mods are strictly adhered to so the site is 100% within the thai law ....

any way i am off back to my luxury villa in Dubai , and power to my little sister and the red shirts :ph34r:

SHHH Khun Taksin, the OP likes to post about that Australian Red Shirt guy Conor David Purcell. Don't put those scary internet reading authorities on his tail.

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From my understanding everything and everyone who uses the internet are able to be watched and located not much is private these cyber days. :ph34r: This photo of two fish is under full investigation by all concerned underinflated women.

I can see why the fish are agape. I get like that too when in the presence of great, er, talent.


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i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address....

Dream on.

IP addresses are logged and, if situated in Thailand, could allow Thai law enforcement to know the exact location of anyone posting on here as they can cross-reference the IP time stamp with an ISP's user list very quickly indeed. If they were posting from some non-shared domestic account rather than from a hotel or other hotspot then that would also indicate their identity.

Always assuming that the site admin would release the IP logs in the first place, of course.

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i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address....

Dream on.

IP addresses are logged and, if situated in Thailand, could allow Thai law enforcement to know the exact location of anyone posting on here as they can cross-reference the IP time stamp with an ISP's user list very quickly indeed. If they were posting from some non-shared domestic account rather than from a hotel or other hotspot then that would also indicate their identity.

Always assuming that the site admin would release the IP logs in the first place, of course.

Technically possible, although anyone as paranoid as the OP would operate via a proxy or three.

But I am betting he is not that technically astute.

At least he doesn't post his DOB like some do here. Hopefully those that do it don't do so to remember their date of birth and are using false dates because that is a valuable piece on personal information in the wrong hands.

question in an open forum sp

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With the broad nationality, posts in English only requirement, posts that are nonsensical, those deleted, and then those that no one really knows what was said/meant, etc, nah Thailand does not have the decoder capability. Now they may be monitoring all the mobile phone conversations.

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With the broad nationality, posts in English only requirement, posts that are nonsensical, those deleted, and then those that no one really knows what was said/meant, etc, nah Thailand does not have the decoder capability. Now they may be monitoring all the mobile phone conversations.

First they would have to find someone in the government who understands English. The Aussies would still be safe though.

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i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address....

Dream on.

IP addresses are logged and, if situated in Thailand, could allow Thai law enforcement to know the exact location of anyone posting on here as they can cross-reference the IP time stamp with an ISP's user list very quickly indeed. If they were posting from some non-shared domestic account rather than from a hotel or other hotspot then that would also indicate their identity.

Always assuming that the site admin would release the IP logs in the first place, of course.

ERGO: Stop confessing your crimes online. See a therapist instead. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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With the broad nationality, posts in English only requirement, posts that are nonsensical, those deleted, and then those that no one really knows what was said/meant, etc, nah Thailand does not have the decoder capability. Now they may be monitoring all the mobile phone conversations.

It's a creepy and eerie sense one can absorb.....

There really isn't much difference between a highly paranoid and suspicious state and those entities who buckle under.

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<br />
<br />i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address.... <br />
<br /><br />Dream on.<br /><br />IP addresses are logged and, if situated in Thailand, could allow Thai law enforcement to know the exact location of anyone posting on here as they can cross-reference the IP time stamp with an ISP's user list very quickly indeed. If they were posting from some non-shared domestic account rather than from a hotel or other hotspot then that would also indicate their identity.<br /><br />Always assuming that the site admin would release the IP logs in the first place, of course.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

You can easily create a phony ip address online.

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Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not watching you and are out to get you.

Because they are!

I'm definitely on the list!

Fortunately, due to the billions of seperate insulting remarks about governments and politicians on the net, they just can't process them all, and unless you say something really bad that the filters will pick up, will probably never get kidnapped and tortured in Guantanamo by nasty men with crew cuts ( or ugly women that want to be men- uh oh, that's going to get me waterboarded for sure ).

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With the broad nationality, posts in English only requirement, posts that are nonsensical, those deleted, and then those that no one really knows what was said/meant, etc, nah Thailand does not have the decoder capability. Now they may be monitoring all the mobile phone conversations.

While I agree that probably all government agencies are able to monitor anything on the web and on the phone, given the zillions of seperate communications that are happening all the time, how many people would it take to actually read/ listen to even the few picked up by filters?

Considering that any bad people planning something evil are not going to say or write anything suspicious ( as they know that it's all being monitored ) I don't even see the point anymore, other than to give sneaky people an opportunity to eavesdrop on everyone's private conversations.

I certainly believe that whatever I write, MIGHT be read by some loser that can't get a real job.

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You guys are being paranoid.

For one thing...just as an example... how many people would it require to monitor ALL comments on this forum each day? And what would it cost to do that?

That's why intelligence agencies that CAN monitor but don't will use a computerised system which is triggered by preset code words.

Oh c--p, I just triggered it.

(That's a JOKE guys).


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Some foreigners do pay attention. ;)

According to the anti Thaksin contingent in TVF, we must all uphold the law and support the authorities in their hunt for scofflaws. B)

And according to GK we should all bend over and let Thaksin have his way with us because he is our modern day messiah come to earth.

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Anyone on this sight that thinks the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology does not monitor this sight is completely naive of how things work in this country. I think, although this is considered a well respected sight in the eyes of the Thai Police, to think one of the biggest Ex-Pat sights in the country is not periodically monitored is just plain foolish. Are they specifically out to get members of this sight ? Highly unlikely ... However, most members of this sight know the basic laws in Thailand, especially the Lese Mageste laws and I suggest should not say anything whatsoever that they would not say directly to a Thailand Government official.

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Anyone on this sight that thinks the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology does not monitor this sight is completely naive of how things work in this country. I think, although this is considered a well respected sight in the eyes of the Thai Police, to think one of the biggest Ex-Pat sights in the country is not periodically monitored is just plain foolish. Are they specifically out to get members of this sight ? Highly unlikely ... However, most members of this sight know the basic laws in Thailand, especially the Lese Mageste laws and I suggest should not say anything whatsoever that they would not say directly to a Thailand Government official.

What a dreadful sight for someone to cite a Thai Ministry's lurking over the insignificant TV site.

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<br />OP,<br /><br />Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not watching you and are out to get you.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Seed, here is my point. Whoever wrote this must be Thai because it makes no sense. LOL

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you" - Joseph Heller.

He's not Thai but the you are not that well versed in anything any way.

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